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Posts posted by Sarpan.9074

  1. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Dara Potocska.8196" said:

    > > This email is sent out whenever someone logs in during a newly released living world episode. You should be fine. ^^


    > Is there no way to change the message to at least indicate it's for a Living World unlock? For example:

    > > Evon Gnashblade is delighted to unlock another chapter of the Living World for your account.


    > @"Zok.4956" said:

    > > @"Dara Potocska.8196" said:

    > > This email is sent out whenever someone logs in during a newly released living world episode. You should be fine. ^^


    > This email confused me for a long time, the first time I received this email. I received an item from Anet with email, but there was no item attached to the email. Usually, you have to take an item from the email. So I was wondering, what item was "lost" and not in my inventory due to a bug. Because I did not thought, that a Living World Episode is now an "item" (it was not like this in the past) because the email does not mention the item or the living world.


    > Please change the text of the email to something like "Living World Episode xx unlocked".





  2. > @"Sindariel.2354" said:

    > Are you looking at the achivement tracker by any chance? That's wrong. The tracker shows the progress of the achivievement only. Thats not a counter.

    > The counter is shown on the little yellow achivement icon above your status bar.


    That was my mistake. I thought it would show in the tracker as, say, the portal spikes do.




    Not sure if this is a bug or I'm doing something wrong.


    Went back into Eye of the Brandstorm to get the Amnoon Evacuation achievement and no matter what I did, my counter did not move.


    I tried it on a character that has completed the mission in the replay for achievements mode and also on a character doing the story for the first time and no dice for either.


    I see that there are some counter bugs with this but did not see any where there was no movement of the counter from zero.


    So, is this a bug or did I perhaps miss some prerequisite?


  4. > @"Vavume.8065" said:

    > > @"Sarpan.9074" said:

    > > > @"Vavume.8065" said:

    > > > > @"lokh.2695" said:

    > >

    > > > Same, the main thing I remember about it was how bad the textures looked during the close up of Rox on the floor. it looked like something from 2005...

    > >

    > > That's not Rox. Look at the horn structure and color.


    > Pfft , TBH I was hoping it was Rox dieing... Wishfull thinking I guess.


    Took all of 15 seconds, but to each his own, including levels of snark.

  5. I've been trying to get the Twins' Grieving Insignia recipe for some time now. I have gotten four of the inscription recipes (three of which are less than junk, of course) but none for the insignia.


    I've done all the legendary bounties several times, the Maws more than I care to remember and Junundu Rising a couple of times.


    My question is, am I missing something or not doing the right events? Or is this just bad luck with the RNG? Are the drop rates for the inscription and insignia recipes so different?


    Edit: OK, well I guess I'll just have to pray harder to RNGeebuz.

  6. > @"Faaris.8013" said:

    > > @"Sarpan.9074" said:

    > > I'll chime in with the consensus here. Go ahead and level at least one character before boosting one.

    > >

    > > Also, as you have probably noticed since you're at 23, leveling in GW2 doesn't really take all that long, nor is it difficult. Just wander around, do hearts, participate in events, survive. You'll be at 80 before you know it.


    > He is playing mesmer, have you tried to level one up? I did, and not as first "hand-levelled" character. It's a PITA, and to really learn that class, you want the elite trait lines. Most things you use as core traits mesmer you'll never use again when you hit 80. Also, nobody keeps people from boosting to 80, enjoy the gear, the inventory bags, the other extras like shared inventory slot, and then go to the low level maps, do the story, do completions, events, hearts. You spend as much time there as if you levelled manually, with the difference that you really have an opportunity to learn your class because you have all skills and traits.


    > Many people will never use the booster later on, because it loses value the longer you play. I recommend using the booster as soon as possible and get basic gliding/mount and the preferred elite (chrono or mirage) so you can practice the weapon you'll use. When I levelled up my thief, I used daggers. She has never wielded daggers after she learned to use a staff. I learned nothing about how to use my main weapon by levelling up with daggers.


    > This game is different than others, the real gameplay starts when you hit level 80, that's why it was an excellent move to add boosters to the packages.


    Yep, my main is a Mirage.


    I disagree with you, but we're both entitled to our opinions.


    OP, do whatever makes you enjoy the game the most.





  7. I'll chime in with the consensus here. Go ahead and level at least one character before boosting one.


    Also, as you have probably noticed since you're at 23, leveling in GW2 doesn't really take all that long, nor is it difficult. Just wander around, do hearts, participate in events, survive. You'll be at 80 before you know it.

  8. > @"SRoode.7318" said:

    > > @"Offair.2563" said:

    > > nice to get 3200 g in one go, but how much did u invest to get it.


    > Well, I've been playing since the start, but I never considered buying keys an investment. It's just a fun thing I like to do every couple of months, like playing the lottery. Since 3000g is about 125 keys, I'd say at this point I'd say I finally broke even :)


    That's a healthy way of looking at it.

  9. Heh, reminds me of Scotty's comment in the TNG episode "Relics" when asked if, after a night of partying, if he was up to going through with the mission he was on -


    "Never get drunk unless you're willing to pay for it - the next day. "


    And, Forgal always struck me as a guy who was as hard drinking as he was hard fighting and very good at both. Best I remember, some of his dialogue pointed that way, too, but it's been a long time since I fought beside him.

  10. Trading Post, Gem Store and Currency Exchange all are blank and give me a network error, network access denied message.


    Everything else in the game appears to be working


    I asked in chat and no one seemed to be having this problem.


    I deleted the GW2 cache folder as suggested here - https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/231273908-Trading-Post-Troubleshooting - and it did not fix it.


    Submitted a ticket but thought I'd put it here, too.

  11. > @"Draconerus.9867" said:

    > What event is this that everyone is referring to? I never got anything in the mail about it and have not seen any event NPC's around town.


    It's a stealth current event. You don't get info on it until you've participated.


    Check out Dulfy and look for Awakened Threats event.

  12. > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > You do realize that no change has been made to the Palawadan event as of yet, you can still loot up to about 60 chests, but as others have said there's the new (currently bugged) current events going on around the main cities and people have returned to work/school so play time is down as well. The problem with the difference between HoT and PoF metas is that players don't understand the metas in PoF; Elon Riverlands does have a map wide meta, but it only happens when you successfully open Augury Rock, if people understood the event chain for this meta it can literally be done once an hour. The Desolation actually has 2 metas, but neither one is map wide, so people forget about them, but both the Maw of Torment and Junundu Rising are meta events, and they both give rewards that some people claim you can't get(like Ascended Harrier/Griever stat items/recipes) and they don't require an entire maps worth of coordination, one single squad can complete both of them. As for the Vabbi event, Serpent's Ire, there's been enough threads on that one and I have no opinion, having not tried to complete or attempt it at all.




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