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Posts posted by Sovereign.1093

  1. While there are build diversity, which includes sigils runes food composition using the meta. Player skill is > than others, which is how it ought to be.


    So people qq about scourge pirateship boons spams, warrior scourge etc. its the team that plays behind it that.makes it effective.


    factor it the raid lead skill and his strategy as well as how responsive the team is. include isp, connection computer specs.


    some will always be better than others.


    so you cant really balance wvw based on playtime or population alone or points.


    open up the closed servers.

    allow transfers.


    return wvw tournaments and let the game begin.

  2. > @Krypto.2069 said:

    > > @Sovereign.1093 said:

    > > run guard rev ele and your scourge problem over. pirate ship though but op


    > Except when you're forced to get to close to those kitten JOKO's because you're trying to take a Tower or a Keep and fighting in close quarters.

    > But that never happens in WvW...it's all open field fights where you can actually pirate-ship. And pirate-shipping is so fun too! **:VOMIT:**


    > Are you listening, Anet?!?


    in a choke =) revs shines a lot and so does ele. just a matter of positiing. a goodherald x weaver x firebrand can easily focus bomb a choke point.


    justneeds practice.


    this game is rock paper scissors. cant force a scissor to beat rock setup.




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