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Posts posted by Sovereign.1093

  1. > @"Torolan.5816" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > chess is the only balanced online game. =) sorry folks.

    > >

    > >


    > There is a number of chess players that say that white is OP because it has the first turn. So much for balance. :)


    if black draw, black wins. =) thus, it is balanced.


    besides a perfectly balanced game is like tic tac toe. limited because of the rules =3

  2. > @"Anakin.5603" said:

    > So i am new to the game, i am looking for a friendly Helpful guild.

    > I haven't gotten to play PVP or WVW yet, But i have always loved group content and i am always willing to give new things a try.

    > I haven't used any services like Discord or Teamspeak before (Haven't had a reason to) ,But i can.

    > i am curently on the Sorrow's Furance world, But i can switch if needed.

    > I play pretty much everyday, I can be on at a specific time if needed.

    > thats all i can think of right now if anybody has more questions i can anwser them





    hi, may i know what time do you play? i play 2pm onwards server time. so if your time coincides with mine, come to nsp, seek me out, we'll have a blast.

  3. > @"Synchros.2841" said:

    > Hey there! New-ish player here (bought the game around HoT, but didn't really get into it til recently). I've been having a blast just roaming around open world solo so far, but I figure now's as good a time as any to find group with similar interests and playstyles:


    > * Definitely in the casual category. I can usually play at least a few hours a week, mostly in the later weekday evenings (CST) and weekends. That can vary dependent on RL obligations, so flexible activity requirements would probably work best. I am looking for a 'home' guild and would rep the majority of my playtime + support guild activities and growth. LGBT+ friendly would be a bonus.

    > * I've stuck to just open world PvE for now, but would eventually like to get into fractals, dungeons, etc. and at least dip my toes in PvP and WvW. I'm based off of TC but am not opposed to moving worlds if needed for WvW. A decent-sized group that tackles a variety of content (both scheduled and spontaneous) would be great!

    > * I main a condi DPS Renegade (finishing up Asc. Viper accessories) and plan to kit out an alt support build, with a DPS power DH and Chrono support also in the pipeline. I'm also willing to level up/gear/learn to fit a role.


    > Thanks!


    what time on average do you play on late cst?

  4. > @"Keellu.7825" said:

    > Hello, i am a returning player. Level 80, Thief, Mesmer, Elementalist, Guardian and Necro. Level 70 Revenant. Masteries level 62.

    > Interested in PvX and WvW but I don't play every day due to my job. Looking for a guild that don't see it as a problem.

    > No problem using TS or discord, little bit shy though.

    > Any other questions feel free to ask



    when do you play?

  5. We have many suggestions here in the forum. Some are good, some are bad. But most of the ideas are guesses. A guess may be true or not but to be certain it needs to be tested.


    So, lets have a beta server to test these out. Or the same in the wvw as pre pof. Pool ideas, poll to decide what to try, then test. Receive feedback gather data, then see if it works.

  6. > @"SugarCayne.3098" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > thats why you have a gaming comp and a comp for other stuff. =)

    > >

    > > you turn those off by allowing gw2 to by pass firewall as an exception and the same listed in your anti virus.

    > >

    > > if you fear malicious wares, dont go to untrusted sites nor open unwanted files.

    > >

    > > a better ap to use is northon ghost or acronis, make a clone of your os when it is updated and clean.

    > >

    > > if you feel it is slow, reset your software. takes only 5 mins.

    > >

    > > haha.


    > If it gets into your network it’s a domino effect.


    thats why you dont risk it in the first place.

  7. thats why you have a gaming comp and a comp for other stuff. =)


    you turn those off by allowing gw2 to by pass firewall as an exception and the same listed in your anti virus.


    if you fear malicious wares, dont go to untrusted sites nor open unwanted files.


    a better ap to use is northon ghost or acronis, make a clone of your os when it is updated and clean.


    if you feel it is slow, reset your software. takes only 5 mins.



  8. > @"SugarCayne.3098" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > i wonder if our guys use windows - if yes, turn of antivirus real time, turn off firewall, and then check if isp has not limited your connection for your gaming server. if in all of this, you are ok, then i guess, something is wrong with the servers. because as of now, i really seldom experience it.


    > Would suck if someone injected some malware into voip if you do that.


    =) indeed. =/ a choice between lag or no lag

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