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Posts posted by Sovereign.1093

  1. > @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

    > @"Sovereign.1093" lul, i bet sometime EU server login connects u over US servers, that would explain the nuts ping sometimes


    > @ thread

    > the fighting quality of most main servers is pretty low currently i feel. WSR okay, they're overstacked since ages. deso lost several veterans to small servers and got those slots filled with idk, pve players or full casual beginners, at least it got way harder to trust the guy fighting next to you.


    > it's that severe that i last time didn't even notice i haven't transferred my trinkets to my firebrand, and played no rings no backpack for hours - i felt more squishy than normal missing three maxed out ascended/legendary items, but i guessed it was lacking focus - that's how unspectacular t2 EU on saturdays is these days lol.



    Hehe, I just want to play where I have numbers and the enemy has numbers . It's hard to play where one has more than the other.


    I try to craft a team that's willing to perceive the game as a group rather than individual since we focus on our strengths and hope people adapt to what is strong in group play. :3



  2. > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > @"K THEN.5162" said:

    > > Reason #3: Ranger longbow range is more than 1500, longer than sic-em in some cases

    > >


    > Sic Em hit the target in the first clip while the LB was out of Range on flat ground.

    > In the second clip Ranger had high ground where LB could hit and Sic Em could not..


    > Edit*

    > Just looking it up and this is right on the Wiki.


    > "A projectile is a ranged attack which must travel from the user to the target before dealing damage.


    > Most projectiles can be avoided by dodging, blocking or reflecting. Projectiles can also be obstructed by environment, or by other enemies in their way, though this can be negated by piercing. A few projectiles auto-track the target as it moves. **Projectiles will travel further if they are fired from a height**."



    If this is so, then it's like real warfare where those on top has higher ground advantage.


    I can imagine if game will have wall fog of war system. Like you can't see ppl in front so much. Would make wvw kinda scary

  3. > @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > Anet should merge eu and na. :3

    > for more lags, yes please. give me that constant 3000 ping uwu


    > @ TPMN

    > nobody knows. when Desolation was unlinked we've been 24/7 crazily outnumbered. activity counting showed we had constantly 1500-3000~ activity (kills and deaths) less per day as any other server nearly - while the killcounts of our guild for example ranked up to 2000+ across the week. so some player hold their k/d relation to 1:200ish, other die 100:4 or so apparently, because they never learnt group / competitive playstyle.


    > yet, due to this obviously population drop - even compared to other unlinked servers - the Server Status been "FULL" constantly. it is really questionable how the fullness stats are really counted.


    > but we don't know about full maps either. map caps should be 70-80 players~ but often after having one 45-50 ppl group, you cannot find anybody else than your own group on the map, outside of maybe 10 roamers, and it is "full" with a queue



    > @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > Anet should merge eu and na. :3

    > for more lags, yes please. give me that constant 3000 ping uwu


    > @ TPMN

    > nobody knows. when Desolation was unlinked we've been 24/7 crazily outnumbered. activity counting showed we had constantly 1500-3000~ activity (kills and deaths) less per day as any other server nearly - while the killcounts of our guild for example ranked up to 2000+ across the week. so some player hold their k/d relation to 1:200ish, other die 100:4 or so apparently, because they never learnt group / competitive playstyle.


    > yet, due to this obviously population drop - even compared to other unlinked servers - the Server Status been "FULL" constantly. it is really questionable how the fullness stats are really counted.


    > but we don't know about full maps either. map caps should be 70-80 players~ but often after having one 45-50 ppl group, you cannot find anybody else than your own group on the map, outside of maybe 10 roamers, and it is "full" with a queue



    Played in eu and na. Lag is the same in both. :3... It should atleast be tested.

  4. > @"Slick.7164" said:

    > reminded me of 1700's British . Stand in one place and shoot your neighbor. Or try. How the hell they not lag with those numbers but in Us we lag if we have 50 on?


    There are times even if 3 way you don't lag. Me on my prepaid data can attest to this.

  5. > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > I'm definitely curious to see groups that r would do this. Hehe


    > That's actually what the first meta in the game was.

    > Stand there in big clumps slowly moving toward each other, nobody died because healing wasn't capped like damage AoE.


    :3 ah. My toon was born in a server where 7 to 15 was our zerg. So, all I got to experience before was getting wrecked haha



  6. Well if you agree to stack and stand opposite each other then bomb last man standing that has nothing to do with the game mechanics. Just two groups wanting to know who will win in the end. >∆< don't worry any group I've met who tried this against us easily wiped.


    1. 3 warrior winds

    2. A lot of power necro wells

    3. a lot of burn guard bombs

    4. A lot of jalis d reduce revs

    5. Your trusty pocket fb healer

  7. > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > > @"Saleerian.2973" said:

    > > > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > > > > @"Saleerian.2973" said:

    > > > > > > psst soulbeast is actually really good for portal bombs

    > > > > > Last time I saw a guild portalbomb they got totally squished in turn. Not really sure if it should be commander thats risking such manouvers either... because the second to last time I saw a guild *attempting* a portal bomb, the mesmer went splat.

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > NA? I am literaly immortal on my chrono a we do really fast bombs

    > > >

    > > > Yeah I'm wondering about these guys too.

    > > > The toughest commanders to kill I know are all on Chrono.

    > > Maybe the NA meta is different, because on EU 99% of commanders seem to run firebrand and boonball meta, very few guilds attempts portalbombs because it almost always result in a necro counterbomb that instantly kills anyone coming through. Not saying it doesnt happen, just that its rare. Barely even see chronos at all.

    > >


    > Well, I didn't say portal bomb... That would be a utility slot taken away from survival I imagine.

    > I said the most challenging drivers to snipe are on Chrono. Maybe THAT is the reason they're on Chrono xD


    you're not wrong :) chrono has a lot of invuls if done right ^^ and is tanky if you use minstrels or nomads. what is a commander if not a thing that shouldn't die

  8. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > I don't know what change that would satisfy the public . I mean, gvg of course has to be team a vs team b and must be a there can be only one thing. It is after all a duel withing the confines of an agreement.

    > >

    > > If objectives then we have spvp but it's not wvw.


    > By definition it’s team a vs team b.


    > That doesn’t mean we can’t continue the elements of WvWvW and make it more of a GvGvG. Open it up for three teams, find a way to make scoring, make it a death match maybe, fight to the finish etc.


    > And add a map to make it battling over points for those teams that like the concepts of sPvP and make it sPvPvP.


    > GW1 has multiple GvG type maps.


    > Don’t necessarily copy those, but create different ‘maps’ with different goals.


    > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > I don't know what change that would satisfy the public . I mean, gvg of course has to be team a vs team b and must be a there can be only one thing. It is after all a duel withing the confines of an agreement.

    > >

    > > If objectives then we have spvp but it's not wvw.


    > By definition it’s team a vs team b.


    > That doesn’t mean we can’t continue the elements of WvWvW and make it more of a GvGvG. Open it up for three teams, find a way to make scoring, make it a death match maybe, fight to the finish etc.


    > And add a map to make it battling over points for those teams that like the concepts of sPvP and make it sPvPvP.


    > GW1 has multiple GvG type maps.


    > Don’t necessarily copy those, but create different ‘maps’ with different goals.


    It won't be fair if 1v1v1. Two will always kill 1 and then sort it among themselves.


    Gvg can and should only be team a vs team b. But I'm down for another mode that's not gvg that is 1v1v1.


    I mean over time when I lead there's always a person who says, bro let's double team x or y. I make it a point now who ever asks this of me, I will focus them first.


    Thinking about it, this 1v1v1, it can only work if it's not all about fights which is kind like we have now for wvw, you must have objectives that you can get away with, like capping multiple points and then farming kills and then some sort.of bloodlust and must not be few. Hehe we're back to wvw as it is

  9. > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > I don't know what change that would satisfy the public . I mean, gvg of course has to be team a vs team b and must be a there can be only one thing. It is after all a duel withing the confines of an agreement.

    > >

    > > If objectives then we have spvp but it's not wvw.


    > Even pvp support is low(rewards systems arent the only way to improve the game) no matter how much a dev is good or its intentions are good, 2 awfull and staled gamemodes that sufered for low quality balance for years due game ideals with carry gimmicks and classes designed to overboost players skill with a very easy access do damage ouput , will be a hard to balance out, besides stack 2-3 classes mostly there isnt much to do in this game, wich is what needs to be looked at.


    > Can u imagine how much scourges they actually have there???

    > Anet is ok with it, while they feel people are using to much Fb's :)


    I can imagine fb burn g scourge scourge x. I'd make that x a rev if it was us. Jalis and road and hammers hue hue

  10. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > @"Saleerian.2973" said:

    > > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > > > @"Saleerian.2973" said:

    > > > > > psst soulbeast is actually really good for portal bombs

    > > > > Last time I saw a guild portalbomb they got totally squished in turn. Not really sure if it should be commander thats risking such manouvers either... because the second to last time I saw a guild *attempting* a portal bomb, the mesmer went splat.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > NA? I am literaly immortal on my chrono a we do really fast bombs

    > >

    > > Yeah I'm wondering about these guys too.

    > > The toughest commanders to kill I know are all on Chrono.

    > Maybe the NA meta is different, because on EU 99% of commanders seem to run firebrand and boonball meta, very few guilds attempts portalbombs because it almost always result in a necro counterbomb that instantly kills anyone coming through. Not saying it doesnt happen, just that its rare. Barely even see chronos at all.



    Mmm... I wonder if there's a floating gvg of na 15 v 15 eu. Any recent visitors in eu from na with recorded fight ?


  11. > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > @"Saleerian.2973" said:

    > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > > @"Saleerian.2973" said:

    > > > > psst soulbeast is actually really good for portal bombs

    > > > Last time I saw a guild portalbomb they got totally squished in turn. Not really sure if it should be commander thats risking such manouvers either... because the second to last time I saw a guild *attempting* a portal bomb, the mesmer went splat.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > NA? I am literaly immortal on my chrono a we do really fast bombs


    > Yeah I'm wondering about these guys too.

    > The toughest commanders to kill I know are all on Chrono.


    Chronos are good against pugs. For they rarely have stab. And are easily pulled by focus 4. Try it. You don't even have to be a chrono, even base mesmer is fine,


    It's like dropping focus four in front of the enemy team, then pull and drop the range spikes.


    Easily countered by an organized team with decent stab rotation (which is rare). And it's like asking for stab 1 stab 2. And of course there's the solution to focus the enemy commander to kill them. (The dragon hunter solution)


    Hardest commander I've faced is still a firebrand who boon balls and who's pugs are fearless.


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