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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. This is really a good topic.

    I am currently not sure about what could be my answer.


    However, the ignore list is something which comes in hand in every game ( gold seller, toxic players, spammers and so on ), but also it's something which tends to feed the toxic players too ( those who aoe block ppl or whine about other everytime ).


    To be honest, if one of the people i have on my ignore list would join in my party i really doubt i would be able to recognize him, even if he were using the same character he used when i decided to block him.


    Btw, i only have 3 goldseller in my blocklist, and one player i don't remember why i did put it on blocklist ( probably a harasser ).

  2. > @FrizzFreston.5290 said:

    > The problem is that the developers went out of their way to put in no mount no glider or just no mount or just no glider zones into these jumping puzzles without any form of consistency. I wish they would: Either allow them all, or make a uniform solution like OP is suggesting if the devs feel like a jumping puzzle needs to be done in a certain way.


    > You can argue all you like whether it's necessary, or whether it's just forcing players to play a certain way. (Which game devs do all the time btw, they are the ones setting the boundaries of what we can do in the game after all) But at least don't make a huge mess out of the game world around Jumping puzzle areas because gliding is allowed but not mounts but then mounts are allowed but not gliding. And then really hard ones which have specific counter measures against gliding can be done trivially easy with mounts. It feels really messy the way they "solved" but not always solved the way jumping puzzles are done with these jumping puzzle feature blocks.


    > I can see where OP is coming from, tbh. But everyone is too busy jumping on some sort of moral high ground that doesn't really exist.


    I do agree.

    Though somebody could say that it does not influence any other player, and it could be a legit call.


    > If i do the JP with mount instead by foot, is this a problem for you?


    I'd say that it would be only a problem if there's a reward at the end.


    * Daily JP

    * Chest ( which also brings on the table the problem of parked alts )

    * Portal Selling


    However, it would be awesome if they decided to limit mounts there and also add WP's in order to prevent portals and parked alts.

    They should also incrase the rewards, or simply put another chest each checkpoint ( tsw farm is about 25/40g per hour, so the chests won't be a problem ).



  3. Oh for the love of the six...


    ... here we go again talking about "prestige" related to legendary equipment.




    > @Cyninja.2954 said:

    > Having choice is not automatically a basic right, especially not in a video game where the game designer has the last creative say. Having a personal preference as to how a game should be designed is not automatically hating.


    > On the contrary, forcing your own view on others is closer to hating than having people defend the status quo. If you want to move away from the status quo, you need to bring convincing arguments as to why change is warranted. Subjective preference most often is not a convincing argument.


    > Ultimately arenanet gets to decide, and they've decided that they want generation 2 legendarys to be rarer than generation 1 legendarys (both because they are only craft-able 1nce per account and because the resulting legendary is account bound). You can be displeased with this decision, but you do not get to call people haters only because they are content with status quo.


    I can't disagree with the fact that is ANET the one who decides.

    I just can't stand those who pretend that something must be that way for everybody.


    It's a pretty different concept.

    Given this specific situation, we do have G1 which have 2 way to be obtained ( Craft or TP ) and G2 which have only 1 way ( Epic Craft Run ).


    If we discuss about the G2 and some care about how other could obtain what they have got, they are simply haters.

    There's no other way to describe those who pretend to influence other players possibilities.


    And this is why i mostly hate, because it tends to ruin discussions ( since at the end is ANET which decided how you will play ) and shows issues within a part of the community.



    > Does the change affect you somehow?

    If the answer is no but you still feel upset about that change, take a deep breath and try to deal with yourself.



  4. > @Genesis.5169 said:

    > You know u can only trade 500g a week right unless your given them 15k worth of stuff this is utter bs.


    That's why some of the most expensive items are sold for real cash outside the game.


    Talking about this, i wonder how they manage to deal with this kind of traders.

    I mean


    First Case


    > Player A uses his account with a bot and sell the golds or items to player B


    Here the questions


    1. Will player A be banned?

    2. Will player B be banned?


    Second Case


    > Player A drop an item and send it through Mail to player B. We are not able to know anything else about the 2 players ( if they are friends, if there we a real cash trade outside the game, etc )


    1. Will player A be banned?

    2. Will player B be banned?


    I ask since i heard different rumors about illegal trades, and scams... but still i don't know what is or not the truth.


    Some examples:


    * If a player got scammed the scammer is permabanned, but the item/golds are lost.

    * If a player buy golds from a farmer, only the seller will be banned.

    * Accepting a Mail does make you culprit ( ie, the sender sent a mail to the wrong person ).

  5. > @Garuda.3610 said:

    > Hi.

    > I'm just curious, **how necessary is this soul bounding?** Doesn't account bound covers whatever purpose it may have?

    > I've got a precursor weapon & I equipped it before I even knew what a precursor weapon meant. Now it's stuck on a character I wish to delete...

    > I understand customizing weapon in GW 1, it also made a weapon unsalable & unusable by other characters, but at least it had a beneficial effect, this has a loud name "SOUL BOUND", but nothing more but a pesky feature with only negative effects...

    > I can live with account bound, at least I could move this very rare item between my characters, but soulbound is a pain. =\


    You can still use it in order to craft a leggie, then sell the item.

  6. > @rwolf.9571 said:

    > I'm sure it be fine to add that option, with the caveat that it be turned off by default/crossed off as an option. Only then you can squarely blame the user for mistakes. Because we've all experienced accidentally clicking **_"compact"_** in our bags.


    I disagree.

    People mystakes happen because they are in a hurry


    Here the complete list of what to do in order to lose a item you want ( ie, a precursor )


    1) Get the precursor

    2) Do not put it into an invisible bag, bank or shared inventory slot

    3) Doubleclick on tool

    4) Click on the item

    5) Receive and read the warning message

    6) Valitate with OK


    Really, something like this could only happen if the player is carefree about what happens to him.

    Knowing the cost of the precursor, the fact that it is in your bag, the fact that in your bag there are also other exotics and the fact that you are going to shard some of em give no possibility of error.


    It's the player itself that is not careful enough, and there are some way to prevent this fail from happening.


    @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" : whatever the number of exotic players use, since the exotic equipment tends to have no value since the free ascendend, an option would be really appreciated. I don't want to force anybody to /salvageallexotics or /nocheckperexotic, but the possibility would be nice for those who shard way too much.


    Between the TP delay and Exotic warning really i don't know which is worse ( the first obviously. It was just to underline the fact that time sinks like these are really a pita for those who play TP ).

  7. > @rwolf.9571 said:

    > I accidentally salvaged my pre-cursor "sends support ticket"

    > Exotics don't drop often enough to warrant this. Unless your hoarding and clearing it all out at once.


    or need dark matter.

    or simply is better to bet on ecto and insigna due to the low price.

    or you want the skins and then you have to salvage them.


    How did you manage to salvage a precursor with the current system?

    It's cleary impossible.

  8. > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

    > When you see a character running around with a Legendary, do you really wonder if that person bought it or crafted it?

    > Unless you ask or a person goes around telling everyone, you'll never know.


    Eh... unfortunately it's not that simple :lol:


    The final match is


    > "Legendaries mean prestige, and show the fact that you achieved a hard goal in game" VS "I don't want that other could buy from TP what i made with a long term job"


  9. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > > @Nemo.5609 said:

    > > > The problem here is not that Gen 2 legendaries can't be sold, it's that Gen 1 legendaries can be sold on the TP.

    > >

    > > Nope.

    > > With Gen1 everybody but haters was happy.

    > >

    > > 1. You can buy from tp

    > > 2. You can sell from tp

    > > 3. You can do your legendary path to get your precursor

    > > 4. You can buy your precursor from TP

    > >

    > > Nobody was harmed by this system except as said, haters ( or those who consider a "prestige" to farm for the steps needed to achieve Gen2 leggies ).

    > >

    > > Gen2 force you in different ways

    > >

    > > 1. You can't farm in order to sell for golds

    > > 2. You can't farm in order to buy with golds

    > > 3. You are forced to own HoT in order to craft one


    > Some people love having everything come down to farming gold. Some don't. Some think that games don't need prestige items; some do. Some people think "legendaries" should be a big deal and represent commitment to the game; some don't.


    > That's got nothing to do with "haters." It's just different preferences for what makes a game enjoyable.


    No dude, it's hating since you don't want alternative.


    Player A is ok if player B do his own legendary run to get the Legendary item.

    Player B is not ok if Players A buy the same legendary from Player C throug TP.


    The point is simple.

    Some do complain about other who has a chance to get what they worked on for a trade


    And guess what, they didn't dupe golds! they happened to play and earn em!

    PS: And maybe they didn't direcly farm gold at all, but resources, or sell runs, or playing TP, or got lucky with MF, or RNG drop, or convert gems.

  10. > @Razor.6392 said:

    > You don't have to worry, I never revive anyone anyway.




    I occasionally do it, because as a thief i have to manage to be alive during fights.


    Btw the faster you go up the better for the squad.


    Also during meta fights i tend not to notice the class i am rezzing but only if there is somebody Downed.

  11. > @Evolute.6239 said:

    > Usually they say so on the LFG listing. If they don't and the commander has a griffon.. it's unreasonable to expect others to have one, especially in HOT content.

    > For POF yeah a lot of groups expect it for HP trains from what I've seen. Bounty isn't really needed though.



    It's a good thing that commanders add to hp run description that Griffon is needed or not.


  12. > @fritanga.1623 said:

    > I agree that around 62 gold for the weapon alone is reasonable. The problem is that you have several other sinks going into these items. Take the Mystic Coin as an example. You get no return on the coin you are just tossing into a fountain. There is also an item costing Karma which needs to be purchased alongside several other items which force you into specific events.


    Are you serious?

    Complaining about 1 mystic coin and some karma?


  13. > @Nemo.5609 said:

    > The problem here is not that Gen 2 legendaries can't be sold, it's that Gen 1 legendaries can be sold on the TP.



    With Gen1 everybody but haters was happy.


    1. You can buy from tp

    2. You can sell from tp

    3. You can do your legendary path to get your precursor

    4. You can buy your precursor from TP


    Nobody was harmed by this system except as said, haters ( or those who consider a "prestige" to farm for the steps needed to achieve Gen2 leggies ).


    Gen2 force you in different ways


    1. You can't farm in order to sell for golds

    2. You can't farm in order to buy with golds

    3. You are forced to own HoT in order to craft one

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