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Posts posted by Sovereign.1093

  1. > @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

    > We are playing a RPG, not a PvP simulator. How about something like this:


    > **Mist Invasion**

    > "Due to the ongoing delays of the World Restructuring and Alliances, the Mistwarriors decided to have some fun on their own. They grouped up in squads and invade Tyria to increase their body-count on innocent people. Stop these bloodthirsty killing-machines and push them back into the Mists!"


    > WvW

    > - You can register for the Mist Invasion like you can register for sPvP games. You pick your profession and your preferred rank (Elite, Champion, Legendary) and role (tank, support, dps).

    > - This special match-maker creates groups of 10 players filling the following ranks: 3x Legendary, 3x Champion, 4x Elite. With 2x tank, 3x support and 5x dps. If the team is complete, the match-maker looks for a map with a Mist Invasion about to begin. You can group-queue.

    > - You spawn there with your squad. You can control the NPCs as they were your own characters, but you have different skills to use.

    > - Your stats scale with the number of Tyrian Defenders that approach you - Dynamic Event Scaling 101.

    > - There is a timer of 10 Minutes, you have to survive to win the encounter. Every slain player results in one kill for EotM.

    > - On success, each of the participants gets a large chest of loot. On failure, half the loot. With an optional bonus of 30 % increase, if you manage to kill 80 % of the Defenders.


    > PvE

    > - The Dynamic Events "Mist Invasion" spawn in Core Tyria Maps, in certain locations. Every 30 minutes.

    > - The Invaders are 3x Legendary, 3x Champion and 4x Elite = 10 enemy squads you have to take down.

    > - You win when all members of the Invader Squad are dead. You lose when the timer reaches 0:00. You can respawn as often as you want.

    > - The number of participants of the Event scale up the enemies stats, but also your loot.

    > - Participation in the event grants a basic loot chest. Eradicating the entire Invader Squad within the time-limit doubles the loot.

    > - In addition there is an optional bonus of up to 30 % to reach. 15 % for upscaling the enemy stats to the maximum and another 15 % for finishing the job in 8 minutes or less.

    > - In addition there is a chance to gain 1 Mystic Coin per Account per day, if you manage to finish an encounter without getting downed (min. participation time = 8 minutes).


    > If an invader squad cannot be filled, the remaining slots will be occupied by AI controlled NPCs with a + 30 % HP pool. If a squad only contains AI controlled NPCs, you cannot win a Mystic Coin.


    > Controlling NPCs which have similar skills according to your class/damage-type. Empowered, enhanced to face a lot of players at once. Maybe increasing the size of your character 2x (Elite), 3x (Champion) and 4x (Legendary). That would be very fun and exciting for both sides. But Alliances may be more realistic.


    That feels complicated to be invading a map of pve players :3 should be a different mode all together :)

  2. > @"Antycypator.9874" said:

    > As an "only PvE player", I agree, but if you die as a PK, you lose your entire EQ (your killer gets everything) and your character gets banned for a week.



    @.@ it is a wholesome idea within the confines of wvw rules.


    Only that we can invade instances of highly pve players for them to pve there is because 3 x or more loot. For pk, well, we serve the dragon wee.


    Seriously though it must be explored

  3. There are moments when you can stand still and not die but only in cases where the enemy does not bomb at the same time but simply spams their skills not at the same time.



    You can test this with 15 or 20 minstrel fb. You'll have a blast.



    Or if you want turtle capacity fb/tempest/scrap /spell br/ and herald

  4. > @"Su Santidad Raul.5479" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > @"Su Santidad Raul.5479" said:

    > > > Hi, excuse me, I wanted to know if someone can support me to know if they know any server where they capture the stonemist Castle enough, preferably 3 or 4 times a day

    > >

    > > Maguuma?


    > i dont know that server, usually play much in BE?



    You can check in wvwstats.com for timezone info. So far it is the only server which focuses am thing

  5. > @"Su Santidad Raul.5479" said:

    > Hi, excuse me, I wanted to know if someone can support me to know if they know any server where they capture the stonemist Castle enough, preferably 3 or 4 times a day



  6. Was weird. Tags disappear. Re appear. You can't invite and remove members. We had massive amount of login etc problems showing in screen. And then we had to target me old school no tag.


  7. > @"Threather.9354" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > @"Threather.9354" said:

    > > > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > > To add, eu na should be merged now. Or atleast have a 2 month trial

    > > >

    > > > I don't think you understand how ping works, Unless they add random servers in the middle of atlantic AND want to make ping for asians/africans/australians even worse., there isn't any reason to merge these servers. Gaming/conversation cultural differences between EU and American countries are no joke to get through either.

    > > >

    > > > What would it change other than increase amount of servers and lag? Why not just play at the region you prefer instead of mixing the bad with the good? Maybe your issue is lack of players and commanders? Then ask them to reduce amount of tiers, not make everyone have 100+ ping.

    > >

    > > Population and numbers. Game is already laggy. Wouldn't change a thing


    > Game is laggy because you live in Asia... Have you thought this is not the case for people who live near servers? Skill lag aside, I mean the kind of gameplay where you actually single target things and time enemy dodge end times. Population and numbers can simply be balanced by reducing amount of tiers, or might as well abolish the whole relinking system if we're at merging EU/NA point and just throw people at random 9 different servers. Merging NA and EU isn't a magical solution to things as it will just bring more problems.


    I don't feel lag in Asia though. And I see claims that a lot of na players play in eu now. And I have a few mates in eu playing in na.


    But your conclusion is just your assumptions. It could have the result everyone would want to happen

  8. > @"SWI.4127" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > This is why there's a need for test servers


    > Or for them to actually play the game mode in the first place. Outside of once a week for an hour during EU time.


    Yesterdays weirdness. I don't know if you guys felt it = bugs again huhu

  9. > @"Threather.9354" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > To add, eu na should be merged now. Or atleast have a 2 month trial


    > I don't think you understand how ping works, Unless they add random servers in the middle of atlantic AND want to make ping for asians/africans/australians even worse., there isn't any reason to merge these servers. Gaming/conversation cultural differences between EU and American countries are no joke to get through either.


    > What would it change other than increase amount of servers and lag? Why not just play at the region you prefer instead of mixing the bad with the good? Maybe your issue is lack of players and commanders? Then ask them to reduce amount of tiers, not make everyone have 100+ ping.


    Population and numbers. Game is already laggy. Wouldn't change a thing

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