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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. What you suggest may be right, but also could be perceived really bad by somebody who purchased the game.


    A friend ask another friend to come to gw2 to play together.

    The friend is not sure cause he doesn't like to lvl up in another mmo, but hey there's a boost lvl cap!

    So the friend tries but he's stuck to use the boost till 1000 ap ( which are nothing to me... combo fields, mechanics, attack glitches and so on can be learned through hours of playing, and could not be necessarily related to the number of achies ).


    Also what about a solo player?

    If you buy the game you'll have a boost! But you can only use it after hours of playing!


    Though i pretty understand and share your thoughts, i am not sure about the solution you propose.

  2. > @Adenin.5973 said:

    > > @EdgarMTanaka.7291 said:

    > > Sure it is a bit tedious that you dismount and have to mount again after interaction but I rather have that that people blocking the npcs and stuff. I can thing of trolling things to do as it is. Use a portable npc beside a bank or trading npc and then you and someone else mounts up on each skimmer or griffin. Good luck click on your desired npc.

    > >

    > > I would even like for anet to make it even more strict so that you cannot mount while interacting with something.

    > > And even disallow mounts in towns.


    > For what reason? Restricting the freedom of players is a terrible thing to do and you need kitten good reasons to even think about it.


    Restricting the freedom is sometimes good istead.


    But the problem is that is "hard" when you remove something to players, so it's way better to think before give players something, cause you should be forced to remove it from em somehow in the future ( it's not the case with mounts, imho, but still when players have something they are tend to being selfish when that something must be removed ).



  3. The fact is, Kiza, that Vashj had the same combat system as you were been on the land.

    Gw2 has instead its own underwater combat system which currently is:


    -Broken ( they didn't work on it since years, and also prefered to remove zones with "water" from the game and not adding more with "encounters" )

    -with many disabled skills

    -bugs caused by depth and i guess something else ( los and so on ).


    They could, currently, allow just some underwater exploration.

  4. > @"White One.2561" said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > add the key to your account and wait till the boost arrives


    > what key u mean ||???



    I mean, did you purchase the game from a official store or gw2.com?

    If i am not remembering it wrong, but when i purchased the game ( from their website, through my account login ) i had to add the key to my account, in order to uppgrade my account.


    as it says here https://buy.guildwars2.com/store?Action=html&Env=BASE&Locale=en_IE&SiteID=gw2&pbPage=pathoffire&themeID=4785548100


    All in-game items will be delivered upon redemption of a Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire serial code.


    But, reading to DLgamer faq, https://www.dlgamer.com/us/games/buy-guild-wars-2-path-of-fire-43807


    Pre-Purchase Bonuses:

    Level-80 Boost


    Then is it possible that the Boost was only for prepurchase ( for the base version ) and they forget to adjust their website?

  5. Scourge is going to be somthing to improve the necro as a support.

    Hold the point alone.


    in before "Ehhhhh but scourge suffers from ranged attacks... like lb ranger..."


    Ketsu wrote it right. A example of bad design ( and though it was clear since the beta, still no major nerf/modifies ).

  6. But it's the same dude.

    I mean, if you remove swiftness as a support/movement skill, there will only be another build ( i mean it only will change, but not sure, the meta ).

    For an instance, with my DD thief still i will take the dodge with swiftness, cause imparing movement effect removal and dmg reduction.


    As for wvw lag, is not something related to mmo, but to that specific part of the game ( cause of the massive number of players ).

    I can agree that the work will be always ongoing, but still i wouldn't like to see something which could bring lag introduced.

  7. > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

    > > > **-Dissable all abilities on mounts.

    > > > -make it insantly dissmount you the moment you get in any kind of combat

    > > > -Swiftness runing speed max

    > > > -make it usable everywhere ( its just a cool looking perm swiftness buff after all )**

    > >

    > > So, there will be no difference at all with the current situation, but the fact that you want to see mounts into wvw.

    > > Not that good proposal.

    > >


    > read the PROS i wrote.... **read the whole thing before commenting people....**

    > thats just the list of how would i implement them...

    > after that i list what WOULD change after it.....


    > stop trying to Troll the topic it aint working.......


    There are no pros dude.


    The pros you wrote down are simply a try to push on "bringing the mounts into wvw".

    And don't say other ppl are trolls why you are the real one.


    But let us quote your "pros"



    1. helping out the classes that have SERIOUS mobility issues.

    2. Classes that are known for mobility example Thiefs would still be mobility kings or are you telling me you can get away from a thief by spamming swiftness boons ? lol

    3. More freedom with Traits and utility skills and even weapon skill more freedom on builds ( not forced into speed traits and Swiftness utilities )

    4. Devs might turn after these changes the movement speed traits and swiftness utilities into something way better and usefull for even more build diversity.



    1. swiftness related, and related to ppl who does not want to play wvw in group ( and probably bad roamers )

    2. And then? it's like you said "cmon dudes, they will only give swiftness... classes with rogue will always outrun you". So what's the point in bringin mounts if there's already a swiftness spam?

    3. You are not forced. You trade movement for dmg or something else. It's something called "make the build you like". I'd like to take different traits with my thief, but i prefer to bring a balanced build instead. but everybody can chose its own build.

    4. With all the problems which afflict wvw devs would work on swiftness traits and bring mounts just cause reasons? really?


    They should work on balance and lag fixes instead.

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