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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. > @Devildoc.6721 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > Dailies for AP!

    > > Who does specifically dailies for golds guess should search the web for a guide instead.


    > You get the achievement points no matter which 3 dailies you do, the point is that the wvw and PVP dailies are just frankly more rewarding to someone who's level capped and mastery capped.


    And I do agree with you.

    I was just stating that doing dailies only for golds is a waste of time since there are better way like sw or the new exploit in ls4.

  2. > @Chickenooble.5014 said:

    > Braham is back and he whined about Jormag within the first few minutes of returning. That's all the dude does... whine, whine, whine. Even Taimi wasn't really whining that much when she was suffocating in her golem. Then he whines again. I demand you guys find a way to kill Braham in the next episode. Have a crystal dragon minion impale him against a tree for all I care. Just get rid of him.


    > Thanks,


    > Me <3


    He would have died instead of helping Joko, so... better kill someone else.

    But it something which DW should have thought about before bringing in a child.



  3. > @Loboling.5293 said:


    > Wishing for the day Renegade spirits can't be killed or cced and we can finally at least try to make this build work in pvp. I mean wells you can kill or knock off the point, which also have cast times. There is even one spirit that does absolutely nothing of value in pvp. They didn't even want to give it a second ability for pvp (explodes on death maybe? who knows).


    I want to believe.

    They must be untargettable.

    ANET please :(


    also renegade suffer from Orders from above. because it does only work on the current utilities ( other classes have only weapons. renegad as 2x utilitis also, and the way alacrity works for rev simply sucks ).

  4. > @BassHunteR.7246 said:

    > Lower dps would be good to. But looking at anets side, it is harsh to remove a benefit you already gave ppl. Would look like they considered it a mistake. We may consider it a mistake, but it is hard for a company to come out and announce they did a mistake and therefore they will revert it.

    > Part of the community could start saying they bought the xpack because of those boosts and then a bigger issue would rise up.

    > That is why i think it is easier to just boost defensive stats.


    > NOTE: i NEVER said to give us immunities. We dont need that. All we need is some sort of defensive stat increase. Vitality, toughness, cond resist and those woyld be more then enough


    > @Kirin.7306 said:

    > lower damage

    > remove all stats

    > bingo! gw1 style. would be very easy to balance then.


    They should really remove base stats.

    It will probably fix many of the problems.

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