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Posts posted by Sovereign.1093

  1. > @"Sviel.7493" said:

    > Downgrading keeps like that probably would be awful in practice.


    > Assuming you didn't have a Supply Drop slotted in to just negate the whole thing, the only time it would trigger would be when some noob grabs the last morsel of supply which will inevitably lead to them getting yelled at. The downgrade would then be blamed on them, if it occurred.


    > In addition, since one Yak could stop the downgrade, it's going to lead to a full zerg escort. Very boring.


    > It makes more sense to keep the current system where you can drain supply to 0 and then keep hitting multiple entry points so that they can't possibly repair them all. This is much more active and potentially leads to a larger number of smaller scale fights. If you keep pressure on, they have no walls at all rather than a lower tier wall.


    That's hard to do against mag and their love of stone must though.


    I mean you got to take advantg and put attention. To ones of their structures and if they def, the other team sneaks to take sm.


    Straight wise. A good team can siege the fuck out of something. Cata ac treb canon mortar and lots of pew pew rangers sniping you endlessly

  2. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > Imagine if a keep runs out of supply... it starts a 10-15m or so timer and if it still has no supplies when timer is up, it **downgrades 1 tier** (resetting the timer, but it will happen again if it remains without supplies).

    > >

    > > Mmm that might be interesting. Makes roaming classes great again

    > And theoretically encourage zergs to break up, more people with tags in order to coordinate starving keeps that would otherwise be inpenetrable/defended by borderzergs, until they are weak enough for an attack. Which naturally lead to lots more large scale fighting around the camps and dolly routes and players actively being able to reduce passive PPT without any "we're gonna force you to play like we want" mechanics.


    > But I digress, simple fact is WvW is as WvW is.



    Careful with that breaking up comment. It got me suspended 3 days for suggesting that a few months ago haha

  3. O.o;; tone me down mechanics? Game won't be fun if you don't work for it. I mean there's a lot of ways to take something and it's not just one thing tactic. You can easily do a bit 3 things at that same time tactic so the other team must defend. But I guess this is not so easy if your not many


    If you don't have a lot, do what mag does, just camp one structure. I don't really know what they do if they're not on sm, chat? Talk about life? Hey man, how's your work man. Etc.

  4. > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

    > > > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > > I wonder if we can still be Kings of t4. Huhu

    > > >

    > > > We prob start in t2 and drop. No middle fort for us till t4

    > >

    > > Does fc got sea? Or ocx?


    > I don't think so. Mostly NA prime but it's been a while since last I play with/vs. You will foreva be alone when you play


    Ah I don't play at that time. So I was wondering. I play 4pm server time. Well, were used to it.

  5. > @"Justine.6351" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > How does someone get oneshot by a cata?

    > >

    > > Maybe if you are a roamer with glass gear.


    > I was 3.5k armor and 30k hp. This is my special tank build I use to roam with. It's pretty unkillable except for siege one shots.


    Do you have siege mastery defense?


    Can you share your build and food?


    It could be that the person using has cata mastery

  6. > @"Quench.7091" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > @"Quench.7091" said:

    > > > The T3 walls are too strong and the T1 walls are too weak. I feel like the differences between the walls needs to be narrowed. That would have a better outcome for teams that don't have squads during the off-hours. A couple of hours is a lot of time for things to upgrade, but it's also a lot of time to have a team holding something.

    > >

    > > I don't really mind the auto upgrades. What I find that I mind is, I wish there's more to defending .

    > >

    > > I.e. before the world's that won had bonus for pve. That was always worth fighting for.


    > They should consider that for the guild alliances system. :s


    All successfully stuff follows a basic premise.


    1(2(3(4(5(6(7(8(9)))))))). Simply you build on the base and always make sure it's connected. Related. And supports it's other.



  7. > @"Quench.7091" said:

    > The T3 walls are too strong and the T1 walls are too weak. I feel like the differences between the walls needs to be narrowed. That would have a better outcome for teams that don't have squads during the off-hours. A couple of hours is a lot of time for things to upgrade, but it's also a lot of time to have a team holding something.


    I don't really mind the auto upgrades. What I find that I mind is, I wish there's more to defending .


    I.e. before the world's that won had bonus for pve. That was always worth fighting for.

  8. > @"Threather.9354" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > The issue I see is why would someone want to fight?

    > >

    > > What incentives is there?

    > >

    > > I know ppl like me like to slay others so, there's that. But for the general public ? Isn't it because the enemies are easy?

    > >

    > > What if it's not easy. How do we bring justice to the playing field?

    > >

    > > I'm at a loss. Why. I know for sure there's some ppl even if few I'd rather avoid and even if many I'd hunt down.

    > >

    > > This is a big issue as to fights


    > People used to fight for the objectives. Just right not attacking is so overwhelming as everything is T3 in blink of an eye. As if going through the siege isn't enough, enemy has extra stats and movement speed from the claim buff. You go downtate? No problem, theres always a defender out of combat ready to mount stomp you. Then you gotta deal with all the banners, chilling fogs, tanky lords and ewps.


    > It's just that the core balance of the gamemode has been going downhill for a while so fighting pretty much exclusively open field and that is quite repetitive compared to epic extended keepbattles with attackers taking their time taking down defences.


    > Point is, if balance was better, the fighting/guild comm


    There's also the issue though if players can't fight off attackers they'll just log off if they lose everything.


    I remember one time where we faced this blob and we couldn't play against them. We just didn't defend and avoided them for hours. Until they disappeared and didn't play much that week. :/


    It's just not easy to give justice to players based on timezones and queues


    There's also the issue where for situations where you need sustain in keep fights some players are so papery or lack the siege mastery defense etc.,


    Like I feel you got to have a lot of firebrands and then your pugs better rune atleast 1.6k vita toughness to atleast not be downed. It's like prepare your wet noodles.




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