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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. **ANET and BLTC are proud to present you, the innovative HOUSING SYSTEM 2.0**


    You will be able to buy and personalize your house.

    Here's the prices


    * **Small House** - 2500 gems

    * **Medium House** - 5000 gems

    * **Large House** - 10000 gems


    Houses will be unlock through a **EPIC QUEST**, which will require a **NEW MASTERY**, which will require **NEW MASTERY POINTS**!


    And once you are done with your house, it's time to furnish it!


    **BLTC presents you the innovative FURNISHING SYSTEM!**


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/OjG01bY.jpg "")


    All furnishing items will **ALL** be **RANDOMLY** avaible through **GEM STORE**


    Try the thrill of the game!


    > I want a table for my house.




    > Aww... well at least i won't be able to get the sofa anymore...




    > Geez i was totally unlucky... well i guess i will sell my stuff and buy a Table with the earnings




    ANET: We do think that add random content will bring joy and fun to players. I mean, we don't need to read forums or receive feedback, because we do know exactly what our players desire, and we will always work toward that goal.



  2. I do really hope we won't.

    Mounts are skills related, and more beasts could mean more skills.

    Also i want to be able to recognize what kind of mount ( and what skill ) a determined players can use with the mount he's riding.


    At last, game was already ruined enough by flashy colours, auras and gliders.

    I feel no need for dragon mounts ( since dragons are mostly enemies and rare beings ) and so on.

  3. > @Sandzibar.5134 said:

    > Karl's reasoning and explanation behind the change seems understandable and fair. I think you are overreacting.


    There's no reasoning explanation since the nerf only happened now ( they had 2 whole years ).

    I just will give it a shot and try more DD since the patch is fresh, but it seems a nerf with a capital N.


    And still i am disgusted because the way they decided to operate.

  4. With low luck requirements as 45-90k per point it would be unfair towards those who didn't cap yet.


    Me and others could manage to cap in a few months and have a big advantage on those who don't.


    I would instead set higher goals


    301% -> 1 Million required

    302% -> 2 Millions required

    303% -> 4 Millions required

    304% -> 8 Millions required

    305% -> 16 Millions required



  5. Daredevil was untouched for the whole duration of hot though it was indeed too good.


    Now after pof, and the day of the first pof season, it got nerfed to the ground in a bad way.


    It's not a Fix.

    It's more like destroying a class because reasons.


    But since


    1. it was untouched for 2 years.

    2. it was changed only now that the expansion and new season came out.

    3. the changes are not meant to Bring balance but to bring only the dd down.


    Guess everybody knows what are the reasons behind all of this.


    I am really disappointed by your behavior.


  6. No this nerf is meant to say new exp go play deadeye.


    You not no?


    We nerf Daredevil.


    Why did we nerf him this bad only after 2 years?

    The Day before the first new expansion's season starts?


    It's a coincidence

  7. I can understand immobilize, but why chill and cripple. But don't worry in exchange we got sustai... oh wait.


    Maybe they wanted us to play deadeye?


    How to force player to play the new expansion build.


    And elementalists which try to talk about thieves. But why.


  8. 1. Gw2 is rewarding all the time. Most of the things are shared, content made for exotic equipment, ascendeds account bound, the possibility to drop and reduce the game after a while and be still capped, useless farm which allows you to just log in in order to have fun, and much more.




    I really like the totale absence of progression, and I am sure it could help in order to heal those players now addicted after years of statsfarm+subscription mmos.



    2. GEM STORE is not that rewarding recently, but Since it is fashion i don't really care, though I am disappointed and eventually feel sorry for those who like shinies. I thank those who buy black Lion keys because thanks to them i was able to buy things from TP.

  9. Maybe the best way to solve this could be a third currency avaible mostly through real cash.


    Something like


    1. **Gold.**. Used for most of tyria trades and for TP. The main game currency. Can be converted with no limit into GEMS.


    2. **GEMS** . Used for QoL shop and RNG based categories of items. Old fashion items will be moved from EMERALD to GEMS once some months have been passed. One small quantity od gems can be converted into Emeralds every month.


    3. **EMERALDS** : Used to buy new aesthetic stuff ( all QoL and RNG stuff will be always be avaible through GEMS ) or current aesthetic stuff but not through RNG ( you will be able to chose what to buy ). Can be converted into gems with no limits. Mostly avaible through real money ( except the monthly free conversione gems to Emeralds ).


    Then, players who pay will be able to chose what to buy, while players who don't will be only able to chose a single item due to the Emerald conversion's limits.


    Spending real money will aware you with the specific skins, while for those who don't want to support the game or simply don't want to pay extras, there will be a time Gate way which allows them to buy however what they want.


    No rng on real money, which seems to be the Major complain here.

  10. > @MithranArkanere.8957 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > 88 exotic once per year?

    > > You probably don't have any idea how fast luck can be made.

    > > [...]


    > I am aware. As I am aware that not everyone has the time to do it. Some people can one play a few minutes per day. Same goes for Halloween. Getting many candy corn cobs takes little time for someone who can farm the labyrinth for an hour. But not everyone can do that. And one must never consider what can be purchased from the trading post for vendor prices. So the prices are set considering average gameplay, not intensive 6h/day farming and buying stuff from the trading post. It's a festival, after all.


    It's not the same.


    If you are aware of a problem you don't work on it in order not to solve it.

    You are deliberately propose "let's waste dev team resources for something useless instead of a simple fix".


    The fix is to move essences into a wallet currency and put a vendor which can sell you essences for currency, for those who didn't cap.

    Then, if they would like to work on it in any way, like


    > how to use the extra essences players got after cap?


    they would be welcome.


    But **currently the problem is the space.**

    **We don't necessarily need any bag which cost luck, extra mf, decorations and so on.**


    There are **priorities**.


    That said about the real problem, what you says about the proposals you made has no sense at all


    * did you see any block on Karma on those who farm more karma than you?

    * or dungeon tokens?

    * or HoT maps currencies?

    * or PoF maps currencies?

    * or Core maps currencies?


    * or Gold? And about gold i wanna quote you


    > Getting many candy corn cobs takes little time for someone who can farm the labyrinth for an hour.


    many players simply use golds in order to buy em and open or stack em ( to sell in the future ), so here's your way to bypass the system ( or better, how a market does work ).



  11. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > Ok, I'm impressed! And this is after maxing out one char?


    > I'm not to max yet, and doubt I'll ever have a shiny storage pane like that. Well done!


    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > I save em, though it's going to be hard and hard

    > >

    > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/5L1PqbO.jpg "")

    > >

    > > Here's my artificer almost full ( i will need soon to move em to an alt ).

    > > Since the mf system is not structured in a proper way, is it obvious that is going to be somehow reworked, but the real question is when.

    > >

    > > Currently, MF as a wallet currency would be imho the best ( then they will be able to put a vendor whenever they want ).

    > > And ofc, for those who still haven't reached the cap, the vendor could be used to trade the currency for essences, which could be consumed.

    > >

    > > ps: **message for ANET** > an eater won't do ANYTHING, because unlike ascended materials, there are no way to stack or use em ( we do have 8 ascended material eaters, a way to convert 100 units of em into a ingot, and some recipes which can be used. Also they can be fit into storage raw or refined ).




    Do you know if there are improvement for the future Gaile?

  12. > @Danikat.8537 said:

    > For me the only considerations are: 1) Do I like it? 2) Do I like it enough to pay what it costs?


    The fact is that if you don't know what's the work behind the one you define as "skin" you won't be able to understand if the price is legit or not.


    It's more like a compulsive purchase without any cognition of what are you buying.


    The point here is that everybody should be able to understand if they are trying to sell you something overpriced.

    The fact that you would eventually buy it whatever the price is definitely normal.-


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