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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. The "Complain about raids Thread" is the new daily, since we don't see anymore "ANET YOU MUST STOP PPL FROM USING DPSMETER. I DON'T WANT THEM TO KNOW WHAT I DO!"


    Seriously, as many have said, take your time and maybe manage to make a party on your own.

    Then, if you realize that Power Reaper is not enough, consider to change class or at least build.

  2. I am not sure that Joko could reanimate something reduced to ashes.

    His soldiers are made from corpses... no corpses, no party...


    Btw, to me is important that they keep the courage to let characters die.

    Eir's death was unexpected, but somehow i knew that taimi was not in danger.


    As many said the dubber did a good work, but the one who moved the commander already knew that she couldn't have been killed, so it was all meh...


    So, though i still miss Scarlet, i would like to see victims among the main characters... not only the filler ones...

  3. What would be the point of selling episodes for 200 gems?


    * Players will pay for something they have now for free

    * ANET won't get anything, since 200 gems are 50g converted more or less.


    If you think that they will release more content this way, you are wrong.


    They should introduce a new currency only avaible through cash, if they were interested to sell more content.

    But since the Gold > Gems exchange and the fact that now they tend to sell items ( skins or bundles ) with high value ( Mike stated that they get not significant profits through 500/700 gems items ), it would simply ruin something which now is almost perfect.

  4. > @"X T D.6458" said:

    > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

    > > > @"X T D.6458" said:

    > > > Taimi is useful and has a working brain, also she's adorable B) . Braham is a mindless, useless tool :'( . The only solution is to turn him into a dragon minion as I have been saying all along. He would not even change much, he would still be a mindless tool, just less annoying!

    > >

    > > Depends on what you consider adorable.

    > >

    > The Taimi character has been great ever since she was introduced in Living World season 1, the voice acting and dialogue have always been excellent. I did not mind Braham until season 3...and well, we all know the rest.


    Nah... We missed the possibility of a psycho character dubbed by Ashly Burch... :disappointed: ( Though Tiami's dubber is indeed good ).

  5. > @ReaverKane.7598 said:

    > > @Biff.5312 said:

    > > I don't see any benefit to this over simply buying gems periodically if that's what you want to do.

    > It's a psychological issue... It's a matter of perception.

    > Because WoW has been so successful, most people associate Subscriptions with quality, which isn't always the case, just look at the majority of Subscription games that had to downgrade to F2P and you'll understand that's the case.

    > So whenever some issue with microtransactions (not gw2's case-way past micro) or premium stores (GW2 case) people always think that subscriptions would be the solution, when usually they'd aggravate the problem.

    > The problem being, apparently, that Arena Net failed to attract enough players to finance the game. And their solution is to antagonize more players with exaggerated prices.



    There are some problems if you try to compare WoW with GW2


    * WoW had a open beta long 4 years ( vanilla ).


    * Blizzard had a well known brand because of games like WC and SC.


    * Subscriptions were a thing 10 years ago, but now SH moved to other systems, like F2P/B2P + Shop


    * Content Lock behind equipment, and Equipment progression. This is the main point, which allows blizzard to mantain the same content for way more time, and also force the players to change equip every new content. And players want to incrase their stats. That's why gw2 is not really appreciated by those people.


    And also, about the store


    * Players will mostly use gold to gems in order to buy 400/500/700/800 items.

    Whatever they were 1, 10, 100, 1000 and so on. And since ANET goal is not that players buy items but gems with cash, it would be useless to have many low cost microtransictions ( unless they remove the conversion gold gems ).


    The problem is that ANET tried to be fair with a double exchange system, but realized that it has flaws and the numbers do the talk.

  6. Since yesterday i am having lag mostly in the new zone ( but it also happened into private story instances, silverwastes and lion's arch ).

    Is it something ANET is aware of ( don't know if others are suffering from the same issue though )?


    250 ping and ofter 10+ sec lag.

    Everything else is fine ( browsing, streaming, downloading, other games, ).

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