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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. > @"Avatar Rage.4369" said:

    > On a side note 2000 Gems really is a lot for a single skin, especially when compared to the Halloween pack. A president has been unconsciously set in the mind of players that mounts to be about 500 gems. With the Halloween pack being 2000 gems for four skins. The Adoption Pack coming out at the same time as the Forged Jackal skin provides the appearance of very intentional gouging (I do not know & definitely hope this is not the case).


    Depends the work behind the skin.

    The Halloween bundle was a scam compared to the 2k gems mount, because they were only a funny recolor, and you were allowed only to buy em on bundle.


    The Jackal skin instead is totally different.

    We can discuss about the price, but if a spooky skin is 320-400 gems ( 320 this first year, 400 the next year ) each, then Jackal price should be 1600-2000 gems.

  2. > @CharterforGw.3149 said:

    > I'm not entirely certain what this system is, I would alteast change the requirement of all expansions to a requirement of specific expansions depending on the item that is being added.


    > for example, someone with PoF, but not HoT should still be able to vote on a mount skin, but not be able to vote on a glider skin.


    You have a point ( my intent was to forbid f2p accounts to vote, in order to avoid spam and fake votes as for the weapon contest ).

  3. > @Justine.6351 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > With low luck requirements as 45-90k per point it would be unfair towards those who didn't cap yet.

    > >

    > > Me and others could manage to cap in a few months and have a big advantage on those who don't.

    > >

    > > I would instead set higher goals

    > >

    > > 301% -> 1 Million required

    > > 302% -> 2 Millions required

    > > 303% -> 4 Millions required

    > > 304% -> 8 Millions required

    > > 305% -> 16 Millions required

    > >

    > > Etc...


    > I'm not a luck farmer or anything, I'm over 200% atm from salvaging everything rare and under and exotics under 1g, but this is kind of what I was thinking. Just soft cap it with current 300% and then go full blown insane above that mark. Let people feel like luck is something to not just be deleted.


    That's my point.

    Infinite and impossible to achieve would be perfect.


    I am not mad that some farmers have more luck % from achievements, and even so it would have been something so damn slow.

    It would be the same ( maybe the requirement i did propose are a joke cause they could be fast to reach, but it was only an example ).

  4. I do agree with everything...


    ... except


    > Add an Invisible Glider (and possibly **Invisible Mount skins**) in the game. Where we'll just see our character flying like Superman, each race with their own animations, possibly having a faint aura (dye-able please!) surrounding them, leaving a faint trail (also dye-able please!) behind. We're all sure you can make it happen!



  5. > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > > @Draco.9480 said:

    > > > So thanks to anet I lost over 500g for nothing. The gambling stuff is so horrible in zis game. How to drain money from people. Good I didn't pay real money cuz it would go to the trashcan for no reason.

    > >

    > > The fault is yours since you didn't check the preview first.

    > > Every time the granted loot changes, rewards do also change.


    > I think that 500 gold was before the update.

    > Even stated he planned on buying more but saw it was not there in the preview no more.


    Yuk, missed that part.

  6. Due to new traits and skills dungeons and old fractals tend to be pretty easy now.


    Like LS1, who was there had the possibility of try some hard dungeon path, but now it's simply faceroll with not so good rewards ( i do cof p1 just for tokens when i need to sell an Incinerator ).


    Incrasing the rewards could bring more players to considerate a dungeon run, yeah... but just this.

    Dungeons should be imho reworked into fractals ( or at least with a fractal system in terms of rewards ).

  7. > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > >

    > > > Why people act like ArenaNet is starving without gemstore money? They do not. They could always use more money of course, everyone can, but they earn enough for a 5 year old game. The playerbase is steady and the income is steady.

    > >

    > > It's nonsense.

    > > You say they don't need gemstore money and then you say that due to the steady playerbase they do have a steady income ( i see only the purchase of the expansions, if you remove the cash from the gemstore ).


    > I probably should have typed "more gemstore money". Because they earn money already and most of it comes from microtransactions. They are not justified to use lootbox tricks to exploit their customers.


    I do agree then, since i also consider that possibility.

  8. > @Kheldorn.5123 said:


    > Why people act like ArenaNet is starving without gemstore money? They do not. They could always use more money of course, everyone can, but they earn enough for a 5 year old game. The playerbase is steady and the income is steady.


    It's nonsense.

    You say they don't need gemstore money and then you say that due to the steady playerbase they do have a steady income ( i see only the purchase of the expansions, if you remove the cash from the gemstore ).

  9. Since ANET needs to make money and players do want skins not on RNG and some of them are ok to pay with cash, what about a kickstarter with a multiple poll option in order to vote what ANET should work on?


    Shortly the issues that players ( many of them at least ) do have about the new skins ANET decided to introduce.


    1. **RNG** ( they want a skin, but they don't want to gamble ).

    2. **SKIN COST** ( 2k for the Jackal skin could be way much, but ANET could do it better depends how many players will purchase it ).

    3. **COLLECTION** ( in order to get the skin you want you could happen to pay from Y to Y x2,x3,x4,x5,x6... etc )


    > The **KICKSTARTER will start with multiple polls** in order to understand what to develop.


    Every player could vote for X skins, so ANET will be able to select the ones that players like the most.

    The survery should start from the game ( a link outside ) and will only be avaible for customers which purchased all the expansions ( it's not being bad, but it's a fact that players who support the game buy the expansion, and among them there are those who pay with cash. It's just a fact ).


    > Then there will be **anticipations** from ANET, and after some **drafts** ( and maybe a **videos** ) the players will get **the possibility to PREORDER the skin at a lower price**.


    The preorder will allow players to prepurchase the mount for a **discounted price **


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/dDUpTpS.jpg "")


    Let's say 50% less, ie 10€ for the cool mounts and 5€ for the reskin with slightly improvements.

    The second one could be a 2x mount since there's not much work on em.


    After the preorder has ended, the skin will be developed and released.

    After the release their cost will incrase by 100%, ie from 800 gems to 1600 gems, for the cool mounts, and from 400 to 800 gems for the slightly different mounts.


    > ANET will be able to have **nice earnings** from this system, and players will be able to purchase **skins for less money**. The ones who don't want to pay real money for mounts will be still able to purchase them. And more important, the **RNG system will die** and **THERE WON'T BE ANY NEED FOR BUNDLES** ( at least for the mounts skins. i doubt that blc will be removed or modified ).




    That said, the purchase thing could be made without any survey or poll, but would be nice if there will be a better communication between ANET and Players about these features.


    What do you think?

    Would you like a system like this instead?

  10. > @Rawr.9467 said:

    > Clearly the BLC is the new God of War. You can't hope to defeat the true God of War with but a crowbar.


    > Who do you think you are? Gordon Freeman?


    Apparently Balthazar needed over 100 keys in order to get his outfit and helm from black lion chests.

    This explains why he was totally mad at Tyria.

  11. We defeated 2 elder dragons.

    We managed to escape from the realm of death.

    We dared to challenge Palawa Joko, stealing his army in order to deal with Balthazar, the God of War.


    The point is, what does stop me from opening a Black Lion Chest with a Crowbar ( or a lockpick )?

    And I have plenty of em from Verdant Brink.


    Let us Crack those damned chests \o






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