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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. > @Cryshal.4036 said:

    > I'm having a tough time getting the two mastery points needed for my raptor's 3rd skill. I can't find any that aren't too high for me to get to, until I get the bunny. Can I just go to another area in Tyria to get the points?

    > And: How do you get to the Brightwater Inlet? Do you have to have the bunny ability to leap high enough at some point?


    Sometimes you'll have to leave zones and return to em when you'll get masteries and new mounts.

    I'd say just take it slowly ( and as stated, remember that story provvides you mastery points ).


    tip: just reach lvl 3 every mount for now, forget about lvl 4 untill you have all unlocked. Then maybe during your playing as a secondary goal.

  2. > @Haishao.6851 said:

    > > @Reanne.5462 said:

    > > A bug fix every couple days for a month - are they just building it as they go?

    > > When will the game be out of beta?

    > >

    > > in my opinion this is the most over rated expac in the history of expacs. I've seen free to play click bait ads with better coding.


    > By better coding you mean taking the game offline for 6 hours every weeks?




  3. I don't understand why a legendary item should be harder to obtain.


    First generati in was almost perfect, except things like obsidian shards, glyph of Explorer, mystic covers and dungeon tokens.


    Is it that Strange that legendary materials can be traded between players?

    I mean, you Kill a dragon an take his scales, but a magic force won't allow you to trade your loot.


    I can accept the fact that once equipped they becOme linked to that character, but not being able to trade everything is only a time sink.


    First generation was fine cause you were not forced to do a collectIon and farm x different zones.

  4. > @Randulf.7614 said:

    > I voted, but obviously there is only one character above all the others




    > @pah.4931 said:

    > Since my Lord and Savior Palawa Joko wasn't a choice (Praise Joko!)... I went with Canach.


    > p.s. I am surprised Canach is not around 98% with Taimi in a not-even-close second. :D


    You didn't read well the thread description.

    Your words hurt me :pensive:

  5. then all items should be tradeable.


    * Tokens

    * Obsidian Shards

    * > @Dawdler.8521 said:

    > > @Rauderi.8706 said:

    > > But, if we did use that parallel, **why not make clovers tradeable?**

    > Thats my complaint as well. Every time I clean out my bank its like "kitten am I supposed to do with hundreds of clovers?!". I would like to sell that worthless crap I got for free from WvW/PvP but nope, not allowed.


    Take a precursor and sell the t1 leggies ( which just need to be crafted ).

    If you really have tons of mystic clover you could get free cash ( if you have MC you have also obsidian. Then you need just tokens from the specific dungeon and stuff you can buy from ah. you could make aroung 500/600g with very low effort ).

  6. > @Palador.2170 said:

    > They did it for two reasons that I can see.


    > First, there's the lore behind them. They might be minor things, but they carry part of the feeling of the area they're found in. Home made blindfolds, prayer beads, and coins with Kormir on them? It shows you that the pepople in that area tend to be religious and follow Kormir most of all. Head south and you start finding items relating to Joko instead, showing a shift in the people's attitudes. It might seem like a minor thing, but it's those minor things that can add up to good world building.


    > The second reason is so that you **see** the rewards. You might just click them away, or sell junk to the merchants with the push of a button, but you're still having to deal with them. You have to 'claim' the real reward, reminding you that you got it in the first place. If it was just straight karma or coin, many people wouldn't even realize they've gotten it, and it might feel like there's less of a reward.



    10/10 helpful :+1:

  7. At first i wanted to put all "good characters" which took part in the story as main or secondary characters ( Jennah, Anise, Threarne, Faren, Aurene, Eir, etc... ), but the pool has a capacity of 10, so i had to cut ( and it was luck that i was able to put all the currently characters into the list ).


    Maybe next pool will be "your favourite enemy" ;)

  8. It is like every other mmo, but here you don't have better equipment to get.


    And Since you are not forced to improve your equipment over and over, you probably feel lost.


    Let us take wow to compari gw2.

    If you would be able to get your equipment at the first run or also without any run, Just by buying the mats from the trade post, would you redo the content?


    The answer is ''if it delights me, then yes''.


    There are no restrictions nor constrictions, and you can stop playing the game and return after a year and be lvl cap full equipped.


    If so, what should you do?

    Play for fun and maybe define some goals you can achieve time by time.

    Find also a friendy guild to share the game with, and try not to play for rewards, Unless there is a specific one you really want of course. It happens.


    Many players find hard to heal emselves from years of mmo, and find difficult to play with the absence of a progression, but Little by Little they can, it seems that I am talking about an illness i know, removed from what i think is a bad habbit.


    Personally i play then i do something else till the new la episode, and repeat. Unless a new expansion Comes out. Then i play for a Little longer.


    To me this is thr perfect mmo filler game.

  9. > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > degenerative disease's side effects...


    > You know, I kind of wonder about that. Her suit is injecting her with blighting fluid, correct? Could her current size be a side effect of that?


    You May have a point.

    And i really like the explanation.

  10. Where should i start


    * Personal Bank is 3400g, which is more or less 24000 gems, that with the current exchange is more or less 240 €

    * PoF is 30€, so in order to get your mounts the price is pretty low.

    * The ability to carry someone else will be totally useless and could lead to afk farming and map completion sell.


    I know that the f2p could be pretty nice for a game but cmon, it's 30€ every 2 years... if you like the game, support it and that's all.

  11. Actually i complete everything with my main ( map and story related ) in terms of exploration.


    The world is full of achievements ( i just do the ones from story and ls cause of a habit ), skins ( i have my magitech and scarlet rifle/rainbow, what should i desire more? ) and various stuff, but honestly it does not concenrn me.


    What i don't really like is that there could be more features account related, like


    * Map completion

    * Story/LS ( there's the possibility to replay an episode, which is imho enough ).

    * BLTC items per character and not account bound ( some of em, like salvage tools and passes, can now be "fixed" through shared inventory slots, but tool have to be equipped for every character ).

    * Crafting Skills ( which are character related )


    and so on.


    Tldr: I won't give something for free in terms of gameplay, but instead i will make it "to be done once" and then the possibility to repeat if the player wants to enjoy that part more.

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