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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. > @Kronos.3695 said:

    > JUST.

    > NO.


    > And please, just be honest with yourself and us and simply say that you don't want to spent time playing the game but buying things directly from the trading post and show them off :)




    I did HOPE, and honestly was really a pita.

    I do want to play the game, i currently do.

    I don't want to do specific task, and prefer instead to play the game the way i want and maybe buy with the gold i make the items i need.


    I thank god that fortunately there are no other leggies that i want ( maybe the minstrell when they are will give, if they will ever going to, the minstrell class to thief ).


    Btw, just to be clear, if a leggie is worth 2k golds in terms of materials, be sure that it would be sell for 3k ( if you can create infinite of em ) and way much more if 1x account limited. So on one hand, who craft it spend time doing events, on the other hand who is going to buy it spend time farming/making golds.


    Everybody plays.

  2. > @Halan.8951 said:

    > I got 2 Oontz necklaces ( green and black) from bags on the first day, and didn't run Labyrinth since then. Are they considered rare? No weapons yet... but almost 2 weeks left.


    A rare but unfortunately not extremely rare drop.


    The gem can be infused through 1 [+9 agony +5 stat] infusion and 2 other almost free items in order to transform it from a jewel to a real infusion.

    Here's the recipe https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Poly-luminescent_Undulating_Refractor_(Black) ( i linked you the black one but is the same for every jewel ).



  3. For **PvE** i play meta build/equip ( though with some pugs i have to make some modifies, but untill now it's always fine ). Mostly for respect towards my team mates.

    **WvW** i tend to roam or assist the commanders from outside ( i play a thief, so there's no room for me in a organized squad ). Btw currently i am working on a revenant in order to teamplay.

    **SPvP** Non meta build, cause i play staff instead of d/p ( but traits and skills are the same ).


  4. After HoT story you have many possibilities:


    * Living Story 3 ( which starts after completing HoT story ) and their living world.

    * Fractals ( they added 2 new fractals and modified some of the old ones ).

    * Meta Maps ( if you didn't try the 4 main HoT maps, you could give it a shot and see the meta events ).

    * Halloween! ( it ends november 7 ).

    * Raids ( this part will require you to have probably a guild or a good equipment on a specific class character. Consider it the "endgame" in terms of GW2 PvE ).

    * Something else ( everybody plays gw2 for its own reasons, which could be simply to farm in some zone, do achievements, jp, craft, wvw, spvp, etc... this is totally up to you ).




    * Purchase PoF (30$), which gives you Mounts, new Elites, New Zones, Bounties, and more.

  5. > @Arkondus.4902 said:

    > > @tstske.3864 said:

    > > Most people make gold running fractals or grinding the Silverwastes from what I've seen. You could also craft to work on your endgame gear, if you haven't started that up already. the LW3 maps practically throw ascended trinkets at you as well.


    > lw3?


    living world 3.

    zones related to living story 3 ( each chapter add a new zone ), which is part of HoT.

  6. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > Did she?? ;)


    Guess so :anguished:

    Not even sure the reply was to me or not ( if so, i intended a corn macro while in city, not doing any content meanwhile. I don't understand why to use macro, while doing content, when you have around 12 keys to press ).

  7. > @Fallesafe.5932 said:

    > Once again... Whether you agree or disagree with me, PoF is a perfect illustation of my point. Once you hit that wall, where you don't need anything else from some content, the incentive to continue playing it disappears.


    You probably came here after have spent time on other mmo with "progression".

    Now you are simply realizing that without someone that order you to play or to lose your character you are lost.


    GW2 is not the best mmo for sure, but still it offers a way out of what mmos are now like.

    Stop focusin on getting powerful and better forever, and instead try to learn again to play in order to have fun ( and maybe to unlock some particular skin or item you want ).


    If you feel that there's nothing else to do, take a break and play something else.

    As a filler game it does its work wonderfully ( i use gw2 that way, though sometimes i play it way more! Like now ).


  8. > @smsarasin.3468 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > > @smsarasin.3468 said:

    > > > I have been very disappointed with the drop rate this year as well. I've opened at least 1,000 bags and haven't had a single nice item drop except for one of the Oontz's necklace of the Spectre. (Amusing, but not really what I was hoping for...)

    > >

    > > Ehm... what do you expected to get for a 28g bags?

    > > You probably were able to made up 50/60% of the golds spent ( or simply 50/60%the value of bags if you buy them from tp ) or the cost by selling corns and other stuff, and also you dropped the spectre which is worth 5/6g.

    > >

    > > What i mean is, 1k bags are really a low amount of em, and if you would have managed to drop something worth 70g+ you would have been really, really lucky.

    > > Prices are high cause items are rare.

    > > If they were not rare, infusion would be the same price as oontz's necklaces.

    > >


    > I wasn't really looking for the cash on drops, just the drops themselves. I was hoping to pick up a couple more Grim Pacts for my Deadeye. :)


    > I just remember last year that in the first 200 or so bags it seems that I got a couple exotics like Onus or Jailbroken. I know that I can just pick them up on the Trading Post, but I was hoping that this year would be like that again.


    > Maybe I just had unrealistic expectations after the "Woo Shiny!" that I remember from the last go-round.



    ouch bad call mate :\

    They are almost free at TP ( 1g more or less ).


    You could have saved money.

  9. > @smsarasin.3468 said:

    > I have been very disappointed with the drop rate this year as well. I've opened at least 1,000 bags and haven't had a single nice item drop except for one of the Oontz's necklace of the Spectre. (Amusing, but not really what I was hoping for...)


    Ehm... what do you expected to get for a 28g bags?

    You probably were able to made up 50/60% of the golds spent ( or simply 50/60%the value of bags if you buy them from tp ) or the cost by selling corns and other stuff, and also you dropped the spectre which is worth 5/6g.


    What i mean is, 1k bags are really a low amount of em, and if you would have managed to drop something worth 70g+ you would have been really, really lucky.

    Prices are high cause items are rare.

    If they were not rare, infusion would be the same price as oontz's necklaces.


  10. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > Randulf -- Thank you. Yes, guys, I'm trying a system that I recommended to everyone a Anet, where we post *above* a comment so that the Dev Comment carousel shows more meaningful content. However, I can see it's confusing. I'll try to indicate in some way that the response is for quoted content *below* my comments. Or do call-outs, like I'm doing here, instead of trying to quote posts. :)


    > Pensadora -- I'm glad that you commented that you have reported and you've seen a positive reaction to that report (and no punishment on your account). :)


    > Strider -- Exactly! Reports of the use of exploits should be sent to Exploits@Arena.Net, not posted on the forums. General questions/comments are ok, but they should never include names, because "naming and shaming" isn't appropriate. If there's an issue, sending it via e-mail or ticket should get it reviewed. We ask that everyone please use the proper method for reports.


    > apharma -- Posts are removed when they name and shame, either in text or through images. Posts about exploits are removed because, well, they may serve as a "tutorial on how to cheat" until the exploit is closed. Posts that share concerns about an issue generally are left intact as long as they don't harass and don't expose a temporary game vulnerability that we all, as players, should want to see fixed, not exploited for personal gain. If you have a concern about a removed thread you can drop an e-mail and I'll take a look to make sure it was properly handled. We honestly don't want to squelch such discussion, we just want to make sure the FCoC is being observed.


    You forgot me :(

  11. > @Wanze.8410 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > Seems that removing the cap could be the only way then.

    > > Maybe by setting extra luck points even higher.

    > >

    > > From 219 to 300 you need 30k each lvl.

    > > Then over 300 could be i don't know 500k each lvl? 1 Milion?


    > how about you do the same as me and keep using consume all on EoL and every 1 million EoL wasted, I imagine I have 1% more magic find on my account?


    > And i swear, I get better drops now, since I wasted the last 1 million EoL.


    If i do like you, i would have done the same with the transmutation stones

    old https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Transmutation_Stone

    which after some time became useful in order to get something.


    The real problem here is that the system has a big flaw, and we are simply discussing in order to find a way to solve it.

    Turning your back to the problem won't help in this discussion.


    Super Rare Drop from BLC, like other permanent Stuff

    Internal Global CD 30 Min



    Rare Drop from BLC or maybe, as aviator or bubblehead, avaible from the store during festive events.



    Node instance which grants you daily 1x Unidentified Gear ( random rarity ).


    **GRAND PRIZE!**

    The idea is more or less the lottery like some halloweens ago with the foil candy wrappers



    But will instead be a monthly lottery for BLC lucky customers.

    Maybe a Rare Drop which allow the player to partecipate at an exclusive lottery draft with 3 very good prizes.



    1. Precursor

    2. SKIN A

    3. SKIN B


    And for every partecipant ( once got the monthly ticket you won't be able to get any more of em ), something like 3 black lion keys.

  13. > @YoukiNeko.6047 said:

    > If Anet replace gold to gem with something like WoW token, then maybe they will earn enough to remove the boxes.


    > @Kalendraf.9521 said:

    > > @Drew.1865 said:

    > > I have only opened 2 and got scraps both times in the last two years or so lol. Wish the scraps weren’t soulbound.


    > Black Lion Claim Ticket Scraps are Account Bound, not soulbound.


    His wish has become real.

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