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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. > @UnDeadFun.5824 said:

    > > @TexZero.7910 said:

    > > > @Ohoni.6057 said:

    > > > You are insisting on treating raids as a part of PvE. The people you are arguing with insist on considering the two separately, since they appeal to VASTLY different subsets of players. So long as you continue to ignore that they are holding that position, you will never be able to come to any sort of agreement with them on the core issues of this discussion.

    > >

    > > That's because raids are PvE any effort to deny that is absurd and shifting the goalpost.

    > > Here's a friendly wiki link just for you: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Player_versus_environment

    > >

    > > Now please try and argue that Raids are not scripted encounters against ai controlled entities also frequently refereed to as mobs.

    > >


    > Just like you continue to state that WvW and sPvP are two separate game modes. WvW is PvP.


    No please.

    This is something which cannot be read.


    At least i could approve that since SPvP is s_hit, then WvW and SPvP are similar.

  2. > @YuckaMountain.3786 said:

    > How about luck eater or hourglass that you can buy stuff, obsidians or currencies?


    It won't work because eaters are supposed to eat a really small part of the used currency.

    I will try to explain this better:


    It's not something which is needed in order to make a profit or an equal exchange.

    The currency has no use once you hit 300% MF but it does still drop.

    Not knowing what would be avaible in the future, as for karma, tokens, golds, quartz and so on, we do simply not trash it.


    But since it's


    * Not usable for any recipe

    * Not able to being refined into something else ( like bloodstone dust or other stuff which has multiple uses )

    * Not able to be exchanged for items

    * Not able to be stacked in bank ( but due to fact that you gain too much would be pointless. i do currently have around 400 slots occupied by exotic essences stacks ).

    * Not able to be consumed because of the cap

    * Not used with any eater ( though it would be a joke because of the way you get it. I mean that eater would eat 6x250 and you will get XX x 250 per day ).


    We do currently save it ( i currently have 4 full characters, which due to MF stacks can't be played. Fortunately i don't play them but i am also gaining more MF so the problem is getting real ).

  3. > @Arkaile.5604 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > Not sure about spvp, but tried in wvw with -168% condition damage and still managed to die fast vs a single condi dealer.


    > Those percentage reductions stack multiplicatively, not additively. You are correct, however, that condi damage is just ridiculous at this point; the only way I can actually attempt to deal with it is by using pain absorption. Not exactly the best solution.


    Yeah i know.

    The real problem is there is no main stat to reduce condi.


    Toughness and armor starts with a high number then they can have a slightly improvement from protection or other traits. Conditions have no high base value ( maybe on vitality ), and their dmg as you stated is ridicolo us.


    To begin with they should make rev summons invulnerable. I would like to see necro shaDes with a health pool.

  4. > @YoukiNeko.6047 said:

    > > @Daniel.5428 said:

    > > I have a suggestion. Maybe we can create some gabling based on them. You know, like the ecto gambling. Gold + essence of luck for items that drops junk(=gold) and ecto(not as many as the ecto gambling). It would be a good way to get rid of them and convert them into some money. Or maybe another kind of gambling. Those are essences of luck so I think it would be best if we can use them for gambling.


    > Being able to change MF for gold will lead to the need for even bigger gold sinks.

    > I wonder how many of the game population achieved max MF.


    Regardless how many players achieved 300 mf, they should at least allow players to have their bags empty.


    Those who overcapped mf like me would like to begin with to have their bags empty. Then ANET could take as much time as it needs to find the solution they want to introduce.

  5. > @STIHL.2489 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > > @STIHL.2489 said:

    > > > > @Erasculio.2914 said:

    > > > > > @STIHL.2489 said:

    > > > > > > @Erasculio.2914 said:

    > > > > > > So many people leaving their characters AFKing in Lion's Arch would break the game.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > There would also be that many less active accounts in short order. AFK scripting is a Banable offence.

    > > > >

    > > > > Why script it? Just leave a character there doing nothing. The clock would still be ticking, and that's not bannable.

    > > >

    > > > You get kicked in 15 min for inactivity.

    > >

    > > Depends the modality, you will be kicked in X minutes.

    > > You should ban half of the server for autowalk in tequatl map, or tsw, or whatever meta map which tends to be full.

    > >

    > > Being AFK as others explained to you is not bannable.

    > > Using a script, yes.

    > > The difference is neat.

    > >

    > > PS: Just to say this better, not being at computer could result into a ban ( using something which is not a script and result into pressing 1key, for an instance ).


    > IF those people Autorunning to stay in the game were doing it for an in game advantage, they could be banned, to simply stay in a zone with no personal gain would not be banable, to AFK farm a Legendary would count as an in-game advantage, and yes, that is very much so against the EULA and TOS.


    > If some player wanted to risk their account, that is on them., but you just know the people willing to do that, didn't have anything worthwhile to start with.


    yes i do agree with you, but i have seen many players ( friends too ) doing this for years, and i never ( and i mean never ) happened to read threads or ingamechat complains about a ban for running afk before an event. I think they don't really care about stuff like this, or all the people i happened to play with were just lucky.

  6. Whose magic is more powerful.

    Lord Joko's or Lord Joko minion's ?


    You know the answer \o


    Serious, Joko was less powerful than balthazar, which was less powerful than a dragon.

    Kralk has now part of the power of Zaithan, Mordremoth and Balthazar itself i guess... but joko has an endless army ( which could be harder to fight for the captain and his Lackeis

  7. > @STIHL.2489 said:

    > > @Erasculio.2914 said:

    > > > @STIHL.2489 said:

    > > > > @Erasculio.2914 said:

    > > > > So many people leaving their characters AFKing in Lion's Arch would break the game.

    > > >

    > > > There would also be that many less active accounts in short order. AFK scripting is a Banable offence.

    > >

    > > Why script it? Just leave a character there doing nothing. The clock would still be ticking, and that's not bannable.


    > You get kicked in 15 min for inactivity.


    Depends the modality, you will be kicked in X minutes.

    You should ban half of the server for autowalk in tequatl map, or tsw, or whatever meta map which tends to be full.


    Being AFK as others explained to you is not bannable.

    Using a script, yes.

    The difference is neat.


    PS: Just to say this better, not being at computer could result into a ban ( using something which is not a script and result into pressing 1key, for an instance ).

  8. To me mounts are the 5 they give to us.

    Raptor, Springer, Skrimmer, Jackal and Griffon.


    I would like not to see total reskin, but just variant of those specific mounts.


    * Armored

    * Slightly Icy Theme

    * Slightly Fire Theme

    * Seasonal Theme

    * Enemy Theme

    * Etc...


    But always the same kind of mount ( no dragons, mecha, etc... ).

    To me the game is already ruined, though slightly, by little effects like


    * Shiny flashy dyes

    * Comical Gliders

    * Annoying Sounds

    * Minis ( though i do have the armore scarlet ).

    * Some outfits


    Or else, i wouldn't disagree with the stuff ANET would put in the future, if the decided also to give us more options to disable/lower details on other players.

    There are some, but imho not enough.

  9. > @Raven.1524 said:

    > So I was watching a video regarding superbosses on video games and ended up thinking: 'Wouldn't it be great to have a hidden world boss behind a hard jumping puzzle, but was designed so it could not be beaten like... at all?'

    > I'm not talking about the invulnerability buff, but for the boss to be legitimately so hard that it's impossible to beat with a full map, having hard challenging mechanics and insane stats.


    You are definitely talk about the Pre Nerf Spellbreaker.

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