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Posts posted by Elxdark.9702

  1. idk i'd rather have 3s quickness on 30s but yea some people may not like it.


    I still feel this trait is kind of useless and even with good fury uptime most of the time it goes to waste because you can't control it and 30s cd is much easier to remember than 60s cd.


    Don't cut the cd to 30s like haste but at least between 40-48 , 60s is too much imo.

  2. > @babazhook.6805 said:

    > > @Elxdark.9702 said:

    > > > @babazhook.6805 said:

    > > > I use burst of agility in my own builds (two) and find it fine. I prefer to TOTC because said builds already have ample might/fury swiftness access. Further to that of using DE at range the app of TOTC stuff to allies is less.

    > > >

    > > > Burst of agility can lower cooldown with trickster.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > Again I can't take any word from you seriously because you don't even play PvP, the title said **PvP** and you have clearly stated that you play WvW.

    > >

    > > > Burst of agility can lower cooldown with trickster.

    > > This prove that you don't have any knowlegde of the meta in pvp, no one will ever take this trait over bountiful theft.

    > >

    > > Also you're saying a 60s cd 7s quickness is better than a 20s cd fury might and swiftness 10s uptime? with what build or in what situation that would help you in PvP?


    > Then dont take it. I am saying if you already have a source of Fury and swiftness then TOTC is not needed. it does not matter if PVP or not. There a reason something like sigil of rage on such a high cooldown and that because of what quickness can do.


    > if you have UC traited just as example you have all the swiftness you need. The might does nothing. Any s/x build using Acro has more then enough swiftness.All you talk about is fury and as i said if you hav another fury source (or a high crit rate) the fury redundant. Something does not become "unviable' just because the meta build demanded by a prefferred game mode can not use it. D/p is still the preffered weapon in PvP for thief. it hardly follows that all the traits it does not use are no longer viable.


    > By your own words you claimed "no one will take Trickster over BT in PvP". That hardly means it not viable. It just shows how important boon theft is to a given build.



    It's not viable because bountiful theft is much better.


    I agree that if you have enough fury uptime thrill of the crime may be redundant but still it's much better than a 60s cd that gives you 6s quickness ( I said 7s which was wrong)


    sigil of rage is a 3s quickness on a 30s cd, well haste is now a 30s cd with 6s quickness so why don't they do the same with burst of agility? it's a passive trait that only procs when you hit from behind and it's already annoying when it randomly procs and you need to wait another 60s.

  3. > @babazhook.6805 said:

    > I use burst of agility in my own builds (two) and find it fine. I prefer to TOTC because said builds already have ample might/fury swiftness access. Further to that of using DE at range the app of TOTC stuff to allies is less.


    > Burst of agility can lower cooldown with trickster.




    Again I can't take any word from you seriously because you don't even play PvP, the title said **PvP** and you have clearly stated that you play WvW.


    > Burst of agility can lower cooldown with trickster.

    This prove that you don't have any knowlegde of the meta in pvp, no one will ever take this trait over bountiful theft.


    Also you're saying a 60s cd 7s quickness is better than a 20s cd fury might and swiftness 10s uptime? with what build or in what situation that would help you in PvP?

  4. This trait is nowhere viable as thrill of the crime because its long cd.

    Reduce its cd as you did with haste and maybe it will be usable in more situations and against different builds/comps.

    At the moment thrill of the crime is a must pick because despite being a good trait already you don't really have any more options than that.


    Look at haste, nobody ever used it after d/d power spike meta but now it's a 30s cd which is optimal and could be usable in more situations.

  5. Holosmith is probably the most balanced pof spec so far, it's fun to watch and it's fun to play.

    Yes it does high damage but it's also pretty squishy if you focus it, they do have mobility and invul to protect themselves from instant bursts or coordinated attacks which is way less frustrating than endure pain block full counter loop.


    I agree that the double elixir S is annoying af but think about it if you remove it then they will die like in 5s from any teamfight or 2v2 or whatever, the same happens with endure pain on warrior.

  6. > @Maugetarr.6823 said:

    > A suggestion for the Deadeye trait line:


    > They could change up the marking and malice system to be a little bit more like adrenaline. Something like gaining 1 tick of malice each time you hit a target in combat with an ICD of 2 seconds. You also don't need to mark a target to start building malice, letting you save the mark for mug/SoH/ initiative gain for mid fight. You don't lose malice when your target dies, only when you get OOC, and then it degenerates at 1 tick a second. You deal 2% more damage per stack of malice, and 7% more damage to your marked target.


    Malice decay has been asked by a lot of users including me, like you said it would be quite nice for it to work as adrenaline does for warriors.

  7. Renewing gaze is hardly useful in pvp but it's alright I mean it resets the mark so the regen or whatever they add on it's unnecessary.


    But I agree with Asur here, I'd rather have it baseline and have another trait, because it only makes sense for pve but for pvp it's kind of useless besides of a winning teamfight situation where you can reset the mark and keep the pressure on the enemy team.


    As I have said my main problem with deadye is the mechanics from it and not exactly the traits or the utilites, yes they could get some buff why not but until the mechanics from this elite don't change then you won't see deadeye being meta in any game mode.

  8. Deadeye will never be viable in PvP unless they change the mark and malice mechanic.


    It doesn't really matter if you buff rifle to do 12312312 more damage or improve traits or whatever, the fact that mark is stupidly inferior to steal it's enough for deadeye to be out the meta.

    Malice is the opposite of thief goal, thief needs to be fast, killing targets quickly move and jump into another fight as soon as you can, you can't do that with malice because you need to wait to actually do damage.

    You can also add kneel which is horribly bad designed for pvp.


    Conclusion : Deadeye is not going to be viable or at least playable in top tier unless they change its mechanics (mark/malice/kneel).

  9. Are you talking about pve right? because in pvp backstab is definitely a good skill.


    imo backstab is alright, it's just the stupid cd thing they did with stealth AA that feels annoying.

    They could revert that change and make stealth AA reveals you when blind/block/evade instead of the annoying cd.


  10. > @Turk.5460 said:

    > > @Elxdark.9702 said:

    > > Just make it unblockable.


    > No, giving a trait in a Major slot the utility of an ELITE skill is a terrible idea. Especially since it can be used twice in a short time with the help of mercy, 3 times if you include acro sword.


    you're right, it might be a little too op.

    tbh it's fine as it is right now.

  11. > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > @Elxdark.9702 said:

    > >

    > > I'm really confused about Perfectionist because it has a 8s cd but it only procs once per mark, so why does it even have a cd? it makes no sense **unless** it was supposed to proc again...


    > I think it is to balance Cantrips just in case Improvisation resets its cooldown.


    > Picture this scenario;

    > - Apply Mark

    > - Kneel (stealth)

    > - DJ (revealed) - triggers Revealed Malice - Malice count 1 - time: 1 seconds

    > - Shadow Meld (stealth) - Malice count 2

    > - DJ (revealed) - triggers Revealed Malice - Malice count 3 - time: 3 seconds

    > - Shadow Meld (stealth) - Malice count 4

    > - Any Attack (revealed) - triggers Revealed Malice - Malice count Max - triggers Perfectionist - time: 4 seconds

    > - Mercy


    > If applying Mark resets Cantrips through Improv, you can rinse and repeat.


    You can't even do that because improv doesn't work on shadow meld lol...


    But let's imagine you can do that, do you really think it makes sense? I'm not sure but I'm being logical here, why would they put a 8s cd for Perfecionist if it only procs once? it really doesn't make any sense. Its probably bugged because there's no way you make it proc twice between 8s.


    Also your example isn't even possible because you will get the cd on improv in the first mark so mercy won't be able to proc improv in that case.


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