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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. > @Michael.1406 said:

    > I am not talking about what the game is not balanced for, Gods sake the balance have never been near good enough. But the opportunities you give your current player base and the ones who joins the game as a new player. As mentioned above I have a lot of friends who would play the game if these things were implemented. And if you have been in wvw you can clearly see that it is only dedicated players who do it? but aren't the objective to get more players into the game and gamemodes in general? A way to do this is to give theme more opportunities while their playing it. And by saying that duel isn't needed, is a way of saying my friends should play wow or some other similar mmo where it is implemented instead, because they have that option there and not here?


    If the only thing that stop em to come here from wow is the /1v1 ( since the 1v1 do exist in both spvp and wvw ), they probably should remain on wow. The problems is within them, if this is the only problem. Trust me.

    Also they will eventually drop because no stats farm, no dungeons grind, no new equipment and nonsense like this.


    To make it clear, if you compare the 2 mmos ( WoW and GW2 ) you will see that


    * WoW has a bigger team which develops content, while GW2 doesn't ( also SPvP and WvW only have few resources ).

    * WoW has a subscription, and milions of accounts, which means even more resources which can be invested into development ( both content and balances ). GW2 is B2P + gemstore ( gw2 managed also to show the fact that a MMO does not need a sub like wow in order to take the servers alive, but that's a different argument )


    Playerbase is low here on Tyria, and devs don't have resources to work on content as wow could do ( and i say could do because if you see how many cash they get from subs, the content should be XXXXXXXX more. it's something which makes me laugh every single time ), and they have to prioritize CONTENT over QoL for modalitis that already exist.


    You would prefer that they invest resources in 1v1, 2v2, 3v3 + new maps for those modalities + a ranking + duel everywhere ... than balances or simply PvE content.

    I can accept your point, no problem at all, but i doubt they are going to work towards that direction, because of the reasons i exposed to you.

  2. Duel is something which is not needed, since the game is not balanced for SPvP and WvW... it could possibly be balanced around 1v1?

    But, if you want to do 1v1, go in WvW ( **OBSIDIAN SANCTUM ARENA** or **under the middle ruin in GREEN and BLUE BORDER**. They do duels everytime ).


    About SPvP different categories


    * 1v1 - is not needed, nor the game is built around it. So there's no reason for ranked or unranked. If you want to 1v1 join a 1v1 custom map and play with the others.

    * 2v2 and 3v3 - maps have been made with 3 capture points, which explains why a 3v3 wouldn't be a good choice. if you like 2v2 and 3v3 with no equip to farm, i really suggest you to play BATTLERITE which rocks!

    * EVERYTHING BUT THE CURRENT ONES - We don't have enough players. That's why the current situation with Rankeds. They will probably make rankeds a soloq only starting from the next seasons, because the try they made this one worked perfectly.

  3. Obviously not.

    We do have to build our character in order to have low, medium or high mobility ( except revenants which only has low mobility ) and trade for it.

    Having mounts will mean to kill some classes.

    Also WvW is, since beta, laggy.

    And i wouldn't risk to have way more lag just because of mounts.

  4. To me leggies should be easier to deal with.

    I would like to have a different sigil swap, because the actual one ( and i mean the one that will come, like for legendary armors ) is not that handy.


    A solution would be to create a LEGENDARY SIGIL with all the existent ones ( or maybe some of them. Multiple recipes through MF could help in taking alive the market ), in order to have the possibility to swap sigil without doubleclick on new runes everytime.

  5. > @Sigmoid.7082 said:

    > > Possibly make condi damage also scale off ferocity slightly.

    > Ferocity should have nothing to do with conditions at all.


    It should, as it should precision.


    **How does power work**

    > Power with no precision or ferocity

    Flat dmg, no random burst.

    > Power + precision but not ferocity

    Flat dmg with some +150% dmg on crits. Affected by Weakness.

    > Power + precision + ferocity

    Flat dmg with some +200/220% dmg on crits.


    Power DMG is affected by


    * Weakness

    * Protection

    * Toughness


    **How does condition work**

    > Condition damage and nothing else

    Full damage

    > Condition damage + eventually extra conditions on crits.

    Even more than full damage


    Condition DMG is affected by


    * Resistance

    * Condi Cleanse


    So, a condi user can definitely go tanky and deal full dps ( or more dps than a physical dps build ).


    The way to solve this problem is to mantain the actual condition DPS ( maybe physical dps should scale as the condi one's lvl ), but split this into more stats.

    Shortly, you will achieve the same dps but with a CONDI ( primary ) FEROCITY/PRECISION (secondary) set.


    This will


    * Allows you to have the same defense as a zerk user

    * You will benefit from precision ( conditions will deal low base damage but higher on crit ) and ferocity ( the higher ferocity, the higher the crit tick ).

    * You will suffer from Weakness ( less crit will mean less condi dmg )

    * You will have powerful ticks since the absence of expertise ( or condi duration ).


    Also, but most important, they should lower base POWER stat to 1 ( in order to let aegis and other shields proc ) , PRECISION and FEROCITY to ZERO, and incrase sets by equal amount in order to reach the current damage. This will prevent hybrid builds ( removing 1000 power from condi users, unless they go carrion or viper ie . Critical hit alone won't give you 50% extra damage because of the missing ferocity, and ferocity alone won't work ).

  6. > @Faaris.8013 said:

    > Back to topic, I feel like my thief does not contribute enough to raids compared to other classes, that's why I adjust and learn other classes that allow a smoother raiding experience. Just as I trait for staff at T4 fractals most of the time and use it instead of my favourite weapon set: double pistols. It would just be not fair to the other group members to fight 20 mobs with a single target weapon.


    Unfortunately, you are damn right ( talking about t4, i bring S + P/P ).

  7. > @Narrrz.7532 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > > @Coulter.2315 said:

    > > > Or as an armour set :D

    > >

    > > This

    > > Stop with the outfits :(


    > Or at the very least allow outfits to be treated as a set of individual armor pieces, so we can apply them as skins to our characters to mix/match them.


    it's the meaning of outfits.

    Doing what you ask is making an armor set instead.


    Armor model require way more work than outfit, because they can be treated as single pieces, and that's why they tends to make outfits.

  8. i disagree with the idea that all specializations should be viable in any modality, but all classes should have a good build in order to play any modality.

    What i mean is this


    > If elementalist is strong as Weaver in SPvP, there's no need to buff core or Tempest. After a big patch will come, the meta will eventually change ( and maybe the profession ).


    Currently thief has DD as meta build, so there's no need to review DE for SPvP purposes.

  9. Actually i was talking about selfish players, not guilds ( even though i can pretty follow what you have said Weste )


    If a guild is selfish it will only be a group of players with common interests which need a group to be achieved ( raids and fractals IE ).

    What i was talking about are players who want to remain in a specific guild for specific reasons, but they don't accept all the rules the guild may have.

  10. > @aandiarie.7195 said:

    > They should just add mount skins to bl chests XD lol



    Licence as rare drop would not be impossible ( though they should implement something which stop em to drop if you already have all skins ).

    I stopped to use BLC because items like


    * Merchant Express

    * Trading Post Express

    * Bank Access Express

    * Self-Style Hair Kits


    Continued to drop regardless the fact i own all the permanent ones ( yes i know that not permanent can be used by other players but i don't care ).

  11. > @Haleydawn.3764 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:


    > > But as said before, it has **nothing** to do with representing or not.

    > > About representing, you can simply chose the guild you join, and eventually accept if they have that specific rule.

    > >


    > And this was your first post in this thread;


    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > There should be the possibility to check if every member is representing ( at least for the guild where represent is a rule ).

    > > Exploiting with invisible mode should be avoided.

    > >

    > > However, they should allow guilds to set or not this option in order to preserve the privacy of the player.


    > Right.


    It is related.

    The fact that guilds have that option it's also meant to check members ( and so, if they are representing or not ).

    The fact you, as guild or player, decide to use this option for that purpose or not it's on your own.


    My point is that you can't join a guild with specific rules and then complain about those.

    Better check the rules and decide if it's the guild which fits for you, or also leave the guild when you find out that you can't stand the rules.


    I never had any problems when i was not in the mood ( if i were asked to do something i simply rejected it ).


  12. Well, we do already have [Chest of Black Lion Goods](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chest_of_Black_Lion_Goods "Chest of Black Lion Goods") which drops every 7 gg from daily login and also as rng drop from fractal daily chests. Also from [achievement chests](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Achievement_Chest "achievement chests"). Here's the base chest but u can check all of them.

    And also, we do have [Teleport to Friends and Dyes](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Birthday_Gift "Teleport to Friends and Dyes") which drops from every birthday chest ( character 3 or more years old ).


    Talking about teleport to friends, as somebody suggested, it would be nice to see it as a TP item.

  13. > @Haleydawn.3764 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > And ofc if a reminder doesn't help you to find an answer within you, a gkick could be a solution.

    > > Really, i can't stand selfish people at all.


    > Not wanting to be social sometimes is hardly selfish. It’s very ok to not be in the best of moods interacting with other people, which is what the whole thread is about. Not a “I joined a very active guild and don’t like it” but “I like it, I’m just not in the mood **today**.”


    As you can see the problem was not that he was insulted or forced to do something, instead he was simply asked.

    And since he was invisible he wondered why they were able to see him.


    He's not in the mood today?

    It is something which happens sometimes, to everybody.


    Then he will simply have to deal with his guildies, though i find hard that representing will hurt the player itself.

    He will simply play on his own, rejecting the guild's proposals.


    But as said before, it has **nothing** to do with representing or not.

    About representing, you can simply chose the guild you join, and eventually accept if they have that specific rule.


  14. > @ThunderPanda.1872 said:

    > Condi should not ignore toughness.


    > Too bad that'll break pve


    Toughness shouldn't do 2 things at once.

    I know that vitality also incrases health pool, but imho it's better to have a % against condition from vitality than toughness.

  15. > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > > @Haleydawn.3764 said:

    > > > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > >

    > > > > There should be the possibility to check if every member is representing ( at least for the guild where represent is a rule ).

    > > >

    > > > I 100% disagree with this. Representing a guild is not necessary anymore since Influence was deleted. There is 0 reason to have a rep rule. If a guild is as good as the people running it say, people will rep it.

    > >

    > > This is your point of view.

    > > If i do create a guild with rules, and among these there's the representing the guild, i want to be able to check if those who decided to join are respecting or not the rules.

    > >

    > > You don't like the rules?

    > > You don't join that specific guild.


    > Your rules are opposite to game desing. We can be members of 5 guilds at the same time which means by design we are allowed by game dev to benefit from them and swap represent on the fly. Your 100% represent rule is abusive and what is worrying you want to spy on players whether they represent all the time. I think this type of behaviour when you harass a player for using in game tools the way they are intended to be used can be reported and punished if enough players start to report abusive guild leaders on daily basis.


    Nope, since


    * Game started with influence

    * We do have a way to check if a member of the guild is representing or not, regardless he's invisible or online.


    So i don't have any problems and i am glad to repeat what i stated before.

    You don't like rules? Don't Join ( i wouldn't say leave, because any smart players will check before join something ).

    You don't like fractals? Don't play em

    You don't like competitive modes? Don't play em

    You want gemstore items? Buy em.


    Easy as hell.


    And ofc if a reminder doesn't help you to find an answer within you, a gkick could be a solution.

    Really, i can't stand selfish people at all.

  16. Condi are not fine.


    * They should be affected by precision ( which will allow them to do full damage on dot crit, as to be nerfed by debuffs like weakness ) and ferocity.

    * Main Condi Set will be CONDI ( primary ) PRECISION + FEROCITY ( secondary ), and will deal dmg equal to a full power zerk build.

    * Hybrid sets like dire will deal almost the same damage of a power build with soldier gear.

    * Expertise should be removed as any other % condi duration ( also % condi reduction stuff ). This will provvide a higher dps in less seconds, and more burst ( if wearing condizerk equipment ).

    * They should have a Base stat ( vitality ) in order to have an initial high percentage of dmg reduction as toughness does.


  17. > @Haleydawn.3764 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:


    > > You don't like the rules?

    > > You don't join that specific guild.



    > Precisely. It is a two way street. People are free to make their own rules, and choices.

    > I disliked the idea of giving guilds another reason to hound their players. We have 5 guild slots. You make a good guild people will rep it without overlords ruling you should.


    Guilds which are used as bank account.

    Yeath, an idea totally worth it.


    It's not that you don't like the idea of giving reasons to hound their players.

    It's that you pretend to stay in a guild which have that specific rule without respect it.


    It's pretty different not to say selfish.

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