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Posts posted by Sovereign.1093

  1. > @"Jilora.9524" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > Mmmm... :3 I love necros so yey.

    > >

    > > I have a healing build ready as well as zerg build. Hehe hehehe

    > >

    > > I think ppl are over reacting. Let the patch happen first


    > If you really thought people were overreacting you wouldn't be excited and have 2 builds ready to go


    I'd still have made builds regardless so your premise is wrong :)

  2. > @"Metzie.3012" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > This is why there's a need for test servers


    > In case you haven't noticed, there are test servers ... already! At ANet they are simply called live servers.

    > In other words, servers on which you actually play. Problem solved, no? :)


    > Joking aside, there are test servers, but they are not accessible to the general public or anyone else.

    > Apart from a few ArenaNet partners or/and content creators. Has nothing to do with testing skills and abilities, though.


    With limited resources, it's why we experiment with a sample size versus everything. :3.


    I understand your joke, it's just cost intensive. Although I did support that years ago as I supported one up one down. It's one of my regrets and I accept I was wrong.




    But im glad on the necro change. Hue hue

  3. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > I'm sure there are other reasons, like how many ways to skin a cat, but if you want a team, you got to be willing to look or create a group that wants the same thing.

    > TL;DR look for friendly psychopaths that want to skin cats.



    :) I've found mine in my slayers guild. Took effort but they love to kill just like me. Hehe.


    But we just like killing players not cats except char players weee. Meaning them avatars.

  4. Okay here's a few lists I can share why some don't fight


    1. It is easier to cheese defend. Meaning banners siege and stomps because most players are either alts or new and so to they can't sustain well


    2. The enemy is overwhelming meaning they are good or many, meaning they beat your team and so the commander makes a judgment call to avoid fights until they got similar numbers and ppl in coms.


    3. China flu meaning dealing with irl that they can't play. Meaning trying to figure a way to survive.


    4. Lack of commanders. Meaning most are pugs who just want to do daily. Meaning someone has to take charge or give new ones support


    I'm sure there are other reasons, like how many ways to skin a cat, but if you want a team, you got to be willing to look or create a group that wants the same thing.

  5. I wonder if they reset the population again. But I can believe no one playing it's because they either not going online, has done their weekly skirmish things, or playing their alts somewhere else. :3


    Imo, wvw should be a daily skirmish, where ppl queue up once a day so a 24 hour skirmish is done.

  6. If gw2 had a cele class option where you can be any profession , would be awesome.


    I mean that's the reason why they capped the number of toons so you have paper rocks scissors. But it takes time to find the cookie cutter of the patch and not many are able to change the perspective that they must win at all cost with the build they made because it's perfect .


    It's also one of the things that move the economy a bit, if less than 1% players who in their own way = change builds every week

  7. > @"Wandred.4583" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > I know a very good druid player :3


    > i think it's very hard to realise the druid in current meta ><


    I think so too. I believe he works 3 x as hard as any other player

  8. > @"Wandred.4583" said:

    > Love both of them, but can't deicide ><

    > rev - melle herald/mallyx

    > ele - aurashare

    > can someone give an advice please. whos is better? ^^"


    :3 I have both, you will eventually need both depending on what role you plan to play.


    What you ask yourself is what role do you want to fill . :)

  9. You got to figure out how to win in the mode you enjoy because not many will play the mode based on your own rules. I mean at what point can we force people to participate in our perception?


    I.e. when I see a blob waiting to fight us when I know we're only 20, we'd port to take some camp tower elsewhere.


    Or when we bait a Zerg to our choke, why would they go in if they know the moment they do, it's death?


    And I can't even choose to push a fight even if my guys want to when I know we don't have the classes to fight the opposing team. All good coms can predict the near future based on 15 minutes or less or a team's performance.


    So it's best to choose a strategy that is universally applicable. :3. Of course one team will have to lose.


    An organized team will have the following:


    1. Smoke fields (ranger/engi/thief)

    2. Well scourges

    3. Winds warriors

    4. Alacrity renegades

    5. Quickness firebrands

    6. Some form of pulls i.e. mesmer

    7. Juggler/perifery players


    Of course players have a lot of alts and those alts cant sustain or survive without siege fights x camp fights vs guards .


    One strate i want to do right now is have 15 to 20 players playing firebrands minstrels to tank the enemy and the rest a cloud of players knowing how to move fast. A coordinated body block






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