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Posts posted by Sovereign.1093

  1. the lag is evil. i find when i remove firewall and realtime on anti virus it does not affect as bad. but randomly, the fast forward thing because of pingloss is a pain when commanding and having a blast in fights

  2. > @Aeolus.3615 said:

    > > @ThunderPanda.1872 said:

    > > > @SLOTH.5231 said:

    > > > Block EU players from joining NA servers they are the ones filling up and killing all the spots..... They have there own servers to play in so @ANET give them a free ticket back home to there own servers so they'll stop coming to ours and screwing everything up.

    > >

    > > ?


    > As if all NA players played at same time... what is the diferece from east to west time zone'???


    > Making actually a game mode with factions/alliances and each map tied to a faction givign access for all players in the world to play would be far interesting.



    > Imagine if Anet, removed server barrier and made a mist condtinent (winder if tyria map could be adapted to this...nas an mist world abandoned tyria )each faction would try to control the whole map, the faction with more point in that map would win the map and added and inclueded on next faction next week.


    > Players need to go forth and back, several border lines would be at constant war guild could apply to raids in specific more internal maps to drawn players from the frontlines, send havok squads to atack specifil guilds owned maps and disrupt their support to the frontline supplyes etc..


    > This is every theoretical ofc.


    reminds me of an old game - perfect world. it was fun

  3. not everyone is so noble as to balance out wvw. the norm is go for the win and stack on a server with coverage.


    delete servers increase population of those that remain. open them up. fix bugs. balance the game. give us tourneys.

  4. > @"Ni In.6578" said:

    > > @Jeknar.6184 said:

    > > I'm thankful for killing my will of consistently play this game, so I can play other stuff I've been missing out.


    > CD got you down?


    cd still has the 2nd strongest sea oceanic in t4. I'm greatful that we see them around

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