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Everything posted by HnRkLnXqZ.1870

  1. Just tried it out myself and did a few tests. What works: - the area-effect pulse can be blocked - interaction-time depends on your attackspeed You can speed up the interaction by 2-3 seconds, if you happen to have Quickness. As you can see in the link, most classes have an option to get this boon somehow for a short time. Just get it right before you interact. When I tested it without the boon, interaction took ~ 7 seconds, with quickness it is 4-5 seconds. Regarding the blocking, Aegis works excellent. Did a few times with the Guardian and used Aegis on others. Arcane Shield should work as well. Stability sadly does not prevent the interruption :S. The huge problem with these bubble-areas in Orr is, the 'attacks' strike randomly. Sometimes you are lucky and there is enough time to interact. Sometimes you get interrupted every 2 seconds.
  2. Hero-Tron has one known location: Comodore's Quarter, next to Marcello DiGiacomo, east of Captain Kiel's office. The robot appears in the scene, where it can be interacted with for ~ 3 minutes, during its dialogue with Marcello. Then it walks away into the Order of Whispers Headquarters and chats with Ogden Stonhealer. During that time it cannot be interacted with. Then it returns to Marcello and the dialogue repeats. The entire cycle takes 5-7 minutes.
  3. The Watchtower Cliffs are a group-zone, designed for larger farming-teams. You are looking for the keywords "Leather Farm" when you browse the LFG of Lake Doric. Those squads camp this area, run it up and down so you can easily grab the shard on your way. Alternatively, you can use stealth & mounts. But you need at least one person with a permanent group-stealth build.
  4. If Zephyr's Ascent is the problem, that can be solved. EU or NA? High level Mesmer does not equal good jumper. Most Mesmers I've met in Jumping Puzzles play that class to have easier re-tries. If you happen to have LW4 E2 unlocked, pay NPC Hafren near Anniogel Encampment Waypoint (Sandswept Isles) a visit. The NPC sells the Prototype Position Rewinder, which is a personal return-button for difficult jumps with a very short cooldown. If you have no access to that map, you can use a Necromancer's Spectral Walk utility-skill, which works almost the same as the rewinder.
  5. > @"Fuchslein.8639" said: > Can I just say that I personally hate the restriction on World Boss boxes? > Many of the world bosses are in low level areas and guess who doesn't get a piece of the pie, even if they are there from start to finish? Exactly, low level characters ... > Don't know if it depends on the DMG or if it's solved that way in general, but participating in an event and not getting a reward at the end is the worst ~~. I run into that issue whenever I try to participate in a Ley Anomaly. As far as I noticed, it depends only on the damage. These bosses melt within the blink of an eye. If you are not a level 80 character with outmaxed DPS build, probably lagg a little, there is a high chance the boss is dead before you even land your first hit. In my case it is a non-dps build combined with reviving downed allies. Horrible combination. Every second I spend not-hitting the boss, reduces my chances for proper loot. In ANet's defense, most of the bosses were not designed with an army of perfectly optimized DPS machines in mind. But that is what people recommend for open-world nowadays.
  6. Community is a great part of the game. If you have a question, you can just use map-chat and usually get an answer. Sometimes you are told to look it up on a website or the wiki, when the answer would be rather detailed and a lot to write. A growing number of guilds focusing on different aspects of the game, some are more specialized than others. When doing Open World content you are almost never alone, either people randomly join you or quickly come to help if you ask for it. Curiosity is rewarded. There are tons of hidden chests and secrets scattered over Tyria. If you are not familiar with a new territory, take your time and watch the vistas completely. Some of them give hints about secret passages. Some of them lead to complex areas, even Jumping Puzzles where an even bigger treasure waits at the end. You can make your own character. Almost infinite ways to customize the armor and build. Depending on the content you intend to play, you may have to adjust your customization, but there is always more than one way of doing something well. Engaging meta-events on every map, which allow you to immerse in your environment. In the end it sure is a button-mashing HP sponge that needs to be destroyed, but in most cases it does not feel that boring. There is dialogue and atmosphere built around the events, so you feel like you play an important role. The rewards prove that the effort was worth it. In Core Tyria those meta-events may appear a little anticlimactic, but some of the ones in the Expansions and Living World sometimes spark the desire in you to return to that swamp, where you just had to fight a giant Wurm.
  7. > @"anduriell.6280" said: > Why thou? Karma is the most useless currency IMO. I have like 19 million karma in my account and i don't see any use for it. A few weeks ago, we had a thread about this topic. The conclusion of the thread was mostly: If you do not want to spend the karma, it will just stack up. There are plenty of ways to spend it. You can convert it into materials or gold, use it to get some useful gear or unlock skins. I'm playing for 8 years so far. If you just run the PSNA Mapping Materials, you spend 31.5k per day. With RL in mind, I am quite happy about that buffer-storage from Wintersday. In addition I still have plenty of skins to unlock. Karma merchants from Renown Hearts (LW) and Home Instance Nodes.
  8. For me it is: - Karmic Enrichment (ascended necklace/amulet required) - Guild Karma Boost (tavern/guildhall) - Winter's Blessing (reward from Donation Drive, daily 15 Orphans) - 50 % Karma Bonus (Bonfire, Karma Booster, Extra Life Karma Booster) - Candy Cane - Peppermint Omnomberry Bar - Peppermint Oil - Guild Heroes Banner - Spirit Banner I strictly ignore the Crowd-Favorite Racer and Volunteer's Blessing, because it is imo too much trouble to maintain those two. If you go 100 % Efficiency, you have to grab those as well. Then I quickly do my 15 Orphans, I follow a special path that works best for me. In the wiki guide: 1 => 2 => 5 => 6 => 7 => 8 => 11 => 10 => 9 => Ossan Waypoint 16 => 17 => 18 => 19 => 20 => 21 Now I check my buffs and refresh: Candy Cane to 30 mins, Guild Heroes and Spirit Banner, both foods Next visit is the Winter Wonderland for the 3x Mote of Candied Karma, which rewards ~ 13k for me. The Orphans reward around 3,900 karma each. Normally I just stay there, and just do the JP 10-14x in total. Each complete round rewards me ~ 2,700 karma. So I end the whole tour with ~ 125k karma and 135-188 Wintersday Gifts. For my standards, it is quite a rewarding bounty. Efficiency masters may gain a lot more.
  9. > @"Carnius Magius.8091" said: > Is there a way to see the crafting level for an inactive crafting profession without paying silver to activate it? YES. Just visit any crafting-station of that profession. The recipe-list will obviously be empty, but the level and exp-bar on top are still visible. ![](https://i.imgur.com/682Wye1.jpg "")
  10. Technical: - Rework/Overhaul of the TP/Gemstore browser. It is constantly getting worse, performance wise. It was already outdated long before PoF was released. - Rework/Overhaul of the UI. Mounts and Novelties share the space of half a button, with a horrible selection screen for each. Special Action Key may soon get the ability to cook Lasagna, if they continue with this mess. Looking at the screenshots of players like our beloved forum-kitten (^-^), who has to play with an over-cluttered UI, with an actual gameplay window smaller than my school-calculator, is just ridiculous. Target audience of this game are casual players, who do not own highly optimized gaming rigs. Every web-page out there faces a compatibility design, so a wide variety of computers & browsers can view and use it with optimal performance. - Rework/Overhaul the Contacts-Menu. Leaks: - Discontinued features - Steam status - EoD status Other: - Roadmaps - At least one developer playing each one of the classes. Does not have to be main-class, play what you enjoy most - it is a game after all.
  11. > @"Mike Ditka.2531" said: > Am i the only one who thinks this absolutely sucks? Let us say not the only one, but the amount of people who believe GW2 should be completely for free is rather small. We do not have monthly subscription fees, so the company only makes money with two ways: - selling the game - selling stuff on the Gemstore The Gemstore items however follow a special rule, no P2Win items. The concept with the Living World is nice for players who stick with the game. As you have lost interest after barely 18 months, you have a basic idea how difficult it can be to stick with the game for 8 years straight. The release cadence of new expansions and Living World content was _challenging_ to say the least. When it comes to selling the game and expansions, they often rely on heavy discounts to attract new players. You are currently paying less than half what each expansion and the core-game costed, for all three. Every returner and every new player runs into the exact same situation as you. Looking at the Living World content, the seasons can be seen as small expansions. They are still quite cheap, compared to similar content of our competitors. They are completely optional and you are not forced to pay them for real money. Farming takes a while, but a lot of players pick that path. The Living World seasons are quite different: - **Season 2** has **no Mastery-System**, the **maps are part of the core-game**. So except for the story and a couple of achievements, that one can be neglected at first. - **Season 3** is full of easy methods to **gear (ascended) your characters**, most of the Masteries are only use-able in certain maps. - **Season 4** features **less gearing** options, but offers **Masteries that can be used in all Tyria** and grants access to **2 additional mounts**. - **Icebrood Saga** is a mix, it contains map-locked Masteries as well as **some Masteries which work in all Tyria**. **Less gear** options than LW3, but **more skins**. So before you purchase a certain season, gather information. Do you really want/need it? I often run into players (new & returners) who do that. They only unlock what appears to be useful/worth it to them and leave the other stuff for 'later.' If you have questions, feel free to ask. Regarding that guild, I ran into that same situation a few weeks ago. Found a nice guild, but the activity times did not meet my RL schedule. Happens. There are tons of guilds out there. A lot of them focus on introducing and helping new players. I can also recommend you the social-guilds which are helpful to new and returning players as well. Keep your eyes open, especially the map-chat in festival/daily-maps and you will find another one in no time. The active ones keep advertising and looking for new members.
  12. > @"hugo.4705" said: > Like the title said, yup maybe the ressources would be better spent somewhere else and yes it would require work from the devs. > Here is just a bunch of things I thought about those last days after leveling my ninth character around Tyria and doing map completions with it. > > But it needs a little intro: I really think that GW2 has several pros, like the OST, the graphics, artworks of cutscenes, concept arts, loading screens; and even If I don't like that much the story post-Zhaithan, the maps are cool. I hesitated to make a giga-post detailing each existing map and its pros / cons but I'm not gonna do it, because I think I can say everything in that post. I would definitely read that. Had this planned as well in another thread a while ago. Scrapped it due to time-issues and in fear of getting moderated for getting too far Offtopic xD. > What this game lacks, and it is my honest opinion, is more interaction between the player and that living world/maps: In no way, you really feel like your chosen race or character creations options matters, beyond that, you don't really feel like you are influencing your surrounding either. At a point, that to me, what would be the difference if a Skritt, a quaggan or an ooze became the pact commander instead of you? And you staying in your race city enjoying your life? /agree, BUT (there is always a but) With the expansions, we have a lot of players who never touched PS after the character-creation and intro-stage. It would be very difficult if not impossible to find a good solution for those players. I think this is the main-reason why they stopped with this :S. > **1- Reputation system? Affinity system?** > Quests and AntiQuests Possible. Probably not in core-tyria, but it is not that difficult to set this system up. It could be used in a new LW map for testing and if it works and people like it, maybe implement it as a feature in the next Expansion. Sadly they do not want to touch the old maps, except for bug-fixing. I played and loved ToR and its awesome light-side dark-side system. I remember that one optional mission in the Sith Inquisitor story-line, where you had the chance to aid an ally. If you decided to let them die, you faced a couple of ugly consequences later in the story. ... Good memories. What I liked about our early personality system, if you had a too high ferocity-score, certain dialogue options were locked. > **2- Scribing but for solo players** We have tons of suggestions about this topic already. ANet is however not much talkative about it. So every suggestion may help to spark some inspiration. The lounge passes would give them a guaranteed payment for the work and it would motivate even players who normally just buy the convenience-zones to give housing a try. I like it. > **3- The impacts of character creation choices** We do have a couple of character creation choices which have literally 0 impact at all. It would already be a start to give them a purpose. As far as I remember some of the decisions cause certain field NPC dialogue options. I remember a forum thread years ago, where someone mentioned he was threatened by a random bandit for freeing Demmi Beetlestone (Whispers Campaign). I also think that some Svanir address Romke's descendant when they meet them. While it would be nice, I think those decisions should have been made during the creation of the game. In the LW sandbox, they could use it. Making a temple of the Human Gods, with priests and giving the one speaking for your story-decision special dialogue/quest. Side Note: I recently found an absolutely hilarious bug in the human commoner personal story-line. Yes, THAT BL KEY GRIND. During the Arson at the Orphanage, you can technically activate the [Tour Guide] near the fountain, which was probably just left in the instance by accident. It works, you can enjoy the tour during the instance. That Tour Guide takes his job seriously ... until they blow up the hospital. I reported it a while ago, but I doubt they will ever fix it. With code this old, you are just happy if it still runs without causing real problems. > **4- The living world** I hope they do something like that in the current LW season, in Champions. But it may be instanced :S. > That is, events in cities. No more waiting, nina shooting available as event, polymock opened and replaced by golem arena with each player in a giant suit fighting another one or giant version of RC Chest, giant remotely controlled golems. Fights in the gladiator arena of the black citadel as a horde like event defending yourselves against waves of soldiers and veterans. A tennis like event on the frozen lake of hoelbrak, moas races happening in LA like the good old time. And to end, turning into fern hound and racing around the grove. Especially with Nina's Target Shoot and the Polymock Arenas I would not even be mad it they tie them to festivals. There is however a little progress with Nina though. The target shoot can be reached now, because the invisible walls are not too high. If you get inside, you can talk to one NPC which actually has dialogue fitting to the situation. So I have little hopes about this place. > **5- The masteries** > What we have currently? Pact supplies and speed boost in city that's it. I speak only of applying in core tyria or cities. So fractals / legendary crafting (which are in fact more related to HoT or outside core Tyria) don't count. None are related to races, none are related to lores, none are related to any of the cities or allowing you to do something related you didn't have access to before. Maybe 3 Lines of one mastery each one for an order? Decyphing glyphs tablets and signs around, knowing more informations and ability to spy, option to rally some allies around pact camp to do events with you? Again, racial ones unlocking instances, goodies or access to hidden places? I agree to that point that the Tyrian Mastery system was ended too early. Giving cultural options like we had it with the Itzel, Exalted and Nuhoch could work. I really liked the Exalted marks in HoT, which granted you allies in difficult situations, activated mechanisms or granted passages. And then maybe a side-quest like Herta. - A larger thread, but a nice one. Great job! I hope the developers get a few inspirations from this for future content. A rework of Core Tyria would be amazing. But at the moment, they sell the Expansions. People purchase the game to play the Expansions. It is not impossible, other games did it before. Rework the Core game and sell it again/free for veterans. But for now, all we can do is making suggestions and wait.
  13. The original Living World was more engaging, took place in already existing maps and altered them significantly. Although some of the patches were quite small, the content was more immersive in my opinion. As good as it sounded and worked during Season 1, it was just too expensive. With LS3, they began to bind LW content directly to specific new maps, expanding the world-map. This turned out to be an improvement at first, but came with a high price. As you say in the RL, you cannot spend the same coin twice. Holding the balance between mapping, events, story-telling and side-quests turned out to be horribly difficult. Some maps ended up with wide barren-areas, like the water-area of both Ember Bay and Draconis Mons. Certain sections were scrapped during the process, like that huge section of Istan. We had great maps with barely any story-instances at all, mostly at the end of LW4. Sometimes the balance was almost perfect. In the long run, Living World worked out for GW2. Its reputation might be a little better nowadays if they did not hype everything and promised unrealistic release-cadences one after another. However I think, that content is a lot more difficult to create and to balance than an Expansion. You have to deal with a lot of limitations and have to find the optimal balance. Not to forget the time-pressure, with the audience prying the next episode out of your hands, right after you released the previous one. The drama on the forums if the release delays by 20 minutes or more ... xD. Then they release it too early and have to fix all the nasty things under even higher pressure. My highest level of respect for the people who have to do that. If Living World was developed as expansions, released in full seasons after 2-3 years of development, they would have been of higher quality for sure. The game is more than 8 years old now. We are still on the market, still considered an viable option for many people. The concept seems to work out.
  14. The mono-class mentality is not something new. Before Guardian was the master of everything, Mesmer was. The huge advantage we have with Guardian: It is an easy class. Both the learn- and skill-curve are rather flat compared to its predecessors. The gear is easy to obtain and the rotations are often quite similar. It is even a great option for new players. That said, I doubt the Guardian's successor class will be an improvement. There is a high chance they pick another difficult class again, which may require some weird stats to work and even weirder rotations. The current situation is not great, we are not in a balanced state. But so far we did not see a balance of talents. There has always been one class which was superior among all others, a few classes which were considered meta and a few classes which perform way below average and/or have an incredible effort/result ratio.
  15. For Open World and Story content, Marauder stats are usually the better choice. It is basically Berzerker's but with Vitality and even better Precision at the cost of some Power and Ferocity. On a Thief you end up with almost 17k HP and 51 % critical hit chance. Berzerker's leave you with 12k HP and 44 % critical hit chance. Living Story content is a little heavier on crowd-control, so you want to have at least 1-2 stun-breakers. Conditions are rarely an issue. You should also have a melee and a ranged option (weapon sets), as certain encounters require you to switch. This is something you and your friend should have an eye on. If you want to assist/carry, Smoke Screen is great to shield allies. As Trickery is pretty much baseline in Thief builds nowadays, Thrill of Crime is a good choice and stealing should be used as a combat-starter, this gives both of you an easy start. There are a lot of great builds which work for this kind of content. But if I post anything here that is non-meta, the entire topic will derail into yet another endless discussion and your question will not be answered :S. Good sources for builds which are accepted by a wide variety of players: - Meta Battle - Discretize - Lucky Noobs
  16. Four characters geared in ascended. The main char has 2 armor sets (medium) + weapons, one heavy, one light and another medium. Except for the main-char, the sets rotate through my characters, depending on my projects/build-ideas. When I have a new idea/project, I usually check the gear-stats I aim for. If I can craft the exotic version easily, I go with that. If the stats happen to be of greater difficulty, I usually pick one of my ascended sets, craft the Insignias and just stat-swap. This saved me tons of money.
  17. Trolls aim to cause chaos. You are not a troll to me. As you appear to be quite a curious cat, I have got something for you: When you enter the Crown Pavillion from the Waypoint, head down the stairs. In front of you is a giant portal that accesses the Infinirarium. That is that giant flying golem above the city. On the right side of that portal is an Asura named Tixx. He owns that place and brings Wintersday to Tyria every year. Although he does not look like Santa Clause, he gladly gives every player a special present (daily) if they happen to talk to them and read the dialogue. Unfortunately for Tixx, the Tyrians are too busy with all the activities, they usually ignore him. The festival is full of nice and interesting details. Some are more rewarding than others, but Wintersday is a lot more than just button-press events. Enjoy!
  18. The role-thinking is a raid-only issue. That content got discontinued. The remaining instanced-content can be played with assigned roles as well, but it is an overkill and in most cases completely unnecessary. The flexible classes which can do different jobs are better fit for this content, because they are less stiff and can adapt to challenges and problems better. If your healer laggs in a role-run, your group is dead. In a real party, that is not much of a problem and definitely not a reason for a full wipe.
  19. It is fine. I understand where you are coming from and I am having the same experiences. The problem is not new, we have these discussions quite frequently on the board. There are different reasons for this situation. The raiders/farmers always blame the casuals for being the toxic ones, because we do not live by the meta and insist on that. On the other hand, we blame them for being toxic, because they make everything a competition, even if there is nothing to win. The good news are, there is a trend into the right direction. There is a growing number of guilds which promote playing the old way, not focusing on the meta only and allowing their players to chose what they like. On the other hand ANet focuses on easier instanced content, that does not require peak-performance. Sadly, the only thing I can recommend you is to join a guild you can do your Fractal runs with. People who are like-minded, who play for fun and have low or even no focus on performance. They exist and from my impression their numbers slowly increases. It may take some time to find a decent one, but it is worth it. The LFG turned into a gamble, which is mostly used by players who want to get their dailies done. Even the detailed descriptions get ignored. Thank you for sharing your experience. It takes courage to write about this.
  20. That wall of text is very difficult to read. Before I go on topic, I format it a little. I will not alter the content, but make it a little easier to read and understand. > @"Genesis.4751" said: > I apologize for how long this is but definitely something i feel needs to be said. Like the title says, I really don't know where to go in this game anymore. I've loved this game since it came out and I even use to play guild wars 1 but the issue I'm running into is that if you want to play anything other then open world. > > You're basically locked into like 4 or 5 classes. Those being guardian, revenant, ranger, mesmer or warrior. What i mean is yeah other classes are usable in pvp and wvw to an extent but if you want to play end game content like **raids or to fractals** your locked into playing a different class for pretty much everything which in my opinion kind of kills the fun. > > I'm honestly getting tired of people saying just to make all classes for each type of gameplay. I'd rather not. I'd love to be able to play the 1 class I enjoy the most (necro) in every part of the game. And necromancer isn't the only class that deals with this so this isn't me complaining that I can't play 1 class. Its me saying that to those of us that don't want multiple alts or want to enjoy a different class then the classes that get all the love cant unless we want to be restricted on what we can do or if we try to go out of those restrictions then the community turns on us and unleashes all their toxicity and hate on us and it's ridiculous. When I pick the class I want to play I pick it based on what theme or characteristics of the class I like and that are fun to me. This is a game. Something that's supposed to be fun. > > Part of what brought this discussion up is the other day doing **T4 fractals** I posted an lfg for **all welcome**. It wasn't a speed run or a cm. Just basic, go at your own pace fractals. Midway through one of the fractals i had an elitist firebrand start jumping on one of our other party members telling them to switch to a dps build instead of the build they were using that was more comfortable for them to play. After watching them go back and forth for about 5 mins I finally had had enough and stepped in and told him to back off, that it was an all welcome party and we weren't trying to speed run. That is absolutely ridiculous. If it were raids then yeah I get needing to do things a certain way so you can kill the boss before it enrages but even then I don't agree with how raids are set up to where certain classes are usable because they aren't "meta". > > I've played this game since launch and back then when arch was the hardest thing to beat i put a group of elitists in their place by showing how a good necromancer can be if played right and afterwards was praised and asked to join them on other dungeon runs. Now it doesn't matter how good you are, if you're not playing a build or class that someone else deems as meta then you aren't even given a second look, you're told how you're a trash player and you're locked out of certain end game content. > > And like I said, this isn't just me complaining about the state of necromancer because I know other classes and elite specs are dealing with this as well. I'd love to be able to just pick the one class I enjoy most and fully gear it with both power and condi gear weapons included but no instead, thanks to ridiculous balancing, I have one of each class aside from ele with gear all over the place between 8 classes. > > Yeah I could just go play wow or ffxiv but I don't enjoy those games as much as this one and I'm not really a fan of eso. The point I'm getting at is this community needs to stop with the toxicity, start being helpful with each other, stop worrying about everything having to be done as fast as possible and just enjoy the game. Not everything is a race. If you can do a raid boss with classes like necromancer or thief or other specs that aren't meta and beat it with even just 10-30 seconds left to spare on the timer then guess what? You still beat it in the time frame. > > Allow people to enjoy the class they want to play. Not push them into a class they don't like all because its more beneficial to you clearing something fast because then you're the only one enjoying yourself while everyone else isn't. Because this is how the community has been as far as what's meta people like me have a hard time actually enjoying the game. Like the title said, because of the state of the game being like this and the community being as toxic as it is i have no idea what to do. Either stick to open world and be bored to death or try and learn 20 different rotations from 6 different classes just to get frustrated because I can barely memorize 1 just so I can try to enjoy the full extent of the game. Any suggestions would definitely be helpful and honestly I hope some of you read this and understand where I'm coming from.
  21. > @"weaponwh.9810" said: > for MF bag, does it need to be open on lower char or 80 lvl character for max profit? im assume 80 should be used for MF bag. Yes. You also cannot equip an ascended amulet with a MF enrichment below level 80.
  22. I give my builds real names, mostly because I would have lost track by now. It is easier for me to remember the style/functionality when I just read the name. But the names can be confusing for other players than me. A few examples: - Blue Power Ranger = Guardian Longbow/Hammer Build - Royal Pirate = Holosmith FT camper, which ignores Photon Forge - Bouncer = Scrapper build, power, hammer - Juggernaut = Guardian power house - Devil Trigger = Necromancer/Reaper (for a DMC 4/5 Dante Cosplay) - Jedi = Thief S/P + S/D (for a Obiwan Kenobi Cosplay) - Scrapper = Warrior Hammer that mimics the Scrapper playstyle - Engineer = Warrior Rifle + Mace/Shield that mimics the Engineer playstyle (what it should be) - Rocketeer = Long Range Scrapper build using Aim-Assisted Rocket - Blue Mage = Staff only Guardian - Samurai = Reaper utilizing Rune of Mercy to be the ultimate res-bot (for a Samurai Cosplay) - Eternal Flame = experimental Weaver build aiming to get the Superior Rune of Fire damage bonus working - Dark Avenger = Holosmith tank variant, experimental - Swordmaster = Mesmer S/S + GS I use the names ingame and in my spreadsheet on my computer.
  23. The [FARM] have a nice table of the bags and what level gives most profit to open. For the moment, the low-level opener should be around level 55. But I recommend checking the link and sort your bags before opening them, if you want to be efficient. Also keep in mind that the bag-open-level varies over time. There is no rational reason to use MF for a bag that does not work with it. According to the Magic Find Wiki > These special items are affected by magic find: > > Containers received from reward tracks, generally called "Loot box" or "cache", which simulate loot drops from the named NPC. > Chests and containers specifically mentioned to be affected by it, such as: > Lost Bandit Chests in the Silverwastes. > Caches and loot boxes from Heart of Thorns content > Divine Lucky Envelopes during Lunar New Year For everything else, the way to the Silverwastes might be a real waste. - MF has some good facts but also tons of conspiracy theories. Depending on who you ask it can affect everything in the game and nothing. There are still players out there who claim it works on open world chests or even with the Mystic Forge. The safest method is to follow the facts. There is however a low chance that the tooltips are incorrect in some cases. So something that officially does not work with MF may be affected anyway. That is why some of us open everything in the Silverwastes.
  24. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said: > > @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said: > > Same as @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493", my experiences with her were not very good. But I will not stomp on her work, she did a good job. Every human has their own edges and preferences. You cannot be friends with everyone on the planet. > > > > I do miss one certain point however. Before she left, she created and started to fill the Guild Wars 2 and Forum Policies. This was probably one of the most annoying, tedious and also dangerous tasks on the forums. I totally understand that no one dared to continue this section. But if it was completed, it would have saved us (and them) a lot of trouble. It is not useless, the topics she managed to write are a huge help. > > > > A staff-member I really miss is Mr. Cleary. He engaged in the difficult and heated discussions, listened to our problems and answered the most important questions. > > Is not everything covered in https://www.guildwars2.com/en/legal/the-forums-code-of-conduct/ > Guild Wars 2 Official Forums: Code of Conduct (“Forums Code of Conduct”)? > > I, too, miss Chris Cleary, Chris Whiteside and Michael Henninger...among others. Sorry, I deactivated the notifications a while ago and noticed this one a bit too late. But as the topic was necro-bumped again, I can answer this now. The **Forums Code of Conduct** are the forum-rules. They are not really game-related and solve none of the conflicts and problems we run into while playing. The "Guild Wars 2 and **Forum Policies**" mentioned by me contain the words "Forum Policies." But if you open the link, you get to a small list of unique topics explaining game-related (not forum related) problems and issues. I did not name that section, but in my opinion the word "Forum" in that name is confusing. The topics Mrs. Gray already cleared: - RMT - Dual and Multiboxing - Buying and Selling Runs - Macros and Macro Use - Unattended Gameplay - Third Party Programs - Looking For Group Tool If the section was completed or at least continued after Mrs. Gray left ANet, the list could have a couple of other controversial topics cleared which are heavily discussed over and over: - ArcDPS: We do have Mr. Cleary's quotes scattered on these boards, Reddit and the old forums. There is no official summary of the situation, just a ton of puzzle-pieces. In addition Mr. Cleary is no longer part of ANet, so it would be questionable if his quotes are still valid. They could have added an article about this in the Third Party Programs thread or create a separate one. Those topics just pop up over and over, because there is nothing we can rely on. Just two sides smashing their heads against each others. - Black Market trading: There is no official statement about this. The fact that this secret sub-community uses Mystic Coins, a designed **rare crafting material**, as phantom-currency to trade stuff off the market is delicate enough. The topics pop up frequently. - Exploit Abuse: When a player finds an exploit that can be used to make profit, they claim ownership of that exploit. They make videos, offer teachings in LFG for gold, spread the exploits to a wide audience of players. This is the current situation for several years now. Technically it is exploit abuse, which is equal to cheating. There is no official statement, so parts of the community assume "if it was not fixed yet, I am free to use it whenever I want." - Target Blocking: Which occurs on the forums once every month at least. Those players who enjoy dropping boxes of Fun and other objects at locations with NPCs, for the purpose of just annoying other players. Is it allowed? Is it legal? We do not know. If it was not prohibited officially, with a warning about certain sanctions if you get caught bloody-handed, this would be less of a problem. - Wintrading ... ect. You get the idea. If those important topics were addressed separately in that sub-section of the forums, there was a lot less meaning to interpret. We could focus on the more important topics instead of engaging in the same repetitive discussions over and over - which lead to no result at all.
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