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Posts posted by akenoyuki.8210

  1. > @onevstheworld.2419 said:

    > Not completely random, e.g. items that fit a Halloween theme tend to come back during that holiday. Unfortunately OP's skin isn't themed, so it's hard to guess when it'll come back.


    Ah, yes, this too

    Sorry, forgot about the themed armor stuff xD

  2. > @"Elfo Bianco.3786" said:

    > I'd like that endpoint too and I would say that only ANet will benefit from it, because apps that share information about Gemstore could increase the sales and active players on the game.


    I know right? hope this one is available soon (or at least planned to be)

  3. Yes, you can play PoF without having HoT or LW 2 / 3 as soon as it release :)


    The thing you missing if you didn't have HoT is:

    1. It's own mastery such as gliding, which is also not required to advance in PoF map

    2. The story will probably feel kinda weird for you since you didn't know what happened before PoF (But you can just youtube the story though, I'm sure someone already made a HoT compilation story on youtube)

    3. Living World Ascended Trinkets

  4. After doing some googling, I found this:

    > Mike-OBrien-ArenaNet 30 points 5 years ago

    > If it's just translating a key-click to a mouse-click, that's fine. If it's looping or automating gameplay, that's not fine.

    > ~ MO


    IF "Automating Gameplay" that are mentioned in that post have the same meaning as "doing multiple task with one single click"

    your "Jump + Dodge" will fall into that category IMO


    But again, don't trust 100% of my word since I'm not an gw2 staff

    My suggestion is to _**better be safe than sorry, don't do anything related to macro at all**_


    Except for playing music, it is allowed if they didn't give you any advantage

    > Because they do not give a player a gameplay advantage, Customer Support does not intend to take action on people who play instruments using macros. We don’t recommend any. We don’t support them. If a macro causes your refrigerator to explode, we’re not going to get involved. But they are not against the rules, because the rules pertain to gameplay advantages, such as faster kills or more effective defense.

  5. Based on https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_the_Mad_King

    "The 6th bonus raven summoning is identical to Hunter's Call, but it doesn't require targeting and will summon hawks on 3 targets within 900 range."


    Hunter's Call (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hunter's_Call)

    Damage (16x): 784 (2.4)

    Vulnerability (5s): 16% Incoming Damage, 16% Incoming Condition Damage


    I believe it will trigger life steal too if you have life steal trait that are based on damaging enemy (Like Vampiric Presence)

  6. That's a possibility,

    Maybe they don't want people to farm only on specific map that will give most currency, just like auric basin meta, between three other maps (VB/TD/DS), I found that auric basin is the fastest to do. If all four HoT map and Living World map like Bloodstone and Ember Bay using the same currency, people will just farm on auric.

    The other map will feel more boring than it already is right now.


    I only hope they make it so that map key such as pact crowbar will be stored in wallet instead of filling one more slot in our inventory for each new maps.

  7. This been requested so many time, I hope they will implement it in the future

    Even if only the skill trait and skill hotkey at first (in the future maybe also save the equipment build) it would be really helpful <3


    > @Jack.4017 said:

    > maybe they don't want this feature here for some reasons?

    The only reason that I can think of why they didn't want this feature is so that "character slot" sale will improve maybe? (even though that's not the only reason to buy character slot)

    I personally been planning to create one more mesmer that the build is purely for doing HP Train / SW Chest Train / Jumping Puzzle

  8. * **Jumping Animation Glider**

    So it feels like my character is jumping on a invincible platform on air

    The jumping animation should be like cartoon-ish happy jump while flailing your hand

    Also give some effect like the water ripple effect when our feet reach the invincible platform

    * **Swimming Animation Glider**

    Doing freestyle swimming movement while gliding?

    * **Rider Kick Animation Glider**

    Doing a kamen rider "rider kick" while glide

  9. > @Rozalina.3196 said:

    > - **Let Us Dye Weapons and Backpacks**

    > - **Endless gathering tools added to the wardrobe**

    > - **Open All option for goodie bags**

    > - **Account bound crafting professions**:

    > Once we max out a crafting profession any level lvl 80 character on that account could use that maxed out craft. That way people who want to level characters through crafting can and when they reach lvl 80 they’ll have the option to unlock the maxed out version of that craft.

    > - **Quantity box for mystic forge**

    > - **Stand Down Option For Commander Tags**:

    > It would be nice to have the ability as a commander to stand down and still be in the squad without having to leave and rejoin.

    > - **Personalize Home Instances**:

    > It would be cool to be able to decorate our home instances to make it our own or even just be able to move our nodes where we’d like them.

    > - **Build Saving**

    > - **Raise Cooking and Jeweler to 500**:

    > let us craft ascended trinkets/backpacks/foods/etc

    > - **Add all keys to the Material Storage**


    This is some good Quality of Life improvement list!

    Especially that build savings, and add keys to material storage

  10. Sorry if I'm wrong, But isn't un-checking the "Allow Member to send Invites" option make it so they can't use the merge function?

    But again, even If this correct, they still can merge TO your squad from another squad that have the option checked, and sometimes we want the member to have ability to invites but not merging.


    I can think of three way to fix this (And hope they implement it):

    1. The "Allow member to invites" checkbox should be unchecked as default

    2. Add "Allow member to merge" option and set the default as unchecked

    3. Add "Allow to be merged from another squad" option and set the default as unchecked

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