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Posts posted by Sovereign.1093

  1. > @FogLeg.9354 said:

    > Doubt being outnumbered has much to do with the size of server. We are constantly outnumbered in EB and in non-home borderlands and we are linked to the server marked as FULL (and still currently winning the match). It's great for your pips btw.


    may be the case bht fighting for 2to 4 hours with 10 guys vs 30 to 40 isnt fun for everyone if you want to hold something.


    earlier at sea time nsp, led a small groul vs hod's blob. they took everything. except our last t3 since we sieged it and they got bored. but, its really expensive tiring and demotivates my squad. ='x

  2. > @"The Path Finder.3197" said:

    > > @Sovereign.1093 said:

    > > that is some recruitment message. =)

    > >

    > > hoping servers open


    > Plenty of space - come get while its hot!


    > Bring your whole Guild and be our allies **or** come as a player and we **will** support, **train **and **help **you. (We only recruit complete guildless players, for our niche and internal Alliance. However, for those with prior Guilde please go to the Aurora Glade community website.)


    thanks. but i am with a good community at the moment at nsp.


    good luck

  3. > @Ricky.4706 said:

    > I really don't believe in them, I believe there is a counter to every build, and no one build is a do it all build.

    > I've been having fun experimenting with different builds, and I find each one works well in different scenarios, and fails badly in other scenarios.


    > I find that my desired wvw build would fair badly with how I like to pve - I kill many things fast and solo champs in pve, I often enjoy just going on a rampage in a map. but that doesn't fly in wvw, then when i try to raid, my set up has too much toughness and causes agro, then in fractals, my wvw infusions are meaningless when I need agony resistance.

    > So i'm kind of hardwired in a way to one play mode. unless i give up pve and rebuild for wvw ...but then there's stuff in wvw that needs me to pve and there's stuff in pve that needs me to wvw.


    > So it is my belief, that there is a counter for every build because my reaper stops scourges cold - literally. But it's useless against a good spellbreaker warrior that is resilient to conditions and is constantly zipping around all over the place with whirlwind and by the time i land one condition on him, i'm just about dead. My point is, it seems that in general we as players are either rock, paper or scissors - and it's not easy to experiment with different builds...it's a quest and a mission to change your stats and have a selection of builds to make counters.


    > That being said, it seems that these Power creep op builds are really more psychological than mathematical because the "rules" prevent us from easily making a counter build.


    i think anet wants us to carry lots of different gear to swap on the go based on who we encounter.

  4. > @Threather.9354 said:

    > Some servers are permanently full. Like Kodash, riverside and elona reach being permanently full means all germans are limited to being on international servers (or incompetent ones) where they won't feel home at.

    > Desolation was always powerhouse also on EU that was practically self sufficient with barely any bandvagoners most of the year. However it has been full so long that core members cant get back in.


    > Also theres people like this Sovereign.1093 that says "bandvagoning cant be stopped" when they're in a guild that everyone hates. Of course they won't feel at home anywhere when they're laughed out of everywhere because they refuse to change.


    > Relinking is also terrible and often has quality diminishing effects. Lets say you form a community and open raid schedule on a server. Then you get relinked with a massive link and there's no enemies anywhere. Rather than struggling for 2 months, people usually just transfer away.


    > 1800 gems for a transfer to competent server ment that people don't transfer so often and community has time to settle. Now its 500 gems, max 1000, what you need. Theres so much movement that once a commander gets popular, he will soon have 100 man queues on his map with people he don't even know and he will just give up on leading open.


    You can try to paint my name black. but all i got from deso when i left was pls come back soon.


    But transfering is a good thing. because it balances out the server population.


    and right now, like back in deso, my new community accepted me.


    only a few trolls did not approve of me back in deso.

  5. > @Kirin.7306 said:

    > Had a long break and I notice there are now much larger AOE's that can easily cover a high wall and hitting you at the far back in "usually" safe places. Why did they do this?


    meteors has always been big aoe =) best is to cheese a siege to def and not use your skills to hit em.

  6. > @Jeknar.6184 said:

    > > @Sovereign.1093 said:

    > > =) why not go nsp? we may not be many but we still care about wvw


    > Yeah, NSP is problably one of the few servers that still care care about PPT in 2k17... Making them one of the most boring servers to fight against.


    > @Jeknar.6184 said:

    > > @Sovereign.1093 said:

    > > =) why not go nsp? we may not be many but we still care about wvw


    > Yeah, NSP is problably one of the few servers that still care care about PPT in 2k17... Making them one of the most boring servers to fight against.


    =) we enjoy fighting when we can. most of sea we are outnumbered. but on na, we got a strong ppk force.


  7. > @Bish.8627 said:

    > > @Ayrilana.1396 said:

    > > Pretty much how I figured they balanced the game. If players would drop their fixation on optimal builds being the only way to play, they’d have less issues as most of them are self-inflicted.


    > THIS. I miss the earlier days when you could roll with what you wanted. Now if you aren't in an optimal build you die or get moaned at.


    you can still run as you please =) jist keep it a secret


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