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Posts posted by EdwinLi.1284

  1. > @"draxynnic.3719" said:



    > I've said it before, but I think the electricity is a general _engineer_ theme, which carries into the scrapper. Core engineer also has a number of electrical-themed skills and traits (and magnetic, which is closely related), and even holosmith has lightning animations in some of its effects if you look closely (makes sense they'd use lightning crystals rather than sticking purely to sun crystals - some of the holosmith effects seem like they might be making use of wind crystals as well). Hammer as a weapon has an electricity theme, but if you run pistol/shield then 3-5 become themed around electromagnetism. Meanwhile, the rest of scrapper is... well, it's more mechanical than electrical. There's electricity in there, but mostly because electricity is being used as a power source for the actual primary theme of mechanical drones.


    > So I don't think it's fair to say that Scrapper covers the electricity theme for engineer. As I've said before, it's like saying that firebrand covers the fire theme for guardian, or that reaper covers the cold theme for necromancer, or druid covers the plant theme for ranger. Sure, it's _there,_ but it's nothing that wasn't already there in the core profession, and like the examples above, it's not the primary theme of the elite specialisation but, at most, a strong secondary theme. There's room to revisit it in the future.


    > Not necessarily the next time around, since it's probably more important to get better support and condi options for engineer at the moment and expanding on the alchemy theme would cover that a lot better, but I don't think it's fair to say "been there, done that" on it either.


    I believe the issue right now with disagreements for Elite Spec is that there is a strange standard that Elite Specs have to be based on "Elements" when it should not be about that with Engineer, nor other Elite Specs, but about Engineer's ability to craft and create new tools using their skills such as tech that can harness Energy into attacks, modifying their weapons, and etc.


    The focus of Engineer elite spec, in my belief, is that they should focus on Engineer's ability to craft, modify, and develop new ways of fighting using their engineering skills.


    Electricity is a very common Element for Engineers because it is a key element to use for powering the Engineer's tools, allow their tools to function, and use other elements. Holomsith's photon forge even needs Electricity to power the electronic parts so that the system and program for the Photon Forge can direct the Zephyrite crystal's light properly into the HoloWeapons. The overheating happens in the Photon Forge because the Electronic parts become overheated due to not being able to handle the built up heat and processing of the light like a outdated computer trying to run a more recently released video game.


    In fact, I believe the most common elements used for Engineer is basically Electricity and Fire because everything Engineer uses are created using these two things in some way. Fire for their firearms, explosives, and creating Alchemy stuff while Electricity is the heart and life of tools and tech they use.


    The other Professions have less standard on Elements for some reason but in my opinion it is probably because they have a set Element theme in their skills and lore either being single or multiple.

  2. > @"Lily.1935" said:


    > Highly doubtful. The lore of the Ritualist is tied with the spirits, underworld, grenth and their rivalry with the necromancer. We will see Ritualist, no doubt, but as a Revenant elite spec? Doesn't fit. You'd have to warp the ritualist to the point its unrecognizable.


    They may not be Ritualist themselves but there is still possible lore for the Ritualist to be a possible Elite Spec for Cantha expansion as currently has stated that the 1st generation of Revenants are searching the world for locations where the Mists are strongest so they can commune with Legends in the Mist and form pacts with them. Where these spots are located determine how stronger connection with Legends related to the area.


    For Cantha locations, there are many legends that may become the next Elite Spec for Revenant such as Master Togo (Ideal choice in my opinion if they get a Ritualist Elite Spec), Mhenlo (he spent his years after GW1 being the new master of Shing Jea Monastery with his wife Cynn but uncertain what type of Elite spec he maybe for.), and Vizu (potential Assassin type Dual Daggers Elite Spec for Revenant).


    I would consider Razah but he is most likely still alive since he is a immortal manifestation of the Mist but that is another topic for maybe a future storyline.


  3. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > That's a biased point of view. You could similarly say that holosmith come from the study of the scraps of technology left by scarlet briar after her fall in lion arch without any relationship with elona.


    All PoF expansion Elite Specs have their origins fully explained in the game by Elite Spec NPCs which all of them said they are of Elona origins with the exception of Renegade being founded recently by the 1st generation of Revenant charr that were channeling into the Mist to see what Charr Legend will appear and aid them.


    The names of the NPCs are...

    Roni Gehianu for Firebrand Origins.

    Gorea Halfcut for Renegade Origins.

    Tamela Okar for Spellbreaker Origins.

    Baraz Sharifi for Holosmith Origins.

    Ebelek Eze for Soulbeast Origins.

    Nakato Ibori for Deadeye Origins.

    Folarin Oyekan for Weaver Origins.

    Nasrin Davish for Mirage Origins.

    Akesi Xuni for Scourage Origins.


    Each one will explain, except for Renegade, that the PoF Elite Spec are of Elona Origins and how they were founded in Elona.


    If they follow this setup again then most likely the Cantha Expansion Elite Spec maybe of Cantha Origin with the only exception being Revenant since that Profession is only recently founded by Rytlock and the Revenant are still within their first generation of members still testing who they can summon from the Mist to aid them.

  4. > @"Black Storm.6974" said:

    > The main thing I’m hoping is that ArenaNet won’t add any new Elite Specialization.


    > Since they added Scourge, a Spec that it is impossible to play for me in its condition version, I look only with fear at the possibility of new Elite Specs.


    > Necromancer is the only profession I enjoy playing in Guild Wars 2 (I have all of them), so it would a problem for me if they add a new Elite Spec I can not play.


    > It is interesting to notice that I have this problem only with the condition version of Scourge. The main reason is that internal cooldowns of traits makes it overly complicated to play. It is interesting to notice that we have these internal cooldowns to not make these traits “too strong” in competitive game modes. I suggest to remove them, finding a different solution to not make the combination of skills and traits “overpowered”. I would really appreciate that.

    > Another thing I really dislike is that to play condition Scourge effectively in PvE, I have to constantly keep my eyes on the cooldowns on the skill bar (that is bad for the game: it makes too difficult to pay attention to all the other things we have to pay attention to while fighting, and it goes strongly against the idea of not having to “play the UI”), these cooldowns are also very short. Also, I have to constantly try to judge what skill I should use next.


    > As I said this is simply impossibile for me (and probably many other people), and totally ruin the fun for me.


    It sounds more like the issue you're having is that you have not found a Elite Spec to you desired gameplay style yet rather than Elite Spec themselves.


    A Elite Spec role is to Specialize into a specific Gameplay Role being either Direct DPS, Condition DPS, Healer/Support, or Tank.


    As of now Necro only has two Elite specs that focus on two roles being Reaper is Direct DPS based and Scourge is Healer/HP Shield/Support. There is no Elite Spec that Specializes in Condition damage yet.


    Another issue I notice you mentioning is that you're having a hard time managing your cooldowns which is a common mistake for people who are more use to games that favor spamming every single button skills without cooldown restrictions. You have to consider greatly how you use your skills based on time and scenario rather than spam every single button at once.



  5. > @"Noah Salazar.5430" said:

    > Oh i was wrong than

    > But same, you can put plot to Cantha

    > How thay started using new sorce of power xxx or developed new technology over years

    > So will say again that limiting to Cantha theme isin't much nesesery, eventualy only name


    Still too early to say since we know very little about Cantha and their development in Magic, technology, and Science. They have been isolated for years and for all we know they could end up going full anime technology civilization when we finally go there with each layer of Cantha City being Advance tech (highest level with the rich live full of Magic tech mechs, advance combat armor soldiers guarding the area, Advance High Tech Magic Academy, and etc), basic tech (mid level of the city), and old GW1 style builds (lowest level where the poor live) along with their military being more modern by depending on Firearms more while swords, bows, staffs, and etc have become more outdated method of fighting only the poor or mid-level citizens who can't afford the advance firearms would use.



  6. > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > > @"Legion.4198" said:


    > I see your point, but while Cantha draws alot of inspiration from Asian cultures, we should not forget that Cantha also is an own land with own lore in this game.

    > Which is the reason why I came up with the spec idea of a plaguedoctor in the first place, since Cantha really had a magical plague ravaging in their land.





    This is really going to be down to how Cantha has advanced since their isolation due to little knowledge of the state of Cantha with economics, technology, magic, and science advancements.


    The Plague Doctor may also end up as a Necro Elite Spec instead as well due to Necromencer's history with Plague type magic and study of Plagues and diseases for advancing and curing plagues and diseases since they also need a good understanding on how these thing work for the creation of their plague magics down to even how these things can be cured.


    For all we know Cantha may have entered their Gundam Mech stage of technology due to the advancements of their Engineering during their isolation stage.



  7. As a Engineer Main, I have multiple types but only one can be expected for next Engineer Elite Spec....


    1) Main Hand Weapon modification Elite Spec

    Weapon: Greatsword or Longbow

    Mechanic: Modification which focus on sacrificing 2 Kits to give main weapon a new set of weapon skills based on the kits being used. Any kit related perks will also now apply to Main Weapon as well since the Main Weapon uses the Kits to engineer it into what is.


    2) Technomancer Elite Spec

    Weapon: Staff

    Mechanic: Electric magnitic Barriers that apply HP Shield and can be modified to have addition effects such as extra damage reduction, damage enemies nearby, or higher HP Shield. This will be the second HP Shield Healer Elite Spec next to Necro's Scourge. The more offensive attacks are based on crowd control such as stunning and slowing enemies.


    3) Core Power Elite Spec.

    Weapon: Greatsword

    Mechanic: Core mechanic is the empowerment of Engineer's Main Weapons with a Core to become stronger. All Engineer's Main Weapon skills are all changed to Core Weapon skills with it having two types being Normal Charged Main Weapon skills and Overcharge Main Weapon skills.


    For example, Rifle Normal charged Main Weapon skill will act more like a railgun but Overcharge will provide stronger skills and also additional effects to each weapon skill based on which Core being used.


    There are three cores the Core Master can choose from being Heat Core (ideal for explosive Circle Range AoE attacks), Electric Core (More focus on Linear Column Range AoE attacks), and Ice Core (Uses skills that are more AoE melee range based but provide decent buffs for melee combat and tanking)




  8. > @"Noah Salazar.5430" said:

    > @"Vagrant.7206"

    > New spec don't need fit Cantha theme

    > Are pof or hot spec did?

    > I think it's ok for more cretivity this way


    It is a yes and a no as in HoT there were no Elite Spec NPCs to explain the HoT Elite Spec origins thus it was more based on player's own perspectives but in PoF there are NPCs to explain the origins of each PoF Elite Spec with each one having a origin in Elona except for Renegade since it is founded by the new 1st generation of Revenants when Revenant Charrs tried to communicate with Heroes of their history thus making contact with Kalla Scorchrazor in the Mists


    The Holosmith's origins is that the Elonians saw the potential of Zephyrite crystals thus the Engineers of Elona created the Photon Forge using Zephyrite crystals to power them so they can harness and create weapons of pure light.



  9. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > Jormag says it wants to preseve Tyria, but doesn't Aurene mention something about Tyria crying out in reponse to Jormag's rising and movements post-end instance?


    It is more that Jormag's method to preserve Tyria is to turn everything into Ice or at least freeze everything with ice. Like preserving something in a block of Ice so it never ages and remain the same forever.


    This is the thing we have to keep in mind with Elder Dragons, their reason and actions can be either good intentions or bad intentions but their method are just extreme to a point it harms Tyria. In Jormag case it is to "preserve" Tyria in a giant block of Ice so everything is frozen because in Jormag's view "Ice Protects" the people trapped in it. A world where everyone is in a Icy prison for their own protection and preservation.




    On topic:


    I have a feeling that the conflict we are about to see maybe a Stone Summit versus Frost Legion battle.


    The Commander and his/her allies are either going to be a third faction in this war or ally themselves with Jormag due to circumstances withing a temporary alliance until Primordus is defeated then we go back to fighting each other.

  10. > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > Electromancer

    > >

    > > It wields a Staff in melee that deals Power damage, while applying Weakness and Vulnerability.

    > > Its utility skills would be Symbols that provide boons, heal, reduce condition duration for allies staying within and pulse stun breaks.


    > That sounds quite alot like scrapper, don't you think?


    > Melee power damage? Check.

    > Weakness and vulnerability? Check.

    > Electric theme? Check.


    Personally would prefer Dual Daggers or Staff if they bring another Electric theme Elite spec so they can use it for a Long Range Tesla Coil Elite Spec or maybe Focus Elite Spec for the Electic Core theme Elite Spec that specializes in using the Focus.


    Still a Core powered Elite Spec can also work for Greatsword Elite Spec as well to have the Core empowered the Main Weapon into new skills thus the Elite Spec has 2 sets of Main Weapon skills being normal main weapon skills and Core powered Main Weapon skills.


    For example, the Rifle with the Core Elite Spec has their normal weapon skills but if players activate the Core, the Main Weapon skills for Rifle changes to a new set of Railgun style attack skills. Same with Pistols, Shield, and Greatsword thus making the Core Elite Spec a Elite Specialization that can either Tank, Direct DPS, or Condition DPS based on their weapon of choice for their Main hand and Offhand.

  11. A Engineer Elite Spec that allows us to Modify our Main hand weapons to have different weapon skills based on how the Main weapon is modified.


    I will also like to see a new Awakened skin for Gen 1 Legendary weapons. Players won't need to gather huge amount of materials for it since they already have the Legendary weapon but they may have to do a small Story driven Quest that focus on the Lore for that Legendary weapon to "awaken" its new appearance. Of course players can change the skin back to its original look if they want as usual.


    A lot of Cantha themed outfits, armor, and weapons because I always love Cantha themed gears back in GW1. They always had some kind of attraction for me.

  12. > @"Malhavoc Adhamar.3675" said:

    > We now have two melee, power based elite specs so I think a long range (longbow/shortbow) condi spec with a focus on control, rather than support or DPS, is due.


    > Thematically an alchemist theme would fit well in Cantha, possibly using the old preparations skill tag from GW1 to modify how the 1-5 skills interact.


    considering what Anet has done with certain weapons, anything can be made into a Long Range attack weapon even a greatsword, Dagger, and Mace with the right engineering skills and modifications with tech applied to the weapon.


    For example, a Light, intense Heat, or Electric generating modification can be applied to a Greatsword or Dagger to generate ranged Slash waves based on elemental type or applied to Mace so it creates a ground Shock wave attacks.


    Though Longbow/shortbow is considered more easier to apply as a Condition or direct long Range attacker because it is designed for long range combat and in my opinion will be more ideal for a Condition Trapper Elite Spec for Engineer to have tech Arrows thus acting like the Rambo Trapper Job.

  13. > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > > @"SuperBacon.5726" said:

    > > I would really like to see a tech/robotics centric spec with spider bots and other types of constructs that can actually move, no more turrets. Maybe using a focus or scepter for a main hand. I think it would be really cool if they could find a way for each races constructs to look different IE Asura tech vs Charr tech.


    > I don't get why so many people want just more of the same....

    > We already have turrets and gyros as constructs. Why give us a third type of constructs thematically?


    Robot army Master is a very popular gameplay style for Engineer Job players in video games. Some of the many reasons is that it lets players sit back and let the minions to all the work for little effort if they wish to not put much effort into fighting or perform huge amount of DPS if they wish to contribute to DPS with the robot army and confuse enemies in PvE or Players in PvP with who to target thus making it more difficult to hit the player within a swarm of AI robots confusing their targeting and hit box to a point they can't escape the robot army even if they try to escape.


    it really brings out the magnomanic side of people who wish to command a legion of Robots to kill their enemies while their character sits back and do nothing but point that army at the enemy while laughing evilly

  14. So with us being half way through Icebrood Saga now, what Engineer Elite Spec you hope to see in Cantha Expansion?


    Personally for me I only have two being a Greatsword user or a Staff user that specialize in either Main Weapon Modifying or a Technomancer


    Prefer if...


    Greatsword user is the Main Weapon Modifying Elite Spec that specialized in sacrificing two kits into changing the 5 skills of the Main Weapon for all Main Weapons.


    1st Kit used determine the first 3 skills of the Main Weapon (Main-hand side of Main Weapon skills) while Kit 2 determine the last 2 skills (offhand side of Main Weapon skills)


    This will be the Elite Spec that can be either healer/support, tank, direct DPS, or Condition DPS based on how the Main Weapon is modified using X and Y kit due to the nature of certain kits to be either, healer/support, tank, direct dps, or condition dps.



    Staff user is something I think will go well for a Healer/Support theme Technomancer Elite Spec that specialize in utilizing Electric barriers to provided HP Shields, heals, and counters.


    A Support Elite Spec for Engineer that can adjust their Electric barrier to cause damage if enemies are near players with the barrier, have reduced damage effects, or having healing regeneration effects. The more offensive side skills can focus on stunning or trapping enemies in electric based attacks.

  15. > @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

    > > @"EdwinLi.1284" said:

    > > So this has come up in the new storyline but

    > >

    > >

    it seems all Elder Dragons now have the ability to travel through the Mist. This is rather bad since that means even DSD can travel using the Mist which also makes it difficult to actually know his location within current lore. DSD can literally be in any body of water now, even in the Jade sea (most likely in a area that has already returned to water, if he has used the Mist to travel already.


    > Jormag has always had the ability to open up mist portals, its being doing so since the vanilla game to transport Icebrood around. Kralk and Aurene only got the ability to do so after noming on Balthazar's magic, similarly to how Aurene got Joko's immortality magic after eating his magic.


    > I didn't see any indication that Primrodus, or Bubbles, can travel via the Mists.


    Previous attempts to use the Mist during Zhaitan Era was because Jormag used Shamans from the Norn and other race tribes in the Shiverpeaks he corrupted. He never had the power to create portals and travel into the mist himself originally.


    Kralkatorrik's defeat is most likely the cause for Jormag to have direct control over creating portals and traveling through the mist without the need of Shamans now since some of Kralkatorrik's powers have been absorbed by the surviving Elder Dragons.


    Don't forget with each Elder Dragon's defeated, the remaining Elder Dragons will obtain their powers which means each surviving Elder Dragon has the power to travel through the mist now as well.

  16. > @"Wolfb.7025" said:

    > > @"EdwinLi.1284" said:

    > > > @"Wolfb.7025" said:

    > >

    > > >

    > > > Nice, this is a good insight. I was thinking on how lame it was from anet just putting your old warband members as enemies and make you kill them just to dispose of these neglected story characters. but now it makes sense. its really appreciated to have some backstory of such minor characters.

    > > >

    > > > Offtopic, I think charr player characters have lost the most out of all races. It starts with you losing 5 warband members, and as soon as you move to join the orders, you have to part ways as the leggionaire of your small newly made warband. I don't think other races had to leave so much behind in order to join in the battle against Zhaitan.

    > >

    > > I am honestly still surprised how the Charr player's warband never showed up in the Zhaitan arc. Considering the Pact during the Zhaitan Arc was literally gathering every single asset from all races to join them beyond the pact, heck they got the Human Origin story characters to return for one of the Zhaitan Arc story path, to fight Zhaitan.

    > Uhm, you get Galina and Snarl to help you, which are characters from the Iron Legion Charr Storyline. You have to "recruit them" on the Vigil Storyline though. not sure if that's a requisite to see them on the battle against Zhaithan and in the lv80 ending.


    They will join the Pact in the Zhaitan arc regardless of recruiting them or not. The character recruiting is more of a advance recruitment where they join earlier than the other characters.


  17. > @"Wolfb.7025" said:



    > Nice, this is a good insight. I was thinking on how lame it was from anet just putting your old warband members as enemies and make you kill them just to dispose of these neglected story characters. but now it makes sense. its really appreciated to have some backstory of such minor characters.


    > Offtopic, I think charr player characters have lost the most out of all races. It starts with you losing 5 warband members, and as soon as you move to join the orders, you have to part ways as the leggionaire of your small newly made warband. I don't think other races had to leave so much behind in order to join in the battle against Zhaitan.


    I am honestly still surprised how the Charr player's warband never showed up in the Zhaitan arc. Considering the Pact during the Zhaitan Arc was literally gathering every single asset from all races to join them beyond the pact, heck they got the Human Origin story characters to return for one of the Zhaitan Arc story path, to fight Zhaitan.

  18. So this has come up in the new storyline but



    it seems all Elder Dragons now have the ability to travel through the Mist. This is rather bad since that means even DSD can travel using the Mist which also makes it difficult to actually know his location within current lore. DSD can literally be in any body of water now, even in the Jade sea (most likely in a area that has already returned to water, if he has used the Mist to travel already.


  19. Started out as a Ranger because I was a Ranger in GW2.

    Eventually tried Guardian because of heavy armor with greatsword magic attacks.

    Finally settled with Engineer because of Technology and Rifle.


    I also saw potential in Engineer profession if they ever planned to expand Engineer in expansions before HoT was even released.


    Engineer profession certainly has potential for creating a Elite Specialization themed around modifying and creating weapons but as of now there is no Elite Spec that focus on Modying the Engineer Main Weapons into having new and unique weapon skills based on how the Main Weapons are modified.

  20. We have to keep in mind DSD infomation is still considered outdated even by ingame NPCs due to how little amount of contact was made towards DSD. The Inquests also still don't have much data about DSD as well and only manage to get one minion of DSD but it escaped.


    My best speculation about DSD, if he is involved with Cantha, is that DSD has been sending minions into Cantha for years and maybe at one point made a deal with the current Canthan Emperor where the Canthan Emperor acts more as a puppet king while the true ruler of Cantha now is the DSD communicating through one of his minions. The body maybe far away from Cantha but his minions maybe not.


    It may make a interesting Main Storyline position this time being in a Elder Dragon controlled civilization. Worse case is that Cantha may have become a Civilization that worship DSD as a Dragon God with only allies we have are a small group of different resistance fighters, the people tired of being human sacrifices to DSD, and the surviving Luxon/Kurzicks that remained in the shadows of Cantha.


    A story that may show what would have happened if a Elder Dragon like Jormag succeeded turning all Charr and Norn species into his minions or cultist worshipping it , except it is majority of Cantha's human population instead, while only a few survivors have not become brainwashed Dragon Worshipping cultists fighting back and hoping to make the people of Cantha realize DSD is not a Dragon God but a monster that only seeks to destroy the world by consuming all forms of Magic.


    Of course we also have to consider the reason for the Main Storyline why DSD may head to Cantha. For my speculation, it is because what the Commander did in Cantha by making Cantha no longer worship DSD as a Dragon God and freeing Cantha from DSD control. It will be a interesting conclusion to the story where we may have won the battle but the war has just begun thus instead of a celebration we must prepare to rally our allies now that the Commander can finally make contact with his allies in Tyria since it could be a trap by DSD to trap the Commander in Cantha to be completely cutoff from all his/her allies in Tyria thus removing the Commander from the DSD's invasion of Tyria. It would also be a decent reason why Tyria has been invaded by the DSD during the time when the Commander is trapped in Cantha through the Cantha expansion since the Commander has always been a key figure in all Elder Dragon's defeats and with him/her removed the DSD can easily invade Tyria without fear of the Commander suddenly appearing and changing the result of the war. The Commander will also be completely cutoff from his/her allies thus will be basically alone during the early parts of the Cantha Expansion until he/she meets a ally that is fighting against the DSD controlled Cantha.

  21. Ya sadly some of the warband for Charr origin character have either died or defected with the only one left loyal to the commander being their chosen origin partner.


    Cerosi Breaksteel, Elexus Shredskin, Luccia Wildeye, and Yahuk Fellstrike are found in events being cache guards in the map.

  22. Well the worst case happened....



    Everyone from Steel Warband is dead being killed off in the Meta event as the Final Bosses while Cinder dies in the Storyline and Ryland has fallen to the Dark Side to a point of no return due to Smodur's action of killing Cinder



    All I can say is...


    Darn it Smodur!

  23. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > I don't expect any Steel Warband deaths. Would be too soon. But I do expect they'll play a role, letting us see them as villains instead of allies, and that there may be a death involved in Episode 4.


    > > @"camboyano.9675" said:

    > > In my opinion in this chapter or next Ryland kill Bagnar.

    > Ryland killing Bangar is definitely not out of the question, but I think it's still too early to kill Bangar off. That sounds like either a mid-season event, or a penultimate boss fight/event for the season. We have 8 confirmed episodes via that_shaman, not counting "intermission" releases like Visions of the Past, so that would imply the fate of Bangar and/or Ryland will be closed in either Episodes 4, 7, or 8.


    I don't know considering antagonist characters that appear in World Map events tend to kick the bucket in the Story mission involved in the same map since the World Map event is the events where they survive then they finally die in the Main story mission side of things.



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