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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. > @Polarfairy.8046 said:

    > I think you may also have missed my point a little, I'm not complaining about the amount of mastery points, it's great there are so many! I'm saying for those of us who are completionist obsessesives (hi!) I have collected every point in Heart of Thorns and my last 8 have no use! So some sort of system to convert them or use them would be cool.


    Not sure about a possible solution.

    However... are you sure you collected every mastery point in HoT?


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/YgT1qwF.jpg "")


    I just need to unlock the raid track, which is 8 points, and have 33 left to use.

  2. > @Paul.2054 said:

    > I think you are best off focusing on the 2v2 or 3v3 game modes with an aim at possibly putting more support behind it in the future. I believe these game modes have a lot more crossover for players from WvW especially and will be much more appealing to them as it is more along the lines of what they actually do when they play. A lot of the negative comments I hear when I talk to people about why they don't play PvP usually revolve around Game Mode/Cap Points and rewards so taking a stab at 2v2s and 3v3s could help to bring in more people and give some people a more enjoyable format to play in.


    > From purely a balance stand point I really suggest you go for no **elite spec** stacking in 2v2s and 3v3s if you do start to give it more official support unless your balance schedule becomes more swift. The issue in this game with 2v2s and 3v3s is we have no time mechanic to reduce bunker comps that aren't unfair to other comps that opt on the safer tankier side within a reasonable limit. I've heard of talks that more DPS wins the game in stalemate or something of the like but I really feel like you're going to have to find a more unique solution to stalling so people don't lose to non stall comps simply because they can't finish people and do less damage based purely on specs.



    Would be great if they decided to switch from 5v5 to 3v3 and 2v2 ( i discussed on another thread about the nearly impossible possibility, and here we are... maybe i will have to take everything back, and i will extremely glad :smiley: ).

  3. > @Polarfairy.8046 said:

    > > @Fluffball.8307 said:

    > > They're there so you don't have to get all of them. Some are much harder to get than others and it varies by person. Also if you don't raid, there are more masteries in there.


    > I have the heart of thorns raid track too, or are there tracks for the other raids? Because the wiki doesn't say so.


    Just 1 generic raid track.

    Currently the Cap is 259 mastery points used is


    * Core > 49 points

    * HoT > 144 points

    * PoF > 66 points ( ongoing ).



  4. > @Fluffball.8307 said:

    > They're there so you don't have to get all of them. Some are much harder to get than others and it varies by person. Also if you don't raid, there are more masteries in there.



    And PoF mastery points are even easier to get in order to cap all masteries ( 4 mounts ) + extra ( special mount and LS4 ), just by doing map MP and Story MP.


    It's wonderful that you have a choice in terms of "how to get the MP needed?".


  5. > @Meridian.9103 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > > PvP Armor set 2.5

    > > >We are working on an enhanced version of the Glorious armor. No dates on this yet, as it’s still a ways out. We’re aiming for 2 tiers. Tier 1 for Leagues and **tier 2 for Tournament prizes.**

    > >

    > > Bad idea locking skins ( aesthetic in general ) behind rating, in a game like GW2.


    > I disagree here. What the pvp rewards lack is something to really show off if you are a dedicated pvper. So i hope we will get some semi-legendary skins like wvw t3 armor that is really hard to get. This should include rating to some degree at least.


    > In general i think that the reward system should have more incentives to play good than just to farm pips. End of season rewards based on rating could do the trick here. For example i would like to see temporary bronze/silver/gold/plat/legend finishers that are based on your rating of the previous season.


    With all the wintrade and unbalance ( and the low pool of players ), i doubt you could really call somebody "that" skilled ( there are not enough players to begin with ).

    If top players would be able to achieve first ( and for free ) some skins, i would have no problems at all, but for one who wants a specific skin, seeing that being locked away is not a good thing.


    Like skins locked behind AP.


    Players should play because they like it, not in order to get something shiny that others can't.

    I would definitley leave this to the others MMO, especially because this game is about fashion.


  6. > @AllNightPlayer.1286 said:

    > Talking about diversity:

    > Could you add an option, to enable **Standard Enemy Models**—SEM—for your own team *(for WvW, too)*? SEM have the nice side effect to *disable* all auras and back items on players’ models. A “nice to have” in my opinion.


    That would be one of the greatest thing ever.

    Standard models everywhere.


  7. > @roseria.7695 said:

    > It was a overall other things people might do it maps i was asking if that what yoú mean with that statement that only people get invites in maps designed meta or not ??? this time answer don't just talk around it.


    I mean that i play ( and i played ) all maps, and i only got invited when in a specific part of the map, during a meta event.


    I am in TD during the meta but not in a lane? i won't get an invite ( in 2 years a havnt' go any ).

    Same goes for Tequatl, DS or whatever.


    That said, it's you that changed the reasons over and over, not me.

    I am not even laughing at you.

  8. A 9v9 would be the best.

    GvG only.

    1x profession.


    There won't be any problem at all, since everybody will have the same classes, and probably the same builds.

    Balance could still be a problem indeed, but given the party composition it will be way too easy to deal with.

  9. > @roseria.7695 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > > @roseria.7695 said:

    > > > A solution would be a feature one can turn on to avoid invites or make it so you can't invite people in parties since you can't just pull a tagless squad up every single time you wanna do anything in a hot map or a pof map or wvw or if you are just on the same map mapping when tt wurm is up.

    > >

    > > But you won't get any invite unless you are in the specific part of the map designed to meta.


    > So what you are saying is that people are not allowed to map take screenshots for art or just have an adventure in any map that is designed as a meta because of the meta or am i missing your point ?


    Are you serious?

    Before you were talking about friends, etc... now screenshots?


    Also, are you sure that you still get invites if you remove UI in order to take screenshots?


  10. Ben, i know that both SPvP and WvW are not ANET top priority, and since it's not charity but a Company, i do pretty understand the reasons behind.

    That said, could there be a way to incrase the resources designed to both modalities?


    Let's say that through GEMSTORE we can support ANET, but most of the incomes come indeed from PvE players.

    Many SPvP and WvW players would like to see more about the 2 game modalities.


    So, could there be anything we can do about?

    Maybe while we do purchase from the store, one sort of survey in order to claim one of the following


    * I want to support PVE

    * I want to support SPvP

    * I want to support WvW

    * I want to support all modalities


    could somehow grant more founds to these 2 team divisions?

  11. > @roseria.7695 said:

    > A solution would be a feature one can turn on to avoid invites or make it so you can't invite people in parties since you can't just pull a tagless squad up every single time you wanna do anything in a hot map or a pof map or wvw or if you are just on the same map mapping when tt wurm is up.


    But you won't get any invite unless you are in the specific part of the map designed to meta.

  12. > PvP Armor set 2.5

    >We are working on an enhanced version of the Glorious armor. No dates on this yet, as it’s still a ways out. We’re aiming for 2 tiers. Tier 1 for Leagues and **tier 2 for Tournament prizes.**


    Bad idea locking skins ( aesthetic in general ) behind rating, in a game like GW2.


    I wouldn't mind for a big prize for the winners, but still something which is avaible in the game and not unique ( gizmo apart ).

  13. > @roseria.7695 said:

    > It harms if you just wanna talk to a group of friends on your own i have as much right to be in the map and do the meta without being in squad as others.


    > You can't just force something upon someone its not okay its not right and having such a mentality is just not okay and its why we need to have a system that allowed to be free of the spam and if we wanna join we will do it ourself.


    While i get your point, i don't see that it could harm that much.

    Also, i wouldn't like to see devs pushing the game towards these kind of modifies.

    GW2 it's not a typical MMO but it's still a MMO, and as such it should be focused on cooperation and sharing things.


    What i mean is that the game does not force you not to play with friends ( you can do all PVE and WVW with friends, and part of SPVP ).

    Imagine a content like TD.


    15 on ogre

    how many on scar?

    4 on scar, but i see many which can't be invited so we could be 10 or 12.

    Do we need to send anybody from other lanes?

    Not sure.


    Imho it's the opposite as a mmo should be.

  14. > @roseria.7695 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > > @roseria.7695 said:

    > > > > @Lunarlife.5128 said:

    > > > > Well... If you're doing a Meta such as AB, Dragonstand, Triple Trebble, or WvW, the mechanics for each make it a lot easier if you're in the squad. Why?

    > > > > Sincerely,

    > > > > A Dragonstand and Auric Basin commander

    > > >

    > > > Because some of us have friends who might not being doing the meta who we wanna talk to in a private space and we should have the right to be left alone without the constant spam from commanders when we do stuff not everybody is clueless it mind boggling how even if you ask nicely for them to respect ones right to say no its kinda sad to see people still have such an issue with respecting others rights to say no in this day and age, if i wanted to be in your squad i would join i as i always do but most of the time i just wanna talk to my friends.

    > >

    > > Friends in the same map > Party or squad

    > > Friends in different maps > G chat or Whisper ( or even party ).

    > >

    > > What should be the problem?


    > The problem is when you are in a party the commander can still spam invite you to their squad how did you not read the first post were its all stated. You should not be needed to press no maybe 10 15 even 20 times before they leave you alone or go offline and block them because they can't respect you don't wanna be part of it also guild chat is not a private space and we should not need to make our own squads to avoid invite. Also tell me how does one multi whisper all in the same chat ?


    > Deep down the problem is that you can spam invite people and that is not okay.


    I edited while u replied to me


    > Also, unless you are into a meta zone ( like TD ie), you won't get any invite.

    > If you are there then it's right that you get invites over and over, since it does not harm anybody and semplify the game.


    However don't think that they will remember your name and press on you because reasons.

    They will invite whoever is not in party.

  15. > @roseria.7695 said:

    > > @Lunarlife.5128 said:

    > > Well... If you're doing a Meta such as AB, Dragonstand, Triple Trebble, or WvW, the mechanics for each make it a lot easier if you're in the squad. Why?

    > > Sincerely,

    > > A Dragonstand and Auric Basin commander


    > Because some of us have friends who might not being doing the meta who we wanna talk to in a private space and we should have the right to be left alone without the constant spam from commanders when we do stuff not everybody is clueless it mind boggling how even if you ask nicely for them to respect ones right to say no its kinda sad to see people still have such an issue with respecting others rights to say no in this day and age, if i wanted to be in your squad i would join i as i always do but most of the time i just wanna talk to my friends.


    Friends in the same map > Party or squad

    Friends in different maps > G chat or Whisper ( or even party ).


    What should be the problem?


    Also, unless you are into a meta zone ( like TD ie), you won't get any invite.

    If you are there then it's right that you get invites over and over, since it does not harm anybody and semplify the game.

  16. > @witcher.3197 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > > @Frozenblade.6039 said:

    > > > Another problem is; when you block or report a player, you can still play with them in the future matches. Why's that?

    > >

    > > Because low playerbase and possibility of exploits.


    > You don't need low playerbase for that, Overwatch initially had such a system.


    Low playerbase means that you don't have enough players to grant a fast queue.

    Imagine if whiners start to block everybody what could happen.




  17. > @Michael.1406 said:

    > I respect your points, however - my friends do not care about gear grind, items, dungeons etc. There u have fractals or raids which are fine for dungeons and raids in other games. But the way some pvp are locked away in wvw/guild halls/custom arena's spvp, that makes them go rage, myself included at times. And if you had played wow recently you would know that items doesn't matter that much in pvp anymore. Guildwars 2 should just make a new game mode for spvp and a bottom for 1v1.

    > Another example of gw2's way of hiding away content could be raids, they decided to make them because the player base needed some new content - the only problem is that it is way to hard to find a group which are compatible or the game mode itself are to hard for new players at getting into, but that's the problem with learning the combat and the way that is at the moment and have always been in this game.

    > They have to make existing and new content more easy and attractive at getting into which for every game concern should be prioritized highest because if haven't had a good experience getting into the content, then why join in the next day if it is still as hard? For me a Que in pvp with 3v3 or 2vs2 without points and a bottom for 1vs1 anywhere u want to, an easy and not that expensive way compared too time spent on a new flashy outfit, weapon skin on auction house or making a new map for 5v5 point capture. Which would make a large portion of the players playing mmo in general and current player base gw2 happy with pvp, though they still have to balance it out more in general and in the existing pvp content. 80% of the people I play pvp in wow with (I play both games) said they love the combat in gw2 pvp but hate the way is it constructed because of the lack of freedom.

    > I know that gw2 is a smaller company compared too blizzard but why it is that gw2 don't want to give the players an easy and swift time entering some ways of pvp? I dont say they should take the resources from other departments, just focus on that instead of 2 new maps for 5v5 point capture? What's is the point? we already had 6 5v5 point capture maps. Then they made a 2v2 custom map without a Que system and stronghold mode, which is still 5v5? In pretty sure a 2v2 or 3v3 mode would be a lot more popular than stronghold mode. And in wvw the only new thing since forever has been the reward system? -.-'


    Yeah wow took years to realize that PvP is meant to PvP and not equip farm.


    Raids are probably something which they will look into ( an easy mode with less rewards ), because though they are not impossible, pugs seem to be unable to complete them ( whatever the reason, they will probably prefer to use old content instead of making new content for no hands players. It would be a win win, though i don't really like when instead of training and give instruments to players you semplify the gameplay ).


    About SPvP, i doubt something would change with an arena map ( we had courtyard and it was an epic fail. A stompfeast ).

    They should indeed spend more resources into SPvP and WvW but i doubt they will ever...


    Lowering the numbers of players semplifies everything, i do agree ( it's easier to find 1 or 2 team mates than 3 or 4 ), but then they should modify the whole SPvP.

    I mean, adding a modality apart will remove players from ranked queue.

    With higher playerbase, and more cash from players, there will be probably more possibilities like the ones you proposed, but i don't expect anything currently.



    S9 Started with unbalanced classes ( like scourge ).

    Let's see if they will fix something before the end of the season.

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