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Posts posted by akenoyuki.8210

  1. > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > So only hiragana and katakana are disabiled.

    > You can write Chinese but not japanese.


    > Blank text reminds me of no game no life.


    > How do you set keyboard imput message yuki?


    Ayyy, Shiro + Sora <3


    `Here is how I install keyboard input for japanese: (I'm using windows 7)`

    1. Open Control Panel

    2. Open up Region and Language

    3. Go to the "Keyboard and Languages" tab

    4. Click Add

    5. Search for Japanese, check the "Microsoft IME"

    6. Click OK

    7. You can see the "Advanced Key Settings" tab for how to change between english and japanese keyboard

    8. I'm using "Left Alt + Left Shift" to change between english and japan keyboard



    You need to put the cursor (the thing that flashing inside text box) inside the box that you want to type first before doing this

    Sometimes, the Japanese keyboard is using English word by default, if so, change it using left alt + `


    `Example how I usually do it:`

    left alt + left shift, if it's showing japanese language, you're good to go

    If not, press left alt + `

  2. That's weird, It should be there if you already finish the first story part where you buy the raptor from the heart npc.


    * Can you use the raptor on the character that did the sparking the flame quest?

    * Did you perhaps change the binding key for mount? (see the option keyboard settings)

    * If nothing else, try to send ticket

  3. > @"Offair.2563" said:

    > > @"akenoyuki.8210" said:

    > > Did you already finish the story and talk to vabbi npc that gives you item to teleport to him back?

    > >

    > > Try to follow the dulfy guide

    > > http://dulfy.net/2017/09/24/gw2-griffon-mount-collections-guide/


    > You cannot start this collection before finishing story.


    Ah, that's right... my bad.


    I can only think of some possibilities like:

    - Seeing the wrong achievement part (there's 5 achievement collection for it if I remember correctly)

    - Interacting with the griffon egg without having the collection achievement started (is this possible?)

    - Bad internet connection?

    - Or... It is indeed a bug


    @"raven.8479" Try to purchase the Icon of the Goddess item from Priest Hakim (the 25g ones from heart vendor at Temple of Kormir) and see if you got the collection achievement.

  4. >! I notice that the icon link on Specialization API cannot be loaded.


    >! Example:

    >! Necromancer Soul Reaping: https://api.guildwars2.com/v2/specializations/50

    >! The Icon Link: https://render.guildwars2.com/file/A5A95CB5FADD99F59E07400907F0782B659574A9/1012010.png


    >! > This is the error I get:

    >! > {"error":48,"product":0,"module":2,"line":89,"text":"file couldn't be loaded"}


    >! Please fix this :'(

    >! Thank you ;)


    >! Edit:

    >! Looks like this is happen not only to the specialization API, Some of other render image files also experience the same error


    Edit 2:

    It is working fine again now.

  5. > @dani.4398 said:

    > I understand the weapons and armor stat changing. However in the patch notes, this was stated:


    > "- Added Mystic Forge recipes with swappable states to existing cosmetic infusions, such as Celestial Infusion, Chak Infusion, Ghostly Infusion, etc.

    > - Added Mystic Forge recipes with swappable stats for rare infusions."


    > So, except for the typo, I think they pretty much game recipes that allow you to swap the stats on them, but I can't find the formula.


    Ah sorry, I didn't notice the patch note.

    After some research, I found some infusion's wiki have stat change recipe, such as:

    https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Queen_Bee_Infusion#Stat_Change_Recipes and



    But I don't find one for the Ghostly Infusion yet.

    Either it not yet added to the wiki, or the patch note is wrong.

    Need ANet confirmation for this

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