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Posts posted by Sovereign.1093

  1. > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > gw2 needs incentives - competitive incentives.


    > More ppt ktrain race?' xD

    > I dont imagine Anet adding more competitivity rather than that.... it is a bit of a slackers game.




    meh, i want there written in stone, guild so and so lead the war and won. here's your beaded pouch. =)

  2. > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > i wonder if our guys use windows - if yes, turn of antivirus real time, turn off firewall, and then check if isp has not limited your connection for your gaming server. if in all of this, you are ok, then i guess, something is wrong with the servers. because as of now, i really seldom experience it.


    > i dont live in the land of the free, internet neutrallity is still enforced here, and u can sue if some isp if they are borkign up stuff.

    > Wich is interesting cause for me as a EU players on NA server to be laggin, NA players start laggin way sooner, while im ok.


    Same, when i made those adjustments, i dont lag unless it is server lag.

  3. i wonder if our guys use windows - if yes, turn of antivirus real time, turn off firewall, and then check if isp has not limited your connection for your gaming server. if in all of this, you are ok, then i guess, something is wrong with the servers. because as of now, i really seldom experience it.

  4. > @"Hitman.5829" said:

    > Unfortunately, you cannot command as warrior in WvW and the reasons are these:

    > 1.- [Endure pain is bugged](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1075/bug-warriors-endure-pain-is-bugged), lots of necros in a 60+ serg with life siphoning sharing capabilities make endure pain completely useless. You will instantly die even if endure pain is active.

    > 2.- Also, food, runes and sigils that shiphons life make endure pain useless in serg fights. You will instantly die, even with endure pain active.

    > 3.- Lack of support boons.


    > Here is a post where I made a [suggestion on how to improve the commanding capability for warrior](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/8244/suggestion-warrior-banner-battle-standard#latest), lets hope that ANET will some day implement this.


    i can effectively do it. =)

  5. > @"shiri.4257" said:

    > T4 is where all the greatest solo zergbusting theorycrafting soulbeasts, deadeyes, and core mesmers duke it out.


    > Once you enter wood league, the wood league never leaves you.


    > @"shiri.4257" said:

    > T4 is where all the greatest solo zergbusting theorycrafting soulbeasts, deadeyes, and core mesmers duke it out.


    > Once you enter wood league, the wood league never leaves you.


    so so true. =) nsp is fun =3

  6. > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    > I’m up against them on crystal desert. Honestly, they may just have lost interest due to northern shiverpeaks having a 50 man Zerg on seemingly every map and brute forcing their way through everything with numbers. Jq had a pretty big Zerg at like 3 am this morning though which was the largest I’ve seen so far this matchup. At least Northern Shiverpeaks doesn’t seem to hate your server as much.


    what what? 50 man zerg? na?

  7. > @"Flippy.1653" said:

    > Hi,


    > I am looking for a build so warriors can also be commanders. Warrior in a zerg die very fast, not by hits but by conditions. We need a build so they dont die fast on conditions and yet deal good damage and can join or lead a group in WvW


    commanders are meat shields, meaning you normally just move, bunker and 111 while you command your guys to effeciently destroy the enemy, take their land, and hear the lamentations of their server.


    a warrior is a tanky and mobile class. as such, if you want to com, decide on the defensive warrior build. contrary to normal warriors who are offense based, a def build can tank.


    1. shield

    2. mobility

    3. pvt gear

    4. gs

    5. knowledge of driving.



  8. got to have charisma if you want to lead. takes practice and is doable. =)


    communicate regularly with ppl.


    > @"Cerby.1069" said:

    > > @"ThunderPanda.1872" said:

    > > @"Cerby.1069" you can do that in JQ mostly outside of NA prime. In fact there's a few tags that do just that. Guild groups/cloud fly sometimes deop their zerg off on these tags when they stop.

    > >

    > > There's also this tag who literally announces (casual, no ts) and gets a blob.

    > >

    > > Compared to other servers JQ is normally more tolerant towards casual commanders (outside of NA prime at least)


    > Mmkay you have my attention. I'll look into JQ.


    try nsp. jq is stacked hehe

  9. > @"Westenev.5289" said:

    > As a person who plays all 3 modes at a pretty sub-par level (PvP, WvW and PvE) I like the verity, and don't understand why anyone would limit themselves if they truly enjoyed the game. Sure, not everyone’s SUPER competitive, but it doesn’t mean you can’t have fun breaking out of the norm!


    > All 3 game modes have their problems, there is no single game mode that can take the state of the game (besides WvW, for destroying my guardian lootstick), but I don't think removing other game modes is the awnser.

    you try a lot but you must find yoir niche

  10. > @"Columba.9730" said:

    > > @"Nightshade.2570" said:

    > > So I don't want to turn this thread into an arguement so not going to name the server. However I am in T3 and one of our enemy servers has stopped playing. I have to say its so rare to see this many guilds agree to such a drastic blackout, but next week they will definitely be in T4 where they do not belong, as well as possibly open for transfers. There maybe a guild or two still playing out of a sense of fairness but anyone can tell from looking at the points its unnatural. So what do you guys do? I am naturally curious in this case as I realized that for most upper tier servers it becomes advantageous to take weeks off so that your server gets opened for transfers, easier fights against less populated servers, and possibly a better rematch when it is time to relink. This is indeed a concerning problem as it also pushes servers up that shouldnt be. Generally its not good overall for this sort of manipulation to go on but I can't really blame them. Its more and more a concept I am heard thrown around in this one up one down system. I like the one up one down system but definitely fear this will cause us to lose it.


    > I think the appropriate response should be to split the server up and move its players to other servers. That would stop this nonsense, lol


    we play with friends not as work. so this is not a good idea by which, i mean it splits us up

  11. > @"Eremes Guile.1480" said:

    > > @"morrolan.9608" said:

    > > > @"Eremes Guile.1480" said:

    > > > *reads in forum "wvw is dead" *logged in during reset and saw orange sword. SOS zerg fight with BG. Not sure if wvw is dead or just some unecessary crying in the forums.

    > > >

    > > > *reads in forum "BG is outnumbering every server and is destroying the game" *logged in to see if DB and SOS keeps in eb gets permanently paper or not. Nope they held it t3 until the end of the match. Not sure if BG is destroying wvw or just another unecessary crying in the forums.

    > > >

    > > > *reads in forum "wvw is dead!" *logged in to see SOS dueling some BG and DB lads. Stayed and join dools until almost an hour. Not sure if wvw is dead or this forum is full of unecessary crying.

    > > >

    > > > *dance*

    > >

    > > *reads in forum "wvw is dead!" * Logs in on my timezone on reset night my time (ocx) and no server in T1 has a commander.


    > Lmao do you need a commander to flip camp or a tower? Or open field pug skirmishes even?


    you dont need to but it is fun to have one. because ppl play more if there is a focal point.

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