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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. > @"Wandering Mist.2973" said:

    > > @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

    > > Players pre-select for meta builds in random grouping because there is no way to pre-select for skill or knowledge of encounter mechanics. In a random grouping situation where players want to ensure a successful run, they will use the criteria that they have access to. The assumption is that the player who is using a meta build has at least made some effort to see what's wanted build-wise, and might also have made an effort to learn mechanics.


    > I can see your point here, however this mentality can also work against you. Any idiot can copy a meta build from the internet, but can they play it effectively? You don't need to have understood the mechanics in order to copy and paste the traits and blindly follow a rotation that someone else has designed. On the flip side, in order to make an off-meta build work you have to do a lot of research into the game mechanics and fully understand the rotation you are going to do in order to maximise your effectiveness with that build. In short, it is a lot harder to be effective with a non-meta build than a meta one, and those that manage it (in my opinion) show more skill and game knowledge than the people who do well by copying the meta.


    The odds are against you.

    If builds are part of meta, there's always a reason.


    > Could the one who use a meta build be not that efficient?


    Ofc, but guess what if that one decided to used a random build he decided to try.

    The question is obviously rhetorical.


    Also, you could probably go with a different build, but why should you not chose insteadad a low risk high reward build?

    And why the team who doesn't know you should chose you since you want to use a random build?


    PS: this will also consider the possibility that the player does not have any idea how to play the build, but even so the problem is the player itself ( it's full of videos, guides and the possibility to ask for tips in game and on the forum ), and guess what, he would be definitely kicked from the raid.


    But since you find a player you don't know, you are going to invite the one with the right class, build and equipment.

    There's no reasons for a team to chose the other ( and i am talking about being efficient ).

  2. Let's assume that 10% of GW2 players completed raids, though it won't be the truth.

    Then we do have 90% players who didn't.


    Let's assume also that 90% players complain about the fact that 10% players tend to be elitists.

    Even if so, you with the 90% of GW2 are allowed to play together, make your own team, and clear the raid however you want.


    But here's the bitter truth.

    Players which are part of this 90% group have no idea how to play content.

    They don't try to set up a party, and sometimes they don't read guides or watch videos in order to learn the strategy.


    The problems are not the elitists, but those who put blame on them.

    Nobody want to carry em, and they don't want to make an effort in order to create a party and make a try with it.


    Also, as zombyturtle said


    > Metas will always exist, in every single game, as long as you have to deal damage to kill a boss.


    Which is the truth.


    At last, if though you have the build and the class nobody wants you due to missing LI, try to find a guild, a group of players using chat or forum, o simply to make up your own party. It's full of players who would like to raid.

  3. > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

    > The only problem I see is that I really don't think people spend much (if at all) on these transmutation charges. Don't think they would spend gold on them.


    It is classic that players do want things without giving anything in exchange ;)

    From 38g to 12g per set would be indeed better, but probably a lower cost would be even nice ( the lower the cost, the more the uses per player ).


    Transmutation charges cost too much ( 25 charges = 150g ), and i am sure we do all agree on this point.

    Through SPvP and WvW you can earn some of em, **but** since the fashion is priority in this game changing the appareance should be easier.


    As said before, maybe 2g per charge is way too much, but i think it should have a price.

    We do have a infusion removal tool for 24s, so something for changing skin for the same price could be ok.

  4. > @Ohoni.6057 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > >As many said, the fact that players are able to convert Golds into Gems is mostly because of those who buy gems with cash, and i am pretty sure that most of the income were because BLC, with its tickets.


    > >I doubt that without RNG ANET could have been able to make the same profit ( many would have been able to convert every month X into gems and buy without cash ).


    > Then they have a bad business model, because any business that cannot sustain itself without gambling is a business you don't want to be involved with. If they just took all the items out of the gem store and posted them at a fair price, then people would buy them. This is already somewhat the case with most of the items in BLCs, like for example the Permanent Hair Stylist Contract can be bought on the TP for 2700-3550 gold. That equates to 13,000 gems, or roughly the cost of buying out the mount licenses. Why don't they just put it on the store for that? Or better yet, put it at a lower price, so that everyone else could buy it.




    Because 13000 gems are not 3500g due to taxes.


    > https://gw2efficiency.com/currencies/gems?filter.conversion_type=gemsToGold_gems&filter.conversion_input=13000


    it would be more 20k gems for 3500g


    > https://gw2efficiency.com/currencies/gems?filter.conversion_type=gemsToGold_gems&filter.conversion_input=20000


    And also is something related to BLC, which allows those who like gamble to trade their jackpot for golds.

    And this part is normal.

    You can both buy it from tp, or try to gamble with BLC.


    Here we have instead 2 problems




    Like Hydra staff, Balthazar Pijamas and glider skins. Those items can't be traded in the first place ( maybe after months through an item like [black Lion Exclusive Chest](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Exclusives_Chest "Black Lion Exclusive Chest"). Here we do have an alternative indeed but it sucks because you have to wait because at firt it would be an exclusive for those who purchased chests ).




    It is true that you can't have duplicate skins, but even so ( though is way better thant BLC, currently ) it's a scam.

    I can accept the RNG that way but they should allow players to buy mounts outside that system in order to have an alternative to RNG.

  5. **The universal ticket could be a thing.**

    Players could decide if wait for the return of the item or pay twice the price for unlock it.

    I see no issues ( unless bad behavior from ANET, which should grant a retourn at least 2x year as it currently is even with this new one ), but i would eventually like to discuss about.


    **About the second i disagree.**

    I would prefer instead to put transmutation charges from GS to vendor ( lower price ).

    Currently 150g x 25 charges ( which are 4 reskin ).


    Charges should imho be something cheap like 2g per charge from vendor.


    * affordable

    * gold sink



  6. > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > > @"Grey Moon.6531" said:

    > > > I can't believe there are people actually defending loot boxes... Or maybe they are just trying to defend ANet and don't care for what reason?

    > > > When other game companies are putting the boot in and using the fact that their games don't have loot boxes in them as a selling point should give an idea of what loot boxes actually are!

    > >

    > > If it's something which gives advantages i am up to this.

    > > It it's something fashion related ( not Qol related ) i see no problem.

    > >

    > > And we are talking about a mmo with

    > >

    > > * core f2p game

    > > * no subscription

    > > * 30$ expansion pack every 2 years

    > > * possibility to convert game currency into shop currency

    > > * Qol items not on lootboxes.

    > >

    > > Players should probably check other mmos with shop and compare them to gw2.


    > Anet can earn money without gambling.


    As said in the post above yours, ANET wouldn't have made the same amount.

    So it's more like


    > ANET could have been not greedy and still make some money without gambling.


    But since it is part of NCSOFT group, maybe it's not their fault at all ( and even so i am glad that it does not affect the gameplay at all ).

    CD Projekt Red decided to say no to Microtransactions.




  7. > @Ohoni.6057 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > >If it's something which gives advantages i am up to this.

    > >It it's something fashion related ( not Qol related ) i see no problem.


    > And you're entitled to hold that opinion, just understand that other people feel differently, and are equally entitled to hold that opinion.


    > >Players should probably check other mmos with shop and compare them to gw2.


    > GW2 gets a lot right, but that doesn't mean they cant be called out when they get it wrong. I don't mind ANet coming up with new ways to fund their game, I just object to it being based on gambling.


    I do understand their/your point.

    As many said, the fact that players are able to convert Golds into Gems is mostly because of those who buy gems with cash, and i am pretty sure that most of the income were because BLC, with its tickets.


    I doubt that without RNG ANET could have been able to make the same profit ( many would have been able to convert every month X into gems and buy without cash ).

    - - -

    Talking about RNG i preferd the old way where players were able to chose between chests and TP.

    But then ANET made 2 mystakes:


    1. Skins return as uncommon drop instead maybe 3/5 ticket per skin for a while

    2. Account bound skins from BLC


    The market did collapse, and many found themselves ( i am no siding with em, since we are talking about skins and not QoL items ) buying BLC in order to get, maybe the drop they wanted. Currently imho, Mount Licence is way better than BLC.

  8. > @"Grey Moon.6531" said:

    > I can't believe there are people actually defending loot boxes... Or maybe they are just trying to defend ANet and don't care for what reason?

    > When other game companies are putting the boot in and using the fact that their games don't have loot boxes in them as a selling point should give an idea of what loot boxes actually are!


    If it's something which gives advantages i am up to this.

    It it's something fashion related ( not Qol related ) i see no problem.


    And we are talking about a mmo with


    * core f2p game

    * no subscription

    * 30$ expansion pack every 2 years

    * possibility to convert game currency into shop currency

    * Qol items not on lootboxes.


    Players should probably check other mmos with shop and compare them to gw2.

  9. > @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

    > So, as long as optional, it would be very much OK for me. I would not "touch" it. But I would hate being forced to an UW content.



    We do have some UW exploration once in a while, but it's something which overall sucks due to the fact you can move 360 degrees with no limits.


    * ANET stopped to develop UW content as they do in the old Tyria

    * Removed UW combat in both SPvP and WvW, becuase it was ugly, unbalanced and unwanted.



    * ANET stopped to develop UW weapons ( Elonian Weapons, Awakened weapons, etc... )


    Underwater exploration could be an extra, story related ( though we do remember the underwater personal story part ) or map related.

    Or even an extra, a way to reach a hidden poi or mastery.

    Or maybe a underwater tunnel which bring you in a underground city with no water at all ( maybe some puddles ).


    And ofc, it must only be exploration related ( no mobs, no bosses, no events ).


    They should find instead a way to reuse the UW skins on ground weapons.

  10. > @Fenom.9457 said:

    > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

    > > I just want the Universal Outfit Ticket sold separate. I really have no use for the rest of it whatsoever.




    > That's just buying the outfit you want


    The bundle sucks as the other bundles imho, but could be worth if somebody missed and item and want to trade gems for months of waiting.

    However, since it's a matter of "returning items", sales and returns will lose they purpose if they are going to introduce it separately...


    ...unless ANET decide to put the outfit ticket at a high price like 1500 gems, which would be totally fine.

  11. BLC does not provvide advantages.

    Standard tools from GS > Advantage

    The same tools with fun skin on BLC > no Advantage, since they can be purchased with standard skin on GS.


    Same goes for skins.

    Mounts are avaible and you know when you buy one of them.

    Skins could be random, but they don't provvide any advantage, so no problem at all.


    Though ofc it could be unfair towards community.

  12. > The controversy started last week when a new game released: Star Wars: Battlefront. In this game the player could purchase so called 'lootcrates', **virtual boxes which would give the player certain advantages in the game**. However, the player does not know the exact contents of this crate before purchasing.


    I guess it won't affect GW2 at all, because the only things which provides advantages are clear when you purchase em.



  13. It is known that you can clear raids with a huge amount of time left, if your squad is good and your classes and builds are meta.

    This means that content can be cleared mostly whatever the classes/builds.


    If players chose to use meta builds instead different builds is to:


    1. Lower the failure chances by playing a more efficient setup which always also consists in a easy mode ( better classes, or builds, which are easier to play and grants the possibility of more errors before wipe ).

    2. Time requirement in terms of content ( overall if you need 3 hours to clear everything with no fail attempt, not so many players would like to invest 4 hours to do the same content, also because of point 1. Why should the risk to redo a specific encouter, losing their time, many times because of not optimal setup? )

    3. PUG. If you don't play with a guild and maybe a vocal chat, point 1 and 2 will definitely add a huge amount of time.

    4. Failing because reasons could be frustrating ( unless you are trying to do some video like "10 thieves clear XX" or "solo warrior Fractal 500 though it does not exists!" ), and somehow bringing The class, the build, the equipment, the consumables and the boss knowledge is meant to be respectful towards your team.


    That said, everybody can ask about the team he's going to join.

    Complaing about those who want to be perfectionists is senselss and selfish.

  14. > @Charrbeque.8729 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > Pve players lvl by playing.

    > >

    > > Spvp players do it with tomes, and wvw players have tomes as an extra for lvling ( since the exp is not Constant and you could be farmed ).

    > >


    > I'm mostly a PvE player, and my last 3 or so characters I leveled straight up with tomes since I had enough for all 3 of them. Got a lot from when i was spending time in WvW, and daily log in rewards over time. Currently sitting on 2 stacks plus over 100 more, but have no desire to make any new characters unless we either get another playable race, or a new profession. In which case I'll probably have a couple bank tabs full of tomes by the time that happens. Currently, I have 1 character of each profession (9 total).


    > I haven't done WvW since earlier this year during super adventure box for the reward track.


    I am not sure what should I answer to your statement.


    Btw i didn't conaider it at first, but the point that TS made with his second post could be a good one, because it's true that through spvp and wvw you can lvl alts without directly playing them ( but you can't do the same with pve ).


    I am not sure about the trade karma > tomes, but thinking about the fact that it's the only modality where you can't boost alts with your main could lead the discussion somewhere.

  15. > @Einlanzer.1627 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > Battleaxe as Hammer skins \○


    > I'm not convinced this works. I think they need to add new weapon types to the game, and two handed axes would be a high priority alongside polearms.


    Next expansion underwater weapons will be add to ground combat.


    Trident for healers.

    Spear for melee dps.

    Harpoon gun for ranged dps ( probably crossbow skins ).


    Or maybe they will just share skins, but I think that we will have some new use for underwater weapons. That’s why i am stacking almost fre precs.


    Speculation, ofc, but I bet Ot this.

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