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Posts posted by Sovereign.1093

  1. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > @"Threather.9354" said:

    > > > @"V Winter.5371" said:

    > > > > @"Ubi.4136" said:

    > > > > What they need to do is remove ALL scoring except points for kills. That way the super blob that farms smc all day, and always lets their borderland get flipped so their ppt stays low (so they can lose or stay in a lower tier) will always end up winning the match. The only way for the blob to throw the match would be to feed kills to the enemy over and over, and at least if that happened, the small, outnumbered server would be getting plenty of free loot and amusement out of it.

    > > >

    > > > I've thought of that before, but I feel as though that would encourage ppt servers and groups that keep getting wiped to stay away from fights. PPT servers would just stand in their T3 walls with AC's more than they already do since there's no incentive for them to go and capture, and there's even a greater incentive to not get killed. Part of what keeps this game mode half-alive is the fact that commanders will keep coming back several times in a single night even if they are continually wiped. While certainly not all comms will sit out, there is again greater incentive to dodge good fights if you have a high chance of getting wpied. Also, like you said, tanking would still exist but it would just involve getting killed by the other side, in a situation where both servers are trying to tank out of T1, it just means that neither side would actually engage each other since neither wants to stay.

    > > >

    > > > All in all, I feel that such a rule would discourage player interaction and competitiveness more than it already does.

    > >

    > > Nah, removing points from getting killed would give more incentive to dying, but less incentive to killing. Meaning PPT comms would fight more but fight commanders that rely on PPK might quit the game.


    > But do the fight commanders even care about score? So would the change in PPK actually make them quit?


    > Most I have spoken with don’t give a rat’s young cat about any score.


    A fight com cares only about fights . A ppt com will care about ppk since it's points still :3

  2. > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > > Well. Hehe If you buff those, you may regret it. Because in the right hands they are already op.

    > > > >

    > > > > Try this.

    > > > >

    > > > > Have a fb scrapper and rev (core jalis malyx) in your party and see how stronger you guys become.

    > > > >

    > > > > With scrapper, is potential stealth. So imagine one per party and becomes op.

    > > >

    > > > this is not ventari. Also we would have to let one of the other 2 legends fall for it.

    > >

    > > Well you already got the fb and scrapper as healers. Why you need more? 2 healers is a five man party is basic. 1 healer is for pirateship zergs. And having 3 healers will make you tanky but will have hard time killing stuff.

    > >

    > > Of course you can alter everyone else's builds so you can choose the healers you want and they can focus on that stuff.

    > >

    > > Example

    > >

    > > Fb warrior healer. The other 3 ae damage noon rip

    > >

    > > Fb scrapper healer. The other 3 damage boon rip

    > >

    > > Fb rev healer. The other 3 damage boon rip.

    > >

    > > You can get rid of fb because of stab. And ranger stab while having more stacks , the other utilities is less useful.


    > its not having "more healers" ,its about having a bigger choice to play


    > even if people dont have all classes and maybe even prefer to only play one main character (like me) ,they could play healer.


    Aye. It's unfortunate that the optimal group will always have an fb rev

  3. > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > Well. Hehe If you buff those, you may regret it. Because in the right hands they are already op.

    > >

    > > Try this.

    > >

    > > Have a fb scrapper and rev (core jalis malyx) in your party and see how stronger you guys become.

    > >

    > > With scrapper, is potential stealth. So imagine one per party and becomes op.


    > this is not ventari. Also we would have to let one of the other 2 legends fall for it.


    Well you already got the fb and scrapper as healers. Why you need more? 2 healers is a five man party is basic. 1 healer is for pirateship zergs. And having 3 healers will make you tanky but will have hard time killing stuff.


    Of course you can alter everyone else's builds so you can choose the healers you want and they can focus on that stuff.




    Fb warrior healer. The other 3 ae damage noon rip


    Fb scrapper healer. The other 3 damage boon rip


    Fb rev healer. The other 3 damage boon rip.


    You can get rid of fb because of stab. And ranger stab while having more stacks , the other utilities is less useful.

  4. Well. Hehe If you buff those, you may regret it. Because in the right hands they are already op.


    Try this.


    Have a fb scrapper and rev (core jalis malyx) in your party and see how stronger you guys become.


    With scrapper, is potential stealth. So imagine one per party and becomes op.

  5. Delete worlds. And start over :3. Do this regular like every 3 months.


    2 months same rules can transfer 1 every seven days. But on the last month. = Lock it because before resetting and let that month be the tournament month. :3

  6. I feel the starting story of each race had bosses or idea of what it could have been.


    Greater elementals. Giant beasts . Machines of war. Etc. Etc.. who knows.


    I don't mind dragons. But my guess in the end is, you unite and become one with a dragon . End of gw2. Or you kill your own dragon friend if she gets corrupted. And become the bad guy in gw3

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