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Posts posted by Sovereign.1093

  1. Ideal. Players play for a goal to achieve


    Reality. Wvw has no main goal. Wvw sub goals for items, rewards, gear, but all of these you can get even if you don't win, achievements included.


    Now. Those who want to win are driven or encouraged by others who set a goal for themselves, which are player set goals.


    Recommendation. Have wvw events. Why? These will keep us busy, something particular to aim. Give us recognition for doing something. Once a week. Once in two weeks. etc Tournament was fun. Then keep balancing the wvw professions. Slow but steady, it does not need to be like cold turkey, just 1 percent better at a time is good, and announce it.


    Anzai wall, sm side wall can be broken now whereas before it cannot. This wasnt announced. Also pips on transfer is based on player time not days after a player transfer which means you have to be in wvw. the halloween effect is gone. also we get so little feedback from devs.


    once a week announcements would be awesome.






  2. if it stands to benefit oneself, one might do it, and here, tanking opens up a close server, which allows for more people, and having more gives one benefit, and so jq does it.


    more so players can do as they will. nothing anet can do about it if based on algorithm except follow. unless they do manual adjustment


    take note if jq opens, jq plays again. else, ppl will be disapointed, thus may end up leaving the game. unless anet includes an incentive to do something.

  3. > @trunks.5249 said:

    > hi guys i was thinking about trying WvW out because the youtube videos make it look fun. i am wondering how often pvp really happens. my fear is it could have took days to get the 5min worth of footage i see in the youtube clips. my thinking is that since the maps are so big it could take hours worth of dieing and running back to a point to have some good pvp situations


    to fight like the vids, check your server's primetime. and.then play =)

  4. deso is closed because players play round the clock. in a way, coverage wise it is good but not many command or are not united.


    had good times there before my back stabbing co leader stole my guild.


    but all in all, i left it because it was getting too toxic for me. i have many enemies there. and the only ankor i had left betrayed my trust.


    it's too disunited for higher tiers but if they pull off a decent tanking like kodash, it will open.


    just play in eb. ignore other maps. 70 plays on 24 hours will still allow it to open.



  5. > @Zenion.7543 said:

    > I don’t post but thought I would throw this thought out to see if ANet can be persuaded to change. I transferred off a WvW server that wasn’t right for me to a more compatible one, but I won’t be able to earn PIP rewards for close to 2 weeks due to the day I transferred. I've been playing since pre-release and am a dedicated WvW player so I'm familiar with the game and the ANet policy however I wanted to provide player feedback.


    > This has driven me to sit out for two weeks and in such time, no one wins. My new server doesn’t get my contribution, I don’t play because I don't earn PIP rewards and ANet doesn't win because I don't spend my money on Gems. Lastly, ANet gets double dinged because I go find new games to play which may very well take me away from the game all together.


    > This is not a rant but observations from a loyal player. WVW rewards are meager at best and the game mode is in decline so please don't penalize the player base for trying to keep it interesting.


    > -Zenion


    the time you play ingame is what they use to count if you've earned your pips.


    ex. i joined nsp but i play 4 to8 hours depending. i got my pips on the third day.

  6. > @Dawdler.8521 said:

    > > @Sovereign.1093 said:

    > > > @Dawdler.8521 said:

    > > > > @Sovereign.1093 said:

    > > > > Currently I favor the guard rev necro ele warrior setup. also the guard rev rev rev war. or guard guard rev rev war. or guard rev necro necro war.

    > > > >

    > > > > the cheese is 4 revs can burst a small squad to downs. necros can shade and kill. wars can lock them in place and intimidate. and guards can boon x heal and revive ppl.

    > > > >

    > > > > think; do; win.

    > > > So the counter to pirateshipping, ranged spam, boon corrupts and warrior bubbles is to bring ranged spam, boon corrupts and warrior bubbles so you can pirateship?

    > > >

    > > > I dont know why I didnt think of this before, its ingenius.

    > > >

    > > > Now excuse me while I go build some ACs to counter the enemy ACs.

    > >

    > > How would you do it?

    > Bring 50 chronos in full celestial, 25 of them with gravity well, the other 25 with moa and all running mantra healing with power cleanse so they are practicly cleansing all condis as they are applied and can heal the entire zerg 0-100 in about 3 seconds. 10 of them would also always carry veil and another 10 carry portal.


    > I thought it was obvious.




    to be obvious, we would have to have the same idea. but we do not since my counter is 40 melee 60 range. i have used this successfully and therefore i am sharing it. of course, there is more than one way to win and so your idea is also another option of which the readers can use.




    > @intox.6347 said:

    > Once there was mellee train with some backliners (max 30%) ... counter to it ? mellee train with some backliners... if you have too much ranged (pirate ship style) they will melt and dont kill anybody ... coz they have full boons and heals...

    > now its pirate ship vs pirate ship.... whoever makes better clouding and have better bombs... win. So how to beat pirate ship ? with better pirate ship :D its not only about numbers once you see guild beating in 15vs30 ...

    > With all that boon strip and corrupt you cant just run swinging with hammer or staff like brainless monkey like it was in mellee train.


    There are still some zerg busters out there. =) but they mostly run the meta.

  7. > @Dawdler.8521 said:

    > > @Sovereign.1093 said:

    > > Currently I favor the guard rev necro ele warrior setup. also the guard rev rev rev war. or guard guard rev rev war. or guard rev necro necro war.

    > >

    > > the cheese is 4 revs can burst a small squad to downs. necros can shade and kill. wars can lock them in place and intimidate. and guards can boon x heal and revive ppl.

    > >

    > > think; do; win.

    > So the counter to pirateshipping, ranged spam, boon corrupts and warrior bubbles is to bring ranged spam, boon corrupts and warrior bubbles so you can pirateship?


    > I dont know why I didnt think of this before, its ingenius.


    > Now excuse me while I go build some ACs to counter the enemy ACs.


    How would you do it?

  8. > @Kovu.7560 said:

    > This game has more projectile hate in large scale fights than any other game I've played. Good luck getting anything through without an unblockable proc. Relying to soulbeasts or deadeyes to pick off tanky dual endure pain (and heavy resistance) spellbreakers is a silly idea. Most scourges out there are running trailblazers and have 29348765 cleanses, too.


    > ~ Kovu


    how would you do it? =)


  9. > @DeadlySynz.3471 said:

    > Issue 1 - Use a ranger / soulbeast (probably deadye), kills the scourge easily despite how much barrier they have or healing being through at them


    > Issue 2 - Use a ranger / soulbeast (probably deadeye), again, many of these spellbreakers can be wiped out on Inc before their bubble is used unless they use their immunity running in, in which case screws up the entire zer's inc.


    > Issue 3 - User a ranger / soulbeast (probably deadye) Revs and ele's are a hell of a lot easier to kill than spellbreakers and scourge


    > Issue 4 (See counter to 1 & 2)


    > Issue 5 (See counter to 1, 2 & 3) but if you want to make their lives miserable, target the rev first, nothing is more debilitating to the zerg than having their only source of resistance killed in less than 5 seconds


    > Issue 6 (see counter to 2) Then the rev's & ele's are left to be sitting ducks


    > Issue 7 (see counter 1 & 2), but start with with the rev, again, nothing more demoralizing than wiping out a groups source of condition immunity in less than 5 sec


    > Issue 8 - Don't go near the tower/keep if the players refuse to come out. They'll either get bored and log, or come out and fight (and likely die)


    > If we try to use "wall of reflection" argument, then walk around it and fire away, it's very very easy. Ironically it only takes about 2 rangers in the zerg to eliminate the pirate. 2 rangers focusing "said" target will equate to a dead target probably in less than 3 seconds.


    > There is another issue, lets call it issue 9


    > Issue 9 - How to get players off their melee and realize this problem is solved by a couple of players hopping on ranged classes. How to get players out from being stuck in their old ways. This one is tricky...



    9 is hard, which is the primary cause of derping from our fellow wvw.


    in the old days, there are melee, range, and periperi players. what you mention are those fighting outside the zerg, independent yet focused on the task given to them. if applied well, can support the range and melee team in open field or when fighting in enemy teritory.

  10. > @atheria.2837 said:

    > > @Sovereign.1093 said:

    > > Sample small group versus many. This is why there should be atleast one fb in a squad.

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > > p.s. im not really good on videos.


    > Since no comments were allowed on the video, I will say it here...


    > I wish I could find anyone to teach me how to be a firebrand.


    > Anyone.


    Your wvw server has no one sharing how to play fb? Or in your guild, a guy who knows how to play it?


    F3, f2, f1 is the order of importance. Don't spam, use as need. Use your utils and elite if f3 is off, and you need emergency exits.


    f3 combo is 5, 4, 3 if enemy is range, then 1 on team to add block for the team (good with communal def)


    f2 on refresh 5, 4, 3 repeat. 1 if need to spam.


    f1, when enemy skills are done, close the gap, 5, 3, 4, 111.


    empowers if need, cleanse mantra if need.


    defensive fb.


    offensive fb is not my thing, but is equally effective in damage role.

  11. Imo, the current meta is range spam and boon corrupt and warrior bubble. These do the most damage and kill the general populace of wvw players. Therefore it causes players to lose moral if they have no clue how to deal with it besides getting good.


    I propose we write how we would counter it, and compare notes, therefore giving everyone a chance to balance things out.


    By doing this, I think while we derp about the way things are, our fellow players will have a plan to counter these most met zerg combos.


    Issue 1. Sandshade spam

    Issue 2. warrior bubble

    Issue 3. pirate ship by revs and eles

    issue 4. combination of 1 and 2

    Issue 5. combination of 1 and 3

    Issue 6. combination of 2 and 3

    issue 7. combination of all three and others i failed to mention

    issue 8. acs and other sieges.


    1. the spikes can be blocked. guard f3 1 or mace and shield or dh really helps or any blocking skills.


    if tormented, where you have so much corrupt, dont move to much, team cleanse by fb f2 5 4 2, which will convert condi to boons, heal the team and clear stuff. revs and wars can clear this too if light fields are dropped, ie. symbol of swifness, blast on those.


    2. boon strip and range the warrior and condi him. he will not survive if done fast. necro wells do this good in combo with hammer revs.


    if he pulls it off, jump out of the bubble, therefore its important to have leaping skills.


    passive traits like empowering might, herald ferocity, necro lifesteal and guard toughness helps in these cases, and team stun break from herald, aura mancer ele and fb or dh or base guard. Move out, boon spam, counter it with your blocks, and bomb. also you have your own warriors to bubble them. dodge rolls by guards help a lot for base team heal or waters by eles.


    3. time that they drop their bombs, when its done, rush in, pull them together and kill. revs first, then necro, then ele.


    stay tight and move fast because they hurt so you can revive dowbs fast. minstrel guards on mercy runes are best here.


    do issue one and 2 on them. easy farm.


    4. bait the enemy, once their stuff is done, gap the distance and drop your own issue 1 and 2 and 3.


    5. same as 4.


    6. in these cases, wars become defensive bombs, and meat of range, thus, care if you push because it'll be instant death. time it right, bait and ve aggressive. you will have to fight in some of the bubbles and having more melees, you may survive due to passives ans stun breaks.


    push with your rev cor, wars to cast bubbles on theirs, then bomb.


    7. here, your experience determines what to do. Boon teams would stack and mitigate damage before, during and after the attack.


    boons up, bait, counter bomb boon up. Like before condi, boons are still very good.


    Also, have atleast 10 players on ts and 10 in squad. ensure everyone has a leap and is mobile and running passive traits.


    10 can fight 15 to 20 bad players. And so on.


    Ideal is 20 plus in group and in ts.


    Currently I favor the guard rev necro ele warrior setup. also the guard rev rev rev war. or guard guard rev rev war. or guard rev necro necro war.


    the cheese is 4 revs can burst a small squad to downs. necros can shade and kill. wars can lock them in place and intimidate. and guards can boon x heal and revive ppl.


    think; do; win.



  12. > @Dashiva.6149 said:

    > So I played gw2 up until HoT released then on and off (because IRL stuff), but recently got back into it big time with the release of PoF. Now after playing through PoF and the latest LS I thought I would check out WvW because I remember it being quite fun in the past, and was suprised to find a _very_ jaded community. The mood in the community (both ingame and here) has totally changed! And seeing a few negative comments on the forums about the gamemode, I have too ask:


    > * Are things really as toxic as they appear on the surface, or did I just get back at a bad time?

    > * Has a major thing happened that caused the shift, or is it neglect from Anet? Both? Neither?

    > * What impact has the release of PoF had? For the better or worse?

    > * Would you still recommend me to get into it? How do you consider the longterm health of the gamemode?


    > Thanks in advance.


    The forums are toxic, ingame it depends. In nsp we sre hsving fun. =) things here are just the sentiments of the oldtimers of wvw.


    we derp bwcause we care about this game.


    now to address your issues


    1. no. atleast not in nsp.

    2. its player expectation where the builds we had are not as strong versus specific wvw builds and setup and so causing the shift in enjoyment. like boon corrupt are epicly strong along their proc traits. some does not know how to counter it or adapt to it, therefore the derping.

    3. its beautiful, imo. i love the story x mounts and travels also the wvw glide. as mentioned earlier, people have different perspectives, for me as one who already adapted and thrives in the new setup really have fun, especially because i have good allies.

    4. i recommend. long term, is good. just learn to filter info and dont be swayed by the opinions of others. because by thinking for yourself, you do justice to this game and to your personal life in all things you do.


    The derp slayer of nsp opponents,



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