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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. At First i was :open_mouth:

    > Just feedback from new player, and ** why this game never becomes AAA mmo**


    But Then


    > @Noise.1824 said:

    > . anvil - dialog box? why it's there, just repair me on use.

    > . repeatable hearts and hero points ( can we get good icons where i can clearly see if i done it once already or not).

    > . popups with ok button, its really annoying when you need to press it, and for it you need to use mouse, for some reason you cant press ok with keyboard, also there no any good reason to have this window usually instead of it just make, some color notification in chat.


    And I just quoted the 3 i liked more to make it short


    TS, you yourself said that you played the game only for a few months.

    I guess you simply need to learn how to masterate different classes ( i play a zerk thief 11k health and i never had any problems during story since 4+years ).

    And also, learn about the world itself, which includes:


    * Mobs Attack Pattern

    * Items

    * Tricks and game mechanics


    Few of the parts you mentioned are flaws that could be healed ( like the messages after you leave a party ), but most of em are, no offense, mere complains.

  2. > @Jeknar.6184 said:

    > You are misunderstanding the point of this topic... I don't want the legendary to be easier to be obtained. I want the Ascended pieces to be easier to be obtained. And the Ascended pieces from PvP aren't locked behind a timegated currency. All you need to do is keep playing and you'll continue to receive Ascended Shards of Glory from the repeatable Bizanthium chest.


    That's right, and i can agree with you with the last part you wrote


    > @Jeknar.6184 said:

    > I'd be completely fine with that because that would let us buy ascended with a repeatable currency while keeping the legendaries locked behind the timegated one. I'm not trying to make legendary easier to obtain, I'm trying to make Ascended easier to obtain to be more par with the other game modes.


    Unrelated to legendary equipment could be a thing ( though then through PvE and SPvP would be way unfair the first, cause PvE requires more skills than unlocking things in WvW and SPvP, and longer the second, cause the ascended equipment through SPvP shares with legendary items, and then there should be there too another way to get it, without spending shards, which are like tickets, for equip ).


    But i doubt we will see some rework, cause ( as some said ) they want you to play the game more, with timegate too.

  3. > @Turk.5460 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > That's why i am not sure i'll pursue the wvw way.

    > > I am 250 rank, and for the first piece i need 1500 rank... it's simply senseless ( PvE and SPvP don't have this stupid block ).

    > >

    > > I probably made a mystake purchasing the wing of ascention from spvp ( i could have made the wvw back instead ).


    > You don't need specific ranks for the first tier of Ascended. There is only rank requirements for the alternate armor skins, which is how it should be to keep as an incentive for people to play the game mode, and prestige for those who have attained those ranks. There is zero difference in stats from the armor that doesn't require certain ranks, and the armor that does.


    I am talking about legendary.

    I hit legendary in spvp in about x hours every season and i have enough mats to craft 1 leg piece ( if i farm enough shards, i can make 2, but have to hi leg 4 more times if i recall right ).

    In wvw i have around 1500 tickets and 250 rank.


    And nothing, i can chose between a laughter or a cry.

    I wish they remove rank requirement ( which does not exist nor in PvE nor in SPvP ).

  4. Ok here it is


    > Notes

    > It takes 1,310 WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets in total to obtain a full set of Triumphant Hero's armor.


    So, divided by 6 ( i know some pieces cost less and some more, but it's the same ) **every armor piece** costs 218 tickets

    You also need a **Legendary War Insight** which costs 1095 tickets


    So, every piece is **1314 tickets**


    **Every week** you can have **365 tickets per week** , which is **1460 tickets per month**


    Oh for crying out loud, you can do more pieces than who does spvp -_-


  5. In order to support the game, 30$ every 2 years seems ok to me.

    The fact that the SPvP is open to everybody does not change a thing.


    The real problem here is that even so there's no balance between the 9 classes, Elites or not.


    On one hand, players want the possibility to chose how to build their class.

    On the other hand, players complain that there's no balance at all.


    I would be fine if there won't be any customization but just 9 classes to play with.

    Then the balance would be for real.

  6. > @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

    > %99.99 of the time it's someone who picks a fight over DPS or a learning person being being assaulted for trying. Unless the lfg says something specific, don't. kitten. Talk.


    > I do kick the occasional player who refuses to learn the mechanic if they do not know. If you are not willing to help, bye Felicia!


    Today i made my first fractal 99 ( i am doing fractal since a week, but i happened to see mightyteapot playing em, so somehow i managed to learn the attacks and the mechanics ( i play thief ).

    Our party leader was a Ranger which was definitely good ( i saw things... :open_mouth: ), and while playing there was complains about the druid, like


    * How can u die so much with a druid

    * You don't know the mechanics?

    * Leave it dead, we can end it in 4


    and more.


    This to say that i suppose the problem also happens where somebody change class, or maybe many players manage to **rank fractals avoiding both nightmare and observatory** ( 2 wonderful instances. the others feel plain if compare ), and that's why the wipes.


    Also when you want to try a **new character**, better use a low scale fractal instead ( but i am not sure that all players are selfless... ).

    This is the main point everybody should deal with.


    Or maybe some players are just **too** bad for some reasons.

    It can simply happens.

  7. > @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > You forget the, probably, main reason.

    > >

    > > **The player does not know the instance mechanics or how to play its class ( though maybe dps is goo )**


    > Hmm 1 sec


    > Won't let me edit options. But you are right. Knowing your class is key.


    > Doing unranked pugs while waiting for s9, else who think they are warriors, thieves who thing they are rangers...



    But mostly, about the pool, the option closer to "know your class / boss mechanics" is the dps one.

    And though they are related, the difference is huge.

  8. > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > I remember the topic of in-game surveys has been present within community for a long time, even on old forums. We have forum polls now which is very nice and unexpected improvement. Maybe we should give it time for people to spread awareness about this so more players may be interested in participating. If it won't work, in game polls are definitely the way to go. One thing, I'm not sure if Anet is interested in polling their decisions.


    As said, it's not for polling their decisions, but to gather data on the quality of the game.

    They could ask i.e. **What is your favourite map?** or **Do you enjoy playing with mounts?** or else **Do you prefer a map with or without a meta?** and **Do you like Fractals? Which is your favourite one?** and so on.


    The questions could be direct or indiret, but still they could listen to a wider opinion, then discuss themselves about.



  9. > @Veprovina.4876 said:

    > > @HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

    > > I had that problem on my old computer as well. YoloMouse solves that issue easily. The original cursors are ugly as a tar elemental, but you can replace them with your own. Had no real problems with it.


    > Is it safe to use? I mean, it's not a virus or anything, or against Anet ToS (i don't wanna get banned)?

    > Cause i hate the in game cursor, it blends with the rest of the game color scheme and sometimes i loose track of it.


    I see some streamers using it ( gw2 streamers ) so i guess it's fine.

    Gonna try it later.

  10. > @Ayakaru.6583 said:

    > I mean, I'm all for challenges and time-sinks, but gold grinds aren't fun, not functional time-sinks.

    > Instead of saying "buy the weapon for 80-120g" they could've made a second mini-collection with:

    > - clear a bounty on the profession

    > - kill event boss X

    > - complete story on this profession


    > simple things like that, but proofs of valor, instead of proofs of a fat wallet


    I do agree if it's something account related, but since you have to do the same world boss 10 times for 10 different achievements, sometimes i do really prefer to buy instead.

    Also it's not the event itself, but all which is related ( Waiting for the event, hope there's a good team, hope it's not bugged, hope it drop 100% the item, and so on ).

  11. Hi everybody,


    Here on the forum we discuss about almost everything, but since it's a forum let's start with some premises


    * It has many threads.

    * Not all players read the forum.

    * Not all players who read the forum post or take part to a discussion ( lurkers ).

    * Anet staff does not take part to every single thread ( which is logic, obviously, but it just serves to claim that somehow a sharing between staff and community is missing in terms of **long time goal** or simply to understand/contribuite to what's **work in progress**


    That said, wouldn't be nice a multiple choice in game survey ( maybe every 3, or 6 cause big patches are every 6, months if i recall correctly ) in order to better understand the community and on the other hand to receive a feedback from a large number of players?


    This does not mean that ANET must follow what the community says, obviously, but that it can delevolp content with more valuable data ( i am sure it could help a lot ).


    Your opinion?

    Could a survey every X months be useful or not?

    Whether agree or not, add something about ( why not, how you would make it, an alternative, why it is fine the way it is, etc... )



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