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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. > @PopeUrban.2578 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > > @PopeUrban.2578 said:

    > > > This was just a great presentation choice IMO. Strong VO, and choosing the keep "Joko" offscreen made it a lot more menacing.

    > > >

    > > > It lost a little when the encounter design wasn't set up in a way it was actually timed though. Debi's voice work was great but the minute you realize you're not really on a ticking clock suspension of disbelief kinda took a hit for me.

    > > >

    > > > This happens quite a bit in video games, the fiction presents a task to you as time sensitive but the gameplay doesn't back it up, and that moment where you realize you're not actually on a clock kinda erodes the experience. Maybe in the future if you're going to fictionalize the encounter is a ticking clock, actually have one, and just make it generous enough that its not really a challenging one. Just HAVING a real timer adds a lot of stress and momentum to those kind of things, and the VAs get a chance to have a little fun since they get to record a death scene without actually having their characters killed off.

    > >

    > > Wouldn't have changed a thing since you knew from the beginning of the ls that taimi wasn't really in danger and the chance She could have been killed were zero out of a hundred.

    > >

    > > But I do agree that in some occasions a timer could be welcome.


    > Yeah but we're talking video games here. Canonically the player has never failed an encounter they are intended to win, despite being ABLE to fail.


    > In this case, Taimi dies, and you get "failed" and restart the encounter.


    I am not talking about the possibility but the story itself. It was Clear that a Child couldn't have died nor tuned into an awakened.


    Just to be sure, btw, i tried to fail the encounter.

  2. > @PopeUrban.2578 said:

    > This was just a great presentation choice IMO. Strong VO, and choosing the keep "Joko" offscreen made it a lot more menacing.


    > It lost a little when the encounter design wasn't set up in a way it was actually timed though. Debi's voice work was great but the minute you realize you're not really on a ticking clock suspension of disbelief kinda took a hit for me.


    > This happens quite a bit in video games, the fiction presents a task to you as time sensitive but the gameplay doesn't back it up, and that moment where you realize you're not actually on a clock kinda erodes the experience. Maybe in the future if you're going to fictionalize the encounter is a ticking clock, actually have one, and just make it generous enough that its not really a challenging one. Just HAVING a real timer adds a lot of stress and momentum to those kind of things, and the VAs get a chance to have a little fun since they get to record a death scene without actually having their characters killed off.


    Wouldn't have changed a thing since you knew from the beginning of the ls that taimi wasn't really in danger and the chance She could have been killed were zero out of a hundred.


    But I do agree that in some occasions a timer could be welcome.

  3. > @sephiroth.4217 said:

    > I like how you made Joko a sick kitten. The map is beautiful.


    > Why are there no updrafts? Does gliding not exist anymore?


    > Why Volatile Magic? Is Unbound Magic useless now?


    Updraft and gliding is something hot related.

    Since the expansions are standalone they won't put anything that players which only own pof couldn't use.


    Volatile magic is the new currency for ls4, as unbound magic was for LS3. Simply and neat.

    Depends the items you want to get, you will farm different zones and magic.


    Praise Joko, fool.

  4. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Shining One.1635" said:

    > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > > It wouldn't be reasonable to refund all or even part of the value simply because we no longer have the same interest in them.

    > > I'm not looking for a refund. I'm just looking for something useful to do with them. As others have suggested, giving the items to someone who doesn't have them would fall under "something useful" in my book. As it stands right now, my only options are store or delete.

    > >


    > You are looking for trade-in value; that's no different from ANet's point of view. Gifting to others is even worse from a business stand point: they get one less potential sale at the full price.


    > Again, their policy is: we've gotten value out of the item already; that's what we paid for.


    This ( Though i do understand your feelings TS. I was just lucky i always have a main which i care and the supports one are not a problem. Sometimes i managed to pass everything on the alts btw ).


    Remember also that due to Shared inventory slots you, we all, won't suffer from this problem anymore.

  5. Played before the nerf.


    It was easy and smoothly ( boss fights could have been difficult but it's ok i guess ), and both the map and the instances were good.

    The new map is indeed a good mix, and even though i still didn't play the meta ( except some events ) i managed to explore it all with my griffon.


    About the story itself, i didn't like it that much for some reasons.


    1.Braham random apparition with a change of behavior ( the last time we saw him it was pretty different ). It does not fix that good, and it's apparition seemed a little forced ( Batman? )

    2. Taimi's kidnap. There was no chance that Taimi could have been killed, and even if the story wanted a Deux Ex Machina in order to develop portals, there would have been plenty ways. Shortly, it was like "Oh, Taimi was kidnapped. Oh well there's no way she's going to die because reasons".

    3. Pirates which throw away they safety in order to get back their coin. The most reasonable choice would have been they bring in the commander and then wait at their base for his return. Really, it's senseless.


    You can do better than this, though the map and instances are really cool!


    Ps: Thanks for lowering the number of Hearts. Trust me that many players are thanking you for this.

  6. Because this is not wow.

    The project started with the proposal that all classes could have done more or less the same ( and no tanks nor healers ).


    This was a total mess as you can see, but still the system is not wow like ( for god sake ).


    Chronomancer is the best tank ( which means no tanking skills but just more armor and more sustain/survavility )? I do agree

    You can't manage to do a raid without a Chrono as tank? I doubt. Meta tiers end the fights with 2/3 minutles left, so a different group could do the same.

  7. > @Erasculio.2914 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > And after some wipes, you will achieve time after time more victories... and probably start to make a simil elite group, rejecting those who didn't manage to do the proper escalation.


    > Ok, but couldn't that happen automatically?


    > An automated LFG feature in which players state their profession and intended role, and the system assigns a group for them. With the caveat that those who have killed a boss are only assigned to groups made of people who have killed that same boss. An experienced player would not be automatically grouped with players who lacked experience, although people would be free to manually make their own groups (if, for example, someone wants to help their friends, and so on).


    > Of course there are ways to bypass that (buying runs, for example), but it would prevent new players from finding themselves in groups in which everyone has ran through the content a dozen times and expect everyone to know their roles.




    It won't change a thing.

    Elites will use LFG, and those who will be put together by AUTOMATED LFG will suffer because of the fact they suck.


    Let's make it simple.

    Elites do only want Elites. Which means they do it through guild rooster or checking only Elites with determined stats.


    Ok, now what about the others?


    You will be stuck in a group of non elites, which includes


    * Noobs

    * Those who get carried but have equip.

    * Those who don't have a meta build/class/equip and want to play the content with the spec they want.


    The party will be formed by these players, and the result will also be the same.


  8. Guys the problem is that MF is not something you can chose to get and sell... it happens, and it fills your bag.

    Recipes, vendor items, eaters... are all solutions which can't solve the problem, though they are some nice extra which could be implemented as a choice for those who reached the cap.


    The possibilities here are


    1. make it wallet currency and when the devs would like to add something they will be welcome. I don't care about having milions of unused mf until they block inventory spaces.

    2. Raise the cap ( unlimited and eternal. dozens of milions are welcome for a very long term job as MF from achievements ).

    3. Declare that MF will stop dropping for those who reached the cap. Existent stacks will be trashed and recipes which require Essences will be changed.

    4. Whatever allows you not to have MF in your bags. So timegated things are not a solution.


    It's not about making extra golds, it's a needed QoL upgrade, whatever it takes.

  9. Yes, the multiloot is not the issue.

    Check the price of ie rifle




    As you can see, it indeed took a hit with LS4, but previously the price lowered.

    And if you assume that not everybody are currently exploiting the game, you can understand that that the problem is not the Multiloot.


    I can still manage to make from 20 to 30g which is however fine for a standard exotic.

  10. Gearcheck won't work, because the ILVL does not work here as in WoW.


    Also, unlike wow, here Equipment means nothing because there are XX kind of stats, which can be mixed, with different runes, sigils, etc.


    One player could craft Ascended equipment without playing the game, simply staying afk in LA ( Gems > Golds > Materials to lvl crafting skill + Halloween Bags for ascended mats ).

    LI would instead mean that the players managed to do some boss fights.


    It won't simply work on GW2.

    Furthermore the raids are not a hard task.


    Let's focus on the current situation and its own problems


    * Players who want to play with their own spec/equip, without consumables maybe.

    * Players who get frustrated after some wipe, and put blame on the others.

    * Players who don't try to make a own group, but instead plan to join existent maybe elite groups and complain if they don't have the requirements.

    * Players who don't know bosses, mechanics, and eventually the class they are playing ( no guides, youtube videos, wikis... ).


    The pool is 10 person, and you are 1 of em, so you should just find 9 more.

    Not that hard, but you have to make some effort... yeah... you won't be carried by elites... unfortunately, you will have to play the game and learn from it.

    And after some wipes, you will achieve time after time more victories... and probably start to make a simil elite group, rejecting those who didn't manage to do the proper escalation.


    It's not selfish, it's normal.


    The System is indeed raw, but it works.

    People are only not used to play hard content, and tend to disband after a single wipe.


    We don't need to feed those kind of pepole.


  11. > @Teratus.2859 said:

    > Well there are centaurs in guildwars although it's not confirmed if they actually originate from a very bad human and a very misfortunate pony.


    > But generally it's said that the sentient races of Tyria are incapable of interracial reproduction.. although it doesn't specify that interracial relationships are not possible so.. have as much fantasy fun with that as you will XD


    Being a Centaur would be amazing in this game.

    I would spam Swiftness just to be able to say "I Could outrun myself!"

  12. > @YoukiNeko.6047 said:

    > Nah better stop it from dropping once you reach cap.


    Would be even better ( no time sink ), but i doubt they could manage to do this since some items requires essences of luck in order to be purchased ( or built ).


    > @Teratus.2859 said:

    > What about an eater item?

    > Would be an easy way to dispose of tons of excess luck..

    > Could base the loot tiers on what tier luck is consumed.. naturally exotic lucks giving you the highest chance of getting good loot from them.


    An Eater won't do anything.

    We just need a progression like for achievements




    You have an extra 1% every 2/2.5k AP, so it would mean something like milions of Luck each level ( in terms of time needed to achieve the ones from achievements ).


    not sure about how many millions for every level, but i would make it more than impossible ( but still better than have a full bags ).

    To make an instance i currently have almost 4 characters full ( 400 slots occupied with 20 milions of unused essences of luck ).


    Even if they decide to remove the drop of essences and change items which require essences ( craft or purchase ). Whatever would be fine.

  13. > @Lunateric.3708 said:

    > It is necessary, a MMO with no powercreep over the course of 5 years is fictional. Mobs and encounters should scale accordingly of course.


    They can scale without powercreep.

    They are meant to be a challenge for your level.


    If you deal 100 dps you are not supposed to face a mob with 1 milion hp and have your attack incrased, because it would mean that old content would be unplayable due to faceroll. instead the mobs should be conceived around what is the overall dps. Mechanics and attacks should make the difference.

  14. > @Haleydawn.3764 said:

    > As long as the cards/codes are from legitimate sellers and aren’t stolen or fraudulently obtained, then most likely Anets profits are not diminished via these cash ~> Gem methods.


    I wonder about external sites like those who sell through Kinguin and Similar.


    I know that sometimes companies are created in countries where there are specific laws ( with allow them to buy/sell with way less taxes ), but or the purchase from store is high in order to promote gemcards ( which could have sense. Like Digital Downloads at full price, while maybe on a physical store you will find the same item discounted ) or it's all tax related.


    But we are Talking about 25€ from the official store vs let's say, currently, 17/18 € from those sellers ( 20 € with antiscam/refound as i see ).

    There difference is huge.


    And since the official store thing was introduced with HoT for the first time, i still wonder about it.


    Also, giving fake or stolen codes will result in negative feedbacks for the store ( though i could imagine that stores like that open and close everywhen ).


    What do you think?

  15. > @usnedward.9023 said:

    > I am not attacking... just my perspective.


    > All this talk about mount skins, BLT boxes and anything in general in the GEM store is pointless IMO. Most of the items are for your decorating pleasure and not necessary to play the game. What about boosters? You get them on a monthly basis plus yearly 24 one and can buy with laurels. So there is that option.


    > Think the price is too high? Wait for a sale or don't buy. There is really no advantage to the player over another to advance content. If ANET said in order for you to make ITEM A, you need to buy ITEM X from the GEM store then that is something that would be troublesome.


    > ANET is in a business to make money. You can play for free forever, use gold to gems to buy shinies and never drop a dime on this game. Unlike myself who had to purchase the original release. SO... to make money they put time and effort into creating some shiny stuffs for the consumer if they so choose to buy. When that happens they get to pay their staff for their time and effort.


    > So loot boxes are a risk but you DO NOT need to buy keys... you can farm once a week, get by a lucky drop or farm your way to gold riches and swap for GEMS.


    > Loot boxes in other games you almost HAVE TO spend money to get the chance at an RNG item. Here costs you nothing if you really want to roll the dice.


    > GW2 is graphically better than most MMOs IMO. Sure there are some prettier ones but they stink to the heavens with bots, farmers and sellers and no way to control it. Not to mention the grind. People here complain about the "grind" have never played MMOs first made popular by the Korean grind ones back in the day.


    > GW2 is not easy but not hard. No monthly fee so no pressure to "play for your money". So many game modes and playable maps and content. I will be here until they turn the servers off. Unless ofc if they ever instituted a monthly fee I will be gone faster than a town in Kansas during tornado season.


    I do agree with you, though for everything else we do have alternatives.

    We do have plenty of Armor and weapon skins, and we do also have some outfits avaible through game or mid tier expansion.


    Since gliders, we haven't had a single alternative in terms of aesthetic.

    Also, there's the problem of RNG.


    I can understand that in a game like GW2 some skins are locked behind the gem store, but still there would be some avaible by playing the game.

    It's logic since it's a game.


    As many said, compared to the base glider skin, mounts are on another level.

    This is great.


    But, even so, some skins through game should be granted.

    That said, 2k skins and RNG with no duplicates are imho better than what i happened to see in other games ( though the second one is not the best for players. Would have been nice bundles like the spocky one, maybe for 2k instead of 1600 ).

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