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Posts posted by Sovereign.1093

  1. > @STIHL.2489 said:

    > Now, this is just a wondering. Theory Crafting the Worst case as it were.


    > # What IF, they removed PvP/WvW from GW2?

    > #


    > Above and beyond the people who enjoy WvW quitting the game, What is the worst that would happen to the overall game?


    > And would you really quit the game if they chose to remove WvW/PvP from the game to focus on more PvE related stuff.


    well there be no reason for me to stay since i play wvwmajority of the time.


    i'm already interested in trying overwatch hehe

  2. > @Kamara.4187 said:

    > > @Sovereign.1093 said:

    > > > @Offair.2563 said:

    > > > > @Sovereign.1093 said:

    > > > > wvw tourney pls. pop balance bugs etc dont matter when wvw is meaningless.

    > > >

    > > > That would make tourneys meaningless aswell.

    > >

    > > no.

    > >

    > > > @Kamara.4187 said:

    > > > > @Sovereign.1093 said:

    > > > > wvw tourney pls. pop balance bugs etc dont matter when wvw is meaningless.

    > > >

    > > > How? How can you make that happen when smaller servers have to rotate and support multiple host servers. There is no way smaller servers could be figured into the reward system. And while were on the topic of advantages and disadvantages how about SW tower in the alpine BL being able to be hit from catas in the tunnel but can't defend against it with any siege?

    > >

    > > delete servers or merge links with main server.


    > They already said they didn't want to do that and void server identities. And if they did how would that work with the sea guilds? If you can get them to merge different servers along with servers on the other side of the world I'm all for it, but good luck talking them into it.


    =/ and thats the problem

  3. > @Offair.2563 said:

    > > @Sovereign.1093 said:

    > > wvw tourney pls. pop balance bugs etc dont matter when wvw is meaningless.


    > That would make tourneys meaningless aswell.




    > @Kamara.4187 said:

    > > @Sovereign.1093 said:

    > > wvw tourney pls. pop balance bugs etc dont matter when wvw is meaningless.


    > How? How can you make that happen when smaller servers have to rotate and support multiple host servers. There is no way smaller servers could be figured into the reward system. And while were on the topic of advantages and disadvantages how about SW tower in the alpine BL being able to be hit from catas in the tunnel but can't defend against it with any siege?


    delete servers or merge links with main server.

  4. Update on membership.


    You are required to join raid for atleast 48 minutes a day, once a week. Failure to do so will result to warning. There is only one warning. Then expulsion. Uness irl events. Those are excused.


    Guild now does not have offline time kicks. All is based on wvw raid attendance.

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