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Posts posted by Sovereign.1093

  1. > @Cyczer.7834 said:

    > Wvw will keep losing people as long as anet keeps buffing classes instead of having a power creep/nerf. While I fully agree skill>class, I'd like to mention that meta came in to a place where most classes doesnt really require any brain to use if you ar in blob, THAT IS NOT COMPETITIVE .


    > Having tourneys back at this point would just encourage bandwagoning even more, more people will quit their servers to secure win on high tiers which is probably not healthy.


    competition drives people. of course you want to win. =)


    alliances will happen. meetings will yake place. plans will be made. in short, servers vs servers vs servers.

  2. > @"Reaper Alim.4176" said:

    > > @Sovereign.1093 said:

    > > > @"Ben K.6238" said:

    > > > > @Sovereign.1093 said:

    > > > > winning the week has no meaning now.

    > > > >

    > > > > players quit now for whatever reason. players rest then come back

    > > >

    > > > So to fix this, you're going to get them to quit permanently. K.

    > >

    > > or the opposite. they will play more because it has meaning by tournaments. Glory of being no.1 =)


    > And how do you suppose some server become number one, when?


    > - Their servers are lock and still have 2 to 3 times less coverage than other servers.

    > - They are faced with the outnumbered buff 50% of the week in WvW.

    > - They are a link server.


    > I understand what you are trying to do. Get one last hooray for your ego. But at the moment the current structure and mechanics of WvW just don't support your ideal.


    not for my ego, but for wvw.


    global reset. before tourney starts all will have no server. from there, choose.


    sure some servers will be stacked but thats just how it is.

  3. > @"Ben K.6238" said:

    > > @Sovereign.1093 said:

    > > winning the week has no meaning now.

    > >

    > > players quit now for whatever reason. players rest then come back


    > So to fix this, you're going to get them to quit permanently. K.


    or the opposite. they will play more because it has meaning by tournaments. Glory of being no.1 =)

  4. > @Crazy.6029 said:

    > Players did play long hours during the tourneys but that's not what drove a lot away. It was all the glaring imbalances and lag (that people noticed and became irritated with during the tourneys) that turned people off after the first tourney. It was real frustrating when you are about to cap SMC or (insert objective) and lag comes in and no skills happens for minutes then you find out your dead and it just so happened the lag gods favored one of the other sides., and when that happens over and over in a competition people get real upset. Most of the people that quit the game cause of lag are long gone but I remember that being a big factor and causing double digits of players from a couple guilds I played for to quit. So yes technically Anet is correct in saying that tourneys resulted in player loss but that isn't the WHOLE truth. :)


    we still have those without the tourney. :/ so why not return tourneys hehe

  5. > @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

    > > @Sovereign.1093 said:

    > > =) point is bring back tourneys hehe


    > Anti-point. Tournaments were a disaster for wvw. Anet recognizes this so there won't be any more. Thank goodness.


    it wasn't so bad. was fun then. hope they will open up for this in the future.

  6. > @coglin.1496 said:

    > > @Sovereign.1093 said:

    > > open up the closed servers.


    > No. None of your points offer much value towards this notion at all.



    > > =) he who is skilled will adapt and make things work.


    > No. The ability to adapt has limitations. Untill you can personally adapt your body to lift a 77 Chevrolet long bed pick up over your head with those noodly arms of yours, the player base cannot adapt to the current meta to a level that will demonstrate a universal enjoyment of it among the player base.






    yes it does.


    yes i is limited to the fame mechanics which has nothing to do with that analogy.

  7. > @Offair.2563 said:

    > The point of a tournament is that it should be competitive. If ya start a tourney now u don't have to be a rocket scientist to predict the winner even before it starts.


    > AKA pointless.


    you never know until you try. =)

  8. > @Svarty.8019 said:

    > > @Sovereign.1093 said:

    > > > @Offair.2563 said:

    > > > What is it with you and your obsession with tourneys. Every donkey knows its pointless in current setup and does more harm then good.

    > >

    > > To give wvw a purpose. =)

    > We already have THAT purpose. Tournaments were a proven fail, the only good thing that came out of them was the limited use finishers that should have been re-used by Anet imo.


    for now there is no meaning to wvw.


    tourneys were the best time wvw had. =)

  9. > @intox.6347 said:

    > > @Sovereign.1093 said:

    > > i am no longer associated with salt. cheers


    > Wow it was big exodus from deso now, but i get it, players cant transfer to deso coz it says its full, its not. And on deso are mostly pve based players, which if go in wvw, play mostly for pips... or tunnel vision enemy / champ.


    deso will be fine. =)

  10. > @Dangus.6572 said:

    > I find few problems in WvW

    > 1. AOE dmg became same or even stronger than single target dmg. AOE spikes became common from almost every class. Profession diversity has been removed.

    > 2. more CC. Combine it with spikes = death without ability to resist.

    > 3. condi spam. I have nothing against increasing condi dmg. but it becomes unbearable when you get 10+ stacks of main and ±3-5 other condition types in just seconds.


    yup difficult to coordinate purge flames mabtra of solace and light fields plus resist. but it can be done with practice.


    rite of dwarf and demon stance helps too

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