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Posts posted by Elxdark.9702

  1. > @"killy.3278" said:

    > By "competitive" I mean standing shoulder-to-shoulder with D/P and S/D, assuming the current meta permits. For example, on paper a staff dasher build has the tools to decap as well as D/P, +1 on the same level as S/D, and fall somewhere in between for 1v1. But clearly it's not, or we'd see more people running staff builds. So why is that? Is it really just a matter of staff skills being unreliable/too expensive as people said about?


    > If so, then the fixes doesn't really seem that difficult. Have Weakening Charge use the same target-tracking as Warrior's Bulls Charge so it's reliable (it can do a 180 if your target moves), and raise the ini cost to 4 if needed. Then lower either Debilitating Arc or Dust Strike to 3 ini, buffing both would probably be too much. At that point, staff2 would be a good burst for steal combo or CC setups, and the spec will have an easier time staying in melee. Wouldn't that be enough?


    as I said I personally find Staff very balanced in terms of utility and damage, it's a versatile weapon and I like it.

    Staff was never "viable" because d/p was pretty popular back then but staff was always there, and it exploded with the acro abomination which was correctly nerfed but I don't know, while your buffs seems pretty ok they will have to buff staff a lot to make it more "competitive" because it's like a 1v1 build but it doesn't have that many favorable matchups so it's kinda weak in that section which is its forte lol


    I play it as any other normal thief build by +1 fights but I stay a bit longer in teamfights since I can spam more dodges while doing good damage and a bit more of 1v1 potential at far/home and tbh I don't feel it weak it's just not the best.

  2. define "competitive" if you mean ranked matches then it's completely viable and it's pretty decent.

    I think staff is really balanced as a weapon set, pof specs aka meta builds are entirely broken so it will never be as good as them unless they buff it for some random reason.


    I would love if they fix weaking charge going through bodies tho, annoying as hell since hot release..

  3. > @"bluri.2653" said:

    > > @"Elxdark.9702" said:

    > > don't be too dramatic DE is still fine in pvp, damage is there.

    > > You have less window to react when someone sits on you, yeah you actually have to like think before kneel in front of everybody then dogding and calling it a day.

    > >

    > > I'd rather go back to the old silent scope but if they haven't changed it until now it means that they probably won't in the future.

    > >

    > >

    > >


    > I think anet has a history of never going back on their changes. The only thing that comes to mind is removing 2 borderlands in WVW from desert to the old one after all the massive qq.


    > So ye its never gonna happen just as blinding powder revert, lead attacks revert just a few... Will never happen


    > Oh and don't forget that they will not fix scrapper after making it b r o k e n either


    sadly it's the truth :/


  4. don't be too dramatic DE is still fine in pvp, damage is there.

    You have less window to react when someone sits on you, yeah you actually have to like think before kneel in front of everybody then dogding and calling it a day.


    I'd rather go back to the old silent scope but if they haven't changed it until now it means that they probably won't in the future.




  5. i still don't know why they don't just revert the trait to the old silent scope and call it a day.

    you get the stealth you want so much+ counterplay part also it gives you a reason to kneel.


    but then again this is anet, literally 0 iq

  6. I don't know why they don't bring back the old trait, it was the best for balance and counterplay, it also gave you a reason to kneel.

    Anyways DE damage is still there and you can still get stealth from stolen skills (x2 if improv) so I don't think it's going to change that much, survivability will be affected for sure though.

    I think they are trying to make DE not that sneaky but a potential burst dps which is already is but with less survivability/time window to attack.

    I think it's a good change for the game overall.

  7. I personally recommend to use DA or even CS instead of acro, acro staff was literally unkillable before but right now it does nothing, it doesn't have any pressure in any target whatsoever so your team fight potential will be close to 0 since you don't deal that much damage.

    Also if you are in pvp don't use vault that much, only for cleave or kite. It's really clunky and easy to dodge, try to use #3 and #4, with 3 you do damage while dodging and #4 is a range blind with vuln stack.

  8. > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

    > > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > > > @"Elxdark.9702" said:

    > > > > > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > > > > > Binding Shadow can actually be stopped. And it requires line of sight. If the player recognizes the animation on the de- they can outright avoid it with a dodge, line of sight, or aegis. As it stands theres no other tell which is actually a problem. The opponent should have a clear indication that hes about to go down so he has a chance. It does not need to be for the full duration. But a quick animation of a gust of shadow magic swarming the target at the last second should be enough.

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Basilisk venom is completely unblockable, does not get expended if the target dodges, and can be used at all ranges as long as you deal power damage. It even works with DE mark/mug combo. Previously it was utterly useless. Now its one of the thiefs strongest utilities. As its one of two options a thief has to break through a targets defense. The other being S/d which is not a popular weapon set for some pretty good reasons.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > The basilisk venom also has venom share, which is a critical property in PvP and PvE. A roaming thief can actually dive in, pop basilisk venom, and spontaneously give his group a huge advantage in a single second. More so if they went aupport build with leeching venoms.

    > > > >

    > > > > the problem with this skill is when you use it from stealth, it has 0 counterplay if you can't see the animation

    > > >

    > > > Not true. Binding shadow deals damage which will automatically reveals the Thief. Even if you didn't see the animation, the reveal gives you a window for counter play.

    > > >

    > > > > and deadeyes usually combine that + mark with DJ so it's a really poweful combo that literally requires 0 brain cells to execute, just go in stealth and nobody will know.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Have you ever pulled off this said "really powerful" combo? I doubt it. If you have, you won't say that it "literally requires 0 brain cells".

    > > >

    > > > It requires serious planning and timing to execute the perfect shot. Saying that it requires 0 brain cells sounds like you can just randomly swing a hammer and you'll eventually build yourself a house. lol.

    > > >

    > > > If you want to be taken seriously, don't misrepresent and don't be dishonest.

    > > >

    > > > > another solution, make it only available when you are out of stealth, because it seems some people are really sensitive when one says "reveal".

    > > >

    > > > I can tell that you have not played a Thief. Do you even realize that a Thief can stealth, wait 3s for stealth to be over, cast Binding, then dodge to stealth again? You will only see that Thief in a split second just to cast Binding then poof, they're gone again.

    > > >

    > > > Besides, why are you egging on Binding when DJ is the one killing you? The new iteration of DJ was toxic when it was unblockable and it is still toxic even when it is blockable. It just deals so much damage for a ranged skill. The original DJ was better and the only problem with it was the kneel requirement.

    > >

    > > after few tries i managed to pull it out with 80% of succes. the key is to press ur buttons as fast as possible :>


    > You're doing it wrong. You're not suppose to use more than 0 brain cells. Which means, a person in a coma can do it better than you.


    yeah listen to this guy, you need the exact timing, think before pressing your skillful dodge to get stealth to do it correctly, I recommend to use SA so you can stay more time in stealth and plan your 200 IQ oneshot carefully.

  9. > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > @"Elxdark.9702" said:

    > > another solution, make it only available when you are out of stealth, because it seems some people are really sensitive when one says "reveal".

    > its not much a problem with reveal as such but more with the reasoning. we both agree that the skill is too powerfull to be invisble while cast from stealth. however the proposed solution is not 'make it visible', but make it not unusable while stealthed/revealing. why is a visible animation not enough to ask for, when the issue seems to be that the animation is hidden, why do you further have to interfere on the **deadeyes gameplay** part of that situation?



    **Deadeyes gameplay** you mean being in stealth 90% of the time? well yeah I don't care if I have to interfere as long as the spec becomes healthier because right now it isn't.

    Also I don't think they know or can make what you want so that's why I recommend to either do the reveal or simply make it only available out of stealth.

  10. > @"syszery.1592" said:

    > > @"Elxdark.9702" said:

    > > > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > > > Binding Shadow can actually be stopped. And it requires line of sight. If the player recognizes the animation on the de- they can outright avoid it with a dodge, line of sight, or aegis. As it stands theres no other tell which is actually a problem. The opponent should have a clear indication that hes about to go down so he has a chance. It does not need to be for the full duration. But a quick animation of a gust of shadow magic swarming the target at the last second should be enough.

    > > >

    > > >

    > > > Basilisk venom is completely unblockable, does not get expended if the target dodges, and can be used at all ranges as long as you deal power damage. It even works with DE mark/mug combo. Previously it was utterly useless. Now its one of the thiefs strongest utilities. As its one of two options a thief has to break through a targets defense. The other being S/d which is not a popular weapon set for some pretty good reasons.

    > > >

    > > > The basilisk venom also has venom share, which is a critical property in PvP and PvE. A roaming thief can actually dive in, pop basilisk venom, and spontaneously give his group a huge advantage in a single second. More so if they went aupport build with leeching venoms.

    > >

    > > the problem with this skill is when you use it from stealth, **it has 0 counterplay** if you can't see the animation and deadeyes usually combine that + mark with DJ so it's a really poweful combo that literally requires 0 brain cells to execute, just go in stealth and nobody will know.

    > >

    > > another solution, make it only available when you are out of stealth, because it seems some people are really sensitive when one says "reveal".


    > Can you please at least read the post you are quoting? OP mentioned some ways to counter it. Also Vincent III.1286 mentioned some. I named some...


    > Here's another one: Play Mirage and if you want an easy match up against Deadeye, trait Evasive Mirror and Master of Manipulations <3


    > How many counters do you need?


    you actually have less than 10 iq lol

    read it again until you realize why did I quote it, maybe you will never figure out.

  11. > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > Binding Shadow can actually be stopped. And it requires line of sight. If the player recognizes the animation on the de- they can outright avoid it with a dodge, line of sight, or aegis. As it stands theres no other tell which is actually a problem. The opponent should have a clear indication that hes about to go down so he has a chance. It does not need to be for the full duration. But a quick animation of a gust of shadow magic swarming the target at the last second should be enough.



    > Basilisk venom is completely unblockable, does not get expended if the target dodges, and can be used at all ranges as long as you deal power damage. It even works with DE mark/mug combo. Previously it was utterly useless. Now its one of the thiefs strongest utilities. As its one of two options a thief has to break through a targets defense. The other being S/d which is not a popular weapon set for some pretty good reasons.


    > The basilisk venom also has venom share, which is a critical property in PvP and PvE. A roaming thief can actually dive in, pop basilisk venom, and spontaneously give his group a huge advantage in a single second. More so if they went aupport build with leeching venoms.


    the problem with this skill is when you use it from stealth, it has 0 counterplay if you can't see the animation and deadeyes usually combine that + mark with DJ so it's a really poweful combo that literally requires 0 brain cells to execute, just go in stealth and nobody will know.


    another solution, make it only available when you are out of stealth, because it seems some people are really sensitive when one says "reveal".

  12. I said this in another thread but to fix deadeye you need to change 3 things: DJ, Binding shadow and stealth on dodge.

    tbh just remove stealth on dodge and we are good, that thing shouldn't have never existed in the first place


    come on anet pof hype is dead, better you start nerfing your bs specs.

  13. > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > @"Elxdark.9702" said:

    > > > > Make binding shadow only available when out of stealth to prevent one shot mechanics that you can't counterplay. Or Casting this skill reveals you for 4 seconds.

    > > >

    > > > A class that is designed around stealth (depending on the build it's used heavily, moderately or just situationally - but every build can utilize it) should really have a skill that is not usable while stealthed? This does not make sense...

    > > >

    > > Did you even read what I said? again this skill doesn't have any counterplay if you can't see the animation, it's a 3 second KNOCKDOWN + immobilize from stealth???????? tell me how can I prevent this skill if I don't the the deadeye coming.


    > so your issue is that the animation is hidden, thats why it shouldnt be used from stealth?

    > why not simply ask for a visible animation regardless of thieves visibility?


    My problem is that you can cast this skill from stealth, removing any counterplay other than awareness or simple luck.

    To clarify I don't have any issue with the skill itself, it's the fact you can cast this type of skill from stealth without any kind of punishment.

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