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Posts posted by Sovereign.1093

  1. > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

    > > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > https://youtu.be/nywNzjK9N0U

    > >

    > > Not a shot at you because I know you used to play solo, but Mag isn't really clouding anymore when each "cloud" is 30+ pople and the size of the enemy main blob.


    > The idea is a counter to herding (big clump of supports that exploit the aoe cap), not so much outmanned play.

    > The bit at :40 reminded me so powerfully of warclaws I felt compelled.




    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > Lol I thought I'd see some I can share to my pugs. Hah


    > It really does though.

    > Nobody skirmishes better than something that has to win a fight for every meal with no healthcare.


    :3 aye that's no doubt a thing



  2. > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

    > Remove downstate, remove Warclaw finisher *but* add proper Resurrection (not "Revival") skills so a coordinated group can still bring their allies back and keep fights going instead of the current Waypoint hell.


    > Removing those things without stronger rezz tools would be the end of long fights.


    That's asking for team pirate ships where everyone is a fb rev scourge and weaver and pew pew unblock rangers

  3. > @"Jeydra.4386" said:

    > > @"enkidu.5937" said:

    > > Its unbelievable, you got so many explanations and still dont have a clue. No one cares what I think whos the best, or what you think whos the best. Its defined by who wins aka score.


    > This might be how it works in a fair game, but it's not the case in WvW because the format is inherently unbalanced.


    > Example: let's say there's a server that has queues on all four maps 24/7. You are playing against this server. You have 50% of their population and some dead timezones (i.e. no coverage). Your server usually wins during peak timezones when both sides have roughly equal numbers, but once people log off, they karma train everything so you only ever log on to paper objectives. By the end of the week your server has 4.00 KD, they have 0.3, and they win.


    > Which server is better?


    From which point of view is important to you?


    Imo only okay. If on my timezone we win, I'm happy . But I have this hidden feeling, or guilty pleasure that I secretly want to win PPT too.


    I may say oh fights yey or we win. But fights are onlys legit if you set and agree upon it and the rules .


    So... You know, I want to win. And ultimately I have this even if scores don't matter, I don't want to lose


    This really sucks sometimes since, well, we are few. My guild mates and I, were like 8 to 15 tops and we don't always meet and play. Everytime I train new ppl, they miraculously take what I teach and use it against us. Hehe which isn't so bad creating new blood.


  4. > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

    > > > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > > > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

    > > > > > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > > > > eBay as I recall isn't so many. But it's wow that you guys can stay in t2 with just sbi. Reminds me of the old sfr. T1 but medium server. Of course ppt then matters.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Well, it's a typical pattern. Server rises, picks up bandwagoners, gets a smaller link and starts to do poorly because it can't hold up the deadweight. It does seem t1 brings out the worst in people; usually there's more trolling/sabatoge, and then we have those super salty people that will chase down 2 roamers with 10 people and siege them, etc. I just noted them crawling out of the woodwork when we are winning.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Also defending SBI BL is not fun. Scouting/cross-map communication has always been bad but also gets toxic. You get kitten like people crying for help when they could have just used the oil or people pulling ewp when inner has not even been scratched. It's to the point where I can't even tell if people are trolling or just really bad so I only rely on a few scouts. and God help us all if we're red. FC seemed to have a much better network with nicer people that didn't through a fit if we potatoed and lost a keep. That sort of thing which helped matters. Good thing I really don't care too much about this, being 2020 and all.

    > > > >

    > > > > Aye. Fc has the population :3 it's nice to see them do def with supply traps etc.

    > > >

    > > > Well, I certainly appreciated it. There is a tendency for the host server to not treat linked servers well for some reason even when it is said nobody cares about servers in 2020. Regardless I still feel compelled to apologize for the toxicity that sometimes shows up on behalf of the people I play the game with.

    > > >

    > > > The worst is probably when a big guild tries to tell defenders to get off the map. :scream:

    > >

    > > Tough love fam.

    > >

    > > I may not like everyone but if your on my server or link, I will not enjoy seeing you die. Meaning I will take effort to understand the circumstance and do my part. :3


    > lol same. There are plenty of people I don't like but I will still support them. Granted, I may not go out of my way, but refusing to play like a team for petty reasons just hurts everyone.


    > The only exception is people that die 5 inches from spawn and just lie there. Just respawn already!


    Hehe, those are special snowflakes. Or being farmed by a veteran assassin.

  5. I like sniff. I don't know how many blobs or zergs have been victims to our standing behind walls doors and surprised by our push when they about to enter. Stealth wasn't even used yet.


    It helps you. It also helps the group about to push. All it does not do is reveal stealth.


    It also allows pugs to run back to the commander.


    Besides you can still kill the tail of pugs if your fast. Give some effort.

  6. Good siege placement and dragon banner often deters invasion especially if those using it are positioning smart and tail killers..


    You can only do so much with


    1. Gens and Rams


    2. Ppl not using invasion builds. Tankier than open field


    3. Waters cleansing protection anti range and blasts for sustain . Although I understand since the old anti ac guard was really op.


    So two equally strong teams will have a stale fight in a keep. Which is believe is how things ought to be. But you will miss fights.


    If you want organized fights you have to respectfully ask the other team for at most 25v25 or atleast 10v10 to show fight skill.


    I hope people understand that you can't force ppl who don't give consent to play your way. I mean at what point does it extent for one side to participate in another's way of playing?


    I hope eotm becomes another wvw map, to be honest. And let there be a new eotm who's purpose is last man standing. You will see how toxic it'll be. :/


    I used to play ran online where our way was spent killing players so they lose their legendaries so we can sell it. Oh you will be hated I tell you. Politics in game is hard as well as outside hehe.


    Help your pugs with the fundamentals

  7. > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

    > > > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > > eBay as I recall isn't so many. But it's wow that you guys can stay in t2 with just sbi. Reminds me of the old sfr. T1 but medium server. Of course ppt then matters.

    > > >

    > > > Well, it's a typical pattern. Server rises, picks up bandwagoners, gets a smaller link and starts to do poorly because it can't hold up the deadweight. It does seem t1 brings out the worst in people; usually there's more trolling/sabatoge, and then we have those super salty people that will chase down 2 roamers with 10 people and siege them, etc. I just noted them crawling out of the woodwork when we are winning.

    > > >

    > > > Also defending SBI BL is not fun. Scouting/cross-map communication has always been bad but also gets toxic. You get kitten like people crying for help when they could have just used the oil or people pulling ewp when inner has not even been scratched. It's to the point where I can't even tell if people are trolling or just really bad so I only rely on a few scouts. and God help us all if we're red. FC seemed to have a much better network with nicer people that didn't through a fit if we potatoed and lost a keep. That sort of thing which helped matters. Good thing I really don't care too much about this, being 2020 and all.

    > >

    > > Aye. Fc has the population :3 it's nice to see them do def with supply traps etc.


    > Well, I certainly appreciated it. There is a tendency for the host server to not treat linked servers well for some reason even when it is said nobody cares about servers in 2020. Regardless I still feel compelled to apologize for the toxicity that sometimes shows up on behalf of the people I play the game with.


    > The worst is probably when a big guild tries to tell defenders to get off the map. :scream:


    Tough love fam.


    I may not like everyone but if your on my server or link, I will not enjoy seeing you die. Meaning I will take effort to understand the circumstance and do my part. :3

  8. We don't really know how many play wvw now. Not including eotm


    At max if pop is supposedly 80 x 4 that's 320 per server x no. Of servers (24+27) x 12 hours let assume player plays 2 hours at a time


    195840. And we know this not to be true for now since we don't have 24 7 q and some guys play more than 2 hours and others less.


    I'm pretty sure less than 1% is posting etc.


    Pls correct my math if wrong I'm estimating





    Let's say max pop is less then my estimate should be less 2. You can also adjust variables like how long players play. Etc. So it definitely won't be more than 195840

  9. > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > eBay as I recall isn't so many. But it's wow that you guys can stay in t2 with just sbi. Reminds me of the old sfr. T1 but medium server. Of course ppt then matters.


    > Well, it's a typical pattern. Server rises, picks up bandwagoners, gets a smaller link and starts to do poorly because it can't hold up the deadweight. It does seem t1 brings out the worst in people; usually there's more trolling/sabatoge, and then we have those super salty people that will chase down 2 roamers with 10 people and siege them, etc. I just noted them crawling out of the woodwork when we are winning.


    > Also defending SBI BL is not fun. Scouting/cross-map communication has always been bad but also gets toxic. You get kitten like people crying for help when they could have just used the oil or people pulling ewp when inner has not even been scratched. It's to the point where I can't even tell if people are trolling or just really bad so I only rely on a few scouts. and God help us all if we're red. FC seemed to have a much better network with nicer people that didn't through a fit if we potatoed and lost a keep. That sort of thing which helped matters. Good thing I really don't care too much about this, being 2020 and all.


    Aye. Fc has the population :3 it's nice to see them do def with supply traps etc.

  10. > @"Loading.4503" said:

    > Ive asked this before in the past and it was always a no, but now that it seems alot more people are “all about the fights” ill ask and see how it goes


    > So lets just say its a perfectly balanced game, perfectly balanced map, you can be in a zerg, small group, solo, however you want. Alliances, rewards, population, anet doesnt have the resources, or they wont do it, Just forget about all that stuff for now

    > Its just a map for fights

    > The whole purpose of this is to go in and fight


    > Would you want this?





    I'd give it a try.

  11. eBay as I recall isn't so many. But it's wow that you guys can stay in t2 with just sbi. Reminds me of the old sfr. T1 but medium server. Of course ppt then matters.


    There should be a mode where players can release the fighting - probably ppl should organize more gvg? I mean, in t2 we can't really face a blob with 40 men in coms. But maybe 15 incoms vs 15 in coms is doable and more fair hehe


    Or maybe ask for a 15 man skrim etc.

  12. > @"Svarty.8019" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > Well games die if there's no changes .


    > Is that a hint aimed in the direction of the developers? If so, I think you're wasting your time, but hats off to you for subtlety.


    > Also: Eh? WvW hasn't had any big changes since HoT.... FIVE(?) years ago.



    :3 well wvw changed for those of us who observe.


    For me in particular, I've come to accept that all is fair


    But I'd prefer if they did it the science knowledge way. Build on a bedrock and make sure anything that comes in the future does not conflict. And make

    conflicting change only if there's a better bedrock.

  13. > @"Krypto.2069" said:

    > OP, I honestly wouldn't mind some kind of WvW shake up of the status-quo that we've had for some time now. (These ideas have been mentioned by many in our community before.) Also, if not implemented for the long haul, perhaps we could see them for a short stretch like a few months. :smile:


    > Either or both are welcomed in my book: :+1:


    > 1) Two resets per week - Friday and maybe Monday. (Like what we had by _mistake_ now, but reset the score too. Sort of a weekend match and then a week day match).

    > 2) Monthly reset on pairings.


    > A little bit of change might spice things up a bit, ya know? :smiley:

    > Fighting SBI this morning felt _weird_ in a good way! haha! :sweat_smile:


    Aye :3 it's pretty fun. Ah well, it'll be a weird.


    I'm down for the 2 x reset a week but parings should remain as is. It's not always easy to adjust to a new group. So, to develop atleast some form of friendshio


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