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Posts posted by Sovereign.1093

  1. Divide wvw map and you will get camps, towers, keeps, and stonemist.


    parties to 8 can que up vs at least 5 to 8 players and fight over a camp.


    parties of 9 to 20 can fight over a tower.


    parties of 21 to 35 can fight over a keep.


    parties of 36 to 50 can fight over sm.


    Instead of one big map, there will be multiple instances of maps varying in size.


    sieges still can be built, but for the price of walking yaks or slapping yaks to gain some.


    creeping, kiling monsters can give buffs ala pvp.


    and each match may last until the minimum player on each team is met.


    like 5 to 10 for camps 15 to 30 for towers. 30 to 1 hour for keeps. and 1 hour to 2 hour for sm.


    Would be nice if you fet spiked you spend 2 minutes in the spirit zone, ala pof, then revive.


    May work if designed well.


    Could work for guilds vs or servers versus or mega servers versus.


    Also an option to concede when odds are overpowering.


    Supposing one side loses players, ppl can still join back in like the old eotm or wvw or pvp

  2. A good casual yet competitive game has a clear objective or goal for players to strive. Like in pvp, recognition and rewards.


    In our case, we have side quests like dailies. Indirect objectives by armor weapon and trinkets for gearing which are alternatives to pve, fractals and raid. But we have no end objective, just take and hold stuff, fight but no direction.


    Hire me as your consultant. Hehe, been a gamer for 20 years. And this wvw needs an overhaul.


    In the least, pls listen to your player base.


    Tweak wvw once more.

  3. wvw has no meaning but what we make up for ourselves since there are no tournaments, servers are mostly closed, other servers has very minimal population and could be fixed by serfer merging, or having a mega wvw server of three factions only.


    In short, if wvw had an official meaning where it mattered for all to work together, like we did in the tournament days, it would be different.



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