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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. > @Tails.9372 said:

    > > @Junkpile.7439 said:

    > > Is there anything cool stuff that i can grind?

    > The two meta events until the price of the identifiable gear goes down to zero.


    They should indeed reduce the amount of unidentified gear dropped ( at first i though i had been only lucky, but if you say so... ).

  2. > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > Ancient Asuran Power Source, Treasure Hunting Kit and Silverwastes Shovel are all consumables you need to activate, they're not spent by interacting with something in the open world.


    > Completed Aetherkeys and the Key of Greater Nightmares though both could stand to be added.


    The Nightmares one indeed.

    Not sure about Aetherkeys if would be worth the shot.

  3. > @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

    > Are these the current prices, or have these all dropped significantly? If they dropped, what's happening to lower the cost? Please tell me thick leather doesn't use 4 mats anymore.


    Prices dropped.

    I am not sure but i think is something related to ls4 ( i didn't play nor i know how the new map is supposed to work ).

    However, Mithril, Elder wood and silk cloth have now a higher price.

  4. > @Thelgar.7214 said:

    > Spooky Mounts Pack - 1600 gems - 320 gems each. Cheap because seasonal and possibly lesser utility? Will this carry over into holiday weapon skins and such?

    > Random Mounts - 400 gems each.

    > Individual mounts - 2000 gems each.

    > Would be nice if Anet would just give us a straight answer as to whether we'll see mount skins in the 800-ish gem range or if 2000 gems is going to be the standard for individual mounts. If some mounts are going to be expensive and some reasonable, then that isn't that bad. But if our only options going forward are holiday mounts, random mounts or expensive mounts, that sucks.


    Err, Random mounts Pack was 9600, which is exactly 320 gems per mount as the spooky pack.

    It is obvious that outside the bundle mounts cost more ( 25% more ).


    Individual mounts do have work behind them if compared to recolor or slightly reskins, and there's no disagree about this.

    About the price i am not sure ( as i am not sure about the effort needed in order to create an outfit, an amor or a mount. Which requires more time i mean ).

  5. > @Veprovina.4876 said:

    > Well, i'm getting the 2800 gem package and the account thing for the 2 bag and bank slots.


    > As for the LS. I'm leaning towards LS3 more then, seems like more bang for the buck. But i don't really care about ascended trinkets there though, i can already get those in fractals, and now i can even get ones with the selectable stats from fractals so i don't know.


    > Lately, i'm mostly doing WvW so i might hold on to those 800 gems and purchase LS3 later or something. Or buy it now and have some extra content to do when i'm bored.

    > I'm definitely not buying LS2 since the only reason i was considering it was some core tyria mastery points, and i've looked at my achievements tab and counted about 15 core achievements that grant mastery points that i could do without LS2, so i'll just do those instead when i need them.


    > I guess it's settled then, account jump start and LS3. :smile:

    > Thanks to everyone for commenting! :smile:


    Don't forget to buy the copper salvage omatic before anything else!

  6. > @Zeusx.2906 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > > @Zeusx.2906 said:

    > >

    > > I would prefer to have WP.

    > >

    > > The low number of WP in PoF is somehow balanced ( hell no :lol: ) due to the introduction of mounts, but the time sink in terms of movements is worst than CORE.

    > > About HoT, it's all meta meant, so you follow the flow regardless the WPs ( or just swap zone with the dedicated WP ).

    > > PoF has no meta and no WP compared to the other maps, which imho sucks.

    > >

    > > If somebody feels the urge to not use WP and to walk by mount in order to lose time and "enjoy" more the game, good for him.

    > > But please instead of asking about WP, he should simply not use them.

    > >


    > Thats a very hard thing to do, if you had the same mindset as me you would know why. Everyone playing the game is using the waypoints so if i was to just not use them i would be unnecessarily setting my self back. They system is there because you are supposed to use it, thatts the way the game was made. I would in way be trying to make a game that i like within the game that it is. That would just be silly.


    Not at all.

    GW2 is mostly a SP in a MMO scenario.


    * Core events are meant not to TPs

    * HoT maps are just a flow of ppl who follow a long meta event

    * PoF has no WPs, as you like, but you get mounts so you can shorten the dinstances.


    Also, WvW, SPvP, Raids, Fractals, Dungens, etc... are not WPs related, so just the outdoor PvE is.

    Your choice to use or not it.

    As you can chose to dismount with the attack or not in order to allow others to tag.


    A very hard thing to do... as sombody were forcing you... ;)

  7. > @Zeusx.2906 said:


    I would prefer to have WP.


    The low number of WP in PoF is somehow balanced ( hell no :lol: ) due to the introduction of mounts, but the time sink in terms of movements is worst than CORE.

    About HoT, it's all meta meant, so you follow the flow regardless the WPs ( or just swap zone with the dedicated WP ).

    PoF has no meta and no WP compared to the other maps, which imho sucks.


    If somebody feels the urge to not use WP and to walk by mount in order to lose time and "enjoy" more the game, good for him.

    But please instead of asking about WP, he should simply not use them.


    edit: i forget to say that the number of WP is lower if you compare CORE/HOT to PoF. Imagine that pof has larger maps and only 5 WPs.


  8. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > It says sentient, but really it only needs to be more intelligent than the average gw2 player, or dev.... ?




    > Fixed a bug in which the Branded wyvern would become immortal and sentient, and then it would start to create skins for 3000 gems each.

  9. > Mount skins are style items, and style items have some unique challenges. They’re subject to individual taste, so except for the very flashiest items, individual style items will have limited sales. Also, GW2 isn’t setup to support an enjoyable experience of browsing through a large catalog of style items, so players tend not to do that. **What our data shows is that higher-priced flashy individual items can work, and lower-average-price-per-item bundles can work, but lower-priced individual items generally don’t generate meaningful revenue to support the game. And the whole point of these items is to support the game**.


    An example would have been nice, but since it was a concise post i can pretty understand him.

    I just hope that players could now better understand the meaning of his words, about how gw2 makes money and why a lower-priced individual item does not generate enough ( mostly because of the golds > gems system ).


    I do agree with him, but i would like to know what about WvW and SPvP balance.

    I mean, since Gemstore is not necessarily related to those modalities, could there be a way to give more resources to them?


    Could SPvP and WvW players be able to do anything?

    Though i know that MO won't read this post.

  10. > @Vigious.8925 said:

    > When Can I get jobs on here like weaponsmithing crafting armor smithing huntsman etc...


    You mean which level should you be in order to learn a crafting discipline?


    Here's the wiki https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crafting


    Seems that there's no requirement at all in order to learn one of them.


    Here's the guide you should follow ( one of many ) in order to level up your crafting discipline without wasting materials



  11. To me it would be bad only because after that players will start to claim even more like:


    * why does the hard more gives those rewards and story mode doesn't

    * why do you need the achievement from the hard mode in order to do X/Y

    * why no legendary materials from story mode



    And so on.

    Let's be honest, once you give something to the community, the community itself starts to complain on something else ( or simply claim more ).


    Raids are meant to be a slightly challenging content, with its own reards and achievements.

    A story would mean more work for the team, which could instead work on something else ( i am sure that you noticed that unlike wow which has more resources, gw2 content tends to come out slowly if compared. We don't need A blue dungeon and a slightly blue dungeon. We need more content ).

  12. And still no raptor nor jackal skin has a hat nor a monocle.

    I can understand the Jackal one since its theme would have hardly allowed a hat, but the Raptor could have had!


    However, since 2 are already out, let's focus on what's left.

    Specifically on springer...


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/QC2Vq9m.jpg "")


    I would like to see a Waistcoat on it, and maybe a monocle and a Bowler hat man.


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/f2bBxnh.jpg "")


    The images are from the net, but i think the suggestion is clear :blush:


    Not sure about skrimmer and griffon, but i don't really care to be honest ( nor i have ideas ).


  13. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > You say players don't go to that Mount Skin window. I'm not sure that's the case. Just like with the Miniatures window, the Gliders window, the Finishers window, etc., players would/could/do go to the Mount window to preview Mount skins. Since they do go there, that's why there are links to the Gem Store on any locked skin/mini/glider, etc.


    > Regardless, good luck on the suggestion.


    There were issues with the preview, like touch of madness focus.

    Having the chance to try it ( and maybe dye it ) would be a totally different thing.


    Though i am not positive that this will ever happen.

  14. This would be good.

    I would be also up for something mixed like Asccessories ( Laurels + ectos ), in order to provvide a slightly gold/material sink.


    About the ones you suggested


    >* Legendary collection start unlocks (Not the collection-items itself, just the collection unlock)

    >* Raid mastery track unlock. (For players who want to be max-mastery number without actually raiding)

    >* **The return of WvW XP consumables for laurels**.

    >* **New receipes, miniatures, rare materials, infusions, runes and sigils**

    >* Premium storage bags (between 20 and 28 slots)

    >* **PvP stronghold hero unlocks**

    >* **One exclusive, multi-dyable skin for every mount exclusively available with laurels**.


    I put in bold the ones i think would fit the system.


    About the others


    * **Raid mastery track unlock** would only be a compulsive thing, so maybe instead of 50 laurels, just pay ectos for unlock. Easier.

    * A **28 slot bag**, which is soulbound and not account bound, is worth around 80/90g. The price could simply be 25 laurels + 50g or something like this, but even so i fear it could harm the gamble in the casino for supreme rune of holding.

    * Legendary collection start unlock needs mastery and a few golds and karma ( 5g + 10k karma... not a big deal ).



  15. Hi, i didn't play the ls4 yet ( i did the first part but for now i guess i will wait ) but instead i noticed that market changed somehow.


    1. Leather price is dropping

    2. Ores/Clothing price is slightly incrasing

    3. Wood price is incrasing ( yesterday it went over 2s per piece )

    4. PoF exotics needed for specialization are dropping


    I can guess that the metal/wood thing is something new focus related, but the rest?

    Is there a new way to get Exotic or a chest as LS4 reward which allows you to chose 1 of em?

    What about leathers and clothes?

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