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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. This will be instead the pool during ANET meeting


    _Would you like to rework the entire underwater combat system and skills in order to make it more enjoyable for players and create a whole expansion based on it?_


    _... err... Nope?_


    Cause it's not a "target system" mmo like wow and others, gw2 underwater combat has many issues, mostly skill related.


    Some underwater exploration could be nice, but some.

    Have to swim all the time would be boring as hell.

  2. let's see


    * 7 clovers every 28 days

    * 7 clovers through some tracks made the first time

    * 2 through many tracks

    * 33% through mf ( i don't know if the TS used the 10x recipe or the 1x, but i guess the 10x since the complain )


    Sometimes the gamble gives you a poor reward which is a total loss ( gossamer, orichalcum, etc... ) compared with the price of the clovers price itself, but it's not a big deal ( using the 1x recipe is the best way to avoid things like these ).


    At the beginning of the game i remember i tried to gamble in order to get t6 mats, and instead got 10x clovers 8 times out of 10, then i decided to stop the gamble. Months later i crafted my first legendary weapon. It's totally random and you won't get what you are looking for :worried:


  3. Just redo the story and you ll be able to join ( i mean the entire part which includes the way forward ).

    it will take 10 mins.


    as him said

    > @Abelisk.4527 said:

    > 1) Activate the story

    > 2) Talk to a scout

    > 3) Go to the first camp and speak with Nyala

    > 4) Speak with Glokk

    > 5) Speak with Nyala again

    > 6) Speak with the Elder

    > 7) Speak with the heart vendor around the elder-town area

    > 8) Speak with the skimmer heart vendor

    > 9) Follow the green areas on the minimap

    > 10) Enter the fissure and then the hole

  4. I got your point op, Though we are not talking here about p2w but timesink meccanics.


    Somehow i do agree with you, but Since we can exchange golds to gems and we dont have a monthly sub, we can easily get what we need to reduce the time needed to do things.


    The things which i consider a must are


    1. Copper salvage o matic. Best item ever.

    2. Infinite tools. I really didn't gather that much, but when i do its good not to think about charges or durabilità

    3. Extra bags. The se are important for your main.

    4. Inventory shard slots. At least 5. Copper salvage o matic, mystic salvage tools, spvp crafting Place, 2 random for things you could want to shard between chara. I have for an instance the infinite hairstyle kit.

    5. Some extra Bank tabs. I have 4 half empty.


    But in order to play you just need 2 inventory slots shared and the copper salvage tools.

    2k gems or 400. Not a big deal imho.

  5. > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > more than 3. Around 6.

    > But you must take Greens or yellow only if you try to get a precursor.

    > If you wanna make golds blue is, was, the way.


    > Made 500g in 5 hours the first 2 days of pof. Then prices incrased, ectos droppd and so on.




    Btw 300 + 8 from achies + 150 silverwastes + 20 neck + 50 boost + 70 food + 100 celebrato boost. Probably you can do more with guild banner and other things.

  6. And now that we have got new avatars i expect some new threads.


    1. Avatar should Fly

    2. Please give avatars emotes

    3. Now that i got my new avatar i have nothing else to do.

    4. Please remove new avatars!




    Jk :sweat_smile:

  7. > @Thelgar.7214 said:

    > I still haven't unlocked griffon and my masteries are at 3,4,0,1 on the other mounts. Adding a tedious XP grind to suit people that have a kitten ton of free time while penalizing those that don't isn't an improvement.



    Tip: if you want to unlock em fast, hp run is the best way once you unlocked all maps ( it also gives you let's say nice rewards ).

  8. > @"Kenji Deathraven.2879" said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > The remains of the six left Tyria, so you don't need any God to rapresent you.

    > >

    > > Also there are way many, and more importants, problems at the moment, and there's no way they are going to consider something useless like that.

    > >


    > Also if i want a game that don't give a f about the story little details like this and all day you kill mega god's and cosmic creatures ......i go play wow


    Well wow has:


    1. monthly subscription.

    2. Infinite farm/progression ( you can't drop the game cause you have everything character bound, and the equipment changes every X months, so or you'll always be following an uppgrade ).


    They are pretty different games.


    Talking instead about Gw2, no offense, but the one underlined by you is not a real problem.

    PoF has been released few days ago, and we still have major issues:


    1. SPvP is not balanced

    2. WvW is not balanced

    3. PvE meta does not exist ( bounties seems not that good, as treasure hunting ).

    4. Server problems

    5. etc...

  9. I do understand and share what you feel.

    Fortunately sometimes you still need to swap mount, though many other times you can replace em with the griffon.


    As Kiza said i have a main mount ( raptor, cause i really love the leap... though jackal is way stronger and cool ), though could be easy with the new map to reach a high spot while moving and then swap to griffon and take it easy ( avoiding everything and prevent swap ).


    Also, now that the griffon has been given to us, they can't simply tone it down.

    The best suggestion i can give you is to play the mount you like or, if the time sink related to movements has the priority, the most efficient.

  10. Nope, to me they are also too slow to acquire ( HoT was indecent, but it's not that currently is fine too ).

    The fact that players moan about the missing progression is a problem they have to face theirself.


    Add a filler, a time sink or gate does not help the game.

    Did you see the repeatable hearts, which are also pretty slow on pof?

    That's what i am talking about.


    If the game's longevity is bad, you can't fix it with delaying things or add farm.


    The real problem here is that new maps are really pretty but lack something... they should work toward that direction instead.

  11. Ok, you have to complete "all" the pre part in order to remove the air geyser and reach the point.

    So it can be done somehow ( not the best of the way, but if so i'd prefer that ANET work on something else since it's about 10 mins more or less ).

  12. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > Step 1: remove racial skills entirely from the game. There, now there's no issue about whether they should be buffed or not.

    > (i.e. it's not much of a solution either)



    Would be Great.

    When you pick up a Race for your character you should only think about aesthetic, cause this is fashion was 2, and animations.


    I can accept racial skills as fun traits, but here we go again. They gave fun racial not meant for pve or wvw? Players are now complaining about em asking for better skills.


    And traits too!


    And to think that i should consider the Race i want for my character cause of racial things which are not jokes... Well it makes me Sad.

  13. To me, they should implement some "free transfer to low/mid server population", which could bring advantages:


    1. players will be able to play with friends without paying a transfer

    2. top guilds could decide to move together to a smaller server on the last day, to duck up the onse who previously transfered just to leech easily into wvw.

    3. servers could be differently populated ( maybe some "rewards" for guild transfers, to induce more players ).

    4. once the population has decreased, change the max limit players on the top servers, lowering him in order to not let players to come back to a single one ( the new cap should be decided by the numbers of active accounts, or something like this ).


    Because let's be honest.

    The fact that you can't play with friends it's not a good thing.

    But also the fact that some servers are High pop and some low is not that good too ( and merge em into a single wvw squad does not do the work, cause wvwers are into larger servers ).

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