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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. Well,


    1. SPvP > all your characters are equipped, so no problems at all.

    2. WvW > Exotic items are fine ( you can check by yourself here http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/ and compare a full ascended equipment with a exotic one ), but if you want you can also use ascended ( and consumables too ). But consider it as an extra.

    3. PvE > Exotic items are also fine, unless you wanna do high lvl fractals or raids ( if you don't equipping your charas with ascended would only be an extra as for WvW ).


    I'd say first decide 1 or 2 builds for every single chara, then buy pieces through TP ( most of em are around 50s/1g ).


    Then decide the one who whith you want to do raid/fractals , or if they share armor class ( light/medium/heavy ) and the build ( zerk/condi ) you can simply swap equipment between em, and equip it ( offsets through laurels, fractals and other currencies, backpack through siren's landing for an instance, and armor somehow, mostly through fractals ).


    At first, if you decide for fractals, you can simply incrase agony resistance with higher infusion on offsets, while using exotic armor and weapons.

    Then while playing you will have your chance to make uppgrades.

  2. I happened since the first time i played to learn how to deal with some issues with invisible bags, and then with shared inventory slots and items like copper salvage o-matic i did the rest.


    I just have one simple request between the following 2


    1. the possibility to not drop runes from copper fed salvage omatic.

    2. one new "2.0 copper fed salvage o matic" which has 0% to recover upgrades ( if giving the option for the first would be too much work ).


    Then i will be totally happy.

  3. > @Faaris.8013 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > Skins will come for sure, but still i am not sure about "dragon skins" due to the gw2 related lore.

    > > To me, there will be skins but still they will be skins with the base mount untouched ( like costumes for our character ).


    > You mean like how the lore kept Anet from creating flying carpets or meteors or other ridiculous glider skins? Not to mention baby skulls on armor or a Quaggan in a fish tank and other atrocities...


    I mean i wouldn't like to see a dragon as a mount, personally ( unless maybe they'll decide to put, and i am talking about possibilities, Aurene as a mount during LS4. Something like an "escape from danger" which will unlock the "Dragon mount collection" which could replace the griffon aesthetic ).


    Fortunately gliders are usable only while "falling" and not active 100% time ( though i do agree with you that many gliders could ruin the atmosphere ), which would be totally different with mounts ( you can see what i mean everywhere, also in spvp lobby ).



  4. > @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > the 4th options would have been "seriourly are you gonna pay for seasonal extra content?"

    > >

    > > Btw, more than 1/4 agrees to pay for extra content... Yuk...


    > I am shocked and appalled.


    > Appalled at people willing to pay for stuff we used to have normally.


    > Shocked at myself because I expected anything less from the community.



    ... though i understand what could be their way of thinking:


    Since the game is only 30$ every 2 years, the i could probably pay some real cash for extra content.

    But what they probably don't get is that paying for extra content would put gw2 to other games level.


    We can also see what's the current situation:


    1. new expansion done in few weeks ( beware normal casual players, i am talking about some players who have way more time than you! ).

    2. no real "endgame", whatever this should mean, and not that good rewards ( many are back to HoT maps or SW ).

    3. Seasonal events tends to be the same from years, and if they add something new it could probably brind to infinite senseless farm ( remember the old winter event and the 10 drinks, yeah? ).

    4. Waiting for the new ls episode ( every 3 months i guess ), could be let's say boring.


    So i understand that probably there's not much to do, but still why in the world should you ask to pay for more content?

    Change game instead ( there are plenty, and plenty you could have missed through the years ).


    This though i know for sure there won't be any p2extracontent.

  5. > @"Excellent Name.9574" said:

    > Cool, if You like that feeling. I can't argue with that. I am on the total opposite of that, I like things to go smoothly, no frustration included :) but perhaps that is just me.


    It's not just you, as you have read in the thread.

    There are some who agrees with you and some who doesn't.


    The question is, since ( i guess ) there's no way to satisfy both parts... should they change it or should they leave it as it it?

  6. > @"Excellent Name.9574" said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > > @"Excellent Name.9574" said:

    > > > You are still not getting what the issue is. It is not the mount movement, it is the control, the control man. If Anet made for me to choose the way for them to spin, this post would never been posted. I have neither motion sickness, nor dizziness coming from riding a mount, nor do I have a problem with inertia. This breaks character controls logically.

    > >

    > > The part about the sickness and colorblindness was an extra to let you know that i am up to agree when it comes to real problems.

    > > About spin we do simply have different opinions.

    > >

    > > What i was trying to understand is what motivation where you searching from players who accept the current system ( or enjoy it, or even if not easy as they would, accept its difficulty ), cause seems that you were looking for something like "i get that you like the current system, but unless you provide me a valid reason, the current system should change and be fixed as say".


    > What exactly are You enjoying when You are rotating your mount with A or D?


    Personally, i enjoy the fact that the mount does not feel like my character.

    I don't know the english term for this, but the fact that is **not smoothly** does contribute to the feeling.

  7. > @"Excellent Name.9574" said:

    > You are still not getting what the issue is. It is not the mount movement, it is the control, the control man. If Anet made for me to choose the way for them to spin, this post would never been posted. I have neither motion sickness, nor dizziness coming from riding a mount, nor do I have a problem with inertia. This breaks character controls logically.


    The part about the sickness and colorblindness was an extra to let you know that i am up to agree when it comes to real problems.

    About spin we do simply have different opinions.


    What i was trying to understand is what motivation where you searching from players who accept the current system ( or enjoy it, or even if not easy as they would, accept its difficulty ), cause seems that you were looking for something like "i get that you like the current system, but unless you provide me a valid reason, the current system should change and be fixed as say".

  8. > @"Excellent Name.9574" said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > It's only a matter of tastes, but it was clear since the beginning.

    > >

    > > 1. ANET introcudes mounts.

    > > 2. mounts does not share the character's movements, but instead have their own.

    > > 3. some players complain they don't like the way the mounts move.

    > > 4. some players are happy about the way the mounts move.

    > >

    > > Why should the discussion shift to "reasons" instead of tastes?

    > > Or maybe he fact that some players have issues with commands, while others don't **and** are happy the way it works, it's for you a reason to modify it?

    > >

    > > I don't know what reasons you are looking for, given the context.


    > Honestly I do not think You understand the issue, the way it is now presents a problem for some users. The way it should be would follow the character control, not movement, principles started when GW2 was still in development and would not present a problem to that number of players. Would You drive Your car only in reverse just because the manufacturer has the taste for it?


    > Every feature in a product should make a product easier to use, more efficient, better if You like, not more to anyone's liking. Does it help when it is put like that?



    Every feature in a product should make a product easier to use, are you seriously that selfish?


    Then i give you a tool you don't know how to use, but that when you'll be able to masterate it will simplify your daily routine... but it's not that you can use il 100% easily, since the beginning.


    It's like when you pass from a standard old mobile phone to a smartphone.


    Will it give you more options and uses? Yes

    Will it semplify your life making thing easier? Yes

    Will it be able to be used 100% since the beginning? No


    It seems to me that you feel uncomfortable about new mounts, and i can accept it, but also that you don't try to masterate em, and instead ask them to be changed.

    I spent many attempt to reach a specify place in hot, and failing cause of my bad skill with mounts, but instead i found that challenging ( also the aggro from mobs, at the beginning was a problem, but then knowing that you could out of combat faster and how to avoid attacks and traps, it became easy ).


    And just to be clear, we are talking about completely change how mounts move ( a way that some players like ).


    ps: and just to be clear, in the old threads about things like Colorblindless and motion sickness i supported too, even though i fortunately don't suffer from em, all requests from the community. But this one is not related.

  9. It's only a matter of tastes, but it was clear since the beginning.


    1. ANET introcudes mounts.

    2. mounts does not share the character's movements, but instead have their own.

    3. some players complain they don't like the way the mounts move.

    4. some players are happy about the way the mounts move.


    Why should the discussion shift to "reasons" instead of tastes?

    Or maybe he fact that some players have issues with commands, while others don't **and** are happy the way it works, it's for you a reason to modify it?


    I don't know what reasons you are looking for, given the context.

  10. > @Asur.9178 said:

    > Lol...people calling for nerfs on DD makes me laugh.


    > Nerfing DD won't suddenly make DE better to be played.


    > You'd be better of playing core thief or a completely different class.



    It could be perceived as bad that after 1 whole expansion we still have the same build for spvp and pve ( wvw you can bring whatever you want, but deadeye could be nice, thouh you can't hit multiple targets with rifle, but with sb as secondary weapon it should work ), but since DD hit the right spot, though could be annoying to play the same build over and over, i see no real issues.


    Maybe after some reworks s/d could finally return viable, but i am not sure i'd want to see deadeye the best choice for spvp and pve, nope nope ).

  11. I'd like to see dragon's Watch but not as a guild hall. More likely as a private home instance, with maybe some of the group's npc inside it.


    Obviously tha place could be accessibile through ls4, but making it a gh would ruin everything.


    As somebody wrote, a Small place for 10 People or so.

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