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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

    > I really feel like bumping all those threads which came up the day Celestial was readded to the game. Took people a few days to find out it is a rather useless amulet.


    It's part of the plan


    1. Celestial OP.

    2. Celestial Removed.

    3. Complains in order to have celestial back.

    4. Dev say that they probably could add it back but with less stats.

    5. Agreement.

    6. Celestial with low stats is nearly useless.

    7. Complains in order to incrase stats.



  2. Why it should have been a mystake?

    The epic part of a legendary item is to get it, not to use it or whatever.

    The possibility to obtain an item through more ways is always a good thing.


    To make some examples


    **Triknets** ( Accessories, Backpacks, Rings and Amulets ) can be obtained through


    1. Laurels

    2. SPvP

    3. WvW

    4. PvE

    5. Fractals

    6. Guild Missions


    **Leggendary Armor**


    * PvE

    * SPvP

    * WvW


    **T1 Legendaries**


    1. Craft

    2. TP


    **Ascended Materials**


    1. Craft

    2. TP

    3. Chests ( if you need empyreal, bloodstone or dragonite, opening halloween chests could be a very fast way to obtain em, compared to the time you would have needed ).

    4. PVE


    The T2 legendary items are now different for 2 reasons


    1. Required to, or somehow forced, ( note that the term i used is that one because there are no alternative to pursue that specific goal ) play the game and specific content or events ( achievements, tokens, and everything which is account bound ) in order to get the item.

    2. To sell the expansion ( though PoF is out and has mounts, T2 leggies will continue with PoF, and if a player wants them, will need to purchase HoT as well ).


    I am totally fine with point 2, but since the game gw2 is, i really don't like when things have only 1 way to be obtained.


  3. Well, obviously! A new recipe to make golds, only avaible for raiders.

    I mean, why not!


    And Jewelry 500 only to craft that?

    Let's wait for jewelry rework ( though i doubt they are going to give us the possibility to craft accessiories. Would be a bad choice for them, cause less players will farm specific content in order to obtain em ).


    And about


    > This diversity of required material is reflecting many activity in game that deserve that extra gold coin if you evaluate the time required to gather these materials.


    Let's be honest


    * **Spirit Shards** - Avaible randomly for everybody in every game mode

    * **Obsidian shards** - Avaible randomly for everybody in every game mode

    * **Auric Ingots** - Avaible by doing a Specific map, which is open to everybody ( not at the spirit shard / Obsidian shards level, but still very easy to get ).


    And now...

    * **Legendary Insight** - Avaible only from raid chests.


    I can understand that probably some players do have more insights that the one they need, but asking for a new recipe and for that recipe to be "Raiders exclusive" is more like a joke.


    And the fact **if you evaluate the time required**, imho, means nothing ( refered to the raid part ).



  4. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > I read this, sometimes. And I have yet to see where someone making what they believed to be a legitimate report was actioned, while someone else (the person they reported) was not punished at all. Sure, it makes for spicy reading and it forms the basis for a solid bit of conspiracy theory, but is it accurate? Not every report is acted upon. Not every report *should be* acted upon. But do we punish people for making a legitimate report? Not to my knowledge.


    > If this happened to you -- where you filed a *legitimate* report and received an infraction in response -- and where you were not using reports to harass players, obfuscate your own misdeeds, or game the system in ways that a gentle flower such as I might not divine -- send me your ticket number. I'll give it a read and if there's a problem, maybe we can correct it.


    > Right now, I'm inclined to say I've got the popcorn ready for some lively reading but I have a feeling it won't be forthcoming. ;)


    > > @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

    > > The problem is NOTHING will ever be done about it. Look at the times where players have shown proof of people hacking and cheating and its the person that SHOWS it that gets into trouble...



    > Thanks for posting that. It's relevant and helpful.


    > > @Blodeuyn.2751 said:

    > > Anet's policy:

    > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/352/policy-third-party-programs-multi-boxing-macros#latest

    > >

    > > In short:

    > > "Macros

    > > Guild Wars 2 players are permitted to use macros as long as the macros are programmed with a one-to-one function protocol. This means the following:

    > > 1. If you program a macro, it must require one keystroke per action. You may not program a single key to perform multiple functions. For example, if you Press A and it results in the casting of a single skill, you're ok. If you Press A and it casts multiple spells, you're not ok.

    > > 2. You cannot program a macro to perform the same or multiple actions on more than one account at a time.

    > > 3. You cannot program an "auto-clicker" macro that, for instance, opens chests while you play elsewhere, or that opens a quantity of chests with a single click.

    > > 4. NOTE: We make an exception for macros used for music composition or musical performances. As long as a player employs such a macro solely for the performance of in-game music, we do not place restrictions on its use."


    Gaile, a word about macro for candy gobbler?


    I know that ins't necessarily wvw related, but since the discussion is about macros, by any chances could be a click/pause macro been considered like the ones for musical performances ( and i think you mean musical performance which does not allow players to require "tips" for playing, cause it would be an advantage from macros, right? )

  5. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > From what the Devs said new races are very unlikely


    > [GW2 meet and greet](



    > >Redditor:

    > >I asked whether they have even considered adding a new race for PoF. Mike said that no and then added that new races in GW2 are "not impossible but very unlikely" to appear in the future. Implementing them would require a lot of resources that can be spent better on creating new content relevant for all players.


    I am relieved now.. <3

  6. > @Electro.4173 said:

    > Playing since a month after launch, have never quit for any significant amount of time (I've slowed down here and there and occasionally stopped for a couple weeks at a time at most), only have 204% magic find. I'm hardly a super-hardcore player, but neither am I super casual either. The idea that all veteran players have maxed luck is ridiculous.


    > I'm against anything that involves unique benefits for luck. Maxing luck is a huge grind, putting unique rewards at the end of it just creates a problem of making people feel forced to do that grind rather than just raising their luck naturally as they play the game. Best solution in my eyes would be to just increase the cap.


    Fact is that through some items, the luck maxed was an extra.


    The year they put trick or treat bags and for the first time Oontz's Necklaces, buying them in order to make money was not a bad idea.

    I happened to make only 20/30g more ( and other stuff ofc ), but also from 80 mf to 200, then with pof release an unidentified items i managed to cap from 220 to 300 in 4/5 hours ( and make 500/600g profit ) during the first 2 days.


    This just for say that it's not only a veteran related thing to have capped luck.

  7. Bring condi removal at thief's lvl.


    3 condi removed, cd 30 sec.

    3 condi removed, cd 50 sec.


    Then when every class won't be able to spam removals anymore, let's think all together about a Fix.


    Since different classes with different builds can be more or Less powerful against conditions, if you work on conditions you will eventually work on specific classes.


    Better solve class balance first.

    Or altogether.

  8. > @Randulf.7614 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > > @Mewcifer.5198 said:

    > > > > @Cirrion.8951 said:

    > > > > Build Management and Underwater combat would be great, but I can't see an overhaul of underwater content coming outside of an expansion that focuses on that. It wouldn't make sense to redo underwater combat without any high-level underwater content.

    > > >

    > > > A living story episode could focus on underwater content and it would be enough to warrant it, at least I feel so.

    > > >

    > > > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > >

    > > > > * **UNDERWATER COMBAT** : Nope. They shouldn't focus on underwater combat cause it sucks. And also thinking about ad underwater expansion makes me sick. Underwater exploration could be a thing, but a very small part of the game. Hope they will never pur any resource into underwater combat developing again.

    > > >

    > > > Wouldn't the point of changing it be so that it DOESN'T suck anymore? I really don't understand the whole "don't improve this because it sucks" mentality that people have around underwater combat.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > Not worth the risk.

    > > Being optimist after the core fail is not allowed.

    > > To me at least.


    > They recently stated they needed to do better on underwater content. That suggests they may be looking at improvements and given we have a deep sea dragon, some underwater content should be expected somewhere down the line.


    They admitted the should have done a better job, which is different.


    Currently is not that underwater combat isn't good.

    It's the worst thing ever seen.


    Making a new one would be an unknown.

    And don't mention a whole expansion based on a renowed underwater combat system (and no jump, no hidden routes, no obstacles, nothing fun ).

    I'd like to explore underwater sometimes, but that's it.

    Only exploration.


    Even if the underwater combat system would be balanced i couldn't enjoy playing gw2 underwater.

  9. > @Mewcifer.5198 said:

    > > @Cirrion.8951 said:

    > > Build Management and Underwater combat would be great, but I can't see an overhaul of underwater content coming outside of an expansion that focuses on that. It wouldn't make sense to redo underwater combat without any high-level underwater content.


    > A living story episode could focus on underwater content and it would be enough to warrant it, at least I feel so.


    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:


    > > * **UNDERWATER COMBAT** : Nope. They shouldn't focus on underwater combat cause it sucks. And also thinking about ad underwater expansion makes me sick. Underwater exploration could be a thing, but a very small part of the game. Hope they will never pur any resource into underwater combat developing again.


    > Wouldn't the point of changing it be so that it DOESN'T suck anymore? I really don't understand the whole "don't improve this because it sucks" mentality that people have around underwater combat.




    Not worth the risk.

    Being optimist after the core fail is not allowed.

    To me at least.

  10. > @YoukiNeko.6047 said:

    > I don't think that he is talking about being safe while afk. More likely about the mob density and re-spawn timers.

    > It feels like every time I clear a mob group (5-10) they re-spawn a minute or two later and that can actually hurt map exploration.


    > For instance did you know there is a Lion King reference in the Crystal Oasis? It was a really fun thing to find, but I was in combat pretty much the entire time while trying to take screenshots.


    Yeah i understand what you said ( though i didn't have many problems, but of sometimes happened a faster respawn ).

    I associated the pause to going afk or simply altab for a few seconds, and since he didn't correct me i thought that was ok, but your pov provides also a good explanation.


    Not sure btw if slowing the respawn time could be a good idea ( honestly the more, the less you have to wait ).

  11. > @ListenToMe.5130 said:

    > 1. New players do a google search for the forums and are sent to the old one. Very confusing and disappointing. It just looks like a dead community.

    > 2. New players can't figure out how to play with other people. They run around for hours being killed by Legendaries and Vets in the Halloween Labyrinth, and also Silverwastes. This is a real problem. New players have been messaging me a lot lately confused and overwhelmed and they don't understand how it works. They say the game is dead. There needs to be a better method to get new players into populated maps. The current system is flawed. These new players are unnecessarily struggling to play your game. We cannot assume/expect new players to understand how to use the LFG tool, especially when no tutorial was provided.


    > If you want this game to be more active, start by fixing these problems ASAP.


    To me, the real issue is the game there were used to play before GW2.


    Once again let's match **GW2** with one of the bigger MMOs, **WoW**.


    Let's assume that between WoW and GW2 the one which matches the **MMO's standards** is WoW


    1. Character **Progression lvl**.

    2. Character **Progression Equipment**.

    3. **Soulbound** on Endgame gears ( which obviously need to be changed every X months ).

    4. **Reputations** and related dailies.

    5. **Weekly Currency**.


    And also **defined mechanics**


    5. **Tab System**.

    6. **NON weapon related skills**.

    8. Condition/Healing/Physical/etc... part of the **Build** itself.


    That said, to me **the question i heard the most ** was:


    > **what should i do once my character is capped?**


    These players ( new players ) are used to **Games that tell them what to do**.

    follow a progression forever and ever.

    and talking about farmer/grinder nerds, there's no real challenge to farm for a skin which does not give stats


    > **Why should i farm for that item if the stats are the same?**


    Which is indeed good, but also they have to deal with the progression thing themselves.


    **This is the main reason they are lost**.

    Though the different combat system which is hybrid could bring some difficulties ( no tab needed to deal dps, combo fields, projectiles physics, etc... ).

    Many try gw2, and only some have the patience to slow down and learn it.


    I am up to fix the google search btw.

    It should be easy to do and could be useful.

  12. Braham will be a villain like Kylo Ren :lol:

    Instead i think it will be something like


    1. Braham whine and decide to pursue his own path

    2. Braham to achieve his goal put in danger many peoples, rox included.

    3. At the end he'll find himself powerless ( or worst, stupid and fool ).

    4. He will try to make it right at first alone, and then with Dragon's Watch ( which will manage, with the power of friendship, to take him back ).

    5. I doubt he's going to sacrifice or die, cause it carries Eir's Legacy, and would be bad for story. Rox's Death instead could be the reason Braham will find himself again

    6. Not sure if he will eventually join Dragon's Watch or prefer to wander alone and help ( Canach now is part of the guild, so maybe an outsiders could be a good idea ).

  13. Crosspost from the other thread.


    * **BUILD MANAGEMENT** : Something which will bring a great QoL improvement, and also would be needed by every single player. It should be disabled in WvW, obviously ( or with a in base buff needed ), but even so it would be really appreciated.


    * **UNDERWATER COMBAT** : Nope. They shouldn't focus on underwater combat cause it sucks. And also thinking about ad underwater expansion makes me sick. Underwater exploration could be a thing, but a very small part of the game. Hope they will never pur any resource into underwater combat developing again.


    * **DUELING** : Senseless to me. SPvP has stats balancing issues, and even so the unbalance is limited by


    1. The absence of many sigils and runes

    2. Consumables

    3. Lower stats on necks and defined combinations.

    4. Some modifies to skills


    Dueling with PvE equip would be senseless for the duel itself, so even though players could enjoy something like that, i see no reasons to work on this.


    * **HOUSING** : Many players would like something like this, but also many wouldn't.

    Put it as a DLC would not be the right choice, but through the Gemstore could be ok.

    Imagine a full box of housing Starter pack worth 3k gems. You could buy it for 35$ or with golds, and the people who really wanted housing will have em by supporting ANET.


    What i mean is that players who wants housing have to pay for it. Not the others.

    So the next expansions should be only meant to be expansions ( and not half expansion and half housing dlc ).



    Definitley the first choice.

    And for other, i simply want the possibility to not drop runes from Copper Salvage Kit.

  14. Hot maps were terrible







    for a casual players unable to orient himself.


    On PoF Springer grants you the possibility to reach places where to go afk without issues

    And if you are in a plain, logout or spvp and when you want you come back the place you were.

    I mean, it's the semplicity itself.

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