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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. > @psizone.8437 said:

    > > @DemonSeed.3528 said:

    > > If character movement speed would be adjusted would you guys still be so adamant on trying to get mounts into wvw?


    > Base speed should be +25% anyway, but I'd still want them added and there's almost no avoiding mounts being added at this point. It's just a matter of time.


    > We just need to make sure they add them in a way that doesn't negatively impact WvW.


    Then would be WorthLess.

    25% would br nothing cause swiftness gives +33% and sigils 25%


    Let the mounts a pve thing.


    Also there are classes, like thieves, which in this condi wvw can't partecipate to raids and have only the high mobility as feature ( stealth too, but join a fight, which is wvw, is something more like forbidden to some ).


    The real thing i would like to understand is


    Currently wvw has lag issues.

    Why would you risk to improve wvw lag?

    And also let us consider the fact that mounts could ruin wvw.


  2. > @Ashen.2907 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > > @Ashen.2907 said:

    > > > The Griffon is not a need for every PvE player. If you can get by without it then it is not, by definition, a need.

    > >

    > > You save more time than a non griffon player, so it's a need as QoL.

    > > Unless you are saying that taking a different path, switching mounts and maybe got engaged by enemie won't slow you down.

    > > Or that loosing time moving from A to B is ok to you.

    > >

    > > If so, hands down.

    > >

    > > ps: i can too manage to avoid fights, and optimize mounts switch, but still i have to earn it instead flap over em. Just to make some differences between using a griffon or all 4 mounts combined.


    > Thats not what need means.


    > "More efficient," or, "more enjoyable," or the like, perhaps. But not a need. Not even a universal need for QoL. If what someone enjoys in game is fighting mobs then the ability to bypass mobs doesnt improve his QoL. The only reason I am intending to get the Griffon is because griffons are my favorite mythical creature. Beyond that I dont actually like gliding or flying in this or other games regardless of the ability to bypass mobs.




    I mean, i didn't Say that players can't have their personale reasons, to buy or do something.

    So do I.


    But the fact that you skip and semplificazione content is real. It also affects old zones.

    As somebody said it is amazing to reach places you couldn't befofe, but it also semplifies content ( currently ie ppl are doing old jp with mounts, for achiements, chests or daily quest ).


    Should or shouldn't that concern me?

    I just don't really like where gw2 is going.

    Let's see how ls4 will proceed.

  3. > @Ashen.2907 said:

    > The Griffon is not a need for every PvE player. If you can get by without it then it is not, by definition, a need.


    You save more time than a non griffon player, so it's a need as QoL.

    Unless you are saying that taking a different path, switching mounts and maybe got engaged by enemie won't slow you down.

    Or that loosing time moving from A to B is ok to you.


    If so, hands down.


    ps: i can too manage to avoid fights, and optimize mounts switch, but still i have to earn it instead flap over em. Just to make some differences between using a griffon or all 4 mounts combined.

  4. > @Abelisk.4527 said:

    > Tl;dr: metas are good and bad, but having a few will get rid of the bad


    Wouldn't that move all the people only to meta maps?


    I can understand that witout a "meta" or a commander which do a train with all the events some players could feel not at ease, but if you give a meta map out of 5, it's my guess, then probably you'll see the most of the into that map, and there will be requests to have others map like that one as well.


    edit: it's not that i am against meta, but i was considering the fact to eventually rework all maps instead of few.

  5. > @setdog.1592 said:

    > I dont have the griffon, but i dont see how it ruins anything at all for my experience if someone else skips over stuff. how do i even know the guy skipping stuff is skipping stuff


    Let's say that we won't see mounts in pvp, and let's hope nor in wvw.

    So we have to talk about pve.


    **Here's the current situation**:


    1. Very large maps

    2. Low number of WP

    3. Mount Change Mechanics

    4. Quite a aggro from monsters ( not that i dislike it, but it's good to remember what could currently be an issue ).


    **A griffon mount consents to**:


    1. Avoid fights

    2. Fastest way

    3. Avoid Change Mounts Mechanics, once you have reached a high spot to start ( Spring, Spring, Spring, Grif! )

    4. Improve the QoL, and so it is going to be a MUST for everybody who likes PvE.

    5. Ruin exploration


    And i have to say that i am REALLY SCARED that someday we'll get our SPvP and WvW maps with mounts.

  6. I'd never understand why ppl tend to ask for disadvantages and more farm.


    You can play the race you want whatever?

    Nope, you have to ask for unique traits, which will point the choice the the better race instead of what you like.


    You have no progression and can drop the game everytime and resume it whenever you want?

    Nope, you must to ask for stats farm and a slower progression to "enjoy" the game.



  7. You have a point, but still it's no sense that every expansion of every game classes tends to be unbalanced.

    I mean, it could happen once, then you SH should think "we did it wrong not testing classes before release, there's no balance at all".


    I mean, will the expansion be released in 5 months, ok?

    Then find some players to test what you are going to introduce ( skilled for each of the 3 modalities ), then release it.


    It will be probably unbalanced as it has always been, but still this is way over.

  8. > @Vindicus.2130 said:

    > I think PoF is high quality mapping and the mounts are excellent additions to the game, but I, too, am struggling to find anything to do in PoF now. The maps already feel devoid of other players also. I generally only see one or two people in a map over an hour long period. I did a bounty train for about 2 hours yesterday, that was about enough of that for a lifetime. Not super fun and worse, not very rewarding. I have repeated a few maps worth of HPs each day, but after that I find myself back in LS3 or HoT usually, even though I despise HoT maps. Pretty disappointing. I really hope they add some kind of events that feel rewarding to partake in soon. Right now I feel like I bought 4 unique mounts + the extras from ulti edi for $80.


    Gems still have their value whatever the content.

    At most you could have wasted 30$.

  9. There will be a Nice spam into the maps if you add an icon for them.


    Personally i mostly used em in order to unlock mastery Points ( map completion can be achieved with 2 mounts only. Or maybe 3 i don't remember ).


    And many of em can be get without using jackal, which was Definitely fun for ppl like me who like exploration.


    Like the tower locked by djinn in vabbi.

  10. A total scam indeed.

    And it's a shame cause the hydra staff is really Nice.


    But ofc it was too much to allow the skin you dropped to be sold to other players.


    Really, it is getting day after day more like a korean game.


    1. 250g to unlock movement mechanics.

    2. RNG on blc to unlock skins.

    3. RNG to get superiore runes of holding.





  11. > @"Aurelian Omenkind.2470" said:

    > OP’s argument is semantics at this point. The cat’s already out of the bag now. Or rather the griffon is out of the nest. There’s pretty much 0% chance Arenanet is gonna say to everyone who currently has the mount, “all that work you did and price you paid to get that shiny (“feathery”?) new mount? Yeah, our bad. They’re going away now. Sorry ‘bout that, mate.


    Would be appreciated.

    When People do it wrong and then Fix and Say ''we are sorry for the inconvinience'', there's nothing wrong.


    And after have read things like ''Cause i paid 250g then i have the right to skip things'' i do really hope they are going to nerf it to the ground.


    But Since the game is getting year after year more casual, i really doubt they'll do something which could cost em additional earnings.


    And really it's a Shame.

  12. **Maps** are really cool and so it's the exploration part.

    **Mounts** was better than expected, and masteries are simple and nice.

    **Story** is good ( happy for canach return ).

    **World events** would have been nice to me, but personally i didn't dedicate time to PvE farm and just enjoyed maps and exploration ( i need domains of Vabbi to complete all the maps ).


    The **things i really didn't appreciate** is the griffon mount, as gold sink and mechanics, and the low number of WP.

    But i will probably play only LS/SPvP/WvW, so it won't be a big deal.


    It was indeed worth the money, as HoT.


    edit: i forget... hearts are repetable, ok... but why many of em are slow as 10/15 min? like the one "help the living and the deads at the necropoli" ... please consider to tone down em.

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