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Posts posted by Elxdark.9702

  1. I don't even play anymore but everytime I played staff thief I easily got top 10 in NA, it's still a solid set. It does a lot of damage and can be pretty annoying to fight against.

    I don't see any reason why they should buff it, every skill in the staff weapon set has its use but if you're just spamming vaults and dodges then yes it's trash.


    * AA is already good as it is, making it faster will make it op and would make people spam it instead of using the actual skills of the weapon set, see what happened to d/p, its AA was the best for years and now it's a joke.



    * ?? Debilitating arc is probably one of the best skills in the game, its use isn't even close to be "defensive" it's actually your best dps source, low initiative cost, evade frame, good damage, can be used while jump to avoid animation... seriously I always said that the problem with staff thief was this skill (when acro staff was a thing) Also it's the ultimate steal bait.



    * Dust strike is fine, I wouldn't mind a % damage increase though.

  2. I'm going to discuss the problems with deadeye in another thread I want to make but the main issues with this spec are:


    - stealth on dodge

    - spammable DJ


    The fact that you can use DJ more than the enemy can dodge it's extremely frustasting because DJ is supposed to be like a finisher skill but since you can spam it, it loses all its purpose and it becomes a broken ability.

    Stealth on dodge is just the perfect example of lazy design by Anet and it shouldn't exist in the game.

  3. > @"Nuvola.9460" said:

    > > @"Elxdark.9702" said:

    > > ty ben, now give us a decent balance patch and we're ready.


    > Ready to farm golds and pips yahooo :D :D


    Yes, I don't think you watched NA scrims yesterday in Chaith's stream but that should be the goal of ranked, fun and competitive games between good players and I think this is a good step.

    Titles lost their value long ago when ppl started to exploit the system and Anet did nothing about that, maybe they could add new badges with cool icons since the ones we have are terrible, but I personally don't care for titles or anything to be "respected" by people I don't even care or know.


    I don't know what will happen we shall see but at least we got a change if this fails then Anet will need to do something else but we can't be stuck with the same system forever, maybe more people will leave or more people will play, nobody knows yet but I really think this is a step in the good direction.

  4. This season is a joke, and a bad one.


    If there's no duoq next season or something new then I don't know what will happen, every season less and less people play while the decent/good players keep leaving the amount of terrible and idle players is increasing, plus you have the classic wintrade players at the end of the season making titles mean nothing but a boost to their already big egos.


    meta is awful, everyone one shots each other and whoever does it faster wins, nobody rotates, nobody communicates, nobody really try to win and just to meme that's ranked right now, matches were you go home and watch your whole team dies in 5 seconds at mid you know you won't be able to win that game no matter how hard you try.

    Why should I try anyway? Why should I play a game where I don't get any fun at all? Why should I take seriously a game where the gap between top players and good players is so incredible big? (USA/55 vs everybody else)


    There isn't a reason to play ranked, if your goal is to become better at this game then try to get in a team to play ATs and don't play ranked because your IQ will drop.

  5. duo, while playing with randoms against a strong duo can be frustasting I'd take that instead of getting this quality of matches that have been getting worse season by season.

    At least with duo I can play with a friend increasing the fun by 1000000% and if you want to tryhard it's also better than going solo while praying for your team to not be full of persons who wait for beasts respawns.

  6. the only purpose the delay has is to prevent what they did with silent scope, I'm sure many of you will be more annoyed by getting revealed when using the stolen skill than what we have now.

    I think this change is really good for non-rifle builds and it's also good for rifle itself since you don't depend in the dodge that much to get stealth, yes the delay is annoying but what can you expect when every freaking ability in the deadeye has a cast time.

  7. people often make a mistake thinking a person is wintrading due to his/her perfomance, but that's really relative and the only way to know that is by knowing that specific person. What is really suspicious is the classic "dc" after the match starts then the player comes back without saying anything.


    So it's kinda hard to know if someone is wintrading or not but the best examples are from your own experience, knowing what a person regularly plays against you and suddenly they play another class you never seen before when they are with you or the "dc" one I said before.

    Also some people may hate you and throw the game but that doesn't mean it's wintrade.


    This barely happens anyways and if it happens it is always in the last days of the season, there's still a few people that do that and will keep doing that for the titles but that's like the 1% so you don't have to worry about that tbh.


    This is coming from a player that played in season 5 which was the best season but also a wintrade fiesta.

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