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Posts posted by Sovereign.1093

  1. > @Retsuko.2035 said:

    > WvW tournaments has hurt more then it did any good in the past. First tournament was start of Sanctum of Rall downfall for example, for those who been around long enough know how much drama and toxic comes from tourny in WvW inside and outside server communities.


    > As for OP, surely, balance has been a problem right now and of course you can counter anything you're fighting. The real problem you're not solving with this thread however is that everyone is encouraged to play the pirateship meta. You're speaking of ways to counter? well, playing pirateship and spawning scourges and spellbreakers to oppose enemy is the counter you'd be speaking of here. Except you're too late to figure this out because everyone else already has.


    sor fell because they could not break the 8 x 10 man squad hitting all things so they lost ppt which resulted to loss of morale.


    ppt wise it broke the sor zerg. which usually just blobed back then.


    we made it happen by tactics, planned it, and executed it when sor fought my old na server at tourneys.


    what i am saying here a skillled player will adapt to what works and make iteratjons to be better. this is limited by game mechanics.


    tourneys can bring life to wvw again by giving players a goal purpose.

  2. > @killermanjaro.5670 said:

    > I've asked on here for some WvW advice before (might have been old forums), and the info I got was really useful in helping me get started with WvW. So I'm hoping I can get a bit more advice from you all on the following to help me try and understand a bit more.


    > 1) Far as I can tell the WvW ability points are just awarded each time you increase your WvW level? So is there any optimal/recommended way to boost levels quickly in WvW to get these? Or is it just a case of load up on every WvW exp booster I can find and just keep doing what I've been doing? (mainly I just follow a comm/zerg and do what they ask/are doing).


    > 2) I'm quite keen to get autoloot, then after that some of the advanced gliding ones. Once those are done, as someone who mainly follows a comm/zerg I assume I'm best focusing on supply & repair related ones for contributing to things, rather than the siege weapon, arrow cart ones etc?


    > 3) Are there any WvW maps available anywhere which show the location names in the shorthand/nicknames that players refer to them as in chat? I often see things like "help needed at hills" or "blob at borderlands cliffside" (or something like those terms) etc, and I never have a clue where these people are talking about. I can never see any place labelled on my map that matches what they call out, so I assume it's some sort of WvW shorthand for places, but I've no idea where. Half the time I'm honestly not even sure they are talking about the same map I'm in! (map chat covers all WvW maps?) Sometimes they've even said x borderlands/map, and I don't even see that as one of the ones I can select in the WvW menu, so all the location stuff confuses the hell out of me. So if there's a map out there with location names based on what players commonly refer to them as then that would be really useful for me.


    > 4) Lastly, far as I can gather from the wiki, the timer at the top is a 2hr skirmish, and those points go to the weekly score of the server in the match? But I can't see any mention of if there's any relevance/bonus to winning a skirmish, or for the server being top at the end of the 'match'/week. Is it just for server bragging rights? Or is there actually a bonus/benefit/buff that players who participated receive as well?


    > Think that's all for now, I'm sure I'll have another batch of questions on things I don't understand at some point XD

    > Thanks in advance.



    1.guild may assist you by guild buffs to increase wxp bonus for your levels. eotm or following a zerg will get you there fast.


    2. go for provisions trait first. adds extra for gaining wvw stuff. then siege bunker. then ac and cata mastery.


    3. most are shortcuts, like nec northeast camp. instead of names since they are always at the same part of the map.


    4. wvw's meaning is up to you. for now because we have no tournaments its just another dungeon but with npc and players as enemy. you gain some by defending structures, killling enemiss or capturing stuff.


    for more info, check metabattle.com or wvw wiki. they are more in depth

  3. > @Cerby.1069 said:

    > > @Sovereign.1093 said:

    > > nsp isn't so bad. =)

    > >

    > > it's great.


    > Oh hi Nsp, please allow me to:

    > *insert mean comment here for no reason*


    > heh :)

    > just jokes! I still remember when a group blinded me and made my toaster flatline by doing that kodan tonic effect spam ontop of me.


    game mechanics gone wrong i guess. i have met nothing but nice players in nsp. sure we kill enemies if we can but isnt this wvw a pk area?




    if every try it again. i command there when i am able. =) sea,au,ocx,eu. and the na guys i know are pretty welcoming.

  4. > @Veprovina.4876 said:

    > > @Ricky.4706 said:

    > > originally, pve and wvw were on the same server / community. The pve community was having difficulty playing parts of the game because the servers weren't populated enough to keep every area in the game active 24/7, and people had friends on other servers they wanted to play with, guilds were linked to their respective servers.

    > >

    > > Cue the mega-server which made it so all pve maps were as full as possible at all times by mixing servers to maps - The guilds were then made to be compatible with the mega-server system.

    > >

    > > Meanwhile, wvw stayed with the old system of being hardwired to 1 server, but guilds were now focused on the pve aspect of the game, so now you can have members from any server in your guild. when a member of your guild from your same server is on wvw - you will always see them, when any other linked server which your guildmates are on, you will see them as well.

    > >

    > > I hope that helps!


    > Thank you.


    > Is there a list somewhere which servers are linked? Do the links change each week or based on some score or something?


    1. yes.

    2. based on anet algorythm.

  5. > @Spurnshadow.3678 said:

    > Re: tournies. I've heard multiple devs say in TS that the reason they haven't done any more tournaments is they saw a decline in population after the tournaments due to player burn-out. That's all. While I personally would love to see a tourny again, I'm not touching this game until they properly balance the classes, do something about power creep, and address the condition issues and would rather see that done first.


    wvw continuous to have no meaning until they touch this topic again including the bugs.


    wvw should matter like before, assisting in bonuses of the home. etc.


    in the end it will be one winner in each tier.



  6. > @"Ben K.6238" said:

    > > @Sovereign.1093 said:

    > > > @"Ben K.6238" said:

    > > > > @Sovereign.1093 said:

    > > > > winning the week has no meaning now.

    > > > >

    > > > > players quit now for whatever reason. players rest then come back

    > > >

    > > > So to fix this, you're going to get them to quit permanently. K.

    > >

    > > or the opposite. they will play more because it has meaning by tournaments. Glory of being no.1 =)


    > It turns out ArenaNet has evidence to the contrary. You have merely wishful thinking and rather dubious logic.


    no =). i can understand how you guys may fear trying. but arena net is wrong.

  7. > @Arlette.9684 said:

    > > @Sovereign.1093 said:

    > > > @Arlette.9684 said:

    > > > > @Sovereign.1093 said:

    > > > > > @Arlette.9684 said:

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > > @Sovereign.1093 said:

    > > > > > > we are smarter now i hope. we know how much time to spend in wvw and rest so we dint get burned out. =)

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > tourneys this time around will be better. pof hot specs etc.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Now what exactly in the most recent history of GW2 gave you even the slightest notion, that they would be any better? It’s a serious question.

    > > > >

    > > > > games up to date. cant get any worse

    > > >

    > > > So you’re stipulating that because the game is already at rock bottom it can’t get any worse, so it will only get better? I beg to differ. Unlike real life where we pick ourselves up from the ashes, in online games the corporate interest just pulls the plug and scraps the project as “not worth the investment” and launches a new product in hopes, that the new product will succeed, where the old one couldn’t.

    > >

    > > To know, they have to try it. for now wvw has no meaning.


    > To you it doesn’t. To me it’s fine.


    =) its ok to disagree.

  8. > @Arlette.9684 said:

    > > @Sovereign.1093 said:

    > > > @Arlette.9684 said:

    > > >

    > > >

    > > > > @Sovereign.1093 said:

    > > > > we are smarter now i hope. we know how much time to spend in wvw and rest so we dint get burned out. =)

    > > > >

    > > > > tourneys this time around will be better. pof hot specs etc.

    > > >

    > > > Now what exactly in the most recent history of GW2 gave you even the slightest notion, that they would be any better? It’s a serious question.

    > >

    > > games up to date. cant get any worse


    > So you’re stipulating that because the game is already at rock bottom it can’t get any worse, so it will only get better? I beg to differ. Unlike real life where we pick ourselves up from the ashes, in online games the corporate interest just pulls the plug and scraps the project as “not worth the investment” and launches a new product in hopes, that the new product will succeed, where the old one couldn’t.


    To know, they have to try it. for now wvw has no meaning.

  9. > @Arlette.9684 said:



    > > @Sovereign.1093 said:

    > > we are smarter now i hope. we know how much time to spend in wvw and rest so we dint get burned out. =)

    > >

    > > tourneys this time around will be better. pof hot specs etc.


    > Now what exactly in the most recent history of GW2 gave you even the slightest notion, that they would be any better? It’s a serious question.


    games up to date. cant get any worse

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