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Posts posted by akenoyuki.8210

  1. `"Is there any benefit from getting the expansions right away?"`

    - Masteries, Gliding and Mount definitely make life easier (and sometimes make you envious looking at others) but not necessary for core game

    - Story, if you like and want to experience the lore yourself


    `"is there some sort of leveling guide or something?"`

    If this your first time, my suggestion is enjoy the story as you level up, do hearts if you see one nearby, don't bother with leveling fast


    There is some fast leveling method though:

    - World Boss Train, this train gives you a lot of exp and nice loot as well, some WB have chance to give you and ascended armor

    - World Versus World, This game mode will give you Tomes of Knowledge (Raises your character level by 1 instantly) a lot and fast too

    - Crafting, doing crafting will also give you exp


    If you enjoy your progress to level 80 (and maybe already finishes your main story) and want more, go buy the expansion.

    I hope you like the game! ;)

  2. To get your list of character you need an API keys, you can create it [here](https://account.arena.net/applications "here")


    To get list of character inside an account:



    To get basic info about an specific character



    For more info about character you can change the "core" text to "equipment" / "inventory" / etc. Example:



    Hope it helps ;)

  3. > @Lahmia.2193 said:

    > > @akenoyuki.8210 said:

    > > Hmm... Sword, Shield, Pistol, Riffle, Shortbow, Longbow, Hammer... I can't think of any relation that necromancer have with those weapon (except maybe sword)

    > > What do you think about off-hand Scepter?

    > >

    > > (But really, I'm fine with anything as long as it's not an nerf-hammer that auto-cast every one month)


    > I mean dagger doesn't fit with Warrior at all, yet they managed to make a spec around it.


    That's... yeah, dual wield dagger indeed doesn't fit a heavy-armored warrior (maybe as an utility, but not as an main weapon)

    "ANet Finds a Way".



    I want longbow

    Using poison embedded arrow that will inject deadly virus to anything it touch (Bleed, Chill, Poison, Vulnerability)

    I will summon dead minion plant that will spit acid and spread deadly gas to anything near it (Poison, Cripple, Slow, Vulnerability)

  4. > @"Kay Hude.2910" said:

    > P.S. Yes, I am aware that it's available in the BLTP. :smile:


    Forgive me, for that I cannot help but feeling a bit curious as of why did you search the [Twister in Jar](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Twister_in_a_Jar "Twister in Jar") inside the [Found Bandit Chest](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Found_Bandit_Chest "Found Bandit Chest")?

    Is the achievement require you to get the item manually?




    On the topic,

    I don't know about the [Found Bandit Chest](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Found_Bandit_Chest "Found Bandit Chest") having the mentioned item or not.

    But, If my memory serves me right, I got [Twister in Jar](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Twister_in_a_Jar "Twister in Jar") from [Lost Bandit Chest](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lost_Bandit_Chest "Lost Bandit Chest")

  5. Can confirm, this happen to me too, especially when mounting skimmer in Auric Basin last chest room after meta.


    I do have an temporary fix for this though

    Try to walk away even when your camera is not following, at 700-1000 distance camera will return to your character

  6. I'd really like a class that are purely pet related, but not like ranger.


    - 3 type of pet, attacker, support, and healer (or maybe more)

    - The character itself doesn't have any skill

    - The character able to switch between 3 type of pet and use the pet skill

    - Pet can be geared with armor

    - Pet have it's own skill trait


    This is unlikely to be implemented, just sharing my thoughts. ;)

  7. > @MachineManXX.9746 said:

    > > @akenoyuki.8210 said:

    > > Oooooo.... I'd like this idea to be true

    > > I don't want people to gather around me for no reason since I'm not doing any event, things will feel awkward because people will gather and asking you what am I doing, Sure we have the "Allow people to join" to be set to "No", but people will still gather nonetheless.


    > Then why even have your commander tag on?


    Sometimes I tag for a public event, let's take Tequatl world boss for example, if people come and join, that is good.


    But sometimes, I want to use the tag marking feature while on a squad with my guildies / friends to guide them here and that, and it will be pointless for people to come since there is no event whatsoever on my tag place, this will only waste their time right?

    After that, they will ask like what you ask "Why do you use commander tag then?"


    Sure, I can just answer "Sorry, I'm trying to guide my friend through stuff in here"

    But again, isn't it great if we have invisible tag with mark feature to not waste people time?


    I hope you get my point, I'm sorry if it's unclear before :)

  8. Some suggestion:


    - Make a checkbox "Allow Member to Merge" and disable it by default

    - Allow member to invite should be disabled by default (this is what makes member from your squad can merge to another squad I think, when I disable this, people can no longer merge, but people from another squad can still merge to my squad, therefore it should be disabled by default since many comm creating squad will forget to disable it manually)

    - Show the name of people who use the merge feature (this is not optimal solution since there's a lot of troll that do not care to show their name while trolling people)

    - When a merge happen, commander should receive a prompt notification aproving or canceling the merge



    I hope at least one of it can be implemented

    Having a good squad then suddenly a merge happen is frustating


  9. PoF did have meta such as the Augury Rock, Serpent's Ire, Maw Torment

    The problem is, the end reward is really bad that little to no people want to do it


    I agree about the meta idea on LS though, currently PoF is feel so boring for me

    A meta that are in par or harder than Dragon's Stand mechanic would be nice

    We need something that make people want to come back to do it again and again

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