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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. To me is normal.

    Most of the classes have a 15-30s cd on heal, while revenant without talents has 2 different ones with 30s, which means 15s on heal without using any talent to reduce their cd.


    As Sojourner also said, you have to rely on mechanics like


    * dodge.

    * evade.

    * block.

    * cc.

    * movement skills.

    * ranged dmg.

    * defensive boons ( protection/resistance ).

    * sustain heals ( Regen, life siphon, etc ).


    If the problem is to deal with many enemies, we should first discuss what do you mean with "many enemeis" and "what build do you use".

    I am still trying revenant, but coming from a zerk thief 11k health and used to do large pulls, i guess i could do the same with a less squishy class.

  2. If they are going to improve the communication between Staff and Community, then i am afraid that the community could start to pretend more:


    1. Why don't you do this and that

    2. You don't listen

    3. Even though ANET discuss with us, since it does not as many of us say it means that it doesn't care


    I would be fine btw if they'll decide to have some discussions with a selected elite ( PvE, WvW and SPvP ).

    This cause listen/talk to the whole community is, imho, not the right idea.



    Btw i am not sure if by refering to ANET as 3rd person i have to use it/he/she or whatever.

  3. > @icequeen.5192 said:

    > I entered a random labyrinth map and I immediately received a request from a commander to join his squad. The squad message when I joined seemed already a bit unwelcoming as it read "DON'T RES PPL IF NOT ARE ON SQUAD" so it threw me off a bit. After joining, the commander said we were going to kill the Liche and again


    _Commander, a word..._

  4. > Reason i bought so many is me and gf were celebrating and decided to splurge a bit in game. That won't be happening again.


    I don't know why you justified the purchase but it made me laugh ( also the "so many" part of course, because it's simply normal for some players to buy many keys per month )


    > Good job Anet. You have rigged the Chest drops so we only have 2/3 chances to even get anything good


    But you knew about the modify since halloween 2016


    Here you can see, on the bottom of the page, how it started and how it evolved during the months.


    > and out of 150 slots 149 were pure garbage.


    Also, if you think that common drops and granted drops are garbage, why in the world did you decide to buy black lion keys...


  5. 1. Put scarecrow and mad king finisher in a empty invisible slot bag

    2. open as many trick or treath bags you want.

    3. reach a full stack

    4. Delete the full stack

    5. ???

    6. Profit!


    Ps: this knowing the fact that is a pain if you already have the permanent one, but they won't change it just for that reason ( you have to think the best way to save time is to trash items you don't want. That's why, though i do understand that using a dedicated slot for both of em could be a pain, i think it could really be the best deal for you ).


    I do this for Essences of luck ( i already capped it ) and once per month i transmute all essences i have into exotic ones.

  6. > @jheryn.8390 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > I disagree, though i approve the first part

    > >

    > > > I've been noticing that lately the gemstore has been adding / changing items so it makes people buy more gems. Let me include a few examples:

    > > > - Black Lion Chests: Now contain account bound cosmetic items, forcing you to roll chests and buy more keys if you want them, with no guarantee you'll get them.

    > >

    > > That's the point.

    > >

    > > Balthazar Pajamas, Hydra staff, Glider skin, Minis, etc... are:

    > > * Totally RNG ( only a issue cause it's related to the point 2. If point 2 would not exist there won't be any problem )

    > > * Account bound ( the real issue. A player can't get what he wants unless he go through chests and hope for RNG.

    > >

    > > This is Bad.

    > >

    > > But, about stuff like Hydra staff and similar you are totally right.

    > > You still can play the game, but is missing a different way to obtain these specific items, which is totally bad.

    > >


    > I see nothing wrong with this. Not only does this practice increase revenue for the company, it makes sure that people that fork out $$$ have the possibility to get something exclusive that does not = play to win. They are just skins after all.


    > Black Lion Chests and the RNG are made the way they are very purposefully. They generate revenue for the company without flooding the market with items that can seriously alter the game.


    > Unlike a slot machine, you get a reward with each "pull of the lever." It isn't gambling, because you get something with each key. You may not like what you get, but we all know the contents of the chests and the possibility/probability of getting any particular item. You know beforehand which items are account bound and which are not.


    > If you are buying keys EXPECTING to get something rare/super rare, then you are fooling yourself. I've spent a LOT of money on these chests and I enjoy playing with them. I never expect to get something rare because I just set myself up for disappointment. You cannot blame the chests or Anet when you don't get what you want. You know what is in there and the possibility of getting them.


    > As far as the rest of the BL items the OP mentioned, none are necessary to playing the game or completing anything they represent. Therefore, the price that Anet puts on them is arbitrary and completely up to them. They aren't overpriced, they are exactly the price that Anet wants to sell them for.


    > tl/dr: There is nothing wrong with the RNG of BL Chests. There is nothing wrong with BL Chest contents. There is nothing wrong with any prices of BL items.



    You missed the point though it seems you actually did read my post.


    You can't give some items a price cause you don't know how many keys you will need.

    And also since once you get them they can't be traded there can't be a market for em at all.


    The absence of a secondary way to pursue your goal is Bad for the game.


    And before some white knight appears, a Little recap.


    1. You are not forced to buy blc.

    2. You are required to buy blc in order to get some items.

    3. You are required not to know the real price of the item you are looking for, if you decide **to try** to get that one.

    4. There are no other ways to get what you want. You won't know how much you are going to pay, nor if you will ever get it. You are required to Gamble if you want specifc items.


    Imagine if you'll have to Gamble to get your supreme runes of holding instead buy em from tp from other players.


    That is what we are currently discussing.

  7. > @inubasiri.8745 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > > @Swagger.1459 said:

    > >

    > > > You obviously have zero understanding how businesses work.

    > >

    > > That is also a good point to discuss with, though i can understand it could collide with the player's perspective.

    > >


    > I honestly don't understand why Swagger has to try and troll me with factually unbased guesses. I'm complaining about like 3% of the gem store. It doesn't even facilitate discussion, it's just ad hominem that aims at trying to beat my argument with emotional reaction that aims at just sweeping the argument as a whole under the rug.


    I think he was serious about.

    If you think of GW2 as a player you would obviously prefer to have things fair and square and maybe easily accessible...

    ...but, we have to remember that ANET, as a SH, works in order to make a profit.


    The complain about that 3% store could be the reason they are making a profit ( you don't have to focus on "i am talking about 1% of the items from Gem Store" if the items you are refering are the ones who gives them profit.


    TL DR: Account bound items from BLC, which are random, probably let em sell good gems ( and they are required to make somehow a profit through gw2 ).





  8. What about to add a fee like listing fee but for the buyer?


    I mean


    * Item is 100g buyout

    * Current order is 60g

    * Player X wants to put an order and set it to 60g 0s 1c, and upon creation he will pay let's say 0,5% of bid ( for the example will be 30s ).

    * If an order is removed, the fee is lost.


    Players could still make a new order higher by 1 copper, but the fee could induce them to make a higher offer.

    That said i don't have many problems with TP, so it's fine the way it is to me.

  9. I disagree, though i approve the first part


    > I've been noticing that lately the gemstore has been adding / changing items so it makes people buy more gems. Let me include a few examples:

    > - Black Lion Chests: Now contain account bound cosmetic items, forcing you to roll chests and buy more keys if you want them, with no guarantee you'll get them.


    That's the point.


    Balthazar Pajamas, Hydra staff, Glider skin, Minis, etc... are:

    * Totally RNG ( only a issue cause it's related to the point 2. If point 2 would not exist there won't be any problem )

    * Account bound ( the real issue. A player can't get what he wants unless he go through chests and hope for RNG.


    This is Bad.


    > - Black Lion Chests again: Home instance nodes that are ridiculously expensive (especially compared to the rest of the same rarity tier). The cost has been artificially affected by deliberately removing the nodes out of BLCs about a year ago. E.g. the 6k gold (and unavailable) Iron Ore node.


    It's ok since they are avaible through TP and not account bound.

    Most of the players who invest into BLC does not take profit from em, cause the chance to get items worth the key cost is low


    > One-time use single character boosts:

    > - Core Tyria Waypoint bundle: for the 2000 gems, it's ridiculously overpriced. I mean with or without mounts, getting waypoints is quick and is not worth it unless you're a Saudi prince, I guess.


    It's not needed. Want WP? Play.

    Now you have an extra option, if you are rich or if you think the unlock is worth the cost.

    I don't think that unlocking all wp is worth 2k gems, so i don't buy the bundle.


    > - Level 80 boost: again for 2000 gems, it's overpriced compared to the effect received. In time, everyone's drowning in experience scrolls and exotic equipment worth at most 10g and a few waypoints, just aren't worth it. It feels like it's a borderline scam aimed at artificially setting the price high to woo new players into thinking that the lv 80 boost in the "buy expansion" part of the gemstore is worth more than it actually is.


    As the WP bundle, it's not something needed ( and also through scrolls, books and 2 free lvl80 boosts from the 2 expansions, i doubt the booster could be a nice item to buy. Maybe for a new player... but as stated before, a new player would already have 2 boosters, and the first one for less than 2k gems if you compare gem price to hot price... and you'll also get the expansion ).


    > My point is that no matter how much I love GW2 / Anet and want to support them, going closer to Activision / EA tier microtransactions are eventually going to disgust me and I feel like I have to express this while it's still fairly 'innocent'.


    GW2 is all about fashion.

    If you want to "play" the game, you are allowed with no limits.

    You could have dropped the game 2 years ago and still have all characters capped, with the same equip.


    Complaining about stuff like Boosts, WP bundle or Nodes from BLC is senseless, since there are players who love to gamble and buy chests, then sell it to other players which maybe don't love to gamble with BLC.


    But, about stuff like Hydra staff and similar you are totally right.

    You still can play the game, but is missing a different way to obtain these specific items, which is totally bad.



  10. As Sylent wrote


    > @Sylent.3165 said:

    > It doesn't, I move on to other games inbetween living world.


    > However if they made a map similar to SW that was good rewards I'd be all over it


    though i don't give a cat about farming like sw.

    I just log with my main, enjoy story ( and related achievements ) and exploration, then i am done till ls or maybe seasonals.


    Btw, currently i tend to login, if do, daily login apar, for WvW ( i was used to spvp but i am out from it since PoF release ).


  11. I don't know what kind of lab many of you happened to partecipate, but the few i happened to see had no mount commanders and players sticked on him.

    Somebody went ahead, but was rare the case when they started a door instead of the commander himself.


    The race is the only part which core players could not afford though a spawned raptor for f2p players could have been really nice.

    And if you think about it's pretty stupid not to give f2p players a try with mounts.


    That said, they could have been in many different ways, but f2p players have no right to be selfish.

  12. I don't like housing and similar features ( the option ''i don't really care about stuff like that'' seems it's missing ).


    Btw it should be really expensive in terme of gems and golds Since part of the team could work on em. And I mean way more than 2k gems per house and 500/1000 gems per furniture piece.


    10/15 eur as Ts propose is a Joke. A selfish one.



  13. No you don't understand.

    I don't want to spend time opening a trader and sell em every X minutes.


    Currently my best solution is 4/5 invisible bags which contain em, then i sell em after a 250 stack.

    I don't want to stop playing to sell every 15 min ( destroying every single rune lol, guess you have plenty of time ).

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