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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. > @Aerlen.5326 said:

    > You know, the mount rental could fit in nicely with the idea of mount adoption. Have an actual mount stable, an area with obstacles and stuff like Shirlias said, where players could try out whatever mount skins were there - see if they like how they look, move, dye, etc. Player pays a small in game fee to get in the gate, there would be events like races, etc, and the chance to try mounts the player doesn't have - like the griffon. The mounts can't be taken out of the mount ranch though unless there is something like a "rent this week's trail mount skin for a day" thing (and you must own that mount - no taking out griffons if you have no griffon). If going with the rent-a-mount (which could only be done once per week per account), at the end of the day the player can return to the ranch and choose to "adopt" that mount skin for gems if they like - guaranteed that get that mount too if some of the lootboxy mount skins are used. That eliminates the RNG so many hated but still means you need to wait for the week that mount skin is featured to get it without RNG involved.


    > I know, I'm dreaming, but it sounds neat.


    Yeah! More or less i was thinking a similar scenario.

  2. > @Zedek.8932 said:

    > As they are 100% cosmetic the whole thread makes me facepalm..


    > For some funny reason, people seem to complain massively about this stuff but then buy smartphones, TVs, cars with a equally ridiculous profit margin without a blink of an eye. I never heard "Let's boykott Samsung, Apple or Lamborghini for this". It's premium. Don't buy it if you can not or do not want.


    > I actually like there is some premium stuff here and there where people with gold and/or money can buy themselves some nifty stuff; GW2 this is not socialism/communism after all where all players are forced to be equally poor.


    > Excelsior.


    I do agree ( though this shouldn't be an excuse to put everything behind the gemstore even with the gold>gems exchange. It's a game afterall. ).


  3. > @Daniel.5428 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > Why should you pretend an item locked behind an ongoing content?

    > >

    > > Aurora was a total fail due to druidic runestones and hearts farm.


    > Aurora was not failed at all. Most of my guild mates had the druidic back before they even announced Aurora. It is probably the cheapest Ascended backpack you can get, even if it is time locked. 2 weeks are more than enough to get it.


    I didn't mention the cost, but the time sink and useless heart farming.

    It was definitely a fail.


    Some get started with aurora before it was announced?

    Why should i care?

  4. Ascended rings with AESTHETIC should be from whatever they want.

    I am still waiting for offsets with no effects which can be built through jewelcraft or mf, as many as i want ( like armor, backpacks, weapons ).


    And most of all, i don't want to see something like aurora.


    One of the worst timegame in the whole game.



    ANET should realize that QoL items like stats swap should be avaible as they did with weapons, armors and backpacks ( different ways ).

    Then, if somebody would like to unlock a specific skin he will decide to pursue a specific path.


    But please put generic trinkets :disappointed:

  5. > Players would be exposed to the "large catalog" of mount skins, like Mike O'Brien said; ArenaNet would thus be able to sell simpler skins, instead of only those priced at 2000 gems; players would get access (if only temporarily) to new skins without having to use the Gem Store; and people who want "premium" stuff would still have exclusive items available to them and no one else. It's a win-win situation.


    > What do you think?


    This will give players the possibility to play the game with the skins.

    Would be better a training area with parked mounts which can be used ( as at the beginning of pof or during the personal story, to help you if you haven't managed yet to get your mounts ), with obstacles and so on. Like a SPvP lobby but for mounts. A theme park.

  6. > @zealex.9410 said:

    > It feels like gw2 nowdays is much more of a single player than an mmo. I go to maps and never talk to anyone im doimg events and never organise or discuss with others. Im in a guild and barely have guild stuff to do. I extremely rarely make friends, real friends in this game anymore.


    > Now with wow classic comming back and looking at how that sense of community made that game huge i feel like this need to be a way bigger part of this game than it is.


    > Pof brought nothing that would help this issue no world bosses or metas that would require communication, no gms or feature that would make me socialise with ppl in my guild or look for one.


    > The are alot of communities outside of pve even that are slowly dying (pvp/wvw gvgs etc).

    > I understand that theres ppl that enjoy playing alone but this is an mmo and im tored of the overwhelming sense of "playing alone together"


    > I dont have high hopes that the next expac will focus at all on these aspects of the game but idk i thought id share my concerns in case anet listens.


    > It baffles me how a game with the word "guild" in the title is so antisocial thats all.


    Well, let's split into different modalities


    1. **SPvP**


    * 4 tournaments per day, which require a 5 players party.

    * 1 Monthly Tournament which require a 5 players party

    * Ranked queue for duo, till a specific league, then soloq. Though it does not push players into premades, before with eternal queue for 5v5 ( or worst, mixed up 5v5 with solo and duo ) was unacceptable. Looking forward to see ranked queue only for soloq.


    2. **WvW**


    * squads needed in order to operate at best

    * Specific classes and builds, consumables and tactics, uses of vocal chat.

    * Many guilds are meant to play WvW

    * If you are not in a squad due to rules ( maybe a not needed class ) you can still tag and support them from outside ( playing altogether ).


    3. **PvE**


    * Meta events altogether ( Serpent's Ire is something which pof brough, and you see how players can deal with it ).

    * HP with a group ( because it seems that even with pof some players are not able to kill a veteran :lol: )

    * Fractals ( You can add those with whom you feel at ease playing, and maybe do more content altogether. If you are in a guild it is even better, because the affinity is going to be way higher )

    * Raids ( read the part above )

    * Currently many players complain about elitism and are not able to complete content as GW2 Fractals or Raids, which are not impossible.


    I know that **the tools the game provvides** could not be the best we have seen in a mmo, but still the blame should be put on players, which still follow rewards in a game which gives you everything since the beginning ( content made for exotic geared characters ).


    **Raids** can also be completed with exotic gear.

    **Fractals** are something apart due to AR ), and still most players farm instead of having fun or sharing the game.

    NB: This is not a fault, because not everybody wants company while they play, and this is probably the reason some of them play gw2 to begin with.


    That said, i do share your toughts about the game, but i don't think it should be on ANET to push players towards that direction.

    It is clear that the players are those who put rewards before the community.

  7. > @Ohoni.6057 said:

    > If the idea is to make a F2P spec that is balanced against the expansion specs. . . that's not the point of a F2P spec.


    F2p accounts would be at least able to chose whatever they want into SPvP.

    I could understand the limits into PvE and WvW, but limiting them in SPvP gives only problems ( though the modality is mostly dead, unbalanced, whatever. Since is the competitive one it should be accessible ).


    I would support balance among all accounts regardless the expansions they own, but i am not sure that the TS proposal would be something which helps ( giving everything to everybody should be the first step ).

  8. > @"acelara orion.4210" said:

    > for starters, just look at revelation online-people wouldnt even know the name of that game if it werent for its trailers...game is bad but trailers are best......another example is WOW battle of azeroth___meanwhile what do we get??? NOTHING..its a good thing anet gives people in game stuffs as trailers but i think every once in a while we need CGI trailers for attracting new players. Please take this into considerations. (sorry of my bad english)


    WoW trailers are cool, but they need way more money.

    You can't compare a game like gw2 and wow in terms of earnings and number of players.

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