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Posts posted by Amaranthe.3578

  1. They look like plants but on the inside their tissues might be completely different...they have a nervous system after all.

    I guess bit would be a weird mix of thr taste of plants and meat.

    You can also go ahead and say that they are just regular plants animated by magic.

    Im not sure if there is a canon answer.

  2. > @"Arlette.9684" said:

    > > @"jportell.2197" said:

    > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > > > > > @"jportell.2197" said:

    > > > > > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > > > > > Rev below balanced?

    > > > > > > M'ok...

    > > > > >

    > > > > > You know I did some ranked matches last night where I got matched against a scourge. I never once was in a fight against this person in the entire match. Just rotated around his ridiculous AOE spam that covers entire points. At the end of each match all he did was gripe about mirage. Even though I never once went up against him.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I swear man people will do anything to see this spec nerfed. Which I feel the only thing that needs changed on mirage, is make the dodge unusable while stunned. Everything else is fine. It doesn't even have the best condition application in the game atm.

    > > > >

    > > > > It needs a nerf though. Everyone keep griping th mantra until it is in everyone's head.

    > > > > Be loud enough until Mirage is earthbound

    > > >

    > > > To me its just dodging while stunned / casting / rezzing...

    > > > Other issue I have is PC related, a good mes spamming visual clutter usually leaves only name plates visible and I have to rely on what AoE is ticking for less than the others

    > >

    > > Dodging while stunned needs to go. However casting, stomping, ressing during the mirage cloak is what the class is designed around. If you get rid of all of that may as well scrap the spec as a whole.


    > More than reasonable request, of course since this is GW2, Next Patch:

    > Elusive Mind exhaustion increased to 25 secs.

    > Infinite Horrizon no longer affects illusions, it just does nothing at all.

    > Dune cloak, well you'll be hard pressed to make it work worse than it already does.

    > Oh yea and Mirage Mirrors are now the only source of Mirage Cloak.


    > RIP!


    Dune cloak actually works rather well.

  3. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

    > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > > Any hero point that has a nominally 'friendly' NPC _will_ become bugged if someone triggered the challenge and then left before defeating the NPCs. Apparently, the challenge no longer resets to the "unstarted" status.

    > > >

    > > > There are a couple of work-arounds, none that helpful.

    > > > * Complete all other challenges then use WvW Notarized Scroll of Heroics to complete a _random_ challenge from those that remain.

    > > > * Wait for a map reset. That happens under rare circumstances. Best way to handle it is to park the character near the challenge and cycle back whenever you have downtime, in hopes that it's reset.

    > > > * Wait for the patch on the 6th of November; hope for a hotfix before that.

    > >

    > > Please delete the first option you wrote as it simply does not work.

    > > I tried it.


    > It works, it's just not a very useful option because it selects a _random_ challenge. If you have completed 6 maps, need one challenge on the 7th, and have 18 maps in various states of completion, well, the chances it selects the one you need for that 7th map is slim.


    It does NOT work,stop misleading people.

    I am missing ONE HP from core Tyria and I tried it and it does NOT work.

  4. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > Any hero point that has a nominally 'friendly' NPC _will_ become bugged if someone triggered the challenge and then left before defeating the NPCs. Apparently, the challenge no longer resets to the "unstarted" status.


    > There are a couple of work-arounds, none that helpful.

    > * Complete all other challenges then use WvW Notarized Scroll of Heroics to complete a _random_ challenge from those that remain.

    > * Wait for a map reset. That happens under rare circumstances. Best way to handle it is to park the character near the challenge and cycle back whenever you have downtime, in hopes that it's reset.

    > * Wait for the patch on the 6th of November; hope for a hotfix before that.


    Please delete the first option you wrote as it simply does not work.

    I tried it.

  5. > @"Airdive.2613" said:

    > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

    > > > @"Spoichiche.1290" said:

    > > > I'm not necessarily opposed to the idea of playing in a team with 4 other players once in a while for AT but i'm a soloQ player.

    > > > I get more enjoyment playing in soloQ, in a more casual environement, with no need to make calls, order people around or follow someone else's call. It may sound stupid but i prefer playing alone in a team rather than being inherently part of the team. I prefer making my own decisions based on what informations i can gather and let my allies make their own decisions based on what they can gather.

    > >

    > > You want casual play in a ranked, competitive and rated game mode instead of in an unranked, casual and unrated game mode?

    > > Makes perfect sense.


    > Casual doesn't mean bad.

    > While a 5v5 premade match tests your communication skills and your team synergy, a solo queue match emphasizes your adaptability, comprehension skills and quick decision making. You can't say the former are somehow "better" or more important than the latter, they're just different experiences.



    Im sorry but this is just plain bull.

    You do realize this is a team-based game?

    What do you imagine will happen if you pit a 5-man premade against a team of 5 randoms? Do you seriously think that in a premade there is less quick decision making? You think they discuss things mid-match? O_o. Have you ever watched a 5v5 game? go ahead and try.

    Casual doesnt mean bad...but I have a weird feeling you have no clue what the word actually means, it means NOT competitive...it means you are NOT doing all you can to win.

    Try to think of the difference between casual soccer and competitive soccer.

  6. > @"Spoichiche.1290" said:

    > I'm not necessarily opposed to the idea of playing in a team with 4 other players once in a while for AT but i'm a soloQ player.

    > I get more enjoyment playing in soloQ, in a more casual environement, with no need to make calls, order people around or follow someone else's call. It may sound stupid but i prefer playing alone in a team rather than being inherently part of the team. I prefer making my own decisions based on what informations i can gather and let my allies make their own decisions based on what they can gather.


    You want casual play in a ranked, competitive and rated game mode instead of in an unranked, casual and unrated game mode?

    Makes perfect sense.

  7. The 2nd option makes zero sense...if you have a network of friends you just queue up with whoever is on or just grab people from LFG.

    If you just want to do you own thing why do you care if its unranked? your are clearly not trying your best to win/improve/compete.

    Would you feel the same if the rewards from that unranked/solo-queue were the same or almost the same as the rewards from ranked? I would bet that this is a reward issue...which really shouldnt be the reason people go to play ranked.

  8. > @"Spoichiche.1290" said:

    > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

    > > A very simple thing.

    > > People will form groups.


    > They won't. I can guarantee you, they won't. Asking players to make an lfg or join an lfg to play ranked pvp will instantly delete the entirerity of bronze-silver-gold league and a significant part of plat+.

    > I don't know about you, but i don't wanna play with a pvp community of about 20 people.


    They wont huh...thats the same crap people say in WoW when sane people call for the removal of looking for dungeon tool.

  9. > @"Griever.8150" said:

    > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

    > > Sure, both could exist but the place of solo-queue could be unranked.


    > What would that accomplish, exactly?


    > If you really think that simply killing every game modes outside ranked 5v5 will somehow funnel everyone into it, you might be a bit disappointed.


    > In the current gaming landscape where there's so many games out there that people can chose from, trying to twist people's arm to play a specific mode is almost guaranteed to backfire.



    A very simple thing.

    People will form groups. When you are playing with 4 other random player for all you care they might be NPCs playing with you.

    Instead of what you have now you will simply use the LFG tool at first to form groups. When people form groups they communicate and before you know it instead of turning to the LFG tool you turn to the people who are online from your friends list. This creates community.

    MMORPGs live and die by the community they have. This is the main problem with GW2 now.

    This is not about twisting anyones arm as SoloQ will still exist. I do think that a rebalance of rewards should happen too.(I believe too many players play ranked only because of the insane gap between ranked and unranked rewards)

    There are other options of course, one thing that pops to mind is leave ranked as is and create swiss-style tournaments that pop the moment there 8 groups of 5-mans ready.

  10. > @"Griever.8150" said:

    > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

    > > > @"Griever.8150" said:

    > > > > @"TamX.1870" said:

    > > > > > @"breno.5423" said:

    > > > > > > @"TamX.1870" said:

    > > > > > > > @"breno.5423" said:

    > > > > > > Remove ranked, and replace that part with premade tournaments

    > > > > >

    > > > > > So what about soloq dudes?

    > > > >

    > > > > Soloq goes either to unranked, or to deathmatch.

    > > >

    > > > Then me and many others will simply quit as a lot of us don't have time to schedule our hobby around other people.

    > >

    > > I say let them leave...without a serious NEED for people to form groups a real live pvp community cant be formed.

    > > A MMO should not compromise for "people who cant schedule their hobby round other people" lol jesus...its a group-based game.

    > >


    > I never said i was agains't the idea of a 5v5 ladder or more frequent tournament or absolutely anything that support or encourage people to form groups, i definitively agree PvP is lacking in that regard.


    > But taking away SoloQ as an option entirely is not an obligatory pre-requisite for that to happen. Both can co-exist, see : League of Legends.


    > Besides, how much tinier do you think this game's playerbase can get before its stop being sustainable? Have to remember that ArenaNet is a business, tied to a really greedy one at that (NCSoft). Gotta think about the bigger picture when suggesting something.


    Like I said, in order for the community to grow and attract new players the game has to make players form groups.

    Sure, both could exist but the place of solo-queue could be unranked.



  11. > @"Griever.8150" said:

    > > @"TamX.1870" said:

    > > > @"breno.5423" said:

    > > > > @"TamX.1870" said:

    > > > > > @"breno.5423" said:

    > > > > Remove ranked, and replace that part with premade tournaments

    > > >

    > > > So what about soloq dudes?

    > >

    > > Soloq goes either to unranked, or to deathmatch.


    > Then me and many others will simply quit as a lot of us don't have time to schedule our hobby around other people.


    I say let them leave...without a serious NEED for people to form groups a real live pvp community cant be formed.

    A MMO should not compromise for "people who cant schedule their hobby round other people" lol jesus...its a group-based game.


  12. > @"TorQ.7041" said:

    > > @"jportell.2197" said:

    > > > @"breno.5423" said:

    > > > 10k damage on tick, trololo

    > > >

    > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/BQ7levU.jpg "")

    > > >

    > >

    > > And is priority in cleanses. Requires heavy investment to achieve. And is a very squishy build with no condi cleanses.


    > Not really. I play mes.


    > Assuming it's an inspiration build because sword torch, which is also what I play. There is plenty of cleanse. Each juant removes 1 condition. Each f button removes conditions. Signet of midnight removes all condis. Signet of ilussion allows u to recharge all f skills and so u can remove again. There is literally 12 Condi removals. The f skills also do Condi dmg upon activation .that's just the minimum active removal.


    > With traits every clone u make takes a condition. So u can just spam axe 2 which takes another 2. Signet of ilusion also randomly generates clones which take off condition. You basically cannot die to Condi.


    > 25k hp is not squishy at all. Esp not with 2 stealths, 2 distorts,2 dodges,4 teleports. Before you say jaunt range is low. Small range teleports is actually what u want. To port out of stuns. For example if a warrior dazes you and is about to use hundred blades. U can jaunt right out of it n use your next skill. Since daze is only 1 second. Another is to jaunt up spots so they can't hit u. Plenty in every map.


    > It's literally is the most for giving build in the entire game. I am going to play the kitten out it untill they Nerf it.


    The Inspiration variant is meant for newer mesmers and is not played by at the higher raiting.

  13. > @"Buran.3796" said:

    > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:


    > > 0 teamwork required to win a conquest match?


    > You don't need to win a single conquest match to complete the full 6 pieces of the PvP legendary armor. Not a single time. You need to succesfully complete raids to get the PvE legendary armor. Defeats in PvP just rides you to the same point, but the progression is slower. Also, conquest matches can be won with 0 teamplay; some people is good enough to carry. But doesn't matter: even at 0% w/l ratio you will end in bronze and at that level even trying to lose you will win some matches (again: unneeded). It's SUPER fair. Effortless fair.


    You dont need to know anything to complete raids...you can get carried or just buy the clears.

    If you try to get the legendary armor with only losses you will stop way before you get the 6 pieces.

  14. > @"Buran.3796" said:

    > > @"azizul.8469" said:

    > > PVE Raid Legendary Armor - Nice skin + nice functionalities (rune/stats swap)

    > > PVP LegendaryArmor - kitten skin + functionalities that are not actually used in pvp.

    > >

    > > ..fair ?


    > Is SUPER fair due you get functionality to game modes which you don't even need to touch at much lower cost while doing something that you like and with no chances of failure (plus 0 teamwork required).


    0 teamwork required to win a conquest match?

  15. > @"azizul.8469" said:

    > PVE Raid Legendary Armor - Nice skin + nice functionalities (rune/stats swap)

    > PVP LegendaryArmor - kitten skin + functionalities that are not actually used in pvp.


    > ..fair ?


    I dont think there are any functionalities in pvp that you can reward.

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