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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. > @Pifil.5193 said:

    > > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

    > > > @Wanze.8410 said:

    > > > > @solarisnox.8521 said:

    > > >

    > > > > 'm not paying 90g for a weapon that I should not be forced to buy from the tp for some ridiculously over inflated price.

    > > > >

    > > > > This is not a "prestige" item, it's an elite spec weapon which should be challenging, but not impossible, to obtain.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > You are not forced to buy these from the tp, you can get them through regular gameplay. If you are not content with your personal droprate for these weapons, try buffing up your magic find before IDing gear. Someone with 1000% mf will identify 10 times more exotic weapons than someone with no magic find at all.

    > > >

    > > > It isnt impossible to obtain and for most players, 100g isnt even a challenge to earn within a week

    > >

    > > If "most players" were to go the TP route, 100g wouldn't be anywhere close to what the price would end up as.


    > Very true. The price is only where it is because most aren't willing to spend 100g. Enough are, of course, that's why the prices are rising.


    > As for me, between yesterday and this morning I opened over 4500 bags with 500% magic find and got none of the weapons needed for collections. I find it very demotivating when I hit this kind of dead end. So my choice is to give hundreds of gold to 6 random people blessed by RNGesus, continue to buy thousands of pieces of unidentified gear from random people on the TP or hope that it'll drop from some of the bags I get if I play. Yeah. Or just give up.


    > ArenaNet need to fix this and not create collections based on obtaining random exotics through drops (or more likely) the TP again.


    you could have bid 2 of em with the same golds lol

  2. > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > @Dahkeus.8243 said:

    > > Totally agreed. I'm actually enjoying map exploration and gathering mastery points. In HoT, all the map stuff felt like such a grind because of how labyrinthine the maps were.


    > You should probably read again the definition of grind.


    > Also, td and Vb apart ( though the first is pretty easy with many portals and tunnels ), what hot map should be a Lab?




    > @Crinn.7864 said:

    > I haven't gone back to PoF maps since the day I finished the story.



    I enjoyed map completion, story and achievements related, some bounties and events.


    But it's not a bad thing.

    It was really worth the cost of the expansion, and the fact i feel no reason to go back ( unlessi want to do something specific ) is not an issue for me.

  3. mobility = evade.

    if you remove evade/mobility on thief they are going to die cause no sustain, healings, condi removal spam, protection, resistence, health, invul, whatever you want.


    Still, again, he can mostly +1 or decap, and unable to hold a point, do 1v1.

  4. > @Cyninja.2954 said:

    > Gen2 legendarys are not that hard to make, especially if you have the gold to just buy the materials. The rest of the materials are farmed fast enough. This entire disscussion is moot because it's already possible to buy most of the time consuming aspects (the material and gold farm) off the TP.


    They are not that hard, they are easy as breathing,

    The fact is that some things can be bought from TP, and others ( like events or currencies or account bound items ) can't.


    You can buy items from tp, and that's right.

    Here people are asking for a way to PAY other players on a commission.

    **Golds in exchange of doing a TASK**


    So, the mats are worth 1.5k golds at tp ( i.e. t1 leggies)?

    Then for stuff like


    * Tokens

    * Obsidian Shards

    * Gift of the Explorer

    * Spirit Shards

    * Mystic Clovers


    players pay em up to 3kg.


    It's not that hard to understand.


    For T2 leggies there will be also more things to consider ( price would be waaaay higher ), like


    * 1 limited per account

    * many events ( hours of timegate for redo the content you have done infinite times ).

    * more expensive ( amalagamated gemstones, the crafting for precursor, and so on )

    * HoT tokens


    In the t2 price would be 2k, the tp price would be at least 4k if not higher.


    If you think that 2k are not enough for doing tasks and gather currencies around the world, then don't sell it.


    Really players who are defending the t2 or show hate towards who has more golds than em ( and the priceless ones who claim t2 as PRESTIGE )...


    ... really


  5. > Every time they were seen in the game, their char would be running into a wall and dodging at the cooldown interval.


    Obviously botting.

    Not sure if whispers screens could be useful to ANET ( i.e. i can say whatever i want to anybody, and there's no proof that i am not trolling, nor that could be the truth ), but if you have em it could be worth a shot ( no public shame cause it's not allowed by forum rules ).

  6. > @Dahkeus.8243 said:

    > Totally agreed. I'm actually enjoying map exploration and gathering mastery points. In HoT, all the map stuff felt like such a grind because of how labyrinthine the maps were.


    You should probably read again the definition of grind.


    Also, td and Vb apart ( though the first is pretty easy with many portals and tunnels ), what hot map should be a Lab?


    Hot map were grind for mastery endless experience and for loots meta related.

  7. > @Mewcifer.5198 said:

    > Sometimes when I open a couple thousand ToT bags it will make my client go not responding for a short bit. But I've never had it crash me. It does seem like something people should have the option to toggle off.


    I didn't have any crash too ( the log out is to "reset" and make the game run smoothly ), but for salvaging or opening i pass from 2 sec to 15/20 sec, the the game lose some fps ( i can still play though it's not the best thing ).


  8. Hi guys,


    The one which appears when you loot, open bags, salvage.


    Sometimes ( like halloween bags ) it makes the client running slower till it froze for 10/15 sec cause he still have to memorize the loot he must show you.

    And, honestly, it's senseless ( and having to relog cause of the low fps is not quite a thing if you are waiting for meta, if you are in wvw, in a "stack" map like silverwaste and so on ).


    Btw i checked and i couldn't find it, but maybe i am the one who missed the option.


  9. > @Samnang.1879 said:

    > rhetorical question. this is a thread for things you find pointless/unnecessary in gw2

    > what is the point of:

    > - toilet paper rolls, at least other junk u can sell for 1copper, but u can't even sell toilet paper rolls...


    What about the other tonics then?

    Time sink given by trashing them ( and gold sink, since they don't provide any return ).


    > - first aid kits in wvw, does anyone actually use this feature?


    Good point ( i guess they were there for the initial core version, in order to allow classes tu support somehow ).


    > - minis...



    I happened to see on wow infinite players who spent hours and/or irl cash for em.

    That market is huge mate.

  10. I didn't read the whole thread, but who addresses the crafting of a t2 to the word **prestige** should take a cold shower and think about what is really the effort they put on the item, golds needed apart.


    It's simply a snake and ladders with no difficulty.

    Just time sink ( map completion, take part to some eventes, etc... ).


    To me these people are simply scared of losing something which first was esclusive for some players.

    And i also happened to see a huge hate towards players who use golds to buy their stuff instead of farming it ( and the question could be **if it's slower the other why, or simply annoying, why should I?** )

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