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Posts posted by Elxdark.9702

  1. What did you say?

    Do you understand the honor and the audacity to be able to play naked?

    Do you know you need to be extremely skillful and have infinity knowledge of this game to try to play naked? That's why only a very few gifted people can perform this beautiful act and of course you can't.



  2. Xd dont waste ur time guys this spec is bad and anet will not fix it, all these threads with feedback and discussions are useless, anet will probably buff insignificant skills and nerf death jugdament again because people cant evade one of the most visible skill in this game. I mean it was pretty clear that they don't know what game they are playing after reading the last balance patch.


    Actually if you are still playing pvp for whatever reason I would recommend to uninstall and spend your time in another hobby.

  3. > @BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

    > > @Elxdark.9702 said:

    > > fun? maybe? for some people is fun to play deadeye.

    > > If you don't like it or find it extremely inferior to core/DD it doesn't change the fact that some people enjoy playing it, and we could say the same with the other classes/builds.

    > >

    > > Also as bloodymarx said, after many years of playing the same buildd/spec people got bored and wanted to try the new thing which in this case is Deadeye.


    > If gimping yourself is fun, I'd prefer a 1 handed DD in my party than Sindrener on DE


    Sindrener doesn't like DE so he will never play it I guess so, but it doesn't mean every thief in DE will be dead weight.

    I've played a lot of games this season on DE and while it's weak against most classes it's still useful in some situations and of course you need to put way more effort to make deadeye work in comparison to DD or core thief.


    It's not gimping, it's trying new things new playstyles in this already staled game, if you want to keep playing dd for another 2 years then it's fine if it's what you like I can't say anything, but you need to understand some people enjoy playing builds/classes/specs that are not meta.


  4. meta is the same and actually it's better for thief in general, why? because you can now play s/d and d/p depending of what you're facing.

    We all saw at UGO EU that sind couldn't do much when he was d/p vs a mirage/druid/war comp, why? because d/p can't +1 as fast as before so everytime a d/p +1 those builds it will be really easy for the enemy team to make the 1v2 a 2v2 thus making dp thief useless.


    With s/d that whole situation changes, you don't +1 you go for 1v1 and 2v2 you can just 1v1 every class and if you can't win you will be able to hold until a teammate comes to +1 you. Also s/d is much better dealing with FB imo, double steal + unblockable spam it's really strong against an already pressured fb.


    So thief will remain meta, s/d is strong in this meta because it has better matchups and deals better against fb/scourge and d/p is strong because it negates every other thief build :)

    Imagine next patch deadeye gets some juicy buffs and becomes viable, we would have core/hot and pof builds viable at pvp.

  5. fun? maybe? for some people is fun to play deadeye.

    If you don't like it or find it extremely inferior to core/DD it doesn't change the fact that some people enjoy playing it, and we could say the same with the other classes/builds.


    Also as bloodymarx said, after many years of playing the same buildd/spec people got bored and wanted to try the new thing which in this case is Deadeye.

  6. Problem with DE in general is that you can't carry games, you depend entirely on your team making it really difficult to win.

    With daredevil you can still change the match plusing fights and decaps, with sd core you can 1v1 most the classes and carry at far, with DE the best you can do is down someone really fast before you get killed and that's it.


    I was like 1750 with DE with 20 matches then I lost a lot and I was like 1620, I was there for about 3 days. The worst experience I've ever had with this game my win ratio is almost 50% because I only played DE even in matches where I was useless af and if you add bots/trolls/stacked teams it was disgusting, so DE only run is impossible I had to switch to sd core in some matches to get back to plat 3 because otherwise is impossible.


    Don't get me wrong surprisingly there are a few good matches for DE where you can get fast kills and do fine but most of the time is just get the kill quick or you are dead.


  7. I remember you, you were one of the first sword thieves I watched, glad you came back :)

    Also nice too see more sword thieves doing good and less dp dash thieves that we have seen for the last 2 years..


    Have you tried s/d core? it's also really good with the double steal trait.

  8. > @Maugetarr.6823 said:

    > > @Elxdark.9702 said:

    > > OR they could give us malice stacks through traits/cantrips. A good example is revealed malice.

    > >

    > > That way is much more interactive and interesting than just increase the rate which imo will not help.

    > > Mark needs to be faster next patch.


    > That could also work, but I'm a little worried about the difference between minimum and maximum malice gain shoehorning us into specific trait and utility choices which may eventually lead to an overall reduction in malice generation. I'm basing this off of how initiative generation was a few years ago where certain builds could generate a lot of initiative and others were very weak in initiative generation, so eventually they brought up the bottom and cut the top. I'm trying to avoid that sort of situation again.


    Good point.


    Also one thing they should really do is make proc the malice as soon as you mark your target, so you get 1 malice as soon as you mark and you get the 2nd malice when your first attack hits, I think that would be much better than increasing the rate.

    I don't know but I have always thought it was bugged maybe it's intended but personally I think the malice feels so slow because you don't get the stack as soon as you mark/hit, you actually need to wait for the 4/2 seconds to stack malice which is really stupid.

  9. In its current state it is garbage, it doesn't work in any game mode and no your one shot me stealth me 11k hp build is useless against anyone that has a brain.

    p/p is 100x better than rifle in every way.


    They can tweak and improve this spec a lot but I'm afraid they will not because they don't really care tbh.

    And the real problem is that we will have to wait another 3 months to see what happens because we already know they don't even try to communicate with their own community :expressionless:

  10. > @Platanos.8107 said:


    > > Unhindered Combatant has long been dominant in multiple game-types. It represents a longer distance movement option, condition-break, and swiftness generator. We like these things.


    > Disclaimer: I have only reached a really really low level of Plat last season.


    > What? Dominant compared to what? Other grandmaster traits? Are we seeing 2 or more thieves on one team in PvP now? I stopped PvPing for about a month, but unless the meta shifted, a +2 thief team comp doesn't really do that well. Are there not enough deadeyes? I personally don't think deadeyes do well against any other profession besides necros, and only with a p/p build.



    > in PvE, I don't see how it is dominant at all. Maybe for berry farming.


    > PvP? Well maybe if bounding dodger you know... didn't get nerfed. If you saw too many people migrating to Unhindered Combatant due to this nerf, maybe it's because the bounding dodger nerf was too big?


    > WvW? Understandable. But if thieves are going to be complete crap in zergs, I would expect them to be good at roaming and picking off stragglers.


    > Yes, I personally think Unhindered Combat is slightly over the top (I would be OK with the removal of the -10% damage), but so are many other professions traits. Additionally, some classes has tons of blocks and invulnerability on top of a high health pool or armor. Clearly that's unfair because you can't counterplay invulnerability, right?


    > There are many classes that can chain invulnerable/blocks or chain movement skills. By doing that, they can probably disengage any other profession besides thieves, but is that really a problem? In PvP, probably not because thief have a slightly worse team fight and 1v1 potential than most classes. In WvW, I agree though, that can be super annoying.


    > And there are also skills that go through evades.

    > Skills with area denial purposes: Line of Warding, Ring of Warding, Dragon's Maw, Unsteady Ground, Static Field, Slick Shoes, Spectral Wall, Temporal Curtain's cripple, and others. Even shadowstepping over it will cause you to still get CC'd or damaged after going through it.

    > The pull skill for Guardian (the chain skill of Binding Blade) and Hunter's Verdict for Dragonhunter (the chain skill of Spear of Justice) are also unevadeable.


    > So don't say there's no counterplay either.


    > Tl;dr; Unhindered Combatant is slightly over the top, but this nerf basically reduces our ability to stay in fights by about 6 seconds.


    In PvP It was and it's still dominant because it's a skill that let the thief outrotate every class in this game thus making it extremely strong in conquest and especially in 5v5 man.


    I disagree on this nerf tho. I'd have reduced the distance of the dodge instead.

  11. > @omgdracula.6345 said:

    > > @Elxdark.9702 said:

    > > > @omgdracula.6345 said:

    > > > > @Elxdark.9702 said:

    > > >

    > > > > stop with the overreact act, jesus.

    > > > > Every good thief i know has said me that the nerf while it's annoying it doesn't change anything, at least in PvP you should not be affected by this at all unless you're bad which I think a lot of thieves started to realize.

    > > >

    > > > That isn't really overreacting I am pretty much pointing out that Karl didn't really give any form of good reasoning. You can't sit there and deny that condi spam is not an issue. Dash was the thief counterplay to condi spam which Anet effectively nerfed for no real tangible reason. I am sure that in PvP it isn't a huge difference but like many have said it does affect PvE as well. No reason for the nerf should have crossed lines into pve.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > He did, at least in pvp you need to check your conditions and not spam your dodge button.

    > > They want to keep thief mobility so they will nerf the way thief gets it and not the mobility itself, I disagree because it would have been much easier to just reduce the distance a bit and that's it but Anet loves to complicate things.

    > > Maybe in PvE/WvW is worse but I think they made this nerf for pvp and the funny thing is that the other game modes were more affected in the end lol.


    > You somewhat have to check since UC only removes the 3. So you do and you don't. But I agree on your last point. Also the swiftness being applied at the end is odd because it doesn't really do anything IMHO. Except if you are out of combat I guess.


    > @Lyger.5429 said:

    > > @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

    > > _1) What was the reasoning behind the change to Unhindered Combatant?_

    > > **"One important balance change in this update is the change to Unhindered Combatant. While thieves, and by extension daredevils, are intended to be slippery combatants, the escape potential for this trait was a little too high."**

    > > Unhindered Combatant has long been dominant in multiple game-types. It represents a longer distance movement option, condition-break, and swiftness generator. We like these things.

    > > The issue, however, is that there is almost no 'counter' play to the functionality... in that neither players nor designers have a way to whittle down the thief's defensive capabilities short of one-shotting them in a time where there are no evade frames occurring. We want the thief to remain incredibly mobile, but need to introduce some soft-counters so that there are methods to hinder the super-defensive nature of UC builds. We'll keep watch of Exhaustion's interactions with Unhindered Combatant and will adjust as necessary.

    > >

    > > _2) If it was meant for competitive changes, why do PvE Daredevils have to take the blow, too?_

    > > First off: As a rule we don't split skill and trait functionality changes ("functionality" being the keyword here). There are some things that we are okay with splitting such as damage, condition duration/stacks, resource cost, etc. However we don't want to make skills which apply different buffs or have different cast times or number of hits based on game mode. This rule is in place to preserve skill cohesion and prevent confusion when switching game modes. It's not a rule that we plan on changing.

    > >

    > > Secondarily: Its condition-removal is built-in and is inseparable from the dodge-mechanic so long as you have the trait equipped. It's feasibly possible to 'remove' the trait and return you to a 'normal' dodge, but consistency is also important in that your dodge button should pretty much always do the same thing.

    > >

    > > -SnB


    > Thanks for the explanation Karl, but why was nothing done to make deadeye more of a competitive pick, outside of the might stacking changes?


    Dead.. what? we only have 1 elite spec bro.

  12. > @omgdracula.6345 said:

    > > @Elxdark.9702 said:


    > > stop with the overreact act, jesus.

    > > Every good thief i know has said me that the nerf while it's annoying it doesn't change anything, at least in PvP you should not be affected by this at all unless you're bad which I think a lot of thieves started to realize.


    > That isn't really overreacting I am pretty much pointing out that Karl didn't really give any form of good reasoning. You can't sit there and deny that condi spam is not an issue. Dash was the thief counterplay to condi spam which Anet effectively nerfed for no real tangible reason. I am sure that in PvP it isn't a huge difference but like many have said it does affect PvE as well. No reason for the nerf should have crossed lines into pve.




    He did, at least in pvp you need to check your conditions and not spam your dodge button.

    They want to keep thief mobility so they will nerf the way thief gets it and not the mobility itself, I disagree because it would have been much easier to just reduce the distance a bit and that's it but Anet loves to complicate things.

    Maybe in PvE/WvW is worse but I think they made this nerf for pvp and the funny thing is that the other game modes were more affected in the end lol.

  13. > @omgdracula.6345 said:

    > > @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

    > > _1) What was the reasoning behind the change to Unhindered Combatant?_

    > > **"One important balance change in this update is the change to Unhindered Combatant. While thieves, and by extension daredevils, are intended to be slippery combatants, the escape potential for this trait was a little too high."**

    > > Unhindered Combatant has long been dominant in multiple game-types. It represents a longer distance movement option, condition-break, and swiftness generator. We like these things.

    > > The issue, however, is that there is almost no 'counter' play to the functionality... in that neither players nor designers have a way to whittle down the thief's defensive capabilities short of one-shotting them in a time where there are no evade frames occurring. We want the thief to remain incredibly mobile, but need to introduce some soft-counters so that there are methods to hinder the super-defensive nature of UC builds. We'll keep watch of Exhaustion's interactions with Unhindered Combatant and will adjust as necessary.

    > >

    > > _2) If it was meant for competitive changes, why do PvE Daredevils have to take the blow, too?_

    > > First off: As a rule we don't split skill and trait functionality changes ("functionality" being the keyword here). There are some things that we are okay with splitting such as damage, condition duration/stacks, resource cost, etc. However we don't want to make skills which apply different buffs or have different cast times or number of hits based on game mode. This rule is in place to preserve skill cohesion and prevent confusion when switching game modes. It's not a rule that we plan on changing.

    > >

    > > Secondarily: Its condition-removal is built-in and is inseparable from the dodge-mechanic so long as you have the trait equipped. It's feasibly possible to 'remove' the trait and return you to a 'normal' dodge, but consistency is also important in that your dodge button should pretty much always do the same thing.

    > >

    > > -SnB


    > This makes no sense though. You say that it has no counter play, but thieves themselves needed it to have counter play against condition spam that exists in PvP. Like others have mentioned if we could be better at brawling than it would be okay but we aren't. Dash was part of thief survivability which is already poor at best.


    > Thieves are very feast or famine. If we do not spike our target down our next best solution is to disengage and the reengage.


    > You essentially killed this trait and made it probably the weakest out of grandmaster traits. Thieves now have two traits that one was best for condi builds and the other was always almost good enough and now is great as a 10% damage buff and potential combos.


    > An easy fix would be to reduce the duration of exhaustion and enduracne regen penalization by a certain amount per condition removed. That way using it to clear only 1 still hits but using it to its fullest potential is not punishing.


    stop with the overreact act, jesus.

    Every good thief i know has said me that the nerf while it's annoying it doesn't change anything, at least in PvP you should not be affected by this at all unless you're bad which I think a lot of thieves started to realize.

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