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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > > @Eltiana.9420 said:

    > > > **Anet has to make money**, and skins are skins, it's not like they're necessary to play the game.

    > >

    > > God, thanks!

    > > Finally some other player said it.

    > >

    > >


    > Well... I adressed this in opening post you know. Most people here don't mind paying for mounts. The only gripe is RNG gate.


    I would like just to see if with a

    1. **rng** = 320gems


    and a


    2. **not rng**= 700gems there won't be any complain.


    I think many players do want the same price without the RNG gate instead of a trade ( just in order to allow ANET to gain some money ).

    Currently is somehow like the spooky mounts ( which was at first OMG only through bundle! ), though slightly different.


    ps: And i want to underline that in order to buy a bundle to save gems, many players will probably buy gems with real money ( what ANET probably hope ) instead of buying every single skin for 400 gems ( which will cost 80 gems more per skin. 20% extra ). ANET needs somebody to buy gems for real money, not golds.


    And i do understand that it is pretty unfair not to give a choice, but it's optional, and we have no sub, nor pay to win.



  2. 2k gems for something like a detailed skin seems ok to me.


    Since they put resources into extras which do not add content, i want that the ones who required them pay the price.


    Game is free, and expansions cost 30$ every 2 years.

    Every extra could be purchased with golds or real money, and if its not a QoL, its cost should be higher.


    It could seem too high 2k gems, but if you compare the model with any spooky mount you will see the work they have done.

    The price is fair in relation to recolours ( or with minimum changes ), but ofc if you think a recolour is too expensive in terms of gems, then 2k could also be too much for a real skin.


  3. pretty cheap


    **Full Armor**




    1-Mist Core Fragment x6

    2-Mystic Clovers x 90

    3-Gift of Condensed Might x6

    4-Gift of Condensed Magic x6




    1-Record of League Victories x6 ( 180 PvP League Tokens )

    2-Eldritch Scroll x6

    3-Obsidian Shards x300

    4-Ball of Dark Energy x6




    1-Record of League Participation x6 ( 120 PvP League Tokens )

    2-Glob of Condensed Spirit Energy x6

    3-Star of Glory x6

    4-Jar of Distilled Glory x6




    1-Piece of Glorious Armor x6



    **Single Armor Piece**





    1-Mist Core Fragment x1

    2-Mystic Clovers x 15

    3-Gift of Condensed Might x1

    4-Gift of Condensed Magic x1




    1-Record of League Victories ( 30 PvP League Tokens )

    2-Eldritch Scroll x1

    3-Obsidian Shards x50

    4-Ball of Dark Energy x1




    1-Record of League Participation ( 20 PvP League Tokens )

    2-Glob of Condensed Spirit Energy x1

    3-Star of Glory x1

    4-Jar of Distilled Glory x1




    1-Piece of Glorious Armor


    As said Blaque, around 200 and 250g per piece.

  4. > @TheGrimm.5624 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > Was the vote before knowing the map or after some time ( months ) of play?


    > Hmm...I hate to say it depends on how you look at it, so here's a version with some followup threads if you want to take a look yourself.


    > * Map released

    > * Forums complaints within weeks of release from people used to ABL (questionable on how many versus repeats)

    > * Requests were made for DBL map changes

    > * Map was modified to address issues stated with it (took a few months to modify)

    > * Poll up to go with mixed maps, poll won in favor of multiple maps but did not get a 75% (was 65-69ish) so was dismissed

    > * Game director change (few weeks after new DBL version released)

    > * DBL pulled and replaced by older alpine based on new direction and ANet using forum as heavy indicator

    > * Complaints from DBL peeps now no longer available to play (forum goers and some not who didn't understand where map went)

    > * Poll was up for keep or remove DBL which scored in favor of the people saying keep

    > * Rotation planned 3 home maps in at a time with ABL being up

    > * DBL complaints (unclear how many unique) of ABL design

    > * As time drew near to DBL being returned ABL complaints that DBL shouldn't come back

    > * Second poll was brought up of rotations or if mixed what mixed route to go. Mixed won over rotation so both sides had more choice versus locked out of maps

    > * Last polls had some potential/questions about future development depending on votes and additional maps to replace one of the two ABLs


    > Not sure how long the old posts will remain accessible. You used to be able to see the actual vote counts but that page is gone but it exceeded the signed post.

    > https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/game/wuv/Want-the-old-maps-back-186-Signs

    > https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/game/wuv/WvW-Poll-31-May-Mixed-Borderlands-CLOSED/first

    > https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/game/wuv/WvW-Poll-14-June-Desert-Borderlands-Closed/first


    > Not finding that last one about what mix to use right now, but if you are still in interest the old threads are still out there for now. Hope that helps.



    Thanks for the post.

    I am going to read it carefully ( all i heard were just rumors and comments, that's why i was not completely able to understand ).

  5. > @Cerberus.4315 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > > @Cerberus.4315 said:

    > > > I think they have to do something about it in the future because as it stands a lot of people have and will complete 300%, at the moment I throw so much stuff away because its just useless to me (Dragonite Ore, Bloodstone Dust ect) even with all the eaters they have in place for these mats. It would be a shame that Essence of Luck would also be useless. To be honest I don't see why they don't increase the cap, at 300% I don't get exo's at all so what difference would 400-500 or 1000% be.

    > >

    > > I think the opposite Cerberus.

    > > The difference between 300 and 400/500 could be huge ( it's always a rng thing, but out of X you will get Y+1 instead of Y. The more you play the more it benefits ).

    > >

    > > An uppgrade could be ok, i do agree, but it should be a huge gap to fill in order to get an extra +1%.

    > > The last 30 lvls are 30k exp. so 301% could be the amount needed from 0% to 300%.

    > >

    > > Just to make an example about how long should it be.


    > With account mf I'm at 308% so I rly don't think 1% means that much when u can use boosters and food to take u will over 301%



    1% won't do nothing, right, but at least you can


    1. incrase your MF and avoid being covered by essences.

    2. fix the space issue withou harming those who don't have capped mf yet.


    I am at 308% too, but i do also know how easy it is to make MF, so incrasing the cap in a easy way is going to harm those who don't have MF for sure.

  6. > @Cerberus.4315 said:

    > I think they have to do something about it in the future because as it stands a lot of people have and will complete 300%, at the moment I throw so much stuff away because its just useless to me (Dragonite Ore, Bloodstone Dust ect) even with all the eaters they have in place for these mats. It would be a shame that Essence of Luck would also be useless. To be honest I don't see why they don't increase the cap, at 300% I don't get exo's at all so what difference would 400-500 or 1000% be.


    I think the opposite Cerberus.

    The difference between 300 and 400/500 could be huge ( it's always a rng thing, but out of X you will get Y+1 instead of Y. The more you play the more it benefits ).


    An uppgrade could be ok, i do agree, but it should be a huge gap to fill in order to get an extra +1%.

    The last 30 lvls are 30k exp. so 301% could be the amount needed from 0% to 300%.


    Just to make an example about how long should it be.

  7. > @Danikat.8537 said:

    > I think it's worth remembering the Mastery system was introduced with HoT - 3 years after the base game was released. So it was actually designed with the expectation that a lot of people would do exactly what you're doing - get to level 80 and keep playing just the base game, possibly completing everything in it, before even starting on masteries.


    > So it was designed to allow for that and would never have required anything you couldn't get again after buying the expansion or they'd have a lot of unhappy customers.


    > (Before that any XP you got after level 80 just got you 1 skill point, which was useless for anything except spending in my Mystic Forge since you'd already have all your skills and traits unlocked. Shortly before HoT they split skill points into Hero Points and Spirit Shards, and then you got 1 Spirit Shard per 'level', until HoT came out and people started working on masteries.)


    That's ok, but we are talking about **months** of HoT experience needed vs **slightly more than a Week** with PoF.

    What i am saying is


    > If the exp needed now is like PoF, then buy the expansion whenever you want. But if it's slower, i suggest you to buy it now and start working on masteries.

  8. > @YoukiNeko.6047 said:

    > Keep playing the game with your mine and exploring the world. There is no such thing as wasted exp.

    > Once you get HOT or/and POF you can easily level your masteries.


    I had the misfortune to lvl up masteries during HoT, and they were everything but not easy to level.

    Mastery points could be a little hard to get, indeed, but the farm for experience ( unless they changed something ) is real.


  9. > @Nilson.9865 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > cause SPvP is something dead since the release ( few players play it, so extremely low playerbase, and a hibrid system which is not exactly the definition of skill. And let's not consider the poor balance, wintrading, and the absence of separates queue, due to as said before low playerbase ).

    > It's better to keep silent than write an absurd. When did you last time play spvp? It takes ONE minute of waiting in the queue, then you join match. With low playerbase it would take more that 3 minutes. For every class exist counter class. It's not bad balance it's players that wants dominate over everyone in every situation using one particular class. Return to reality. You have to spend some time in spvp before you would rate it.



    You made me laugh and for this i thank you.


    The low queue is cause everything is mixed ( soloq + duoq together, which is a joke, and stop ).

    SPvP is currently farm with less balance than GW2 core and HoT.


    But let's give PoF some time ( and i say HoT, not SPvP ).


    It's not bad balance


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